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Name: Bayta, Marella Chelsea B.

Date: April 29, 2020 Time:

I. Words to know
Define the following terms according to your own understanding. (don’t
copy from the textbook)
1. Global city- a metropolitan place that appreciates huge upper hands and
that fills in as a center inside a globalized financial framework. A Global city,
likewise called a force city, world city, alpha city, or world focus, is a city that is an
essential hub in the worldwide monetary organization
2. Refugees- are individuals who have escaped war, brutality, struggle, or
mistreatment and have crossed a worldwide line to discover wellbeing in another
country. They regularly have needed to escape with minimal more than the garments
on their back, leaving behind homes, assets, occupations, and friends and family.
3. Density- is a proportion of mass for each volume. The normal thickness of
an item approaches its all out mass separated by its all out volume.
4. International migrants- happens when individuals cross state limits and
stay in the host state for some base time span. Relocation happens for some reasons.
Numerous individuals leave their nations of origin to search for monetary freedoms in
another country.
5. Global migration- This means that one in every seven person in
the world has changed place of residence, either within their own country (about 700
million of internal migrants) or moved to another country
II. Brush up
1. Differentiative
a) Global mobility vs global migration
Global mobilty alludes to the temporary developments
of individuals throughout their regular day to day existences. While
global migration or for short relocation alludes to the perpetual
difference in home starting with one area then onto the next by an
individual or a gathering.

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