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PH (Potential of Hydrogen)

PH full form :
potential of hydrogen
Power of hydrogen

Definition of PH : It is a scale use to measure the level of acid or alkaline

(base) in a substance.
Acidic substances has high concentration of H+ions, but have low PH values.
Basic substances has low concentration of H+ions, but have high PH values.

About Skin PH :
There is a myth, i.e. Acids are harmful to the skin.
A healthy skin pH is more on the acidic side.
i.e. PH of skin is 4.5 to 5.5 .
PH of Skin According to Skin Type :
Normal skin : 5.5
Oily skin : 4 to 5.2
Dry skin : above 5.5
Sensitive skin : below 4.5
Combination skin : 4.5
Dehydrated skin : 1.6 to 2.5

PH Scale of skin :
A pH above 7 is alkaline, while a pH below 7 is acidic.
The pH of skin is weakly acidic, so the ideal products to use on your skin should
have a similar pH level.
1. The average new born baby has a skin pH of about 7. This is compared
to the average adult skin pH of 5.7.
2. Skin pH varies depending on the area of your body. Lesser exposed
areas, such as the buttocks, armpits and genital area, tend to maintain
their natural acidity. This is unlike your face, chest, and hands, which
tend to be more alkaline. Such differences are due to the fact that the
latter areas of skin are more exposed to the elements.

Factors that Affects Skin PH :

 acne
 air pollution
 antibacterial products
 change in seasons, with different humidity levels
 cosmetics
 detergents
 antibacterial harsh soaps and gels
 sebum/skin moisture
 sweat
 tap water
 too much sun exposure
 too frequent washing of your skin

How to Balance the PH of Skin ?

The one and only answer to this question is CTM + SPF + EXFOLIATION
by using skin care products which suits your skin type.
Results of PH Imbalance in Skin :
Healthy skin pH plays a big role to save your skin from being damaged. 
When your skin's pH balance is off, it results in many unexpected skin
concerns like acne, wrinkles, and atopic dermatitis etc.
Why the PH of Skin Matters ?
To have youthful and flawless skin, it becomes very important to maintain a
healthy pH of your skin.
Too alkaline pH levels of skin destroy the lipid layer of your skin which
leads to chronic dryness and increased skin sensitivity.
  Women with extra dry and alkaline stratum corneum experienced the
earlier signs of aging than those with acidic skin.
Similarly, when your skin's pH is too acidic, you are more prone to
inflammatory skin conditions like acne, eczema, or atopic dermatitis.

Ideal PH range of daily skin care products :

The ingredients used in the formulation of your skin care products are
responsible for disturbing your skin's natural pH, That's why it is very
important to use pH-balanced skin care products.

Irrespective of your skin type i.e. oily, dry, or combination, you should aim for
choosing your cleansers, moisturizers, lotions, toners, etc; with a healthy pH

Here is the ideal pH range of common skin and hair care products.

Face cleansers - 5.0-5.5

Toners - 4.0-5.0

Sunscreen -  5.0-6.0

Moisturizers - 5.5-6.5

Shampoos  - 5.5-6.5

Hair conditioners - 4.5-5.5

Foods which Helps in Maintaining the PH Balance of skin :

i. Leafy vegetables
ii. Lemon or turmeric water
iii. Dry fruits
iv. Fresh fruits (bananas, berries, pomegranates, kiwis, citrus and
v. Avoid sugar
vi. Avoid processed food
vii. Go for salads
viii. Avoid oily foods
ix. Regular intake of water
x. Green tea
xi. Coconut oil
xii. Carrots and sweet potatoes (source of vitamin A)
xiii. Black pepper
xiv. Dark chocolate
xv. Red wine
xvi. Seeds (Chia seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds,
and flax seeds)


Skincare Products which Helps in Balance the PH of Skin :

 Broad spectrum SPF lotion

 Moisturizer consist of hydrating ingredients such as hyaluronic
acids or ceramides
 Mild cleansers or face wash
 Ingredients like Vitamins A, C, E, and polyphenols are found to
maintain pH levels of our skin. These should be present in the skin
care products.

Brands which has PH Balanced Skincare Products :

 Cares Derma
 Cetaphil
 Nutrigena
 Flocare


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