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Successful Business Communication Farhan uddin Raja, Corporate Trainer, 0322-8256603


I. Revise each sentence below to eliminate There and It openers and needless
1. There was severe fire damage to the reactor.

2. There are several reasons why Jane left the company.

3. It is essential that we act immediately.

4. It has been reported by Bill that several safety violations have occurred.

5. This letter is to inform you that I am pleased to accept your job offer.

6. I feel that the time that we meet at should be changed.

II. Revise each wordy and vague sentence below to eliminate weak verbs.
1. Our disposal procedure is in conformity with federal standards.

2. Please make a decision today.

3. We need to have a discussion about the problem.

4. I have just come to the realization that I was mistaken.

5. We certainly can make use of this information.

6. His conclusion is in agreement with mine.

III. Revise each wordy sentence below to eliminate needless phrases, redundancy,
and needless repetition.

1. I have admiration for Professor Jones.

Successful Business Communication Farhan uddin Raja, Corporate Trainer, 0322-8256603

2. Due to the fact that we made the lowest bid, we won the contract.

3. On previous occasions we have worked together.

4. She is a person who works hard.

5. We have completely eliminated the bugs from this program.

6. This report is the most informative report on the project.

7. Through mutual cooperation we can achieve our goals.

8. I am aware of the fact that he scheduled a meeting

9. This offer is the most attractive offer I’ve received.

IV. Revise each sentence below to eliminate needless prepositions and to be

constructions, and to cure noun addiction (nominalizations).

1. Our survey found 46 percent of users to be dissatisfied.

2. In the event of system failure, your sounding of the alarm is essential.

3. These are the recommendations of the chairperson of the review committee in our

4. Our acceptance of this policy is a necessity.

5. Please perform an analysis and make an evaluation of our new system.

6. I consider Juan to be an excellent technician.

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