Class VII Activity Chapter:Air

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Class VII

Activity Chapter :Air

Q1. Fill in the blanks.

                         i.        ___________ layer is the most important layer of the atmosphere.

             ii.        As we go up the layers of atmosphere, the ____________ falls rapidly.

                       iii.        The ______________, _____________ and _____________ are the

permanent winds.

                       iv.        Cold air is ___________ and __________.

                       v.        The air pressure is __________ at sea level and _____________ with


            vi.        The upper most layer of the atmosphere is known as ____________

Q2. True/False

             i.        When air is heated, it expands, becomes lighter and goes up. 

                       ii.        High pressure is associated with clear and sunny skies. 

            iii.        All living beings on this earth depend on the atmosphere for their

            iv.        Carbon dioxide is the most plentiful gas in the air. 

            v.        Green plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis. 

vi.        The air pressure is highest at sea level and decreased with height. 

Q3. In which layer of the atmosphere do aero planes fly

Q4. Where do meteors burn up in the atmosphere?
Q5. What is atmosphere?
Q6. What is the instrument that measures the amount of rainfall
Q7. What is the instrument that measures the atmospheric
Q8. What is the wind vane used for?
Q9. Which layer of the atmosphere makes radio communication
Q10. Name the instrument which measures temperature.
Q11. What is the standard unit of measurement for temperature
Q12. Who invented the Celsius scale of temperature?
Q13. What is the freezing and boiling point of water in Celsius?
Q14. What is weather?
Q15. Which gas protects us from harmful sun rays
Q16. Which layer of the atmosphere is free from clouds?
Q17. What is rail?
Q18. What is loo?

Q19. Why do green plants use carbon dioxide?

 Q20. What is the role of the ozone layer?

 Q21. What is temperature?

Q22. What is insolation?

Q23. Why is there no air pressure on moon?

Q24. What is humidity?

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