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1. Explain each of the following in set using description, listing and set builder notation.

Set Description Listing Set builder notation

(a) Colours of traffic light

P is the set of colours of p -_
{ red , yellow green }
, P={ n :r is the
traffic light the names of

the colours of
the traffic light }


{ n :n is the letters
vowels of vowels
(b) Vowels Q is the set of Q = {a, e, i, o, u} }

R={ is the names of

(c) Names of the months July } the months beginning with
J is the set of months January , ,

beginning with letter J

with letter J letter J}

s={ a :n is the

(d) Factors of 6 S is the set of factors of 6. 5={1,213/6} numbers of the

factors of 6 }

2. Determine whether each of the following statements is true or false.

Statement True / False

(a) If A = {triangles with 4 angles}, then A = . True

(b) If B = {prime numbers which are less than 10}, then B = . 213,5 ,
7 False
7 1 14 21 28 35 42 ,
(c) If C = {even numbers which are divisible by 7}, then C = { }. 491 , , , ,
56 False
70,77 , 84,9498

(d) If D = { is a number with two digits and 9 }, then D . True

3. Fill in the box with the symbol or .

(a) P (b) Q = { is a multiple of 7 and }

(i) R E P (i) 14 E Q 7

(ii) K ¢ P (ii) 35 E Q

(iii) N ¢ P (iii) 24 ¢ Q 28
(iv) A C- P (iv) 56 ¢ Q


Chapter 11 Form 1 KSSM © Copyright NHZ

4. Determine the numbers of elements in each of the following sets.
(a) J SEPTEMBER (b) Q = {factors of 12}

J={ s ,E,P,T,M,B,R } Q={ 1,213,416,12 }

(c) P = {multiples of 3 which are less than 20} (d) R = {positive integers which are less than 5}

P={ 3,619,12115118 } R={ 11213,4 }

(e) A = {multiples of 6 between 20 and 50} (f) B = { is a prime number and }

A- =
{24,30/36,4748} B={ R :
2,3 , 5,7 }

5. Determine whether the pairs of sets given are equal set or not.
(a) X = {K, U, R, A, N, G} (b) C = { is an odd number and } ( 113,517 )
Y = {A, N, G, K, U, R} D = {2, 3, 5, 7}

n=Y ( =/ D

(c) E = {the first four prime numbers} 1213,517 ) (d) G = {states in East Malaysia} ( Sabah Sarawak )

F = {1, 3, 5, 7} H = {Sabah, Sarawak}

F- =/ F

Chapter 11 Form 1 KSSM © Copyright NHZ


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