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Delhi Sultanate Q/A

1. Who constructed the Qutub Minar? Write 1 architectural feature. (2)

Started by Qutub-ud-din Aibak and finished by Iltutmish.
5 storeys tapering as they ascend and separated from each other by projected balconies.

2. State the treatment meted out to the rulers of South India by Allauddin Khalji. (2)
He attacked and defeated them, looted them, but did not annex, instead they acknowledged
his lordship (Delhi Sultan) and paid him a tribute in return for peace and protection.

3. Why did the experiment of token currency fail? (2)

Brass and copper coins could have same value as gold and silver.
People were able to forge these coins easily and the market came to a standstill

4. Name any 2 types of elections and sate one difference between them. (2)
Direct and indirect
Voters directly choose their reps, and in the other one voters do not directly elect their reps.
They only elected an intermediate body/ electoral college

5. Under which category will the Rajya Sabha elections fall? (1)
6. State the purpose for which the Election Commission was formed. (2)
7. Under what situation do by-elections happen? (2)

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