TF Pa 2548739 Eyfs Report Writing Bank of Differentiated Statements Coetl - Ver - 2

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New Report Writer Available

We have been working on a new report writing tool. You can find it here.

The tool features the same statements as this one, but with new ways to save time.
For example, the new tool gives you the ability to create and store your own
statements, to then use across multiple reports. We think it's a real improvement
on this resource so definitely recommend you give it a go.
Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning: Report Writing Statements

The Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning describe the different ways in which a child learns. Covering all Areas
of Learning, they describe the processes of how a child is learning using the following three main areas:

Playing and Exploring

Active Learning

Creating and Thinking Critically

On the worksheet tabs below are differentiated comments for each of these areas. These may be useful to practitioners when
recording and reporting progress within the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning. These are not supposed to be
a comprehensive list but rather to provide ideas. The differentiated levels are not supposed to be definitive and children can fit
into different levels for each area.

Enter a child's name and gender in the boxes below in order to correctly pre-populate and contextualise the statements.

Child Name

Child Gender
Playing and Exploring
Children investigate and experience things and 'have a go'.

Beginning to Demonstrate Consistently Demonstrates

enjoys investigating and exploring familiar and unfamiliar objects

enjoys exploring different objects and materials and is starting to
and materials. He is able to make choices about how to use the
make his own choices about how to use the different resources.
different resources.

When exploring and playing with different objects, is able to make

With encouragement, will plan how he is going to use different plans and think about what he would like to do and how he would
objects during play. like to use the different objects.

During play, is beginning to guide his own thinking and actions by During play, is able to guide his own thinking and actions by talking
talking to himself while playing. to himself while playing.

will independently choose where to play and what to play with. He

is able to make independent choices about where he would like to
is also able to independently do things that he has previously been
play and what he would like to play with.

demonstrates own interests and fascinations through play, which

demonstrates his own interests and fascinations through play.
helps to develop his learning.

engages in new experiences with support and encouragement

enjoys being introduced to new and unfamiliar experiences.
from friends and familiar adults.

will happily play by himself and alongside his friends. He is enjoys playing both by himself and with his friends. When playing
beginning to interact more with friends during play. with friends, he will openly share ideas and make decisions.
When taking part in activities, is happy to follow a friend's lead and When taking part in activities with friends, is able to lead activities
is starting to contribute his own ideas too. and can also follow a friend's lead.

particularly enjoys playing in the

enjoys playing in the COMPUTER/CREATIVE/CONSTRUCTION area
and is developing confidence to explore more areas of the
to explore and play in a variety of other areas, depending upon what
he is playing.

enjoys familiar activities and, with encouragement, will 'have a go' enjoys attempting new activities and demonstrates a positive 'have
at new activities. a go' attitude.
a go'.

Confidently and Consistently Demonstrates

confidently investigates and explores familiar and unfamiliar

objects and materials. He will carefully consider and then choose
how to use the different resources.

Before begins exploring and playing with objects, he thinks ahead

and plans how he is going to use the objects in different ways and
for different purposes.

will talk to himself when playing, using past experiences and

knowledge of familiar stories to help guide thinking and actions.

enjoys independently making choices about where to play and

what to play with. He can use and apply what he has previously
been taught to complete activities independently.

uses his own interests and fascinations to develop his learning. He

often seeks out further information to learn more about his

demonstrates high levels of enjoyment and curiosity when

introduced to new and unfamiliar experiences.

As well as happily playing by himself, also enjoys playing with

friends. When playing with friends, he will confidently share ideas
and make decisions. He will also listen to his friend's ideas and and
incorporate these into his play.
When taking part in activities with friends, enjoys helping to
organise and lead the activities.

particularly enjoys playing in the

confidently explore and play in a variety of other areas to practise
and develop a range of skills.

consistently demonstrates a positive 'have a go' attitude when

provided with the opportunity to attempt new and challenging
Active Learning
Children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements.

Beginning to Demonstrate Consistently Demonstrates

uses his key person to support him to predict and participate in can draw upon experience of following daily routines to predict and
daily routines. prepare for what will take place next during the session.

uses suggestions given by adults to help him to select the right shows that he can select and use the right resource or technique
resources to achieve a goal. that will help him to achieve his goal.

can use a range of strategies to reach a goal that he has set

can choose a strategy to reach a goal that he has set himself.

asks for help when he realises what he is doing isn't working and realises when something doesn't work and tries a different
needs a different approach. approach, using his own ideas.

With encouragement, will attempt to try and do things again when

perseveres and keeps on trying when he finds things difficult.
he finds them difficult.

will repeat an activity with the purpose of practising skills to asks to repeat activities so that he can have another go and get
improve, especially after praise and encouragement from an adult. better results.

has increased his ability to focus on an activity over the year and can maintain focus and concentration on an activity for an
can now concentrate for a short time on an activity of his choosing. extended period of time.

responds well to praise and is developing greater self-confidence responds well to praise and has gained confidence from previous
to tackle new challenges with more independence. achievements.
is visibly proud when feeling success on completing a simple task. shows a sense of achievement when completing more difficult
tasks and activities.

enjoys sharing in the achievement of others through class rewards often comments favourably on others’ work and is quick to
and is motivated to achieve rewards. compliment others' achievements.

seeks out an adult to show them when he has achieved a goal. enjoys sharing ideas and achievements with others.
nd enjoy achievements.

Confidently and Consistently Demonstrates

can apply experience of taking part in predictable routines to

confidently manage expectations for new and altered routines.

confidently gives explanations of why he has chosen one resource

or technique over another one to reach his goal.

uses prior knowledge to know which strategies work best together

and will apply these to successfully reach a goal.

enjoys helping others by making suggestions of how to correct


When difficulties occur, consistently demonstrates perseverance

and resilience to achieve what he set out to do.

When completing activities, makes his own connections and can

apply these to other tasks.

is able to fully focus on an activity with high levels of


enjoys receiving praise from others but also visibly feels a sense
of achievement just from the enjoyment of completing an activity.
can confidently talk about his successes. He can identify and
explain what he is most proud of achieving.

gives positive praise to friends on their work and personal

achievements. He understands that this praise can help to develop

shares accomplishments with others and encourages them to do

the same by showing them how to achieve the same success.
Children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and

Beginning to Demonstrate

enjoys playing in the HOME CORNER/ROLE-PLAY AREA and is able

to use pretend FOOD/KITCHEN EQUIPMENT in the same way it
would be used in real life.

is able to match objects to pictures. When he tidies an area, he

looks at PHOTOGRAPHS/SILHOUETTES to help decide where to
place an object.

is able think about what he would like to achieve and if challenges

occur, will ask a familiar adult to help.

understands that problems occur in real life and will seek the help
of an adult to help solve a problem.

can talk about how he is feeling and understands that the way he
is feeling may not be the same as his friends.

is beginning to enjoy learning and can think of ideas when

supported by an adult.

is able to make links between the different ideas he has.

is able to concentrate during a small group activity or when

working one-to-one with an adult. finds it easier to concentrate on
activities that interest him.

finds it easier to listen during small group activities. He can revert

his attention back to an activity if he becomes distracted.

will listen to an adult explain a variety of different methods or ideas

for approching a task or activity. He can choose the method he
would like to use from the adult's suggestions.

enjoys making simple models and creations to represent objects

or ideas that have captured his imagination, such as OBJECTS
Creating and Thinking Critically
have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.

Consistently Demonstrates

is able to take part in simple pretend play. He is able to LOOK


is able to sort groups of materials and objects, such as


is able to set himself a goal and understands if he is on track to

succeed with that goal.

consistently shows that they can solve real-life problems. For

example, he is able to SHARE THE SNACK FAIRLY/ TAKE TURNS

is able to empathise with others. He shows that he thinks about

how others are feeling and this is often reflected in his actions.

enjoys learning and will confidently think of and share his own

is able to make links between the different ideas he has and can
explain his thinking.

is able to concentrate on an activity that is important to him, such


is increasingly able to listen carefully and ignore distractions.

is able to use a variety of different methods and ideas when

approaching a task or activity. He draws on previous experiences
and works with patience and determination to find the best way to
attempt a task.

has a great imagination and often creates amazing models and

creations in the CREATIVE/CONSTRUCTION AREA. A recent
example of this was the MODEL OF A HOUSE/TRAIN/CASTLE
elop strategies for doing things.

Confidently and Consistently Demonstrates

uses complex storylines in pretend play. He is able to draw upon

his life experiences and knowledge of books and apply this when

is able to sort and categorise different materials and objects. He

understands that the same objects can be sorted many ways.

is able to set a realistic goal and plan how he will achieve it. He is
able to check if he is on track to achieve the goal and will persevere
until he reaches it.

is able to identify real-life problems, such as SHARING THE FRUIT

can confidently discuss ways of solving these problems.

is able to empathise with others, shows that he thinks about how

others are feeling and, when apropriate, will put the needs of others
before his own.

has a real love of learning and is confident to share his ideas. He is

willing to develop ideas by revisiting his work and making

is able to explain the links between the different ideas he has and
can give clear reasons to justify his thinking.

is able to concentrate on a wide range of activities, such as

DRAWING/PAINTING/MAKING A MODEL, including activities he
finds challenging.

consistently listens carefully, is able to ignore distractions and

reminds others to do the same.

is able to choose logical methods and ideas when approaching a

task or activity. He is able to select the best method for completing
a task and can explain his reasoning.

uses imagination to create complex models and creations with

lots of detail. He uses his life experience and knowledge of stories
to enhance creations. A recent example of this was the MODEL OF
Effort and Participation in Home/Online Learning
was a happy and enthusiastic member of our online classroom.
was an imaginative and creative member of our online classroom.
was a keen and enthusiastic member of our online classroom.
was a happy and independent member of our online classroom.
was a quiet and thoughtful member of our online classroom.
was always keen to share ideas and contribute to online discussions.
was often keen to share ideas and contribute to online discussions.
joined in with online learning discussions and explained his views clearly.
enjoyed online learning discussions and was always keen to answer questions and share ideas with others.
enjoyed online learning discussions and was often keen to share ideas.
During online learning, was often willing to share his ideas and opinions and was confident in answering questions, particularly in SUBJECT.
When feeling confident with what he was learning about, enjoyed and contributed to online group discussions.
With the support of an adult, sometimes participated in online discussions and shared ideas.
worked hard to complete his home/online learning activities.
worked hard to increase his independence in his home/online learning tasks.
was keen to try different learning activities both in online classrooms and home learning activities.
With adult support, was keen to try different learning activities both in online classrooms and home learning activities.
showed a good understanding of the work set and completed it to a high standard.
showed a good understanding of the work set and completed it with support at home.

Home/Online Learning Confidence

enthusiastically and confidently embraced home/online learning.
enthusiastically embraced home/online learning with growing confidence.
benefited from adult support to embrace home/online learning.
accepted home/online learning and demonstrated an ever-increasing online confidence and participation.

Reflecting and Goal Setting

During online learning, demonstrated a keen willingness to think about the next steps he could take in working towards his goals.
During online learning, demonstrated an increased willingness to think about the next steps he could take in working towards his goals.
was able to reflect on his online successes and challenges.
With adult support, was able to reflect on his online successes and challenges.
could confidently tell someone if he had a problem doing his remote work and listened keenly to feedback.
often sought help for his remote learning challenges and would listen to feedback.

Home/Online Learning Resilience

embraced all challenges he encountered in online learning during various points over the year.
embraced the majority of the challenges he encountered in online learning during various points over the year.
has demonstrated admirable resilience in a busy and dynamic year. He has demonstrated an increased awareness of mistakes as a necessary and valuable learning too
While home learning, developed his resilience. He now shows an increased understanding of how mistakes can be used as a valuable tool in overcoming challenges and
was able to manage distractions well and listen attentively during whole-class online learning.
With adult support, was able to manage distractions well and listened attentively during whole-class online learning.
While working at home, managed distractions well. This enabled him to complete remote learning tasks to a high standard.
While working at home, continued to improve his skills of managing distractions. This enabled him to complete remote learning tasks to the best of his ability.

Working with Others Online

consistently worked sensibly with other members in the online classroom.
worked cooperatively, shared ideas and thoughtfully listened to what others said during group online learning sessions.
developed the skill of working cooperatively with other members of the class involved in the online learning sessions.
demonstrated a clear understanding of the benefits of being part of a safe and healthy online community.
During online learning, showed that he is capable of working and learning in a range of settings.

Online Behaviour
always tried his best and followed home/online learning rules.
always followed the home/online learning rules and was a fantastic online role model for his peers.
enjoyed online learning and was a great role model for his peers.
always listened carefully and followed instructions during online learning.
usually listened carefully and followed instructions during online learning.
responded well to verbal and visual praise and worked towards his targets during online learning sessions.

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