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Pras, rie Terher. SUNG WITHGREAT SUCCESSBY ‘"MELBA-M®* BERTHA MOORE -M" BEN DAVIES-M: KENNERLEY | RUMFORD D°T BYARD, etc. etc. PESOS eae) NOLinG F E flat 0735 Eoee ATTINATA (DAWN- TIDE) ITALIAN WORDS BY ENRICO PANZACCHI WITH ENGLISH VERSION BY MowBray MARRAS MUSIC BY Allrightsneserved Price 9/-nettC) Ent Sta. Hall G.RICORDI & CO. 265. Regent Street LONDON.W. AND AT MILAN-ROME-NAPLES~PALERMO~PARIS-LEIPZIG-BUENOS~AIRES AND NEW-YORK ——> : This song may be sung in public without payment off shy, fee. (Copyright 180%, ty 6. RICORDI « Co.) NEW CONCERT AND TEACHING SONGS BY EMINENT PUBLISHED IN KEYS TO SUIT ALL VOICES. wae want magtnn += = eee a zone = |=! UNLESS’ wen 28 to Ciekeooro, COMPOSERS === THE DEVOUT LOVER War risallck ges ave lr Wie FORE EVER AND FOR EVER! SONG, may ney maz Bone Free ns G. RICORDI & C., 265, Regent Street LONDON W. ‘sod at MILAN - ROME - NAPLES - PALERMO - PARIS - LEIPZIG - BUENOS-AIRES and NEW-YORK SMATEINATS (Dawn-ti -tide) ry, the last star trembling above thee "Shortly will vanish from yonder azure-sky; Dawn will soon waken in bright rosy splendour, For the sweet breezes whisper that dawn is nigh. I do not tell thee: Come, wake from dreamlani Mary, ’tis the hour still for thy blissful sleep; Softly I murmur my gentle love song, So that thy slumber may yet be sweet and deep. Only I ask, dear, only desire, That over thy heart, love, my fervent song may gleams And steep thy spirit, O fairest maiden, ‘With all the wonder of some celestial dream. ee fory, tremando altima stella ‘Nel vasto axaurrb |. Tra poco vanir’s E presse « urgere Valba ovella, Com wn susurro Lavra annunsia gid. To non ti dico, vient al verona; Mary, in quest’ére Pid dolce? riposars Mormoro basio la mia canzone, Che il teo sopore Non giunga ad abbreviar~ Solo domando, solo desto Che il canto mio Lambendo il tuo guancial, Versi, o fanciulla, nella tua mente Leonda lucente Diun sogno celestial. MOWBRAY MARRAS. (Prapéletd tetterarta) ENRICO PANZACCHI. t00735-36-37 = All Amico MARIO ANCONA MAT TINATA (DAWN-TIDE) Wards by ; Mowsray MARRAS = Haste by Fram the Kaien of F PAoLo. Tosti Enrico PANZACCHI 4 Dove thee Short ly will van - ish From ste. = la Ned va. sto oz . cur Tra XB. Mary ve promensito Mery. (Copyright 89%, by G.RICORE! a Co.) cigtion ate reserve. 100735 RRL TOSTI~ Mattinata 4 00735 "Come, wake from dream = andj” vit, nial 9. 10 - = Mejmem 2 aig for thy blissful sleeps dolce? ri. po. sar; eee 4 LOVE = SOE mee 4 100735 ‘hour. ‘Still to. ore Pik TN Ma ry, "tis the Ma. 1y, in que ———~ ? ——${— a yet be sweetand deep... slum . ber May Fiunga ed ab. bre - viar. fo. -8¢ Non yet be sweet and deep... Flungaad ob - bre - vier. That o'er thy heart, love, my Che it can. to - 0 Lam. kh ae aid aid ate 4 wos =O — And steepthy spir - it———.. O fai Ve é Cal © Lap eld tas at ——— all the won = derOf somece-testial dream. mai - den,.. With de ln. cen_2_te Den 50. gro cele - stall. men 2 tes Lon - P = ‘Ma — ry, thelast star trem - bling Willshortly Me 2 Jpn Vd ma ste > a. (Ne vasto az. rite dim. Van = ish From yonder a= UFC SY ween -sur > 10 Tra fo. «0 dim, 4 00735 NEW CONCERT AND TEACHING SONGS BY EMINENT COMPOSERS PUBLISHED IN KEYS TO SUIT ALL VOICES. EACH PRICE 2s NET. I BRING MY ROSES Mea by bat vow i Canse etsy Freo.GBowuss soe. ne cova ence 1 ny Cn MARE LITO RORY ‘My Garpen In June SONG WHEN WE GROW OLD SONG ve I COME TO YOU. Sone, G. RICORDI & C., 265, Regent Street LONDON W. aod at MILAN - ROME - NAPLES - PALERMO - PARIS - LEIPZIG - BUENOS.AIRES and NEW-YORK, NEW CONCERT AND TEACHING SONGS BY EMINENT COMPOSERS PUBLISHED IN KEYS TO SUIT ALL VOICES. ween wier *Sinoo you wont away wey, ben tet Sn = + aS nee uz AMARELLA alae —f a EACH PRICE 2s NET. mim Be 2a The Awakening ae 1 ee G. RICORDI & Co., Regent Street, ‘LONDON wW. ‘And st MILAN - ROME - NAPLES--PALERMO - PARIS - LEIPZIG - BUENOS-AIRES and NEW-YORK- NEW CONCERT AND TEACHING SONGS BY EMINENT COMPOSERS PUBLISHED IN KEYS TO SUIT ALL VOICES EACH PRICE 2s NET. we ce = ape oe FIDELITY po THE ROSY MORN Sea EK alien soutien 2" wotiBaae & & & = ee ee ‘AT THE MAKING OF THE RAY ‘A SONGOF SLEEP pot See eee = wey So rat dna Lemon G. RICORDI & C., 265, Regent Street LONDON W. and st MILAN - ROME - NAPLES - PALERMO - PARIS - LEIPZIG - BUENOS-AIRES and NEW-YORK NEW CONCERT AND TEACHING SONGS BY EMINENT COMPOSERS PUBLISHED IN KEYS TO SUIT ALL VOICES. EACH PRICE 2 NET. = = LA SERENATA (Tha Serenade G. RICORDI & C., 265, Regent Street LONDON wW. ‘tod af MILAN - ROME - NAPLES - PALERMO - PARIS - LEIPZIG - BUENOS-AIRES aod NEW-YORK

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