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Mark Joseph P.

Pijo AI21

What do you need?

In this activity you will need at least one (1) interpreter and one (1)
installed in your computer. For example, eclipse is installed used to
compile java
program and a php interpreter to execute php script.

What do you need?

In this activity you will need at least one (1) interpreter and one (1)
installed in your computer. For example, eclipse is installed used to
compile java
program and a php interpreter to execute php script.
What to do?
1. Create a program that will accept a number n. Display whether the
number is
positive or negative.
2. Execute the program using the compiler.
a. Save, compile and run the program.
b. Screenshot the output and paste in a word document. Label with
Note when you screenshot, paste the entire image of the screen.
c. Edit the source code and save.
d. Run the program again without compiling.
e. Screenshot the output and paste in a word document. Label with
f. Compile the program again and run.
g. Screenshot the output and paste in a word document. Label with
3. Create the same program using an different language that will run
in an
a. Save and run the program.
b. Screenshot the output and paste in a word document. Label with
c. Edit the program.



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