Touchstone 2 - Workbook

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What is it?

Vocabulary [ A Write the words under the pictures.

1. a tent 2. a flashlight 3. a toothbrush

4. a hair dryer 5. a pair of scissors 6. A razor

B Circle the correct words and complete the sentences.

1. When you go on a trip, you need to take a toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your
a. soap b. a tent © toothpaste

2. Use sunscreen at the beach to protect your skin.

a. makeup b. sunscreen C. a pair of scissors

3. Don't forget to take pajamas to wear in bed.

a. pajamas b. a bathing suit C. sandals

4. Most hotels have shampoo if you need to wash your hair.

a. soap b. a brush c. shampoo

5. When you go camping, you need a sleeping bag so you can keep warm at night.
a. insect repellent b. a flashlight c. a steeping bag

6. Many hotels don't have a razor inthbathroom, so if you want to shave, you
need to take one with you.
a. a brush b. a razor c. a towel

7. Always take a first-aid kit____on trips because you can get hurt or get sick.
a. batteries b. a towel c. a fi rst-aid kit

8. It's important to take a batteries foyour flashlight and your camera.

a. batteries b. pajamas c. makeup
9. Wear sandals to keep your feet coot when it's hot.
a. sunglasses b. sandals c. a hat

10. Always wear insect repellent_ifthere are in sects and mosquitoes.

a. sunscreen 1
b. makeup c. insect repell ent

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