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Fundamentals of databases

Created @January 19, 2022 9:51 AM

Data models
Categories of data models
High level or conceptual data models
Low level or Physical data model
Representation ( or implementation) Data model
1. Database Schema:
2. Schema Diagram:
3. Schema Construct
4. Database State (or instance or snapshot)

Data models
Data model → used to describe the structure of the database → helps to achieve
data abstraction

📎 It is the collection of concepts used to describe the database like

specifying the data types, constraints etc

Includes a set of basic operations for specifying retrievals or updates of the


Also includes concepts to specify the behaviour of a database application

Categories of data models

High level or conceptual data models

Provides concepts that are close to the way many users perceive data

Use concepts such as entities , attributes and relationship

Entities → represent real world object or concept

Attributes → further describe an entity.

Relationships → association among 2 or more entities

📎 If an employee is working on a project, then there is a relationship

between employee and that project

Low level or Physical data model

Fundamentals of databases 1
Describes how data is stored in the computer.

Access path→ structure for efficient searching of database records.

Representation ( or implementation) Data model

Represent data using record structures → record-based data models.

1. Database Schema:
It is the description of a database

Schema Meta-data

It is the plan or a layout or a It is data about data or other

blueprint of the database words it describes the data in the
It is a subset of the metadata or it
is one of the components of the

2. Schema Diagram:
It is the diagrammatic representation of the schema (Displayed Schema)

3. Schema Construct
Each object ( table name) within the schema is called schema construct

Example - STUDENT, COURSE etc

4. Database State (or instance or snapshot)

As the data in the table is changed frequently, the data in the database at a
particular moment is known as database state

Fundamentals of databases 2

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