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Unemployment in India: May - August 2021: Rajasthan: Female 143

RJ: Labour Force, Employment and Unemployment by Age Groups: Female

Age Population Labour Labour Employed Unemployed, Unemployed, Greater Unemp- Greater
Group (’000s) Force Partici- (’000s) willing to willing to Labour loyment Unemplo-
(Years) (’000s) pation (E) work and work but Force Rate yment Rate
(LF) Rate active job inactive in (’000s) (%) (%)
(%) seekers seeking jobs (GLF) (UER) (GUER)
(LPR) (’000s) (’000s)
A B C D=C/B E F G H=C+G I=F/C J=(F+G)/H
15-19 4,104 443 10.79 0 443 862 1,305 100.00 100.00
20-24 2,530 810 32.03 16 794 109 919 98.06 98.29
25-29 1,711 106 6.17 37 69 8 114 65.40 67.87
30-34 2,593 43 1.65 40 2 4 47 5.62 13.94
35-39 2,881 116 4.04 93 23 1 118 20.14 20.99
40-44 4,575 218 4.77 217 2 9 227 0.84 4.59
45-49 2,999 184 6.14 181 3 0 184 1.76 1.90
50-54 2,363 77 3.25 75 2 4 81 2.79 7.65
55-59 1,308 32 2.41 32 0 0 32 0.00 0.89
60-64 490 22 4.59 22 0 0 22 0.00 0.00
>=65 580 0 0.00 0 0 0 0
>=15 26,135 2,051 7.85 712 1,339 998 3,049 65.31 76.66

RJ: LPR and UER (%) by Age Groups: Female RJ: Unemployment Rate (%) by Region: Female

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.

RJ: GLF,LF,GUE,UE by Age Groups(’000s): Female RJ: Unemployment Rate (%) by Gender

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.

CMIE May-August 2021

144 Unemployment in India: May - August 2021: Rajasthan: Urban

RJ: Labour Force, Employment and Unemployment by Age Groups: Urban

Age Population Labour Labour Employed Unemployed, Unemployed, Greater Unemp- Greater
Group (’000s) Force Partici- (’000s) willing to willing to Labour loyment Unemplo-
(Years) (’000s) pation (E) work and work but Force Rate yment Rate
(LF) Rate active job inactive in (’000s) (%) (%)
(%) seekers seeking jobs (GLF) (UER) (GUER)
(LPR) (’000s) (’000s)
A B C D=C/B E F G H=C+G I=F/C J=(F+G)/H
15-19 2,896 472 16.29 5 467 476 947 98.86 99.43
20-24 2,459 1,596 64.93 194 1,402 86 1,683 87.83 88.45
25-29 959 585 61.02 406 179 11 596 30.66 31.94
30-34 972 391 40.20 368 23 9 399 5.90 7.99
35-39 1,346 609 45.26 588 21 9 618 3.50 4.86
40-44 2,104 924 43.91 903 21 14 938 2.27 3.74
45-49 1,905 1,063 55.81 1,030 33 9 1,072 3.13 3.97
50-54 1,544 793 51.37 776 17 10 803 2.15 3.39
55-59 1,122 630 56.18 620 10 7 637 1.59 2.63
60-64 196 68 34.75 66 3 0 68 3.87 3.87
>=65 467 8 1.66 8 0 0 8 0.00 0.00
>=15 15,970 7,140 44.71 4,963 2,176 631 7,771 30.48 36.13

RJ: LPR and UER (%) by Age Groups: Urban RJ: Unemployment Rate (%) by Region

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.

RJ: GLF,LF,GUE,UE by Age Groups(’000s): Urban RJ: Unemployment Rate (%) by Gender: Urban

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.

May-August 2021 CMIE

Unemployment in India: May - August 2021: Rajasthan: Rural 145

RJ: Labour Force, Employment and Unemployment by Age Groups: Rural

Age Population Labour Labour Employed Unemployed, Unemployed, Greater Unemp- Greater
Group (’000s) Force Partici- (’000s) willing to willing to Labour loyment Unemplo-
(Years) (’000s) pation (E) work and work but Force Rate yment Rate
(LF) Rate active job inactive in (’000s) (%) (%)
(%) seekers seeking jobs (GLF) (UER) (GUER)
(LPR) (’000s) (’000s)
A B C D=C/B E F G H=C+G I=F/C J=(F+G)/H
15-19 9,096 1,391 15.29 45 1,346 2,024 3,415 96.77 98.68
20-24 5,961 3,573 59.95 1,038 2,536 306 3,879 70.96 73.25
25-29 2,893 1,631 56.39 1,400 232 18 1,650 14.20 15.15
30-34 3,368 1,366 40.56 1,317 49 23 1,389 3.59 5.17
35-39 4,095 2,043 49.89 1,973 70 15 2,058 3.43 4.14
40-44 5,999 2,784 46.41 2,729 55 22 2,806 1.99 2.77
45-49 5,215 3,219 61.73 3,175 44 0 3,219 1.37 1.37
50-54 3,614 2,034 56.30 1,996 39 11 2,045 1.89 2.41
55-59 2,094 1,193 56.98 1,175 18 15 1,208 1.49 2.71
60-64 640 215 33.53 215 0 0 215 0.00 0.00
>=65 856 106 12.44 106 0 0 106 0.00 0.00
>=15 43,830 19,557 44.62 15,169 4,388 2,435 21,991 22.44 31.02

RJ: LPR and UER (%) by Age Groups: Rural RJ: Unemployment Rate (%) by Region

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.

RJ: GLF,LF,GUE,UE by Age Groups(’000s): Rural RJ: Unemployment Rate (%) by Gender: Rural

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.

CMIE May-August 2021

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