Gestión Riesgos Subestaciones - CIGRE

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WG B3.

technical brochure 734
Management of risk in substations
G. BUCHS, Convenor (CH), G. TREMOUILLE, Secretary (FR), D.T. ANGEL (US),
Corresponding Members

Introduction Scope
Working Group (B3.38) was established to investigate
the risk management approach and the experiences of The scope of work for WG B3.38 was defined as “Management
utilities associated with management of risk in substations. of Risk in Substations” which includes investigation of the
The Working Group reviewed the feedback and experience experiences of utilities in managing risks in existing AIS, MTS
from utilities in terms of Operation, Maintenance and and GIS substations and how substation engineering and
Dismantling with a focus on extension and modification of processes can be improved to address issues which may impact
existing substations. operational, environmental, safety and other risks.
 Risks during Operation;
These documents define what is commonly referred to as  Risks during Maintenance;
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) as a tool for businesses  Risks during Construction Project. This includes asset
of all types to manage the risks of impacts associated with replacement, bay work, upgrading and extensions;
their business activities.  Risks during Dismantling.

CIGRE and other organisations have devoted considerable This Brochure documents how utilities are managing risks
attention to the various aspects of risk management as in substations from conception through all stages including
applied in electric utility operations and management. demolition at end-of-life. The brochure includes the results
of a questionnaire which collated responses from 23 different
countries describing current utility practices. The brochure
also contains several case studies illustrating how utilities are
managing risk in more detail.

Following this feedback, the Working Group then considered
how to improve substation engineering processes at each stage
of the substation life cycle.

The risk management process, as illustrated in Figure 1 - Risk

management process is applied to each stage of the substation
lifecycle and is used to assess safety, business, reliability and
environmental risks specific to that stage in the cycle.

Risk is defined as the product of probability of an event, times

the consequences of the event. In monetised risk-based business
Figure 1 - Risk management process
case analysis, the consequences of an event are quantified in
monetary terms, e.g. Euros, Dollars, etc. and with the units of
risk being therefore in monetary terms. •••

No. 299 - August 2018 ELECTRA 105

WG B3.38
technical brochure 734
However, undertaking mitigating actions involves a cost and cannot be switched off or isolated and cabinets and cubicles
and the business decision is to decide the level that is a fair or cannot be opened for fear of operating the equipment then it is
reasonable expenditure in order to achieve a reasonable risk essential that the data and documentation is correct and reflects
level. Sometimes this is defined in terms of a cost benefit, in the current status of the equipment. For the risks associated
others it relies upon case law. with testing and commissioning work, these are discussed in
the other chapters of this Technical Brochure.
While the qualitative methods are useful for ranking decisions
related to immediate or very-near-term investments, regulatory There is an increasing number of substations which need
and system planning requirements typically require analysis replacement. In most of cases a new substation will replace
for tactical decisions over a five, ten or fifteen year planning an old one which should be dismantled after the successful
period, In a technical sense, treatment of risk fundamentally commissioning of the new plant. These works are in general
involves taking steps to reduce the probability of failure or the subject to a paragraph in construction permit of the new
consequences of failure or both. Companies may also decide substation and minimal further administrative works are
to transfer risk to other companies through investment in undertaken. Recognizing the risks about dismantling and
insurance. understand what are the dangerous points in the process of
dismantling the equipment are important. This process is
Several chapters describe in much more detail the differing discussed in detail in the Technical Brochure and provides
aspect of operational risk: reliability, business, safety and guidance to the reader on how to mitigate this risks which may
environmental. be present at this stage of the asset life.

The major safety risks to both the public and utility personnel Risk management starts and ends with the company executive
from electricity are well known, such as electrical shock, and links through the company to ensure that business values
explosion, smoke and arc burns. are protected by all activities. This represents a major cultural
change. Once these goals are set a tactical asset plan to achieve
Utilities have to establish safety rules for substation operation, them is required. It is this plan that will drive future expenditure
particularly for minimum approach distances (MAD). Safety for asset investment. Risks cannot be completely eliminated but
rules can include a permit system which will counter-check risk impact can be mitigated by measures which at the end shall
device status at local and remote-end substations. The staff must make sure that no fatal incident occurs. It is important to bear in
be competent personnel trained for normal and emergency mind that small things can have a big impact. Many risks cannot
situations to operate safely maintain the company’s electric be completely eliminated but risk impact can be mitigated by
system. This topic is currently being explored in detail by CIGRE various measures.
Working Group B3.46 who will publish their findings in 2019.
In the Technical Brochure each chapter contains synthesis
Controlling hazards can be accomplished via the methods tables which summarize the risks related to the activities from
explained in the Technical Brochure like: administrative, the conception of a new substation up to his final dismantling.
detective or preventive, which may involve equipment or facility Table 1 is an example of one such table.
design. A preventive control is the best way to control hazards
from occurring. One theory on safety events makes the case that These synthesis tables are practical tools to be used on daily
prior to a serious event occurring, there are many similar events basis for young and experienced engineers active in this field
that almost happen. and provide comprehensive references to the detail contained
in each chapter of the brochure covering the lifecycle of a
Reliability risk can be impacted in a number of areas and substation.
it is important to identify which risks are pertinent at which
facilities. Large potential impacts on reliability can result from Chapter 8 of the Technical Brochure provides detailed view
extreme natural events, several venue will be investigated in the of the responses received to the questionnaire issued by the WG.
brochure with practical examples. Responses were received from 23 different countries which will
give the reader a fair view of the level of awareness those topics
While formalised approaches to assessing risk has been around the world. Figure 2 illustrates the response to one of the
introduced in the Technical Brochure, in general it involves questions asked on the availability of procedures to manage
identifying the risk, determining what may be adversely various materials during various stages of the lifecycle. The
affected and how, and then an evaluation on the likelihood and spider diagram shows the % positive answers for each.
consequence severity of the event, while also listing the resulting
hazard(s). Risk assessment typically results in an assignment of Conclusion
high, medium or low risk to specific tasks, installation, works
process etc... The Working Group was established to investigate the
experiences of utilities associated with works at existing
Carrying out surveys of the site and the equipment can substations. The Working Group reviewed the feedback and
obviously eliminate risks. However, when substations are live experience from utilities in terms of Operation, Maintenance •••

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WG B3.38
technical brochure 734

Table 1 - Synthesis table of risk management in substation illustrating some environmental risks during maintenance

and Dismantling with a focus on extension and modification This brochure not only introduces risk management
of existing substations. Following this feedback the Working techniques but also enables the reader to consider practical
Group then considered how to improve substation engineering examples of how to control and mitigate risks successfully
processes at each stage from equipment specifications, project employed by other utilities around the world.
management, substation design, manufacturing, transportation,
construction, erection and testing & commissioning. Many risks The result of the findings of this work has driven the creation
can be reduced, or preferably eliminated, at the design stage of new Working Group (B3.46) to look specifically at Safety
and, therefore, feedback from all stage s and all stakeholders into in substations and measures required to ensure the safety of
the substation design are critical to improve the management of people who may come in to proximity of the installations. 
future risks.

Figure 2 - Sensitive material management in substations

No. 299 - August 2018 ELECTRA 109

734 GT B3.38
brochure thématique

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110 No. 299 - August 2018 ELECTRA

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