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Se KEY CONCEPT In this chapter we are going to discu: detail the nature of path in which on planets move around the sun. They follow on elliptical path with the sun at one of its foci. Let us look at the definition of ellipse in Definition : It is a locus of a point which moves in such a way that the ratio of its distance from a fixed point and a fixed line (not passes through fixed point and all points and line lies in same plane) is constant (¢) which is less than one. The fixed point is called - focus The fixed line is called - directrix The constant ratio is called - eccentricity, it is denoted by ‘e'. In other word, an ellipse is the locus of a point which moves in a plane so that the sum of it distances from two fixed points is constant. 2.1 General equation of the ellipse ‘The general equation of an ellipse whose focus is S(h, k) and the directrix is the line ax + by + c = 0 and the eccentricity will bee. Then let P(x, y:) be any point on the ellipse which moves such that SP=ePM e(ax, +by, +0)" t+ i WP Hence the locus of (x1, 1) will be given by (+ be ((e— Hye + —W) =e2 (ax + by +0 which is the equation of second di from which we can gay that any equation ion. of of second degree represent eque an ellipse. Note : Condition for second degre¢ in X & ¥ to represent an ellipse is that if h* ~ ab <0 & A=abe +2 fgh — af *—bg?—ch® +0 2.2 Standard Form of the equation of ellipse Let the distance between two fixed points S and §' be 2ae and let C be the mid point of SS’. Taking CS as x-axis, C as origin, let P(h, #) be the moving point. Let SP +SP=2a (fixed distance) then SP + SP = (a0)? +) + (hae)? +k?) = 20 h2 (1 —e2) +k? = a? (1-2) Hence Locus of P (A, h) is given by x (1-e) +y2#= a? (10) 2 2 Let us assume that a? (1 2) = b ‘The standard equation will be given Various parameter related with standard ellipse: e Let the equation of the ellipse is => + a ro a>b (a) Vertices of an ellipse : The point of which ellipse cut the x-axis at (a, 0) & (a, 0) and y-axis at (0, b) & (0, 6) is called the vertices of an ellipse. (b) Major & Minor axis : The straight line ‘AA’ is called major axis and BB’ is called minor axis. Length of major axis > 2a Length of minor axis > 2b (©) Centre : The point which bisect each chord passing through it of an ellipse is called centre (0, 0) denoted by ' (d) Directrix : ZM and ZM' are two directrix and their equation are x = 5 e andx=-% e (e) Focus : S (ae, 0) and S' (-ae, 0) are two foci of an ellipse. (® Double Ordinat to axis of ellipse. (g) Latus Rectum : Such chord which passes through either focus and perpendicular to the major axis is called its latus rectum. Length of Latus Rectum : If L is (ae, #) then 2¢is the length of Latus Rectum, = chord perpendicular Length of Latus rectum is given by 24° a (h) Relation between constant a, b and-e () Focal distance : Distance of any pein, on the ellipse from focus SiP = a ~ ex, ¢ SiP=at ex Note: @ Centre C is the point of intersection of the axes of an ellipse, Also C ig thy mid point of AA’ and BB’. (ii) Another form of standard equation op os x Z: ellipse ~> ellipse 7 fz = Lwhena e my and y=——. (ii) Focal distances : The focal distance of the point (x, y) on the ellipse 2 Sao hare b+ eyand bey ( = 1 and nothing is a6 mentioned then the rule is to assume that a>. (v) If b > a is given, then the y-axis will become major axis and x-axis become the minor axis and all other points and lines will change accordi a?=bX1—e2),ae Vertices (0, + b); LR. y =+ be 2 x , Centre : (0, 0) 2.3 Parametric form of the ellipse: Let the equation of ellipse in standard eos form will be given by ~ + 2 =1 for ae ‘Then the equation of ellipse in the ie form will be given by x = a cos 6, y=b sin 4 where 6 is the eccentric angle whose value vary from 0 < 6 < Qn. Therefore coordinate of any point P on the ellipse will be given by (a cos 4, b sin 4). EWE cconic anne Acircle described on major axis of ellipse as diameter is called the auxiliary circle. Let Qbe a point on the auxiliary circle x? + 9 = a? such that line through Q perpendicular to the xaxis on the way intersects the ellipse at P, then P & Q are called as the Corresponding points on the ellipse & the auxiliary circle respectively. '@' is called the Eccentric ‘Angle of the point P on the ellipse — <@ <7). Q=(acos 6, a sin 6) P= (acos @, b sin @) Note that : 4@N) _b «QN) a semi minor axis semi major axis Note : If from each point of a circle perpendiculars are drawn upon a fixed diameter then the locus of the points dividing these perpendicular in a given ratio is an ellipse of which the given circle is the auxiliary circle & 5 4, Parametric Representation ‘The equations x = a cos @ & y = b sin @ 2 2 together represent the ellipse => + a = @ where 6 is a parameter. Note that if P(@) = (a cos0, b sin®) is on the ellipse then; = (a cos®, a sind) is on the auxiliary The equation to the chord of the ellipse joining two points with eccentric angles a & B is given by Let P (x, 93) be any point and let = @ is the equation of an ellipse. ‘The point lies outside, on or inside the ellipse 2 Let the ellipse be = + a Sle line be y = mx +e. Solving the line and ellipse we get xP (mx+ 2} a oF jue. (atm? + 62) x2 +2 mea? x + a? (0? — b) = 0 above equation being a quadratic in x. «. discriminant = 4m? cat — 4a® (a?m? + 6%) (c2— b?) =? fc? — (am? + b9} = b? {(a?m? + 62) — C3} Hence the line intersects the ellipse in 2 distinct points if a?m? + 6? > c2, in one point if 2 = am? + bt and does not intersect if am? + be< ct, y= mx + ¥a?m? +b? touches the ellipse and Condition for tangency c? = a?m? + 6? Point of contact: Here y= mx+ Va*m? +6? touches the ellipse 2 2 re a? Va?m? +b? yam? +b? Note: @ xcosat+ysina=pisa tangent if p? =a? cos? a + b? sin? a. (ii) tx + my +n =Ois a tangent if n?= a?f?+ b?m?, (a) The equation of the tangent at any point 2 2 (a, 9) on the ellipse +2 = 1 ig oneabe aie Se aha, (b) The equation of tangent at any point ' is Foe fees @ There are two tangents to the op, having the same slope m, ic. there parallel to any gjy direction. These tangents touch is ° ellipse at extremities of a diameter two tangents (i) Point of intersection of the tangen at the point a & B is, . a+B (ii) The eccentric angles of the points contact of two parallel tangents differ by x. [&) Equation of the Normal (a) The equation of the normal at any point ae (x1, yx) on the ellipse =>+ 2 =1is a a aya CeO 5p: % n (b) The equation of the normal at any point ‘gis ax sec § — by cosec = a?— b%. (©) Four normals can be drawn to an ellips® from a point in its plane. (@) In general, there are four points A, B,© and D on the ellipse the normals at which will pass through a given point. Thes? four points A, B, C, D are called the normal points, za MPARRamaais Let P (x, 91) be any point lies outside H x? 2 ~€ ellipse Gt toe = 1 and let 8 pe tangents PA,PB can be drawn to it from P: pow B then the equation of pair of tangents of PA & 2 V2 Locus of the point of intersection of the tangents which meet at right angles is called the Director Circle. The equation to this locus is x? + y? = a? + b? ie. a circle whose centre is the centre of the ellipse & whose radius is the length of the line joining the ends of the major & minor axes. If PA and PB be the tangents through point a a Plus, y:) to the ellipse = + = 1then the a equation of the chord of contact AB is Sth <1 orT=0 eB 1 Pox yy 4 x B 1 x Eavation of the chord of the ellipse joining points whose eccentric angles are @ & $i -2an(?3tome (2 +12, Equation of chord with mid point (1,9) ‘he equation of the chord of the ellipse a® * pF = 1+ whose mid point be (x, 91) is 13. Pole and polar Let P (xi, y:) be any point inside, on or outside the ellipse. Let chords AB and A’B’ passing through P. If tangents to the ellipse at, Q(h, #), then locus of Q igfcalled polar of P with respect to ellipse and? is called the pole and if tangents to the qflipse at A’ and B’ megt at Q’, then the strafpht line QQ’ is polar equation of polar of 2 2 ip 7+ and B meet at the directrix, passes (ii) If the pole of a line ax+ by + c= 0 lies on the another line aux + bry + 1 = 0 then the pole of second line will lie on the first and such lines are said to be conjugate lines.

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