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Ngày thi: 13/ 01/ 2022
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Mã đề: 212
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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. express B. exciting C. exhibition D. expensive
Question 2. A. days B. speaks C. dates D. kits
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three
in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. tourist B. valuable C. order D. police
Question 4. A. compulsory B. opportunity C. territorial D. economic
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 5. She was brought up in a well-off family. She can’t understand the problems we are facing.
A. wealthy B. broke C. poor D. kind
Question 6. His new yacht is certainly an ostentatious display of his wealth.
A. large B. expensive C. showy D. ossified
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 7. Not until all their demands had been turned down did the workers decide to go on strike for more welfare.
A. rejected B. sacked C. reviewed D. approved
Question 8. There has been insufficient rainfall over the past two years, and fanners are having trouble.
A. adequate B. unsatisfactory C. abundant D. dominant
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 9. Students will be not allowed to handle these chemicals if they are under the supervision of a teacher.
A. will be B. these C. if D. of
Question 10. I get quite depressed when I think about the damage we are making to the environment.
A. depressed B. about C. damage D. making to
Question 11. Albert Einstein was such brilliant a scientist that many of his colleagues had to study for several years in order
to form opinions about his theories.
A. such brilliant a scientist B. many of his colleagues C. study D. about
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 12. We object ______ your leaving dinner table to take calls.
A. for B. on C. to D. with
Question 13. ______, he could not lift the trap door.
A. As he was strong B. Strong as was he C. As strong he was D. Strong as he was
Question 14. Although completely ______ with the contract, the officials hesitatingly agreed to sign it.
A. satisfy B. satisfied C. satisfaction D. satisfactory
Question 15. I think Japan ______ the World Cup one day.
A. wins B. is winning C. is going to win D. will win
Question 16. The rumors go that Jack will be arrested. He is said ______ a bloody robbery.
A. to have taken part in B. to have joined in C. to join in D. to take part in
Question 17. Each nation has many people who ______ take care of others.
A. volunteers B. volunteer C. voluntary D. voluntarily
Question 18. ______ children were injured. They all came back unharmed.
A. None of B. Not any of the C. None of the D. Not any of
Question 19. The room needs ______ for the wedding.
A. decorating B. to decorate C. decorate D. be decorated
Question 20. In the 19 century, new methods of transportation, in particular canals and railways, ______ for transporting

goods from places to places.

A. are developed B. were developed C. have been developed D. had been developed
Question 21. Urbanization is happening at such a brisk rate that the government is planning entire new cities in ______ of
large new urban populations.
A. expectation B. danger C. anticipation D. view
Question 22. Although thunder and lightning are produced at the same time, light waves travel faster ______, so we see the
lightening before we hear the thunder.
A. than sound waves do B. than sound waves are C. do sound waves D. sound waves
Question 23. Tom: "What is it?" - Mary: “We don't know until ______ at it under a microscope."
A. we're going to lock B. we'll have looked C. we'll be looking D. we've looked
Question 24. She must have been sleepless last night. Otherwise, her eyes ______ so bloody now.
A. won’t look B. wouldn’t look C. wouldn’t have looked D. looked
Question 25. The monk insisted that the tourists ______ the temple until they had removed their shoes.
A. not entering B. not enter C. not to enter D. don’t enter
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
Question 26. Jane: “Are you interested in scuba diving?” Janet: “______”
A. Very. Undersea life is being strongly contaminated. B. Very. Undersea life is fascinating.
C. Not any. Undersea life is too expensive. D. Well, things are much different, now.
Question 27. "Well, could you call the airline and reconfirm my flight? I'm kind of busy right now." - " ______ "
A. Not at all. B. I'll try. Let me have the details. C. What are you doing? D. What do you think I should do?
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
Question 28. The 12th-grade students are studying very hard. They want to pass the entrance exam.
A. The 12th -grade students are studying very hard so as pass the entrance exam.
B. The 12th -grade students are studying very hard in order that to pass the entrance exam.
C. The 12th -grade students are studying very hard so to pass the entrance exam.
D. The 12th -grade students are studying very hard so that they can pass the entrance exam.
Question 29: Peter heard a strange sound on the roof. He became very frightened.
A. On hearing a strange sound on the roof, Peter became very scared.
B. He became very frightened after he heard a strange sound on the roof.
C. He heard a strange sound on the roof and then becoming very terrified.
D. Peter became very frightened so he heard a strange sound on the roof.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 30. Even though it had been snowing all day, a great many people managed to get to the end-of-term concert.
A. Very few people indeed were prevented from getting to the end-of-term concert by the heavy snow.
B. Since there had been snow all day long it wasn’t easy for people to get to the end-of-term concert.
C. As it had been snowing heavily all day, a great many people just could not get to the end-of-term concert.
D. A lot of people did get to the end-of-term concert in spite of the snow that fell all day.
Question 31. If there hadn't been such a strong wind, it would not have been so difficult to put out the fire.
A. It was the strong wind which made it difficult for us to put out the fire.
B. When a strong wind began to blow it was even more difficult to control the fire.
C. If the wind hadn’t been so strong, it would have been much easier to put out the fire.
D. As the wind was really very strong, it took them a long time to put out the fire.
Question 32. They were late for the meeting because of the heavy snow.
A. If it snowed heavily, they would be late for the meeting.
B. Had it not snowed heavily, they would have been late for the meeting.
C. But for the heavy snow, they wouldn't have been late for the meeting.
D. If it didn't snow heavily, they wouldn't be late for the meeting.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Good press photographer must have an ‘eye’ for news, just as journalists must have a nose for a good story. They must
be able to interpret a story and decide rapidly how they can take advantage (33) ______ the best opportunities to take
picture. The most difficult part of a press photographer’s job is that he or she has to be able to (34) ______ a complicated
situation with just one photograph. They rarely have second chances and must be able to take the required shot very quickly.
Indeed, speed is essential- if the photographs are not ready for the printing deadline, they are very unlikely to be of any use.
Most press photographers begin work with a local newspaper. There, the demand is mostly for material of regional (35)
______. Photographers may be expected to photograph a lot of unexciting events but to keep up the enthusiasm to put
‘something special’ into every picture.
There is (36) ______ competition among those (37) ______ want to move from local to national newspapers. Here, the
work is much more centered on news. The photographer must work under greater pressure and take more responsibility.
Only highly reliable, talented and resourceful photographers make this difficult move. The work is tough and can be
dangerous. On an overseas assignment, photographers may have to cope with unfamiliar food and accommodation, physical
and mental stress, and extreme difficulty in transporting the pictures from an isolated area to get to the newspaper on time.
They also have to beat the competition from other publications.
Question 33. A. about B. on C. of D. for
Question 34. A. draw up B. put out C. sum up D. turn out
Question 35. A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interestingly
Question 36. A. firm B. forceful C. strict D. strong
Question 37. A. which B. who C. whom D. how
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
When jazz began to lose its reputation as “low-down” music and to gain well-deserved acclaim among intellectuals,
musicians began to feature many instruments previously considered inappropriate for jazz. Whereas before the 1950s, jazz
musicians played only eight basic instruments in strict tempo, in this decade they started to improvise on the flute, electric
organ, piccolo, accordion, cello, and even bagpipes, with the rhythm section composed for strings or piano. Big bands no
longer dominated jazz, and most changes emerged from small combos, such as the Dave Brubeck Quartet and the Gerry
Mulligan Quartet. The Gerry Mulligan Quartet proved that a small, modern band could sound complete without a piano; the
rhythm section consisted only of a set of drums and a string bass.
Jazz continued to move in new directions during the 1960s. Saxophonist and composer Ornette Coleman led a
quartet playing “free” jazz that was atonal. Pianist Cecil Taylor also conducted similar experiments with music, and John
Coltrane included melodies from India in his compositions. In the 1970s, musicians blended jazz and rock music into fusion
jazz which combined the melodies and the improvisations of jazz with the rhythmic qualities of rock ‘n’ roll, with three or
five beats to the bar and in other meter. The form of jazz music was greatly affected by electric instruments and electronic
implements to intensify, distort, or amplify their sounds. However, the younger musicians of the time felt compelled to
include a steady, swinging rhythm which they saw as a permanent and essential element in great jazz.
Question 38: Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A. Popular Beats in Classical and Modern Jazz. B. Quintessential Moments in Jazz Music.
C. The Achievements of Famous Jazz Musicians. D. The Rising Prestige and Diversity of Jazz.
Question 39: The word “feature” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. profess B. prohibit C. protest D. promote
Question 40: The author of the passage implies that in the 1950s, jazz musicians ______.
A. strictly adhered to its traditions and compositions B. probably continued with its tempo and instrumentation
C. experimented with rhythm and instrument D. increased the tempo to keep up with the changes
Question 41: It can be inferred from the passage that small jazz bands ______.
A. were dominated by large orchestras B. consisted of drums and a string bass
C. were innovative in their music D. included modern sound systems
Question 42: According to the passage, the changes in jazz music in the 1970s came from ______.
A. another harmonious scale B. another musical trend
C. ambitious aspirations D. sound amplifications

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
Did you ever watch a video on the Internet? Maybe you used YouTube. YouTube is a Web site where people can
share their video. Today, YouTube is an important part of the Internet. However, that wasn’t always true.
YouTube started with a young man named Jawed Karim and two friends. One day, Karim was on the Internet. He
wanted information about the 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia. He found news stories about it, but he couldn’t find any
videos. This gave Karin an idea. He wanted to help people put video on the Internet. Karim told his friends about this idea.
Together, they created a company – YouTube.
YouTube become a global success. Millions of people around the world visited the Web site. It was clear to Google,
another Internet company, that YouTube had a lot of value. Google made a deal. It bought YouTube for $1.65. As a result,
YouTube investors and its employees made a lot of money. The three friends who started YouTube were very big investors.
Therefore, they made an enormous amount of money.
Karim became very rich, and he continued to work toward his PhD. There was something else he wanted to do. He
wanted to help young people go into business. He used money and experience to start a new company called Youniversity
Ventures. This company helps young people who have good business ideas. It gives them advice and money to start Internet
Milo is one business that students started with the help of Youniversity Ventures. Milo is a shopping Web site. It
helps people find products in stores near their homes. Another example is AirBob. This Web site helps people find for video
conferences. People in different places can use this site to have business meetings.
Karim has some advice for students who want to start business. First, find a successful company. Do a lot of
research about the company and the top people in the company. There, copy the way they do things. For students who wants
to start Internet business, Karim is probably a very good example to copy.
Question 43: What can be the best title for the passage?
A. Sharing Success on the Internet. B. To be successful on the Internet.
C. Support from Youniversity Ventures. D. The best videos from YouTube.
Question 44: What does the word “This” in paragraph 2 refers to?
A. the 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia B. that he could find no videos
C. the news stories he could find D. the information of the 2004 tsunami
Question 45: How did the YouTube investors make a lot of money?
A. Google bought their YouTube company. B. They invested a lot of money in Google.
C. They made a profit from Youniversity Ventures. D. They sold things on Milo Website.
Question 46: Which of the following in NOT mentioned about Karim?
A. He had the original idea of YouTube. B. He created a lot of sample videos for YouTube.
C. He earned a lot of money from YouTube. D. He is the owner of Youniversity Ventures.
Question 47: YouTube now belongs to _______.
A. Milo B. Youniversity C. Google D. Tokbox
Question 48: Which of the following can replace the word “enormous” in paragraph 4?
A. increasing B. giant C. considerable D. huge
Question 49: What does Youniversity Ventures do?
A. It helps people to get PhDs at famous Universities. B. It buys Internet companies such as Milo.
C. It gives people advice and money to start business. D. It helps people find inexpensive vacation places worldwide
Question 50: What is Karim’s advice for students who want to start business?
A. Get a PhD degree from famous university. B. Copy successful people and companies.
C. Give money to Youniversity Ventures. D. Work for successful people and companies.
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