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My written work

My confidence
was detailed and I have taken a lot
has boosted quite My pitch went
showed that I of images and
What Went Well a bit during my well and had good
understood codes created a lot of
time on this feedback
and conventions posters
of thrillers
understanding of Being more
I need to improve using the experimental with
What Do I need Lesson
my time cameras. Not to my work and
to improve engagement
management rely on others to technical skills.
do all the work Don’t rely
for me
 Watch
videos  Watch
Ensuring I do not Turn off my  Ask peers youtube
How I can make get distracted by phone for help videos
these my phone and Listen to music  Ask tutor  Ask peers
improvements that I am working Ask questions if I for help for help
toward my goals am unsure  Take  Ask tutor
camera for help
home to
 Technical
 Time Communication
 Communi skills
managem skills
cation  Communi
Skill development ent Technical skills
 Focus cation
moving forward  Focus Confidence
 Enthisias skills
 Organizati Enthusiasm
m  Memory

For my self evaluation I will analyze my time throughout this project and look at what went well, what I
need to improve going forward and what I hope to achieve in the next stages of my time on the course.

This is my evaluation of my planning and pitch for Fresh Cuts Creative. I will evaluate what went well and
the areas that I need to focus on for improvements before I get to make my eventual thriller trailer after
Christmas. I was asked to plan and research into a chosen genre in prep for my pitch.

Initial Ideas

When originally coming up with ideas for my potential trailer, I think I was overwhelmed with what I
could do. Trying to whittle down my ideas from several to just one was quite difficult and took a lot of
time. I talked about my ideas to my classmates and teacher Tom and we all agreed on what idea we
should do moving forward. I created a mind map and moldboard to get some concrete ideas down.
These things helped me put my ideas down on paper. This idea stage was fun and let me watch video
clips of my favorite thrillers but I feel as though I could have done this task a lot quicker. In the future I
need to get all my ides down and then decide on what is the best plan of action, not waste so much time
on watching film clips on YouTube for inspiration.


My research went well, I picked James Bond, Avatar and Harry Potter for my codes and convention
analysis and secondary research project. My teacher informed me that he didn’t believe that these three
films were classed as thrillers, this caused me to stress and use a lot of time looking into other films,
which did waste some time. In the end we came to the conclusion that the films I had selected were not
thrillers, but did use elements of thrillers, which allowed me to select them for my assignment task. My
codes and convention research had good feedback, although I feel as though this task took me a long
time as I struggle to get my ideas down on to paper. I worked closely with Tom, Mandy and Gill during
this time to make sure that I got my ideas down and that I had a good structure into what I needed to do
moving forward.

My primary research was a bit mixed, as I think I was on track with this and managemed my time much
better, but I also think that my survey research and trailer feedback wasn’t as good as it could have
been. I found it hard to focus on the trailer feedback and didn’t really know what to do when giving
feedback to my peers. This is something I need to work on moving forward as I need to communicate
with my peers and teacher more if I am struggling and then i can get the help I needed. My survey
questions needed to be more in depth and cover a greater range, I did appreciate that my classmates
did answer my survey, and I feel as though I was able to be very confident with group work and
discussing my ideas, my development and my results with my peers.

Creative Work

While I think some of my creative work is very good, such as my many posters and my photo work, I do
think it could be better. After taking my images and then creating my posters, I realised after discussing
my work with my teacher that a lot of my work was not abiding to the rule of thirds. I am not very
confident with the camera, as this was my first time using it, and it does show in my images as some of
them are quite blurry, or not formatted properly. This is going to be my biggest area of development
moving forward and I really want to show off my skills in the next creative task.

Some of my images are better than others, I think the better ones came along later in the module,
meaning I had more time to practice. In the future, i want to take the camera home more and use it in
my spare time. I can also watch YouTube videos or ask people in the class for help and guidance.


My pitch was good, but I did choose to have it done in a private room with just Tom the teacher. In the
future I really need to get better at talking and presenting in front of others. This will be a major part of
my future career in the industry, meaning that I must get better at this. I think as this was my first time
ever pitching I was nervous. This will get better over time and I will devleop my confidence skills before
the next pitch or presentation. Feedback was good on my pitch, although Tom did say I was quite
scrambled and unfocused at times, this was my nerves but will get better I promise. I also need to slow
down and allow the audience time to digest the information before rushing on to the next point.


Overall, I think my time on this course so far has been hit and miss, but mostly positive. The positive
outweigh the negative so far and I feel as though I am getting much better and my work has developed
quite quickly since my first day, to where I am now. There are still areas that need improving, these have
been brought up by my teacher and others in the class. I think my main areas of improvement are my
creative/technical skills, especially with the camera and editing, and I also need to work better on my
time management. I will try to implement SMART goals into my tasks so I can work on smaller goals and
objectives, rather than having to deal with several different things at once. The smaller goals and tasks
will help me focus more I think.

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