Mechanism and Control of Lake Eutrophication: Articles

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Chinese Science Bulletin 2006 Vol. 51 No. 19 2401—2412 catchment management. To control the internal nu-
DOI: 10.1007/s11434-006-2096-y trient release, physical, chemical, biological tech-
niques, and even bionic techniques could be selected.
The idea of ecological restoration for a eutrophic lake
Mechanism and control of is to shift the ecosystem from phytoplankton-domi-
lake eutrophication nant state to macrophyte-dominant state. To realize
the shift of ecosystem state, environmental condition
improvement is the fundamental work. Nowadays, we
QIN Boqiang1, YANG Liuyan1,2, CHEN Feizhou1,
should do more work on environmental condition
ZHU Guangwei1, ZHANG Lu1 & CHEN Yiyu3
improvement than on planting of macrophytes since
1. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of we are lack of the knowledge about the relationship
Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China; between macrophyte and lake ecosystem. Empha-
2. College of Environmental Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing sizing the macrophyte planting, therefore, has blind-
210093, China; ness at present. Because all lakes have different
3. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing 100085, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Qin Boqiang (email: qinbq@ characteristics of environment and ecosystem, ap- plicable lake harness techniques should be selected
Received November 23, 2005; accepted April 11, 2006 based on the distinct ecosystem types and environ-
mental problems.
Abstract A review about lake naturally eutrophi-
cating, the internal loading of nutrients from lake Keywords: lake eutrophication, trophic history, shallow lakes, in-
ternal loading control, ecological restoration.
sediment as well as the mechanism of algal blooms
and the control practices was made, especially the China is rich in lakes. The total lake area is 91000
eutrophication problem of shallow lakes since sev- km2 in which approximately one third, namely 27000
enty percent of fresh water lakes in China are shallow km2, is the fresh water lake[1]. In these fresh water lakes,
lakes. It was found that shallow lakes are apt toward about 16558 km2 (accounting for 60% of total fresh
eutrophication than deep lakes. Without any influ- water lake area) is located in the middle and lower
ences of human activity, shallow lakes in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and all these are shallow
and lower reaches of Yangtze River are still easily lakes[1]. There is no explicit definition about “shallow
eutrophicated, which may be owing to the effects of lake”. The “shallow” lake is opposite to the “deep” lake.
flood in this area. In shallow lakes, sediments are Generally, the deep lakes have presence of thermo-
frequently disturbed by wind-wave and resuspended, clines during summer but the shallow lakes have not.
which result in huge nutrients release to overlying Constitutes of the upside mixed layer (epilimnion) are
water. This may be the major reason for higher in- entirely different from those of the lower part
ternal loading of nutrients in shallow lakes than in
(hypolimnion) either in chemical or biological charac-
deep lakes. Algal bloom is an extreme response of
teristics. These separated upper and lower layers will be
lake ecosystem to the eutrophication. Appearance of
maintained without much exchange throughout sum-
algal blooms is related to physical condition of lakes,
mertime. For shallow lakes, there is not the above phe-
such as underwater radiation (or transparency),
nomenon. The entire lake will not be divided into two
temperature, and hydrodynamic conditions, or related
to geochemical conditions of lakes, like concentra-
explicitly different chemical and biological layers. All
tions of nutrients and ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus, lakes located in the middle and lower reaches of the
as well as the physiological advantage of cyanobac- Yangtze River can be categorized into shallow lakes. In
teria such as vacuole for moving towards the radiant recent two decades, since the rapid development and
energy-rich zone and the mycosporine-like amino unreasonable exploration, most of the shallow lakes in
acids (MAAs) for resisting the harm of ultraviolet ra- the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River have
diation. In shallow lakes, these advantages of been eutrophicated or eutrophicating[2]. The functions
cyanobacteria are favorable in the competition than in of lake ecosystem are degenerated, algal bloom occurs
deep lakes. Also being the shallowness, it is more frequently, and drinking water supply is often limited,
difficult to reduce nutrient loading and to control algae which causes massive economic loss. Aiming at this
blooms in shallow lakes. For the control of eutrophi- problem, many efforts concerning the eutrophication
cation, people should follow the sequence from control has been conducted. However, due to the less
pollution sources control, ecological restoration to understanding of eutrophication in shallow lake, the 2401

harness and control results were often unsatisfied. Table 1 Reliability of trophic status indicators[3]
Reliability Indicator
Based on the recently implemented investigations
Unreliable Dinoflagellate carotenoids
through several research projects conducted in the Nonchitinous zooplankton (copepods, rotifers)
Tenth Five-Year-Plan in China, we attempt to summa- sediment accumulation rate
rize these new findings and highlight the problems Unclear Carotenoids from cryptophytes, siliceous algae
Reliable contents of nitrogen and phosphorus
which are still in existence, and finally to provide the organic contents
useful instruction for lake environmental harness and Very reliable algae microfossils
management. chitinous Cladocera (e.g., Bosmina)
carotenoids from chlorophytes and cyanobacteria
ubiquitous pigments (e.g. β-carotene, pheophytin α)
1 Natural development of lake eutrophication
There are seldom oligotrophic lakes in the middle tory of Lake Washington by A/C ratio of diatom [4].
and lower reaches of Yangtze River. Does this mean Wetzel reconstructed the past trophic status of Lake
these shallow lakes located in floodplain apt to eutro- Pretty, Indiana, USA[5].
phication? To address this question, the trophic history In China, a little work concerning the past trophic
of these lakes must be reconstructed through sedimen- status reconstruction had been implemented. By pig-
tary records. However, because the nutrients in lake ments and δ13C, Shen et al.[6] had reconstructed the
sediments come not only from lake water but also from trophic history of Nansihu Lake in Shandong Province.
watershed, the nutrient content in sediments can not They had found the cyanobacteria bloom occurred in
reflect directly the nutrient level in lake water. the lake history[6]. Yang et al.[7,8] reconstructed the
Two basic techniques from paleolimnology are used 300a trophic history of Lake Longgan and Lake Taibai
to reconstruct trophic history of lakes. One is sediment in Anhui Province by diatom assemblage. It was found
dating technique, such as 14C dating, 210Pb and 137Cs that the Lake Longgan had two eutrophic periods, i.e.
dating methods, paleomagnetism and stratigraphy. The 1770―1815 and 1906 to present, respectively. Since
other is trophic index identification in sediment. Based the 1950s, the eutrophicating has been speeded up due
on these two techniques, it is possible to reconstruct to increase in anthropologic pollutant emission[8]. Tro-
historical trophic state of the lakes. phic status of Lake Taibai had a same fluctuation as
Two kinds of trophic indicators could reflect the Lake Longgan before 1950s. From 1950s, the total
historical trophic status of lakes. It is geochemical in- phosphorus in water column increased gradually up to
dicators and fossil indicators. Geochemical indicators 120 μg/L. With the increase in total phosphorus con-
include the contents and ratios of nutrient (for instance centration in lake water, macrophyte coverage has re-
C, N, P, S and their ratios), content of pigments, sedi- duced and lake shifts to the state of turbid water. Based
mentation flux of nutrient and pigment, ratio of isotope on the discoveries of Lake Longgan and Lake Taibai, it
δ13C and δ15N in organic matter of sediments. Fossil was proposed that the threshold value of ecosystem
indicators include assemblage and amount of diatoms, shift from macrophyte-dominant type to phytoplank-
chironomids, cladocerans, etc. Among these indicators, ton-dominant type was ca. 90 μg/L[8,9]. This threshold
diatom assemblage and pigments are most robust and value is similar to the lakes in Denmark[10]. These stud-
effective indicators. The accuracy of these indicators ies suggest that the shallow lakes in floodplain of
was examined in Lake No. 227 in Ontario, Canada[3]. Yangtze River had been eutrophicated naturally. It has
Lake No. 227 is a small lake with area of 5 hm2[3]. high nutrient baseline in the history.
Since 1967, this lake has been fertilized by adding ni- The reason about the lake natural eutrophication is
trogen and phosphorus pollutants. Ultimately, Lake No. still unclear. It is postulated to be related to the climate
227 has been eutrophicated. Leavitt et al. conducted an condition, especially the extremely flooding. Generally,
investigation and made an evaluation about the accu- the macrophytes are flourishing in these shallow lakes
racy of trophic indicators (Table 1). or depressive areas in subtropical floodplain. Flooding
From the experiments in Lake No. 227, fossil indi- water will transport lots of particulates, including the
cators are quite accurate to reflect the change of biota nutrients, into these depressive areas, deposited in the
in lake (Table 1). These indicators have been used to shallow lakes. During the flooding, vast macrophytes
reconstruct lake trophic history since 1950’s. Stockner would be destroyed if a high water stand would be per-
and Benson successfully reconstructed the trophic his- sisted[11] (Dokulill, personal communication). Without

2402 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 51 No. 19 October 2006

the coverage of macrophyte, massive sediment would lease. If the pH value is less 2 or greater than 9, the
be suspended due to the wind-induced wave action in nutrient release will increase dramatically[16,18]. Inves-
these shallow lakes, and resulted in eutrophication tigation in the eutrophic lake found that the pH would
naturally. Certainly, the characteristic of nutrient source increase during algae blooming in summer because of
place, the vegetation type, and soil feature and land the algal photosynthesis, which results in the increase
utilization will affect this natural eutrophication process in nutrient release[19]. The redox condition at the sedi-
in shallow lakes. Viewing from great scale, the tectonic ment-water interface will also greatly affect the phos-
movements portrayed the floodplain of Yangtze River, phorus release. Under reduction condition, the nutrient
the geomorphic characteristics of floodplain create release rate from the sediment is about one order of
shallow lakes and further figure the ecological features magnitude higher than that in oxidative condition[15].
of these lakes. Research work conducted in Lake Taihu supported the
conclusion that the nutrient release, transformation,
2 Nutrient releases from lake sediment and inter- adsorption and enrichment would be affected greatly by
nal pollution the pH and redox condition (Eh) in the sediment[20].
Actually the eutrophication is a process of increase In addition, the phosphorus releasing from sediment
and enrichment of nitrogen and phosphorus in the lake. in shallow lake will be affected by the wind-induced
Lake sediment is the accumulation pool of nutrients in turbulence. Because of the shallowness, the nutrient
deed. In Lake Wingra from Wisconsin, USA, the nitro- preservation in sediment, transformation in sediment-
gen in surficial sediment within 10 cm accounted for water system, and release from sediment, all will be
23% of total nitrogen and as high as 74% at the depth influenced by the hydrodynamic processes. Investiga-
between 10cm and 30cm. Most of nitrogen was in form tion in Lake Taihu suggested that sediment resuspen-
of organic form[12]. Investigation in Lake Donghu, Wu- sion resulting from the wind-induced turbulence de-
han, China, suggested that the most of phosphorus in rived massive nutrient released into overlying water in
short period[21 25]. In Lake Biwa, the suspended parti-

water was from the sewage discharge. About 60% of
the phosphorus would retain in the lake, which resulted cles in shallow water area increased from 4.5 mg/L be-
in the sharp increase of the phosphorus concentration in fore typhoon experiencing to 17.0 mg/L after the ty-
sediment[13]. phoon experiencing, and the phosphorus concentration
The phosphorus concentration in the lake is usually increased from 1.0 μg/L to 2.5 μg/L[26]. Lake Apopka is
used to indicate the lake primary production and tro- a shallow eutrophic lake in Florida, USA, with area of
phic level[14]. In natural lakes, most of the phosphorus 125 km2, mean depth of 1.7m, and TP concentration of
was organic and meanwhile, about 70% of the organic 0.186 mg/L, TN of 4.488 mg/L, and Chl-a of 0.106
phosphorus was particulate-bound phosphorus[5]. The mg/L[23]. In this lake, the dynamic process plays an
particle-bound phosphorus will easily deposit into bot- important role in phosphorus cycling[24]. Hydrodynamic
tom after coming into the lake, which made the nutrient processes will erode the phytoplankton deposited at the
enriched in the sediment. These nutrients would be re- lake bottom and make it resuspense[23]. The soluble
leased to overlying water in certain conditions, and be- reactive phosphorus (SRP) within top 8 cm sediment
come the internal loadings. will be released following the sediment resuspension[24].
There are several ways of nutrient release from Meanwhile, the organic matter in top 8 cm sediment
sediment, i.e. molecular diffusion (mainly rely on the would also be oxidized[24]. Similar results were found
nutrient concentration gradient between the interstitial in Lake Okeechobee, and another shallow eutrophic
and overlying water), dynamic disturbance induced by lake in Florida, USA[27]. The field investigation in Lake
wind and wave, bio-disturbance by benthic organisms, Arresø, Denmark (a small eutrophic lake with area of
bubble effluence, phytoplankton floating and transmis- 41 km2 and mean depth of 2.9 m) also revealed that the
sion of aquatic plant root[5]. Many ambient factors nutrient concentration will increase up to 20―30 folds
could affect the nutrient release, such as temperature, with hydrodynamic disturbance[25]. Statistical analysis
pH, redox condition and the content of iron and man- showed that the solid suspension concentration was
ganese[15 18]. The temperature will affect nutrient re-

well correlated with the TP concentration and wind
lease via the molecular movement and the microorgan- speed[25]. Further research suggested that although the
isms’ activity. pH value will influence the nutrients re- TP concentration in water column would greatly in- 2403

crease with dynamic disturbance[22], the soluble phos- bloom results from nutrient increment. Thus the top
phorus or SRP in water column would increase at initial priority to control the algal bloom and lake eutrophica-
period but keep at same level as that prior to distur- tion is to reduce the nutrient loading.
bance after initial period[28]. This is attributed to the There are several species of phytoplankton which
re-aeration of water column resulting in the oxidation could form bloom, including Microcystis, Anabaena,
of iron (ferric) and manganese along with the sediment Oscillatoria and Aphanizomenon. Sometimes Melosira
suspension, which will enhance the adsorption ability could become dominant species. In China, many lakes
of particles for soluble phosphorus and finally precipi- have experienced the occurrence of algal blooms such
tate into the bottom. On the other hand, the sediment as Lake Taihu, Lake Chaohu and Lake Dianchi[35], the
resuspension and nutrient release induced by the wind same as lakes abroad[36]. Among these lakes, the most
and wave is so frequent that the accumulative effect is dominant species in the algal blooms is Microcystis.
quite considerable. It is the distinct characteristic of Even if there were a lot of research concerning the ori-
shallow lake, which makes the nutrient loading reduc- gin and ecology of algal bloom, little is known about
tion damped by the internal nutrient release. There was the mechanism of occurrence of algal bloom. Three
a comparison about the nutrient loading control in deep kinds of factors could induce the occurrence of algal
and shallow lake. Lake Constance is a deep lake lo- bloom, i.e. the physical, geochemical and physiological
cated in the border between German and Swiss. It took factors. For the physical factors, it includes the water
about 10 years to reduce the TP and the phytoplankton depth, temperature, light or radiation, and dynamic
biomass dropped from 80 μg/L to 20 μg/L[29 31]. Lake

factors. Because most of lakes experiencing algal
Søbygård from Denmark is a shallow and eutrophic bloom are shallow lakes in China, and the frequent
lake. Even if the external loading for this lake has been turbulence produced by wind and wave action could
completely controlled after decades of pollutant source derive the sediment suspension, and further affect the
control, the nutrient concentration and phytoplankton nutrient release and water transparency. In this way, the
biomass in Lake Søbygård is still very high. It is esti- hydrodynamic turbulence makes the uneven spatial and
mated that it still needs decades to restore the lake to temporal distribution of light and nutrient conditions in
the nutrient level before eutrophication, which is much these shallow lakes[21,37]. This uneven and variable am-
longer than Lake Constance[32,33]. For the shallow eu- bient condition could be in favor of Microcystis com-
trophic lake restoration, both internal loading control peting with nutrient and irradiant because of its vacuole
and external loading control should be considered. This and the ability of movement in this changeable aquatic
is why to restore a eutrophic shallow lake is much more condition[38]. Additionally, the solid suspension in the
difficult than a deep lake. water column is so high that the photosynthesis only
There is still less advancement about the nutrient takes place in the surficial layer in the lake[39]. The
transformation from one form to the other. The hard- depth at which the photosynthesis could happen is so
ness of this research work comes from the insufficient shallow that the ultraviolet radiation is quite strong.
understanding about the biological role and effect of Most phytoplankton species would not survive in this
organism participation, such as how the microbial ac- layer, but Microcystis could resist the ultraviolet radia-
tivities affect the nutrient transformation. With the de- tion and prevail in this shallow water bodies. The sec-
velopment of molecular biology and applied in limnol- ond is the geochemical factors which include the N/P
ogy, such as the application of gene probe[34], this field ratio and nutrient concentration. It is suggested that the
would broaden our knowledge and become an impor- algal bloom could be found in the lake in which the N/P
tant direction of modern limnology. ratio is less than 29[40]. But this viewpoint is still fre-
quently questioned. Recent research indicated that the
3 Mechanism and biomanipulation control of algal N/P ratio less than 29 was a result of algal bloom oc-
bloom in eutrophic shallow lakes currence rather than a reason of algal bloom occur-
The algal bloom is one of the characteristics of eu- rence[41]. Tang Huijuan compared 35 lakes in which 23
trophication lakes. The algal bloom could be induced lakes have experienced algal bloom, and found that the
by the bottom-up effect of nutrient increment, and lakes have the algal bloom with N/P ratio ranging from
could also result from top-down effect, such as lacking 13 to 35 and have not algal bloom with N/P lower than
of zooplankton predation. In most cases, the algal 13[42].

2404 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 51 No. 19 October 2006

In order to control the algal bloom, the bio-manipu- lowed a process of source control, ecosystem recon-
lation research was promoted in China. Traditional struction and catchment management. The source con-
biomanipulation was conducted through adjusting food trol included the external nutrients loadings in the
chain in which piscivores fish would increase in bio- catchment and internal loadings released from the
mass to control the zooplanktivores fish to increase the sediment which was very important in eutrophication
zooplankton and finally to reduce the phytoplankton[43], control in shallow lakes. Based on the source control,
which is the so-called traditional biomanipulation in the ecosystem reconstruction was implemented in
which it is emphasized to utilize the zooplankton pre- which the aquatic plant reestablishment was the key
dation to control the algal biomass and finally to im- step. The ecosystem reconstruction in coastal area of
prove the water quality. This technique has been widely lake could effectively intercept the pollutant from the
used in lake management since it was firstly proposed land, while the reconstruction for multi types of aquatic
in 1975[44 48]. In Lake Round, Minnesota, USA, after plant in lake could effectively reduce the sediment sus-

the Lepomis macrochirus and piscivores fish species pension and internal pollutant release. Among all tech-
Micropterus salmoides and Stizostedion vitreum were niques in controlling the lake eutrophication, therefore,
introduced into the lake, the original five species were the nutrient loading control and lake ecosystem recon-
expelled and the fish community was adjusted along struction are the main two categories.
with decrease in chlorophyll, decrease of total density 4.1 Technologies in control of internal nutrients
of zooplankton and increase of large zooplankton and loadings in eutrophic lakes
the increase of transparency[45]. Although traditional
biomanipulation method has been successful in many In restoration of shallow eutrophic lakes, the reduc-
applications, it is not applicable in the eutrophic lakes tion of internal nutrient loadings is key step for restor-
with algal blooms because the high concentration and ing the macrophyte dominant ecosystem. From the past
large size of algae would inhibit the predation of zoo- restoration practice, one can see that the internal load-
plankton[49]. This technique would be limited in eutro- ings and algal bloom in eutrophic shallow lake are re-
phic lakes[50,51]. Aiming at the severe problem of algal sistant to responding to the control of external loadings,
bloom in eutrophic lakes in China, Chinese scientists and sometime even no response, because of nutrient
suggested the non-traditional biomanipulation to reduce release from sediment[55,56]. To control the internal
the algal biomass by growing planktivores fish such as loadings, the water depth, pH, volume of lake, aeration
ability, nutrient release rate and hydrological conditions
silver Carp and bighead Carp[52]. The in situ enclosure
should be considered to select economic and effective
experiments in Lake Donghu, Wuhan, China validated
measures. Meanwhile, only with the comprehensive
that the silver Carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and
rectification of water environment, including the con-
bighead Carp, Aristichehys nobilis could effectively
trol of external pollutant loadings, the restoration of
remove the blue-green algae. This finding could ex-
ecosystems and management of water environment,
plain the disappearance of algal bloom in Lake Donghu
these measures will take effect.
in the 1980s[52 54]. Enclosure experimental results sug-

(1) The physico-chemical measures to control the

gested that the most effective densities of silver Carp
internal loadings. The physico- chemical measures
and bighead Carp for algal biomass control were 46- include the sediment oxidation, chemical precipitation,
50 g·m−3. Since that time, non-traditional technique sediment capping, etc. These measures could reduce the
was widely employed in algal bloom control in Lake internal loadings by changing the sediment redox con-
Taihu, Lake Chaohu and Lake Dianchi. Though the dition to increase the sediment adsorption ability for
non-traditional biomanipulation technique could effec- nutrients or producing a capping layer on the sediment
tively control the cyanobacteria biomass in eutrophic surface to inhibit the internal phosphorus release. These
lakes, it is necessary to evaluate the ecological effects measures can be applicable in small lakes or ponds
before it is widely applied, such as the alternation of where hydrodynamic action is weak and sediment sur-
food web and microbial food web structure in lake. face is in anaerobic condition. For example, by aerating
at bottom, adding on aluminum, ferrous and calcium[57],
4 Technology for lake eutrophication control the redox condition at the sediment-water interface will
Lake restoration from eutrophication generally fol- be changed resulting in the sensitive phosphate metallic 2405

compounds, i.e. the ferrous phosphate, transformed to tion intensity, pH and redox condition and the Fe and
oxidative condition, inhibiting the internal phosphorus Mn content in the sediments. To be specific, for the
release[58 61]. Meanwhile, the new born oxidative layer

large lake or lake pelagic zone, the sediment could be
at the sediment interface can minimize the sediment easily suspended, the nutrients in the sediment would
disturbance and increase the sediment stability. Gener- be easily released in short period, and aeration would
ally speaking, the main factor regulating the phospho- be sufficient. If the ferrous content increase with the
rus release (usually Fe-P release in reductive condition) sediment resuspension and aeration at water-sediment
is the redox condition when the pH of water is lower interface, the dredging measure would not be a good
than 9. This method can effectively control the phos- option to control the internal loading[64]. But in small
phorus release. If the pH is higher (>9), the oxidizing lake or small lake bay, it is characterized by weak wind
sediment-water interface and chemical precipitation to and wave effect with anaerobic condition at the bottom
control the internal phosphorus release could not take and the nutrient in pore water and release from sedi-
effect, thus other methods should be considered. ment is usually higher. Therefore, dredging could be an
(2) The physico-mechanical measures to control the option[64]. How large a lake could be defined as a dy-
internal loadings. Water flushing is an effective namic disturbed lake, which can be identified by a dy-
method to minimize and dilute the nutrients in lakes. namic ratio determined as the square root of lake sur-
The preliminary prerequisite is availability of the clean face area divided by lake depth suggested by Bach-
source water and the flushing intensity is great enough. mann et al.[65]. It also could be identified by comparing
Generally, about 10%―15% of the lake capacity to be the mean water depth and the disturbed depth and de-
flushed per day could get satisfied results. This flushing termining whether the sediment could resuspend[66].
method is usually effective, especially for the small size (3) Biological measure to control the internal nutri-
and shallow lakes (e.g. Xuanwu Lake in Nanjing and ent loadings. For small lakes, microbial pharmaceu-
West Lake in Hangzhou). For large lakes, this measure tics could remove the organisms, chlorophyll-a, ammo-
could be limited in use because it is uneconomic. For nium, and increase the dissolved oxygen in water col-
the eutrophic and thermal stratified lakes, the nutrient umn. Immobilized nitrous and nitrobacteria can trans-
concentration in hypolimnion is usually higher than that form the ammonium in water and sediment into nitrate.
in epilimnion. Removing the water from hypolimnion Immobilized denitrifying bacteria will make use of
is an alternative way to remove the phosphorus and some organics as carbon source for denitrification
reduce the nutrient concentration. There are some eu- which can remove the ammonium in water column [67].
trophic lakes which have been flushed to reduce the In these small lakes, the dissolved oxygen (DO) con-
trophic level worldwide, such as Lake Veluwe in the centration will increase obviously and concentration of
Netherlands[62]. This measure will discharge nutri- chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN)
ent-enriched water from eutrophic lake to downstream, and total phosphorus (TP) will decrease sharply after
which will pollute the downstream areas. Thus this adding microbes. Along with the decrease and precipi-
method is a temporary countermeasure and applicable tation of algae in water column, the transparency in-
in emergent situation. It can not control the eutrophica- creases significantly indicating the improvement of
tion essentially. water quality[68].
Sediment dredging is also an important measure in The aquatic plants are believed to be an effective
controlling the internal nutrient loadings in eutrophic tool for improving the water quality in eutrophic lakes.
lakes. This countermeasure has been widely used in The purification of macrophytes includes absorbing
many eutrophic lakes in China. But few successful seston by the plant leaves and stems and assimilating
cases were documented in larger lakes. Investigations by microbes[69], precipitating suspended particulates
suggested that proper dredging can improve the water into the lake bottom to remove the particulate nutrients
quality in short term. For a long term control of internal from water column, and adsorbing the nutrients by the
loadings, this measure is not applicable [63]. To deter- plant root in sediment. The bio-floating carpet tech-
mine whether a lake can be dredged, a comprehensive nique makes the cropping terrestrial plants at eutrophic
analysis is necessary. This comprehensive analysis water surface possible. The principle of this technique
should include the sediment release rate, the nutrient is purifying the eutrophic water by assimilating, ad-
content in sediments, sediment suspension or re-aera- sorbing and intercepting suspended particles throughout

2406 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 51 No. 19 October 2006

the roots of plants, and by enriching the ammonium, tem will collapse and shift to phytoplankton dominant
phosphorus and other pollutants to purify water[70]. For ecosystem and tend to become stable. This means that
submerged aquatic plants, the purification is achieved the external imposed stress exceeding critical threshold
throughout interception of seston by the periphytes at- of the resilience can result in the ecosystem switch to
tached on the plant leaves, reduction of sediment re- contrasting state. On the other hand, with decrease in
suspension to eliminate the particulate pollutants, and nutrient concentration, the ecosystem will not restore to
adsorption and assimilation of the nutrients in the the original macrophyte dominant state until the nutri-
sediment. Based on the principle of purification of ent concentration becomes lower than the critical
aquatic plants, some bionic techniques are developed. threshold value (Fig. 1)[77]. This distinguished sample
The artificial mimic aquatic plants will be used to pu- clearly demonstrates the relationship between the envi-
rify the water. These mimic aquatic plants can intercept ronment stress (it is nutrient concentration in this sam-
the sestons, assimilate nutrients via attached microbes ple) and lake ecosystem response switching from one
and periphytes. This water purifying experiment is state to the contrasting state.
conducted in the Lake Taihu and preliminary result
suggests that this technique is applicable to removing
sestons, increasing the water transparence and reducing
TN, TP concentration[71,72].
4.2 Ecological restoration to control the eutrophica-
Ecological restoration for eutrophic lake can re-
duce the internal nutrient release from the sediment by
containing the sediment from resuspension and control-
ling the algal bloom by competing the nutrients[73,74]. It
is proved that the nutrient release from sediment could
Fig. 1. The nutrient concentration (TP) increasing gradually from
be significantly reduced and the water quality could be 1960s to 1970s in Lake Veluwe, Netherlands (denoted by the arrow).
improved if there exist submerged macrophytes in the With increase in TP concentration up to 0.15 mg/L, the coverage of
lake[75]. The reason is that the aquatic plants could in- aquatic plant in the lake decreased drastically. During the 1980’s and the
1990’s, the nutrient concentration (TP) decreased because of the reduc-
hibit the sediment resuspension and intercept the tion of pollutant emission, but the coverage of aquatic plant was not
sestonic nutrients in water column, and block the pre- restored until the TP reduced to lower than 0.08 mg/L[77].
vailing of algae bloom. The key is how to achieve the
shift from algae dominated ecosystem to macrophyte From the ecosystem shifts in Lake Veluwe, it is sug-
dominated ecosystem. According to Scheffer et al.[62], gested that the macrophyte-dominated ecosystem will
both phytoplankton and macrophyte dominant ecosys- be unstable during the eutrophicating when the trophic
tem are stable status of lake ecosystem and exchange- level increases to some value. If TP concentration in
able under certain conditions. The ambient environment Lake Veluwe is about 0.15mg/L or higher, any external
changes result in the stress imposed on the lakes eco- perturbation would make the macrophyte dominant
systems. If this stress from the change in ambient con- ecosystem collapse. Only if the nutrient concentration
ditions is limited in the range in which the ecosystem drops to some threshold value, i.e. TP less than 0.08
could resile to original state, the system will be restored mg/L in Lake Veluwe, the algae-dominated ecosystem
when the external stress is removed. If the external would become unstable and be replaced by macro-
stress is greater than the critical threshold at which the phyte-dominated system. The external perturbations
ecosystem could not resile to original state, the sudden include the massive growing of periphyton attached on
drastic shift of ecosystem will happen, and the new the macrophytes, strong storms such as typhoon, high
ecosystem is fitting the changed environmental condi- water level, and the planktivores fish predation[78]. Al-
tions[76]. though the periphyton is capable of purifying the water,
Long-term observation in Lake Veluwe in Nether- massive development of the periphyton would seriously
lands indicated that with the increase in nutrient con- affect the photosynthesis of aquatic plants in the eutro-
centration, the original macrophyte dominant ecosys- phic water. In terms of the experiments conducted in 2407

Meiliang Bay, the periphytes will reduce the photosyn- aquatic ecosystem is limited and insufficient to instruct
thetic rate of submerge macrophytes by 50% and some- the restoration of eutrophic lakes, over emphasizing the
time as high as 90%[79]. The periphyton biomass in- macrophyte planting could be unwise and blindness. In
creasing with trophic status results in extinguishing of stead, emphasizing the improvement of environment to
aquatic plants in stead of prevailing of algae finally. establish the macrophyte dominant system will be pru-
When the macrophyte-dominated system becomes un- dent, because we have less knowledge about the rela-
stable, a physical disturbance induced by wind and tionship between the aquatic plants and aquatic fauna,
wave will destroy the aquatic vegetation mechanically microbes and nutrients and we even could not identify
and the macrophytes could not be restored, and the the reasons why some macrophyte is restored success-
system is transformed from a macrophyte dominated fully and some is not. Following this idea, an ecosys-
into an algae dominated system, such as Lake Apopka tem engineering experiment about the macrophyte res-
in Florida, USA[65] and Lake Ellesmere in New Zea- toration for purifying water is conducted in the Meili-
land[80 82]. In addition, higher water stand resulting

ang Bay, Lake Taihu[78].
from the flood also can make the transformation of lake
ecosystem, such as the Lake Okeechobee in Florida, 5 Implication for eutrophication control and lake
USA[11], Lake Tamnaren in Sweden[83,84] and Lake Rice ecosystem management
in Wisconsin, USA[85]. Moreover, the predation of The lake eutrophicating could be a natural process.
planktivores fish is a possible perturbation to switch the Human activities could superimpose the effect on this
ecosystem from one system to contrasting one, such as natural process and speed up the eutrophication. Natu-
the Lake Zwemlust in the middle of Netherlands[86,87] rally eutrophicating took place in the scale of centuries
and Lake Donghu in Wuhan, China[88]. These are well and millenniums whereas the anthropologic eutrophi-
documented lakes in which the ecosystem was trans- cating would happen in the time scale of decades[93].
formed due to the changes of external environment. For shallow lakes, the natural background of trophic
Macrophyte restoration experiments to improve wa- level is usually high, which means that these lakes
ter quality started in China as early as midst of the could be easily eutrophicated. The trophic history of
1990s. But so far there have been few successful trials, shallow lakes from middle and lower reaches in Yang
such as ecological restoration experiments conducted in tze River provide the evidence to support this premise.
Mashan, Lake Taihu[89], Wuli Bay and Lake Taihu[90,91], The natural eutrophication of these shallow lakes may
Lake Xuanwu and Lake Mochou in Nanjing and Lake be associated with the flooding events. During flooding
Hongfeng in Guizhou Province[92]. These experiments, period, enormous suspended particles and nutrients
basically, had restored the aquatic plant by improving from upstream catchment would be transported to
the environment such as introducing the enclosure to downstream and deposited in these depressive shallow
separate the experimental area from the algal bloom lakes. This is why the shallow lakes have high baseline
and pollutant source, reducing the suspended particu- of trophic level than other lakes. Because these lakes
lates and increasing the water transparency, etc. For the have high trophic status, it will be more difficult than
aquatic plant cropping, technique such as community deep lakes to control the eutrophication if these shallow
mosaic of aquatic plants was employed[92]. In all these lakes would be eutrophic. Moreover, massive nutrient
experiments, the water quality was remarkably im- released following the sediment suspension induced by
proved at the beginning along with the growth and de- wind and wave would result in less improvement of
velopment of aquatic plants. But the artificially estab- water quality in short term even if all the external load-
lished macrophyte dominant ecosystem collapsed with ing is controlled. This could explain, in partially, why
dismantling the enclosure curtain which is necessary the lake eutrophication in China is much more serious
for an amendment of the aquatic plant restoration. This than western countries, and why few eutrophic lakes
suggests that the healthy and stable aquatic ecosystem have been harness and restored. To prevent the lakes
dominated by macrophytes need a corresponding envi- from eutrophication is more important than to restore
ronment which favors establishing such ecosystem. In the eutrophic lakes because it is economic and feasible
order to maintain this expected ecosystem, some envi- in China. This should be a common view for all people
ronment changes and the facilities would be perma- who are engaging in lake protection and management.
nently necessary. Because our knowledge about the To prevent the pollutants from emptying into the

2408 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 51 No. 19 October 2006

lake, pollution sources control and emission reduction sion not only brings the nutrients into water column,
are the top priority mission. People can not expect the but also reduces the water transparency. When the
water quality improvement through ecological restora- aquatic plants grow, the sediment suspension will be
tion without control and reduction of pollutant sources. effectively inhibited and the water transparency will be
Reduction of the pollutant loading should make use of increased. To restore the aquatic plants and establish
various characteristics of the pollutant transportation macrophyte dominated ecosystem, it is necessary to
and cycling, especially the feature of most phosphorus produce a good environment condition for macrophyte
in particulate form. In fact, some control techniques restoration. These conditions include reducing the nu-
already make use of this characteristic. In Lake Okee- trient loadings so as to eliminate the inhibition of
chobee, Florida, USA, for example, it is suggested to aquatic plant photosynthesis by periphyton, attenuating
build low dam to intercept the particle pollutants espe- the mechanical impairment by the wind and wave, in-
cially the particulate bound phosphorus, since most creasing the water transparency by reducing the sus-
suspended particulate pollutants are transported in low pended particles and water level, changing the redox in
layer near bottom[94]. sediment and minimizing the fish predation. Because
For all the wetland plants along the shore, or float- all lakes are different in environmental conditions, it is
ing-leaf macrophytes, or submerged plants, the purifi- necessary to make diagnosis about the lake ecosystem
cation function is similar at most, i.e. purifying water before applying the restoration countermeasures, and
by intercepting the particulate nutrients in the water then design different restoring strategies according to
column or inhibiting the nutrient released following the characteristics of environment and ecosystem of
sediment suspension. With this principle, it is suggested lakes. Doctrinally and indiscriminately copying the
to mount the bionics man-made medium for intercept- various techniques and applying in lake eutrophication
ing the particle pollutants, concentrating the microbes, control are worthless. At present, it is somewhat blind-
protozoa and periphyton to assimilate the nutrients, and ness to emphasize the macrophyte planting, because it
to reduce the sediment resuspension as well. This tech- is still unclear about the relationship between the
nology has not been fully paid attention to so far. aquatic plants and other plants, aquatic animals, the
The occurrence of algal bloom in lakes firstly re- microbial loop structure and nutrients. Whether the
sulted from the nutrient increase. But for a certain aquatic plant can be restored successfully can not be
blooming, the induced factors and ambient are very explained clearly. To emphasize the improvement of
complicated, which includes physical parameters such environment rather than macrophyte planting, therefore,
as temperature, wind wave-induced suspension and is better option. With improvement of environment, the
light, etc, and geochemical parameters such as the macrophyte-dominated lake ecosystems will be natu-
phosphorus constraint and organic phosphorus trans- rally and gradually restored. When the macro-
formation, and the biological factors such as population phyte-dominated lake ecosystem is successfully estab-
competition and food chain structure. The reason of lished, some facilities amending the environment could
Microcystis to become dominant species in eutrophic be removed and some need permanently existed. This
water is related to its physiological characteristic since should be determined in terms of situation of aquatic
it could move with vacuole. This characteristic makes system. It is believed that the control of eutrophic lakes
the Microcystis favor competition for unevenly distrib- will be more successful with this new strategy.
uted nutrients and light in shallow lakes. Microcystis
can resist against ultraviolet radiation, which could Acknowledgements The authors thank Prof. Xie Ping for
have competition advantage in lower transparency in his constructive suggestions on the preparation and revision
shallow lakes. Finally, it is also more difficult to control of this manuscript. This work was supported by the Knowl-
edge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences
or reduce the algal bloom in eutrophic shallow lakes
(Grant No. KXCZ1-SW-12) and the Ministry of Science and
than deep lakes because of the “shallowness”. Technology of China (Grant No. 2002AA601011).
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