Creative Writing7 Q2WK8

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Literature in the VUCA
(Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) World
This module was designed and written for the learners. After going through this module, the learner
is expected to:
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. read the texts and analyze the values associated with the texts;
2. explore thoughts expressed in the selection to gain insights; and
3. express appreciation of literary works as a means of valuing other people and their various
circumstances in life.

Human as we are, we show empathy with others through learning from their experiences which are
often expressed in different literary texts. In this lesson, you will be exposed to different written works and
examine the values embedded in each selection.
What is literature?
Time and time again, people who study literature attempted to precisely state its definition. The
concept is indeed difficult to define due to the fact that literature has a wide scope, not to mention that its
essence is constantly changing and evolving.
Scholars agree that literature is often associated with any form of oral or written work which has
various features such as originality, artistry, beauty in content and expression which creates positive effect
in human life.
Literature has formed part the lives of people because of its impact in society. All genres of
literature, whether it be short story, poem, essay, or novel, journalism and song of some sorts mirror
humanity. Literature serves as a blueprint of humankind for it inculcates values that reflect the culture,
beliefs and traditions of people and even their victory and defeat.
How important is literature?
Literature is about people, about the human experience so to speak. It serves as a gateway to
learning the past in order to gain wisdom in understanding the world around us. More specifically, literature
relevant information, entertainment and a sense of history. But beyond these benefits lie the most
significant contribution of literature, which is the power to portray characters and human values in various
scenarios and situations. Indeed, there is nothing more powerful medium to explore these values and
characters in order to nurture and mold human mind to what is ideal.
What is literature in a VUCA world?
VUCA is an acronym which stands for volatile (fast- paced), uncertain (unpredictable), complex
(complicated) and ambiguous (unclear). These four qualities when combined typify difficult conditions and
unimaginable situations. The term VUCA was first used in military education and later adopted in many
industries and businesses. Eventually, authors incorporate VUCA in their writings and readers begin to
analyze such. The situation in a VUCA appears tough and undeniably challenging but the role of literature
is to instill unchanging values no matter what the situation is.

What’s More
We now live in a so-called VUCA world. The current COVID crisis is a fact that illustrates this kind of
situation and it certainly changed our lives in general.
The first selection you are about to read gives you a perspective on what it is to be placed in a very
unexpected situation, that is to experience being a COVID 19 positive.
The first Filipino who contracted with the disease is Carlo Navarro, a 48-year-old tax lawyer. First
thing he did was he shared his COVID-19 experience on a Facebook public post. Then, while he continued
his self-quarantine on a farm in Lipa, Batangas, the Associated Press interviewed him.

Where do you suspect you got the virus?
The entire time that we were at Japan, there was really no contact with anyone that had a cough or
cold. But on our way back ... I was seated in front of a person, a Filipino person who was coughing
vigorously…And true enough, seven days after we arrived back in the Philippines, I started to develop chills
and my temperature was fluctuating. The following morning, I decided to goto St. Luke's (hospital) ... to
have myself tested. That's the start of my journey as a COVID-19 patient.
What was the scariest moment for you?
The scariest moment was maybe starting on the fourth day when people who got admitted at the
same time as me started dying early in the morning. You know, you would hear people crying or wailing
because they had lost their loved ones. ... I could hear the running of the nurses and doctors outside of
my room. And that really scared me. When I asked the nurses, `'How are the other patients doing?'' one of
them said, 'Sir, number 5. number 6, they died already.' And they were just beside me. That was the most
frightening moment of my life.
What's the message you want to share with the public about your experience?
I want you to know that once you have symptoms, you need to immediately isolate yourself. There's
no way you can take the risk that the elderly or high-risk groups in your family will get contaminated or will
get the virus. You need to go to the hospital to get yourself tested. If they don't have the testing kits, you
just need to stay home and isolate yourself. It's important that people know that they should not fear going
to the hospital and that's the only way you can protect your loved ones.

Comprehension Check:
Choose only the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet.
_____ 1. What kind of text is the selection?
A. poem B. essay C. short story D. drama
_____ 2. To what source is the article taken?
A. news B. book C. movie D. play
_____ 3. Which of the following is the purpose of the selection?
A. to instruct B. to inform C. to entertain D. to criticize
_____ 4. What values did Carlo Navarro show?
A. compassion B. care C. cautiousness D. all of these
_____ 5. What message is conveyed in the text?
A. We should always hold on to our hope. B. We can choose to give up yet our loved ones won’t.
C. We can help through information drive to warn people. D. All of the above
ACTIVITY 1. Choose only the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet.
An Excerpt From Movie the “Pandemic”.
It all started when nineteen-year-old tourist contracted an unknown disease from the island where
he stayed. Although he was already experiencing severe cough and high fever, he still managed to ride on
a plane en route to Los Angeles from Australia. Inside the plane, he suffered from fever and extreme
convulsions which caused him to die instantly. The passengers were horrified seeing him. So, the flight
attendant called up the Center for Disease Control epidemiologist. Dr. Kyla Martin, head doctor of the said
agency, responded to the call and ordered them to undergo quarantine.
Upon landing, one of the passengers, a desperate businessman, was able to escape the quarantine
zone because he had a meeting with a client. He already showed symptoms such as cough and cold. He
slipped off without the knowledge of the authorities and he interacted with the people unknowing that he
already was spreading the disease across the city. At an instant, the people who caught the virus started to
show symptoms and taken to the hospital one after the other. So, the officials were forced to order
temporary closure of establishments and canceled all activities to stop the spread to the county so it will
prevent the spread to the state and country in general.
Meanwhile, Dr. Martin together with the group of experts were trying to figure out the possible
causes of the disease such as bird flu, biological attack, or a new virus that was uncontrollable.
The situation became worse when one of the passengers, a criminal, was taken out of the
quarantine areas violently killing all the guards and taking the senior doctor as a hostage. They also
hijacked two truckloads of ‘Cotoxil’ (the only effective treatment) then tried to hold the city to ransom. This
made the Mayor and the Governor, who were having contest about the exercise of power at first, agreed to
deal with the situation together.
Many people were already contracted the disease including the favorite niece of Dr. Martin. At that
time, many of the passengers who underwent quarantine already showed symptoms and eventually died
including the stewardess who called up the center.
The FBI agent, whose ex-wife got possible infection, tried to stop the criminals. He pursued the
criminals and was able to redeem the trucks with the medicine and freed the senior doctor who was held
At last, Dr. Martin announced to the public that the cure has been discovered. She first tried it to her
niece and she got well. Then, the medicine was also given to others who suffered from the disease.
In the end, the whole city felt relieved and secured after the panic and fear they have been through.
A. Comprehension Check
_____ 1. Why is the story entitled “Pandemic”?
A. because of the criminals tried to bring chaos in the city B. because the ruling authorities had contest of
C. because there was an outbreak of an unknown disease D. none of above
_____ 2. What do you think is the author’s purpose in writing the story?
A. to entertain B. to persuade
C. to express an emotion of dismay D. to argue with the government officials
_____ 3. What does a reader feel about the text?
a. amused b. angry c. sympathetic d. apologetic
_____ 4. Which of the following does the criminal show?
a. determination b. pride c. selfishness d. all of these
_____ 5. What human values were shown in the selection?
a. cooperation b. dedication c. commitment d. all of these
Below is a text which is considered example of poetry. Read it properly and analyze it.
Constant Change
by: Jose Mari Chan
We're on the road
We move from place to place
And oftentimes when I'm about to call it home
We'd have to move along
Life is a constant change...
The friends we know we meet along the way
Too soon the times we share form part of yesterday
'Cause life's a constant change
And nothing stays the same, oh no
Clouds that move across the skies
Are changing form before our very eyes
Why couldn't we keep time from movin' on?
Hold on to all the years before this moment's gone?
Why must we live the days at such a frightening pace?
We're all like clouds…
Have we outgrown our Peter Pans and wings?
We've simply grown too old for tales of knights and kings
'Cause life's a constant change
And nothing stays the same, oh no
Source: Musixmatch
B. Comprehension Check. Answer the following questions. Choose only the letter of the correct
answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.
_____ 1. What kind of text is the selection above?
A. news B. story C. song D. essay
_____ 2. To whom does the persona address the text?
A. students B. parents C. teachers D. people in general
_____ 3. What is the writer’s main purpose in the poem?
A. flatter the reader B. express disgust or disbelief
C. persuade a group of people D. convey a feeling of optimism

_____ 4. What does the author think about change?
A. gloomy B. positive C. satirical D. suspicious
_____ 5. What feeling does the author want to influence the reader?
A. cheerful B. mournful C. romantic D. sorrowful
ACTIVITY 2. Read the selection below and identify the human values portrayed in each situation.
Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet.
Situation 1: The calamities that hit our country bring about an increased sense of our humanity, community,
and compassion.
A. hard work B. sacrifice C. unity D. wisdom
Situation 2: Government agencies find ways and means to contain the disease while people show
cooperation and support especially to the front liners.
A. concern B. security C. acceptance D. prudence
Situation 3: Doctors, nurses and other health practitioners sacrifice and put their health at risk in tending the
sick of the contagious disease.
A. belongingness B. heroism C. acceptance D. wisdom
Situation 4: Students can do their share of helping their community in devising ways to increase income
and make ends meet through various initiatives.
A. resourcefulness B. confidence C. honesty D. hope
Situation 5: This pandemic which caused panic and depression to most of the people, especially the poor
and marginalized sectors of our society. Those who belong to low-income families have the most difficult
ways to cope up.
A. comfort B. neglect C. valor D. vulnerability
ACTIVITY 3. Examine the given situations below and identify the kind of values associated with
each of the context. Choose the letter of your answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.
_____ 1. People who got affected of volcanic eruption were evacuated to designated temporary shelters.
As a concerned citizen, which values can you show to help the needy?
A. awareness B. charity C. discipline D. integrity
_____ 2. Front liners are regarded as modern heroes during this time of pandemic because of their
dedication, hard work and sacrifices. As your response to their plea for people to stay home, what kind of
values should you possess?
A. honesty B. determination C. responsibility D. loyalty
_____ 3. The onset of dengue disease is common during rainy season. Authorities remind people on how
to destroy the cause of the disease through observing the 4 o’clock habit of cleaning the surrounding.
Which of the following could spare us from dengue?
A. care B. cleanliness C. patience D. hard work
_____ 4. People face a lot of challenges and problems as they experienced excessive flooding in their
area. The government works hard to respond to their needs yet because of some unavoidable
circumstances, the basic necessities come a little late. Which value/character should enable us to wait a
little more?
A. care B. determination C. loyalty D. patience
_____ 5. In times of crisis, Filipinos show reverence to God. They tend to be more prayerful and religious
as they extol everything to Him. Which value is this?
A. integrity B. forgiveness C. honesty D. trust

Prepared By:
Teacher I

Emeralds Works Limited.2020.” Managing in a VUCA World- Thriving in Turbulent Times”. December 8, 2020
Kraaijenbrink, Jeroen.2018. “What Does VUCA Really Mean?”. December 8, 2020
Rouse, Margaret. 2019.“VUCA”. 7, 2020



Comprehension Check:
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. D


A. Comprehension Check
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. D

B. Comprehension Check
1. C
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. A


1. C
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. D


1. B
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. D


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