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1. at leisure, n phr /'leʒə/ having free time for ease and на дозвіллі, у вільний
What do you usually do at relaxation, etc; not occupied or час
leisure? engaged; without hurrying
2. collect, v to accumulate as a hobby or for збирати,
His colleague collects stamps. a study колекціонувати
3. crochet, v /'krəʊʃeɪ/ make cloth by using a needle плести гачком
She offered to teach me to with a small hook at the end
crochet doilies as beautiful as
4. do crosswords/ crossword to do a puzzle in which words розгадувати кросворди
puzzles, v phr corresponding to numbered
William is a very confident clues are to be found and written
person who does the Times in to squares in the puzzle
crosswords in ink.
5. do gardening, v phr to work in a garden, growing займатися
Linda’s grandparents enjoy and taking care of the plants, and садівництвом
gardening. keeping it attractive
6. do puzzles, v phr to play a game or a toy розгадувати
Which of you likes doing presenting a problem that головоломки/ загадки,
jigsaw puzzles at leisure? requires your skill or ingenuity збирати пазли
for its solution
7. embroider, v /ɪm'brɔɪdə/ to ornament with needlework вишивати
Granny has embroidered a
beautiful pillow cover for me.
8. hang out, phr v (AE) to frequent a particular place, постійно бувати,
Hanging out in bars doesn’t especially in idling away one’s ошиватися,
help him meet people who free time “тусуватися”
share his values.
9. knit, v /'nɪt/ to make (a garment, fabric, etc) в’язати, плести
Miranda decided to knit a by interlocking loops of one or
scarf for her niece. more yarns either by hand with
knitting needles or by machine
10. leisure activity, n an activity chosen for pleasure, вид діяльності на
His leisure activities include relaxation, or other emotional дозвіллі/ дозвіллєва
fishing and golf. satisfaction, typically after work діяльність
and other responsibilities are
11. pastime, n /'pɑːstaɪm/ an activity that someone does заняття, хобі; приємне
What’s your favourite regularly for enjoyment rather проведення часу
pastime? than work; a hobby
12. sew, v /'səʊ/ to make, repair, or fasten by шити
Aunt Samantha has sewn a stitching as with a needle and
dress for her. threat or a sewing machine
13. socialize, v /'səʊʃəlaɪz/ to spend time with others to спілкуватися,
In her spare time she likes to enjoy oneself; to associate or зустрічатися, бувати в
socialize with friends. mingle sociably with others товаристві

15. buff, n /bʌf/ someone who is very interested любитель; прихильник
She is a film buff. in and knows a lot about a
particular subject
16. enthusiast, n /ɪn'θjuːzɪæst/ a person filled with or motivated ентузіаст, палкий
Is Richard a baseball by enthusiasm шанувальник або
enthusiast? прихильник
17. hobbyist, n /'hɒbɪɪst/ someone who does something as людина, захоплена
George is a computer hobbyist. a hobby своїм хобі
19. go in for, phr v
1) The man goes in for football 1) to take part in something, to 1) займатися
twice a week. enjoy doing something
2) The girl has been going in 2) to have a particular interest in 2) захоплюватися
for classical music for five or liking for
22. appeal, v to be attractive or interesting приваблювати,
Bird watching appeals to him. цікавити, хвилювати,
23. be fond of something, v phr to have a strong liking, захоплюватися чимось
Kelly is very fond of ballet. inclination or affection
24. cultivate, v /'kʌltɪveɪt/ to develop or improve by розвивати,
How do people usually education or training удосконалювати
cultivate a hobby?
25. enjoy, v to receive pleasure from, to take любити, отримувати
Have they always enjoyed joy in задоволення,
going for long walks? насолоджуватися
26. fancy, v to have a liking or enthusiasm подобатися, любити
Your father fancies fishing, for
doesn’t he?
27. fascinate, v /'fæsɪneɪt/ to capture and hold the interest захоплювати,
The tango has always and attention of зачаровувати, полонити
fascinated them.
28. give up, phr v = drop, v to abandon what one is doing or відмовлятися від,
After the accident he decided planned to do залишати, кидати,
to give up surfing. припиняти щось
29. share, v to use or enjoy something jointly поділяти
The cousins share a hobby. or in turns
30. take up, phr v to develop an interest in or enter захопитися, братися (за
James took up mountain into щось), займатися
climbing three years ago. (чимось)


32. beneficial, adj /ˌbenɪ'fɪʃ(ə)l/ causing a good result, благотворний,
Gardening is beneficial for the advantageous корисний, цілющий
33. crazy about/ over, adj extremely fond of сильно захоплений
His nephew is crazy about чимось, схиблений на
racing. чомусь
34. enjoyment, n the act or condition of receiving задоволення, радість,
Naturally, his hobby is a pleasure from something; a насолода
source of enjoyment. particular form or source of
35. enthusiasm, n great excitement for or interest ентузіазм, захоплення,
 /ɪn'θjuːzɪˌæz(ə)m/ in a subject or cause запал, пристрасть,
Uncle Ben has always had a захват
great enthusiasm for
36. enthusiastic (about), adj very interested in something or захоплений, палкий,
/ɪnˌθjuːzɪ'æstɪk/ excited by сповнений ентузіазму
The elderly women are very
enthusiastic about the theatre.
37. exhilarating, adj /ɪɡ'zɪlə causing strong feelings of збадьорюючий,
ˌreɪtɪŋ/ excitement and happiness збуджуючий,
It was an exhilarating two- оп’яняючий, який
hour rafting experience. паморочить голову
38. fascinated, adj attracted and delighted захоплений
Their son was absolutely
fascinated by mountaineering.
39. fascinating, adj of intense interest or attraction; захоплюючий,
The teacher finds Nick’s hobby enchanting; captivating чаруючий, чарівний
40. fascination, n /ˌfæsɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n/ the power of fascinating or чарівність, принадність
Old books hold a fascination something that has it
for him.
41. involved, adj connected by participation, захоплений, зайнятий,
He got involved in agriculture association or use залучений
at his grandparents’.
42. keen, adj (also v)
1) Is Jack a keen chess player? 1) ardent, enthusiastic 1) палкий, захоплений
2) How long has Ted been 2) fond of, devoted to 2) пристрасно
keen on golf? захоплюватися, дуже
45. line, n a field of interest сфера інтересів
Painting is (in) my line.
46. list of likes, n phr a record of things a person список уподобань/
Michael has swimming on his enjoys смаків
list of likes.
47. mad about/ on/ over, adj feeling or showing strong liking той, що божеволіє від
He has never been mad about or enthusiasm чогось; той, що
sports, has he? обожнює щось
48. superb, adj /sʊ'pɜːb/ admirably fine, surpassingly чудовий, відмінний,
Gliding is a superb leisure good, excellent грандіозний,
activity. бездоганний
49. terrific, adj extremely good, wonderful надзвичайний,
They have had a terrific time приголомшливий
windsurfing in Phuket.


51. awful, adj /'ɔːf(ə)l/ exceptionally bad or displeasing жахливий, страшний,
Hiking turned out to be an огидний
awful pastime for him.
52. can’t stand, v = can’t bear, to thoroughly dislike, to be не виносити, не терпіти
v unable to tolerate something or
She can’t stand sewing. someone
53. detest, v to dislike intensely, to loathe ненавидіти, відчувати
He detests metalworking. огиду
54. dreadful, adj extremely unpleasant, distasteful страшний, жахливий,
Jumbo jumping was a dreadful or shocking неприємний
experience for her.
55. hate, v to feel dislike or distaste for ненавидіти
Does her sister hate beadwork
so much?
56. irritate, v /'ɪrɪteɪt/ to annoy or anger someone дратувати, сердити
Fishing constantly irritates his
57. loathe, v /ləʊð/ to dislike someone or something відчувати відразу; не
I loathe having to get out of very much любити: ненавидіти, не
bed so early on a Saturday. терпіти
58. pet hate, n phr (BrE) = pet something that is disliked те, що більше всього не
peeve, n phr (AE) intensely and is a constant or подобається
Oliver’s pet hates are singing repeated annoyance
and dancing, he absolutely
loathes them.
59. time-consuming, adj taking up or involving a great що забирає час; що
/'taɪmkənˌsjuːmɪŋ/ deal of time потребує багато часу
Painting is a time-consuming
60. waste of time, n phr the devotion of time to useless марна трата часу
It’s a waste of time trying to activity
get her to change her mind as
she is very stubborn.

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