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Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36


In the modern era the mobile phones are covering a major part of
world’s communication system. These mobile phones are used between all
the levels of community and at the same time they give some inconvenience.
If supposed to make an important call by that time the user is busy or he may
switched off or out of coverage area we will be in confused state. At that
particular situations these short message service helps gratefully. Sending a
sending an E-mail to mobile or receiving is quite possible in present years.
For all these SMS is playing a key role for transmission.

It’s very amazing to here that this service is available in
Europe from the early years of 1991.At that time the GSM is called as
European Standard for Digital Wireless. This Digital Wire less Service had
provided the SMS facility to all the subscribers later this service has been
developed by other networks like NEXTEL, PRIMCO, and BELL SOUTH
MOBILITY in US. But all these organization had implemented their own
protocols,. Successively the wireless service has improved to send messages
between different networks. All the organizations collaborated to
communicate data calls, voice calls etc...Also leading to GSM. SMS is a part
of GSM phase1 standard.

The first text messages from PC to mobile phone is sent by

GSM network in 1992 by United Kingdom, by 2000years this wireless
communication acquired all types of facilities yet the service providers are
unable to reach the needs of the customers. the paging services failed in
providing good service to customers. Mobile services implemented new
plans like prepaid offers to ease intension of the people they also given SMS
facility to all the subscribers, due to the lack of technical problem the
messages are not been charged due to this the traffic in network was
overflowed it made the service providers in finding solution for charging of


Sending a text message from one mobile to another mobile

or to any fax machine or to IP address or any other internet provided system
is called short message service (SMS).we can also send messages to mobiles
phones from E-mails and messangers..The network system which supports

K.V.Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36

this "GLOBAL STANDARD FOR MOBILES"(GSM) can able to send or

receive messages. GSM is also called as global system for mobile


If the messages is sent from mobile phone first it reaches to

short messages service center (SMSC) the signal transfer point of that
message will send a request to Home Location Register. This Home
Location Register searches for the destination mobile and gives the status of
that mobile to SMSC weather it is switched off or out of coverage area,
according to status given by HLR the messages will be send or stored for
later transmission. Storing and sending of messages is called Forward

The difference between paging and short message service is if

the destination number is unable to reach or switched off then paging will
not retransfer the message were as mobile service stores the messages and
retransmits it until it reaches the destination. The band width of SMS is very
low it allows small packets of data, i.e. the short message delivery path will
change with the arrival of GPRS, increasing the delivery success rate,
reducing delivery time, but, because the same SMS is used, there is no effect
on the service itself or the possible presentation to the user. The entire
service environment remains unaffected by network enhancements and does
not need to change because of GPRS. It allows only 160charecters including
spaces for each SMS. If it is rather than 160char the other characters will be
Obviously short message service is optimized into two
methods. Point to point and point to omni point. In point to point operator
will not indulge but there will be a dedicated link between mobile station
and network. point to point is sub divided into Message-Mobile
Terminated(SM-MT) and Short Message Mobile Originated(SM-
MO).mobile originated corresponds to send list and mobile terminated
corresponds to receive list of the messages. Also the delivery reports are
sending to the sender with help of these techniques. In point to point if the
message is binary it allows 140bytes, if characters it allows only point to omni point allows only 93charecters it is called as
Cell Broad casting. It is used to send message to all the customers working
under their network at a time.

K.V.Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36


Most of the people using mobile phones are not much ignored
in usage of mobile phones. They are unable to see the messages sent by the
service provider. In mobile phones different kinds of menus will be
displayed. For sending a message scroll to message option and press OK
button, different options like read, write message etc... Will be displayed.
For writing message scroll to write message option then type the required
message press ok button then it request for destination mobile number, type
required number and ok button, message sent will be displayed on the
screen. if delivered a report is received that your message is delivered. Same
in reading a new message received.


A new era in sending SMS to mobiles is from web sites. Most of

the sites are providing free service for all it you have to do is to register your
number to access your mail account.


Scroll the message menu on your phone and then enter into it then
again scroll to the required option after typing the message press OK button
then type the destination number, your message will be delivered.


We can send SMS from email also here the destination phone number
acts as mail id to send the message


Type the mail id and text message and send it to relate service
provided number (4333 for idea) it will send your message to the
corresponding mail.

K.V.Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36


In the present years chatting is easing the intension of the people.

Most of them are spending their valuable time in cyber cafes. We can send
SMS to mobile from messengers and can able to access messengers on our
mobile phones for chatting, just like chatting in internet. For example yahoo
and rediff's.

We cannot able send SMS from net to mobile phones but

we can access yahoo messenger on our mobile phone for it we had to
configure the site, just type " in [yahoo id][password]" at the place of yahoo
id place your email id belongs to yahoo at the password give your password
and the send the message to 8242 for yahoo this command will allow to
login into yahoo messenger and displays a list of friends who are on online.
If so it displays your status to all online users as "I am on SMS" from here
the same process how you will be in chatting. Just type the ID and message
and send to 8242. The same as rediff's.

We can also access messengers on our mobiles. After accessing we
can chat as usually like chanting in messengers.

For sending a SMS to mobile phone from E-mail, login to your

mail account type the id for example (XXX )stands
for mobile number then type message and press send button .The message
will be delivered.


We can also send emails from your mobiles for it you had to do is just
type ip address, subject and message and send to short message service
centre (4333 for idea) it will send the mail to destination after reaching a sent
report will be send to sender. We can also send fax message from mobiles by
selecting fax option.

Till now we had seen that for sending SMS we require mobile phone
or pc but in future we can able to send SMS from land phones also the rising

K.V.Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36

sun innovations company belongs to Rajasthan has build new software

'AJAY SANDESH' if this software was deployed by basic telephone service
providers then we can able to send SMS from land phones to mobiles for
example TATA basic phone service is providing this service at present. It
provides a CDMA phone with message options with this we can able to send
and receive messages.

Besides all these now a days we can able to get different kinds of
messages like download ring tones, logos, screen savers, pictures etc., a new
technology like capturing photos and sending them to other mobiles is
provided by a new mobiles phones like NOKIA 9210. All the data part and
the graphic part is send to mobiles with the help of this short message

SMS is allowing only sending text messages and picture messages at

present but a new technology was going to be implemented to send
multimedia files by 3G network. With voice and graphic messages we can
able to send video clips also. We can able to get rig tones on our mobile
phones through SMS service. When your ring tones are provided by
different sites and also India times and some famous channels are supporting
to send these ring tones in the form of messages to mobiles.


General packet radio service (GPRS) is expected to drastically change

the mobile telecommunication services landscape when it becomes deployed
and widely available. It is generally understood to initially be an overlay
network on existing, circuit-switched GSM Network, offering a migration
path towards 3rd Generation Networks

GPRS seems ideally suited for delivering internet-based, value-added

services to mobile Subscribers. Yet it appears, too, that focusing on GPRS,
network operators and service providers might overlook an existing, low-
cost bearer that offers such a service platform SMS

This document is intended for network operators and service

providers. It helps position SMS particularly in GPRS networks, and it aims
at raising the awareness of possibilities offered by SMS

K.V.Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36

The reader is presented with a view on how SMS-based value-added

services can be created now and ported to the GPRS future, using a proven
technology as a highly attractive commercial option, while protecting all
investments in network infrastructure and service application.

 GPRS helps overcome current SMS deficiencies with respect to

latency, throughput and radio resource usage efficiency,
delivering short message as packets data

 GPRS together with sophisticated network signaling procedures,

permits quick and reliable content delivery, corresponding to a
Mobile Web Page, in one single transaction, provide the
appropriate Short Message Service Centre support is available.

 Arrival of GPRS-based services will require appropriate sub

scriber notification via SNS.

 Short Messaging as such is the first, instantly available service

for GPRS, with GPRS helping to handle the rapidly growing
SMS traffic.

 SMS is particularly attractive in initial GPRS deployments due

- Limited GPRS network coverage (“GPRS islands”).

- Handset availability and cost,

-Initial low GPRS data rates, significantly reducing the

theoretical throughput advantage of GPRS

 The ability to quickly and cheaply offer value-added services based

on SMS (and SMS over GPRS) to pre-paid subscribers.

 SMS offers a value-added service platform at a low total cost,

reaching an unrivalled subscriber base of practically 100%

K.V.Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36


Information delivery to mobile subscribers should be fast, cost-
effective, reliable and network resource-efficient. GPRS is commonly
attributed with all of these properties. The packet data traffic channel
(PDCH) is only occupied when data is being transmitted, the Layer 3
message length extends to 1500 octets, the latency of 20 ms is relatively low
and the data rates possible seem to be sufficient. GPRS is regarded as the
perfect bearer for Internet access

K.V.Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36


Presenting the bare technical facts of SMS does not fully reveal the
attractiveness of SMS as a platform for deployment of value-added services.
In circuit-switched environment, only signaling channels are used for
message delivery (SDCCH or SACCH), providing bit rates of 660/150 bit/s
(SDCCH/SACCH respectively), with a maximum Layer 3 message length of
140 octets.

However, SMS offers store-and-forward capability, full tele service

characteristics permitting direct content presentation to the user, and is
available both in GPRS and non-GPRS networks or coverage areas. Short
messages delivered via GPRS may be considered as additionally encoded
data, reaching the user as packets over PDCH. The message length limitation
can be overcome through Segmentation and Re-assembly functionality in the
SMSC supported in Logic’s Telepath SMSC. The segmented data can be
delivered within one transaction, but in multiple, concatenated short

The following figures show schematically how information may be

delivered to mobile

Subscribers using SMS as a bearer in a GPRS network.

K.V.Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36


Content providers and operators are keen on offering information

already available on the internet to mobile users. However, some constraints
related to the size and capabilities of mobile stations are likely to impede
direct Internet access even using GPRS handsets. The data rates initially
offered may also lag behind expectations. Gateway nodes between Internet
and GPRS networks or micro browsers for GPRS phones or both are
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), widely accepted and endorsed
by all major players in the mobile telecommunications arena, allows for
delivering web pages to mobile devices. The web pages usually have to be
adapted by a WAP gateway. WAP defines a variety of bearers, including
SMS and GPRS, or SMS over GPRS.

Users may request certain, chargeable information, using SMS-MO, a

circuit-switched data call or an Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
transaction. Content delivery would be carried out in several mobile-
terminated short messages, within only one network and air interface
transaction. Even if GPRS is the bearer of choice for content delivery, SMS
may be used to reliably notify users about certain conditions, prompting
them to request a service.

Depending on the operator or the service provider choice, the SIM

cards may be modified to present the SM contents to the user appropriately,
e.g. through a WAP-enabled browser.

Even considering the industry’s ability to offer technically advanced

products at drastically reduced prices, it will take some time before the
GPRS target changes from an early-adopter market segment to a mass-


While the appropriate GPRS-enabled equipment is currently not

available, the market for value-added services is there instantly, as is a
popular bearer, SMS. Whilst first GPRS deployments are expected in the
second half of 2000, SMS, which is experiencing dramatic growth

K.V.Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36

throughout the world, is available virtually everywhere. Using SMS as a

platform for deployment of value-added services offers numerous
advantages to network operators, service providers, content providers and
 Immediate service deployment

Services deployed now are instantly available to all users and could generate
revenues to compensate for the initial investments. These service
deployments are future-safe, since SMS can be used in GPRS networks, with
an even greater delivery efficiency, success rate and speed.

 Service continuation and migration

Service continuation in GPRS networks is guaranteed: once a gateway

node and an SMSC have been installed and services deployed, the contents
and the service no longer require any adaptations to the network technology
used. In fact, the bearer used may be transparent to a WAP-based application
Infrastructure inventory.

Investment in SMS infrastructure helps to cope with the currently

growing SMS traffic, while also offering the scalability required when value-
added service become even more widely accepted. The market for low-cost
messaging service is expected to still serve by SMS in GPRS phase 2
networks, providing a continued need for SMS infrastructure. So varying
operator requirements can be fulfilled with the SMS infrastructure available.

 Technology-independent applications

Be widely accepted, contributing to further growth of SMS traffic. Content

and service providers benefit from the SMS availability in different
networks. Contents provision and adaptation is required once, with the
service being independent of the underlying network technology. This may
be important if due to regulatory issues, coverage aspects, visited network
capabilities or further reasons, certain other bearers (circuit-switched data,
GPRS, High-Speed Circuit-Switched Data) are not available, and yet
common look-and-feel value-added services are to be offered.

K.V.Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36

 Store-and-forward capability combined with a choice of delivery


Logic’s Telepath SMSC offers a choice of delivery modes to fulfill

possible requirements of a variety of applications. Secured delivery can be
availed of. The store-and-forward capability, essential for messaging
services, offers advantages when SMS is used for more mission-critical
content delivery. Logic’s Telepath SMSC also offers the unique advantage
of Express message delivery mode, permitting extremely high message

Throughput and eliminating the latency associated with the store and
forward feature, yet providing a certain level of guarantee through its
transient storage and short term retry functionality. Therefore, short-term
delivery problems are efficiently dealt with in cases where longer term
storage is not required due to the nature of the content.

 Short Messaging and Multimedia Messaging as GPRS


The arrival of GPRS greatly helps to handle the increasing traffic load.
In initial GPRS deployment SMS may prove to be the most popular
application, with operators.
Deliberately diverting SMS traffic to GPRS network in order to
achieve a balanced network Load. Also, considering the popularity of SMS
among young users it is likely that multimedia Messaging will
The ability to dynamically choose GPRS or a circuit-switched bearer
based on actual network conditions, thus offering a higher level of guarantee,
may be regarded as the key advantage of SMS. Otherwise this issue would
have to be addressed within the application, unnecessarily increasing its
Service definition may include a content-dependent bearer selection or
a bearer escalation according to the bearers available. Whilst SMS or SMS
over GPRS would usually satisfy service requirements, GPRS may be used
directly if it is required and available. The following figure 3-1 shows the
shift in the SMS role model, using the analogy of a bus and a fast train as a
means of transport. The SMS “bus” is loaded onto a GPRS “train” be cause
it is faster, but uses normal roads where no train is available.

K.V.Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36


When defining, creating and deploying value-added services, several

bearers have to be considered. Depending on service characteristics and
requirements, some may be more or less suited than others. Logic’s product
portfolio reflects the strong belief in multiple bearers for different purposes.
Particularly, SMS is seemed to supplement GPRS and viewed as a
complement to GPRS. GPRS does not offer a replacement for SMS, nor
does it diminish SMS importance in mobile networks. Furthermore, as the
SMSCs will generally evolve into Multimedia Message Centers tailored to
specific needs of mobile users, the investment in SMS-related infrastructure
is protected even better.

The short message delivery path will change with the arrival of GPRS,
increasing the delivery success rate, reducing delivery time, but, because the
same SMS is used, there is no effect on the service itself or the possible
presentation to the user. The entire service environment remains unaffected
by network enhancements and does not need to change because of GPRS.


WAP -Predzol\sms.htm\gprs.htm

K.V.Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36



K.V.Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36


Submitted by

K.V.Koteswara Rao
Working of SMS Roll No:36

K.V.Koteswara Rao,

Roll no: 36,

M.C.A 2nd Semester


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