Tuition Fee List 2021

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Tuition Fee 202L

University Name App Fee Duration Tuition/yr Living Other Total Remarks
1, Adelphi Universiry NY {Web) Free 41,480 20,830 1,020 63,330
2. American University, WA (Web) Free 26,0!8 9,502 637 36,157
3. Arizona State University, AZ (AFW) S11s 36 26,288 20,916 2,591 49,801 IT, CS, CE, EE
4, Arkansas State University, AR (Web) S4o 13,000 10,000 23,000
Arkansas Tech university, AR se0 28 72,074 8,874 t,213 22,L61 IT
6. Auburn University, At {Web) s70 32,220 10,200 2,028 44,444
7. Austin Peay State Universitv, TN {Web) ss5 14s11 9,009 3,692 27,212
8. Ball State Universitv, lN (Web) s60 20,898 10,616 2,126 33,700
9. BayAtlantic Universitv, WA (Web) (AFW) 54s 18,000 18,000 36,000
10. Baylor University, TX (Web)(AFW) ss0 40,832 16,996 4,532 63,t12
11. Boise State University,lD (Web) ses 26,558 14,605 2,932 44,09s
72. Boston University, MA (Web) s8s 56,854 14,590 6,806 78,250
Bowling Green State University, OH (Web) s7s 14,960 12,540 27,500
Bowling Green State University, OH (Web) S7s 41,000 Analytics
14. Bradley University, IL, Sso 21 16,67O 10,940 3,440 31,050 cs
California Lutheran University, CA {Web) S2s 30,780 IT
California Lutheran University, CA {Web) S2s 38,475 IVIBA
16. California Polytechnic State llniversity, CA (Web) S7o 17,841 15,705 3,1S0 35,695
17. California State lJniversity Bakersfield, CA (Web) S7o 15,610 7,872 5,518 29,000
California St University Channellslands, CA (Web) S70 8,400 18,000 26,400 CS
California St University Channellslands, CA (Web) S70 9,600 18,000 27,600
19. California State University Chico, CA (web) S70 76,316 75,674 1,148 33,198
20. California State University Eastbay, CA 570 36 20,411 18,000 1,410 39,827
27. California State University tresno, CA S70 24 15,147 10,000 2,495 27,642 CE

California State University Fullerton, CA (Web) s70 15,457 24,167 39,624

California State University Fullenon, CA {Web} s70 Entire 24,460 20,063 44,523 AI\4SE
23. California State University Long Beach, CA (Web) S70 14,568 13,485 4,558 32,622
24. California State University Los Angeles, CA (Web) S70 15,305 20,180 1,500 36,985
25. California State University Northrldge, CA (Web) S7o 16374 14,502 35,870
26. California State University Sacramento, CA {Web) 570 16,000 29,300
27. California St University San Bernardino, CA (Web) S7o 13,169 L7,468 3s,389
28. California State University san Marcos, CA {Web) S7o 76,264 13,780 6,485 36.s29
29. Carnegie Mellon lJniversity, PA (Web) S7s 54,472
30. Case Western Resetue University, OH {Web) Sso 47,920
31. Central Michigan lJniversity, Ml {Web) Sso 15,300 12,950 450 28,70O
Central Washington UniversiW,WA (Web) S7s 30,158
33. Chica8o State University, lL 530 24 73,862 6,400 2,300 22,s62 CS

34. City College of New Yorlc NY (Web) S7s 76,1t6 28,906 45,622
35. City University of Seattle (Web) Sso 25,27s 19,160 4443s
36. Clarkson University NY (Web){AFW) Sso 24,944 920
37. Clemson University, SC (Web) Seo 29,272 12,250 1,100 42,622
38. Cleveland State University, OH S4o 24 19,772 12,610 6,200 3a,642 c5
39. College ofSaint Rose, NY S40 15,689 6,000 25,086
40. Colorado schoolof N.4ines, CO (Web) S80 37,350 16,700 7,0s0 61,100
47. Colorado State University, CO (Web) S7o 28,305 13,266 4,079 45,650
Columbia University, NY (Web) S8s 63,630 25,200 88,830
43. Columbus State University, GA ss0 28 19,000 10,400 3,300 32,700 CS

Concordia lJniversity, Wl (Web) (AFWi Free 13,580

44. Concordia University, Ann Arbor, Ml (Web) Free 13,580
Concordia LJniversity, Chicago, lL (Web) Free 12,780 16,712 28,892
45. Cornell University, NY (Web) Slos 58,s86 15,346 4,020 77,952
Dakota State University, S0 53s 11,800 5,800 s,400 23000 cs
47. OePaul University, lL (AFW) S2s 36 34,560 18,500 53,060
48. Drexel university, PA {Web) S7s 37,rr0 t3,767 8,963 59,840
49. Duke University, NC (Web) 60,462 19,368 79,830
50. Duquesne Universitv, PA (Web) (AtW) 5so 30,510 15,811 46,321
51. East Carolina University, NC (Web) s7s 20,685 L2,674 1,191 34ss0
s2. Eastern lllinois LJ niversity, lt s30 2r 16,150 10,430 26,590 Technology
53. Eastern Kentucky University, KY (Web) S4o 13,950 15,609 29,559
Tuition Fee 2021 i?Sfevetr
Sno Universitv Name App Fee Duration Tuition/yr Livinq' Other Total Reniarks
54. Eastern I!4ichigan University, Ml (Web) s4s 25,200 70,562 2,089 37,457
55. Fairfield Universitv, CT (Web) (AFW) S6s L6,200
56. Farleigh Dickinson University, NJ (Web) Free 26,709 73,824 40,533
57. Ferris State University, Ml (Web) S3o 17,964 10,043 3,500 31,507
58. Fitchburg State Universitv, MA (web) Sso 8,017 8,649 2,155 19,421
59. Florida Gulf Coast University MBA, Ft (Web) S3o 23,592 13,072 3,858 40,522
50. Florida lnstitute ofTechnolocy, FL (Web) (AFW) ss0 22,814 13,180 4,800 40,818
51. F orida lnternational Universitv (Web) (CoB AFW) S3o 34,241 15,366 3.993 53,600
52. Florida State University, FL s3-t.7s 22,270 D,454 8,436 43,L64
63. fontbonne Universitv, MO (Web) S7s 14,800 12,000 1,600 t8,400
64. Gannon University, PA (AFW) s100 19,950 6,000 2,342 28,292
65. George Mason University, VA S7s 28 29,166 21,648 3,000 s3,874
65. Georse Washington Universitv, WA (web) S80 32,904 20,850 2,694 56,944
67. Georgia lnstitute of Technology, GA S8s 45,540 1-1,172 4,717 66,753
68. Georgia State lJniversity, GA Sso 28 33,190 15,916 2,274 51,380 cs
69. Golden Gate University, cA (Web) 56s 39,240 20,000 59,244
10. Governor State University, lL (AFW) 5so 77,334 6,300 4,082 27,716
77. Grand valley State University, Ml (AFW) S30 36 13,500 9,500 23,000 cts
72. huh lnternar;onal Business Scnool, MA (Web) Slso 48,000 30,000 3,000 82,000
73. ldaho State University, lD (Web) SGs 26,548 1,510 34,058
74. Illinois Institute of Technology, 1L s100 28 33,689 15,328 49,011 cs
75. lllinois State University, lL (Web) Sso 17,592 27,583 33,864
76. lndiana State University, lN {Web) s5s '15,296 11,600 1,600 24,496
77. lndiana Tech University, IN (AFW) 5s0 11,446 10,000 21,446
lndiana Universitv Bloomington, lN (Web) S7o 30,298 11,263 3,831 45,392 cs, D5

lndiana University Purdue Univ. lndianapolis (Web) s70 24,445 2,4s4 43,728 Engg
lndiana University purdue Univ. lndianapolis (Web) S7o 21,155 12,592 2,454 40,398 Business
80. lowa State University, lA s100 24 31,018 17,181 48,205 EE

81. Jacksonville State University, AL (web) s3s 16,800 8,210 3,200 2"1,21.0

42. lohns Hopkins lJniversity, MD {Web) S7s 57,010

83. Kansas State lJniversity, KS S7s 30 24,716 12,200 800 37,175 cs
84. Kent State University, 0H s70 18,957 13,064 5,238 37,259 CS, Mgmt Sci
85. Kennesaw State Universitv, GA (AFW) s60 24 20,816 14,347 11,857 47,O20 cs, iT
86. Ketterinq Universitv, Ml (Web) Free 30,080 13,000 6,000 49,080
87. Lamar University, TX (Web) 5'1s 15,698 9,980 2,096 27,174
88. LawrenceTechnological University, lvll (Web) Sso 22,500 17,500 40,000
89. Lehish Universitv, PA {Web) s7s 27,OO0

90. Long lsland University-Brooklyn, NY (Web) (AFW) 540 26,046 16,000 3,500 45,546
91. Louisiana State University, LA (Web) 570 29,456 14,400 3,600 47,456
92. Louisiana Tech University, LA (Web) 540.80 13,230 6,795 1,899 2L,924
93. Manhattan Collese, NY (Web){AFW) 57s 25,620 17,380 43,000
94. Marist Collese, NY {AFW) 524 27,250 8,220 5,815 37,729
95. Marymount University, VA 540 35 20,620 16,585 5,000 42,305 ts

95. Massachusetts college of Pharmacy, MA {Web) S7o 22,230

97. Massachusetts lnstitute of Technology, MA (Web) 57s 53,790 27,364 15,436 96,590
98. Mc Neese State University, LA {Web) 530 20,000 70,220 1,800 32,024
99. Mercer University, GA (Web) S7s 16,884
100. Michigan State University, Ml (Web) s7s 27,986 11,508 7,107 46,601
101. Michigan Technological University, Ml Fi'ee 28 25,018 9,511 500 35,195 DS

102. Middle Tennessee State University, TN 53s 26,172 77,210 1,297 44,679
103. Midwestern State Universitv, TX (Web) Sso 8,861 9,504 4,104 23,069
104. Minnesota State University, MN (Web) S4o 8,788 11,536 20,324
105. Mississippi Collese, MS (Web) ss0 11,510
106. Mississippi State University, Ms (Web) S8o 23,9s0 76,994 2,446 43.390
107. Missouri State University, Mo (Web) ss0 !2,332 9,676 5,922 27,930
108. Missouri University of sci& Tech Rolla, NIO (AFW) S7s 28,882 7,416 8,307 44,605
109. I\/rssoufi Western State Universitv, MO lWeb) 5s0 13,700 73,200 1,280 28,180
110. N4onmouth University, Nl (Web) Sso 23,932 20,016 44,008
111. N4ontana State university, MT (Web) s60 16,634 10,100 7,860 36.850
112. N4urray State University, KY (Web) 9s0 L4,400 7,680 1,432 23,512
Tuition Fee 2021 l?=3feveY
Sno University Name App Fee Duration Tuition/vr Livins Other Total Remarks
113. National University, San Oiego, CA (Web) (AFW) Free I

774. New England lnstitute ofTechnology, Rl (Web) Sso 32,86 19,s70 51,706
115. NewJersey lnstitute of Technology; Nl {Web) (AFW) S7s 33,744 12,400 9,110 55,254
116. New Mexico Highlands University, NM {Web) S2s 8,118 10,120 1,350 19,588
117. New lMexico State lJniversity, NM 5so 24 18,300 9,2s0 3,000 30,550 EE

118. New Mexico Tech University, NN4 (Web) ss0 24,916 8,624 5,s32 39,125
119. NewYork lnstitute ofTechnologv, NY (Web) Sso 25,7O0 19,658 45,358
120. North American Universitv, TX (Web) Sso 19,900 33,000
r21. North carolina A & Tstate tlniv, Nc (web) SGo 21,100 9,000 30,100
122. North Carolina State Universitv, NC (Web) Sas 36,071 15,393 2,847 54,317
723. North Dakota State University, ND (Web) S3s 14,947 10,100 1,978 27,025
124. Northeastern University, MA 24 27,266 18,295 45,561
725. Northeastern lllinois University, lL (Web) (AFW) 530 17,033 71,821 2635 31,489
726. Northern Arizona Universitv, AZ (Web) (AFW) 55s 26,954 16,366 43,320
Northern lllinois University, lL 560 24 27,31.4 11,500 32,8L4 IT
Northern lllinois University, lL S60 24 18,394 11,500 ,30,294 cs
128. Northern Kentucky University, KY lweb) 540 17,358 10,315 2,270 30,003
Northwest Missouri State University, MO 57s 24 8,922 5,400 1,325 15,647 cs
Northwest Missouri State University, MO S7s 24 9,012 5,400 1,32s 15,137 MBA
130. Northwestern university, lt {Web) ses 31,378
131. Nova Southeastern University, FL (Web) ss0 35,624
132. NYU Tandon School of Engineering, NY (web) S9o 35,370 18,684 6527 60,575
133. Oakland University, Ml (Web) S4s 21,258 11,022 3,896 36,176
134. Ohio State University Columbus, OH S7o 41,017 16,211 57,234 Engineering
135. Ohio UniversitvAthens, OH (Webi S5s 17,416 9,830 3850 31,116
136. Oklahoma City University, OK S6o 13,920 10,955 3,189 28,065 cs
137. 0klahoma State Uniiersity, oK (Web) 57s 21,372 L6,820 1373 39,859
138. Old Dominion Llniversity, VA (Web) ss0 25,600 6,500 6900 39,000
139. Oregon State University, OR S8s 36 3L,120 13,230 6,870 51,820 cs
Pace University, NY (Web) S7o 23,490 21,OO0 5360 49,850 cs, ts
Pace University, NY (Web) 570 24,192 21,000 5360 50,552 Business
141. Parl University, M0 (AFW) 57s 33 7,380 10,000 2,634 20,014 IT
142. Pennsylvania State Universitv, PA (Web) 56s 39,720 23,300 3,500 66,520
143. Pittsburg State University, K5 s60 19,320 8,196 3,340 30,856
144. Portland State University, OR (Web) S67 24,442 17,238 41,280 Engg, CS
145. Purdue University Northwest, lN s7s 24 12,771 11,000 5,500 29,21L cs
146. Purdue University West Lafayette,lN {Webl S7s 30,964 13,000 1,210 45,174
147. Rensselaer Polytechnic lnstitute, NY (Web) S7s 58,290 M,8A2 5,719 78,884
148. Rice University, TX (Web) s85 50,941 29,631 4o,512
r49. Rivier University, NH (AFW) S2s 24 16,74A 14,400 4,350 35,490 cs
150. Robert Morris University, PA (Web) Free 37,000
151. Rochester lnstitute ofTechnolog, NY (Web) s6s 50,136 73,976 2,764 66,876
752. Rowan University, NJ Free 24 15,400 13,500 5,000 34;900 ME
153. Rutgers State University of NewJersey, NJ (Web) S7o 40,000 28,540 68,540
154. Sacred Heart University, CI (AFW) S7s 25,515 12,0O0 42,215 c5
155. Saint loseph's University, PA (Web) S3s 17,334 16,187 893 34,474
156. Saint Peters University, Nl (Web) Free 21.,966 16,428 2800 47,494
15'1. Sam Houston state Unjversity, TX (Web) s90 17,388 9,670 4,835 31,894
San Diego State University, CA (Web) S7o 16,482 19,310 1,281 37,073
San Diego State lJniversity, CA (Web) s70 21,342 16,009 7,454 38,80s Business
159. San Francisco State University, CA (Webi S7o 15,210 17,922 7,170 40,242
160. San Jose State University, CA (web) s70 16,906 22,879 2,180 41,965
761. Santa Clara University, cA (Web) Seo 25,992 22,302 3,000 51,959
162. Seattle Pacific Universitv, WA (Web) Sso 27,480 12,687 6,016 40,243 IS, DA

163. South Dakota Schoolof Mines & Iechnology (Web) S3s 14,830 9,620 1,200 25,650
\64. South Dakota State University, SD {Web) S3s 12,858 9,604 2,470 24,932
165. Southeast Missouri State lJniversity, MO 540 24 10,797 9,154 20,549 cs
166. Southern lllinois University Carbondale, lL (Web) 5Gs 29,200 13,300 42,
167. Southern lllinois University Edwardsville, lL (AFW) s41.10 28 17,149 14,898 32,047 ME, CS, EE

168. Southern Arkansas University, AR (Web) se0 5,400 6,418 1,920 14,738
Tuition Fee202t
University Name App Fee Duration Tuition/yr Living Other Total Remarks
169. Southern Methodist universitv, TX (Web) 57s 21,600 15,900 37,500
170. Southern New Hampshire University, NH (Web) S40 13,160 14,0s0 1,368 28,578
171. Stanford University, CA S12s 21 36,330 36,069 s00 12,499 EE

172. Stratford University, VA (Web) Sso 12,015 7,000 19,015

173. St Cloud State unjversity, MN (Web) S4o 9,17O 9,728 4,952
77 4. StJohn's University, NY (Web) S7o 26,690 20,235 46,925
775. 5t Martin's University, WA (Web) 5s0 16,800 12,510 3,758 32,968 Eng, Cs
5t Mary's University San Antonio, TX Free 24 26,882 10,500 5,963 43,345 CE

177. 5t Thomas University, Ft (Web) S40 15,000 9,000 24,OO0 Cybe. Sec.
178. Stevens lnstitute ofTechnology, NJ (Web) (AFW) s50 38,876 D,4AO 3,200 59,556
179, SUNY Albany, NY S7s 28 20,449 8,450
180. SUNY Binghamton, NY s7s 2L 21,34O 15,800 43,100 CS

181. SUNY Buffalo, NY S8s 22 27,962 15,363 43,325 cs

182. SUNY New Pa|tz, NY S6o 24 20,894 19,374 44,268 cs
183. SUNY Poly Utica, NY S60 35 18,425 6,300 27,714 cts
184. SUNY Stony Brook, NY ' Sloo 24 25,637 15,830 1,640 44,107 cs
185. Syracuse Universit, NY (Web) 58s 37,471 20,567 52,044 CE

TAN4U College Station, TX (Web) Sso 27,996 18,200 40,196 Engineering

TAMU College Station, TX (Web) 5e0 24,444 18,200 42,644 MIS
787. TAMU Commerce, TX S7s 24 14,000 12,000 26,OO0 C5
188. TAMU Corpus Christi, TX s70 28 18,806 14,252 33,058 cs
189. TAMU lnternational, TX (Web) Sso
190. TAMU Kingsville, TX Sso 24 14,066 13,489 3,994 21,549 CS, Civil

191. Temple tJniversiw, PA (Web) S6o 27,265 24,825 48,090

192. Tennessee State lJniversity, TN (Web) 19,890
193. Te n nessee Tech no logica I University, TN (Web) 540 23,81.4
194. Texas State University San Marcos, TX (web) Seo 15,400 2L,700 37,100
Texas Tech University, TX (Web) s7s L6,202 11,549 2,698 30,449 Engineering
Texas Tech University, TX (Web) S7s 18,413 71,549 2,698 32,660 Eirsiness
196. Texas Women's Universitv, TX (Web) s7s 16,590 fi,741 5,425 32,117
197. Towson University, N4D lWeb) S4s 14,912 14.0s2 5050 38,O74
198. Trine University, lN (WEB) FREE 11,720
199. Troy University, AL (Web) ss0 18,500 10,500 29,0OO CS

200. University of Akron, OH (Web) s70 15,014 9368 2,157 26,533

20L. University of Alabama Birmineham, AL (Web) 560 20,538 17,862 1,2O0 39,600
202. University of Alabama Huntsville, At lWeb) 560 24,430 74,449 3,949 42,828
203. University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL (Web) S80 30,250 13,950 4326 48,526
204. Un;versitv ofArizona Tucson, AZ (Web) Ses 33,794 72,700 9300 55,794
205. University ofArkansas Fayetteville, AR (Web) S60 29,494 11,330 6,194 47,018
206. University ofArkansas Little Rock, AR S4o 24 14,000 9,000 4,000 27,000 CS

207. University of B.idgeport, CT (AFW) Sso 24 21,815 15,950 L,770 39,475 CS

208. University of California Berkeley, CA (Web) S140 30,384
209. LJniversity ofCalifornia lrvine, CA (Web) s140 32,829 21,000 53,829
210. University ofCalifornia Davis, CA (Web) S140 28,736 15,046 9,622 53,4O4
271. University ofCalifornia Los Angeles, CA s140 32,588
272. university of California Riverside, CA S12s 24 32,487 15,O44 47,525 cs
273. University of California San Diego, CA {\r'/eb) 5140 32,487 11,24O 3,480 53,247
274. University of California Santa Barbara. CA (Web) s140 28,656
215. University of California Santa Cruz, CA (Web) 5140 24,911 21,49s 9,635 60,042
216. University of CentralArkansas, AR (Web) ss0 12,116 9,600 2,840 24,600
217. University of Central Florida, FL (web) s31 21,603 14,374 2658 38,575
University of Central Missouri, lvlo s7s 21. 4,992 8,962 1,668 19,622 CS
University ofCentral Missouri, MO S7s 24 10,145 8,962 2,068 21,!75 BA
219. University of Central Oklahoma, OK (AFW) 560 24 14,600 7,000 2,000 23,600 cs
LJniversity of Cincinnati, OH 580 20 28,394 14,958 2,364 45,712 CS, CE, EE
University of Cincinnati, OH S70 24 28,394 14,246 2,364 45,000 IT
227. [Jniversity ofColorado at Colorado Springs (Web) S60 29,426
222. lJniversity of Colorado Boulder, C0 (Web) S80 37,024 Engg
223. University of Colorado Denver, CO (Web) {AFWi s7s 19,793 2L,249 3,545 44,587
224. University of Connecticr.rt, CT (Web) S7s 18,250 16,446 7,894 42,s90 BAPIVI
uition Fee 2021
Other lotal
Sno University Name App Duration Remarls
225. University of Dayton, OH Free 24 19,640 10,430 5,750 3s,820 cs
226. University of Delaware, DE (Web) 57s 34,164 16,272 4,026 s4,462
227. University of District of Columbia, WA (web) Sso 15,948 16,425 6167 39,140
University of Findlay, oH (AFW) Free 24 17,645 10,561 28,212
229. University of Florida Gainesvile, FL S3o 24 30,130 20,r40 50,270 c5
230. Unjversity of Georgia, GA Sloo 16,793 8A
231. University of Hartford, CT (AFW) Sso 15,930
University of Houston Clearlake, Tx 57s 2l 18,338 17,394 3,390 33,722 ts

University of Houston Clearlake, TX S7s 27 10,035 3,390 24,819 cs

233. University of Houston Main Campus, TX S80 19,650 12,000 1,100 32,750

234. University of ldaho, lD (web) S7o 29,412 r0,846 6,112 46,374

Universitv of lllinois at Chicago, lL (Web) 5120 34,112 17,510 53,111 coE
University of lllinois at Chicago, lL s120 38,884 11,510 1,549 51,943 Business

236. University of lllinois at springfield, lL (Web) s7s 16,017

237. University of lllinoisrt Urbana Champaign, lL (Web) 5s0 33,480 15,381 5,440 54,301 c5, 15

238. University of lowa, lA lweb) s100 31,976 15,154 52,080

239. University of Kansas Lawrence, KS (Web) 58s 20,3t2 35,734
240. Universitv of Kentucky Lexincton, KY (Web) 57s 33,216
241. University of Louisiana Lafayette, L,q (Web) 530.8s 25,212 8,234 2,614 36,060
242. University of Louisville, KY (Web) s6s 28,512 9,000 3,162 40,674
243. University of Maine, l\4 E S6s 22,545 6,804 36,7 45

244. University of Maryland Baltimore County, MD Sso 24 12,23O 11,400 2,352 ls

245. Universitv of Marvland college Park, MD (Web) S7s 37,368 18,000 3,000 58,368

246. University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA {Web) S80 35,422 22,696 58,118

247. University of Massachusetts Boston, MA (Web) S7s 37,628 15,140 1500 54,858
248. University of Massachusefts Dartmouth, I\.4A (Web) s60 22,759 13,354 36,113

249. University of Massachusetts Lowell (Web) (AfW) s7s 29,841 16,288 46,779
250. University of Memphis, TN s60 24 t9,508 13,000 32,508 rs, cs, tT

251. University of Miami, FL (Web) S8s 40,220 2A.832 69,052

252. University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mt (Web) S9o 49,549 16,502 7,766 73,811
253. University of Michigan Dearborn, MI S60 29,500 11,400 3,100 44,000
254. University of Michigan Flint, MI 55s ls,626 9,777 3,540 28,283
255. university of Minnesota Duluth, MN (web) ses 28,606 12,852 6,944 45,212
256. University of tulinnesota Twin Cities, MN S9s 36 33,777 t6,181 49,952 TE

University of Mississippi, MS (Web) 5so 25,090 71,970 6,900 43,950

258. University of Missouri Columbia, MO lweb) Seo 20,869 ls,932 2,227 39,028 c5
259. University of l\,4issouri Kansas City, MO S7s 35 19,600 74,272 3,053 36,935 cs
264. lJniversity of MissouriSt Louis, M0 (AtW) ss0 2A 22,298 14,756 2,107 39,15s CS

26L. University of Montana, MT (Web) 560 23,104 14,595 37,699

262. University of Nebraska tincoln, NE (Web) Sso 19,690 13,000 7,614 40,304 cs
263. University of Nebraska Omaha, NE ss0 30 22,194 14,770 36,964 cs
264. University of Nevada Las Vegas, NV (Web) S9s 25,036 19,874 cs
265. University of Nevada Reno, NV S9s 23,000 15,233 38,223

266. University of New Haven, CT (AFW) Sso 24 17,370 12,000 2,205 31,575
267. University of New Hampshire, NH (Web) (AFW) s65 15,995 14,188 5,380 35,563
University of New Mexico, NM (Web) S7o 26,590 10,090 6,?37 43,417

269. University of New orleans, tA {Web) $40 15,190 12,844 3,933 32,000
270. University of North carolina at Chapel Hill (Web) 5ss 30,252 20,206 5,894 56,352
211. University of North Carolina at charlotte, NC (Web) 57s 26,400 17,000 2,700 46,100
272. University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Web) S6s 21,962 11,299 5,397 38,658
273. University of North carolina Wilmington (Web) 21,2A6 15,560 3,724 40,574
University of North Dakota, ND (Web) S3s 25,930
275. University offlorth Texas, TX S7s 75,754 13,189 3,77s 32,778 15, Engg

276. University of Northern towa,lA (Web) s7s 20,906 9,160 4,750 34,816

271. University ofOklahoma Norman, OK Sloo 36 20,549 14,886 35,435 cs

274. University of Pacific, CA (Web) Free 7t,680
219. University of Pennsylvania, PA (Web) 580 46,551 22,43L 68,992

280. University of Pittsburgh, PA (Web) ss0 45,808 18,220 2,427 66,449

281. University of Redlands, CA (Web) Free 31,104 BA

282. University of Rhode lsland, Rl s6s 27,274

Tuition Fee202l !?8feve
Sno Universitv Name tee Duaation other Total Remarks
283. University of Rochester, NY S60 76 60,316 15,530 75,U6 cs
284. University of South Alabama, AL Soo 2l ,458 8,600 4,264 24,322 CS, ME

285. University ofSouth Dakota, SD {Web} s35 12,636 10,000 2,000 24,636
286. University of South Florida, FL S30 28 15,864 17,858 2,957 36,679 EE

287. University of Southern California, CA 5e0 46,948 23,924 70,872 coE

288. Universitv of South Carolina, SC(Web) ss0 23,684 20,010 44,694
289. University ofSouthern Maine, ME (Web) Free 14,232 12,076 3,805 30,174
290. Universitv of Southern M ississippi G ulf Coast, l\4S S60 27 10,896 11,130 2,004 24,030 cs
297. University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg MS S60 24 10,896 10,380 2,293 23,569 cs
292. Universitv ofStThomas, MN (Web) Sso !3,614 9,500 4,306 27,480
293. University ofTennessee at chattanooga, TN {Web) S4o 26,334 10,000 3.708 40,042
294. Universitv ofTennessee Knoxville, TN {Web} S60 3L,798 12,500 2.208 46,506
295. Universitv of Texas at Arlington, TX 590 28 23,756 15,949 39,10s c5
296. University oflexas at Austin,IX Seo 21,505 15,568 4,796 41,859
297. University ofTexas at Dallas, Tx s100 36 29,196 17,696 50,281 CS, EE

298. Universitv ofTexas at El Paso, TX {Web} 580 77,102 9,320 7,254 ' 2'1,676
299. Universitv ofTexas at San Antonio, TX {Web) Seo 26,564 13,091 3,104 42,159
300. University of Texas at Tyler, TX lweb) S7s L6,602 12,a34 !,578 3r,074
301. Universitv ofthe Sciences in Philadelphia, P,A (Web) Free 30,168 14s06 44,674
302. University of toledo, 0H {W€b) S7s 19,402
303. Universitv oflulsa, O( (Web) S60 26,440 19,242 45,682
304. University of Utah, UT (web) 31,181 19,502 51,289
305. Universitv of Virginia, VA (Web) S8s 34,464
305. University of Wisconsin Greenbay, Wl (Web) Ss6 20,000
307. Universityof Wisconsin Madhon, Wl (Web) S7s 25,506 17,851 3,276 45,663
308. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wl (Web) S7s 2s,282 1A,924 800 37,006
309. University ofWisconsin stout, Wl (Web) s106 77,487 9,318 2,075 28,820
310. University of Wyoming, WY (Web) Sso 16,129 14,27L 30,350
311. Utah State University, UT (Web) Ss5 27,O00
312. Valparaiso University, lN (Web) (AFW) Sso 16,120 15,000 31,120
313. Villanova University, PA {Web) Sso 14,500 9,000 23,500 cs
314. Virginia Commonwealth Universitv, VA S7o 36 29,084 10,823 2,000 41,907 cs
315. Virginia Tech University, VA 24 33,200 10,500 5,450 49,150 CE

316. Washington State University Pullman, WA (Web) S7s 26,093 12,!74 2,192 M,99O
111. Wayne State University, Ml(Web) 5s0 26,164 15,223 41,981
318, West Vkginia Universiw, WV (Web) S6o 28,314
319. Western lllinois University, lL S30 24 13,970 9,800 23,770 cs
320. Western Kentucky University, (Y (Web) Ses !7,154 fi,750 2,100 30,004
321. Western Michigan Universiw, Ml (Web) s100 15,596 13,721 2,15 31,838
322. Western New England University, MA Sso 17,154 10,750 2,100 30,004
323. Wchita State University, KS (Web) S7s 15,400 7,700 3,000 26,100
324. Wjlkes University, PA (Web) Free 37,2E9 15,108 52,397
Wilmington LJniversity, DE (AFW) S3s 11,550 11,000 1,000 13,550
326. Wright State university, OH 54o 31 13,800 9,000 3,592 26,392
321. Youngstown State Universiw, OH (Web) 5e0 13,900 ro,220 2,823 26,943
Web - lnformation from University website, AFW - Application Fee Waiver

Disclaimer Applicatlon Fee &Tuition fee can change by Program/department and byterm. While every effort is mad€ to ensure thatthis document h accurate and
besttoour knowledge, do notwarrantihat it is complete, comprehensive, or accurate, or committo its being updat€d.ln no event shall
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