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Technical Analysis Cheat Sheet

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Technical Analysis Cheat Sheet
Technical analysis is the art and science of reading price action on a chart. Here is a quick
reference guide that can be used as a cheat sheet.

A range bound market can be identified by horizontal upper

resistance and horizontal lower support.

When price breaks out of a trading range it can signal the

potential for a new trend in price:

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Trend lines are a way to identify a current trend by
connecting vertical levels of price resistance and support
on a chart.

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The MACD can signal the beginning of swings and trends
on a chart:

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RSI can be used to establish the risk/reward ratio on a
chart from 30 oversold to 70 overbought:

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Moving averages can filter for trends on a chart in the
timeframe of the moving average:

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Chart patterns can signal breakouts, reversals, and
continuations of current price action:

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The best use of technical analysis is for quantifying buy signals, minimizing losses by setting
stop losses at key price levels, and using trailing stops to maximize gains.

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