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I. Adjectives of attitude (tính từ biểu cảm):

Tính từ chỉ vật Tính từ chỉ người
Adjectives endind with “Ving” Adjectives ending with “Ved”
Structures 1. Svật + Be/V linking + Ving S người + Be/V linking
( Be/V linking: be, get, become, + Ved + Prep
feel , look, seem, appear, …)

2. S+ find/keep/make + O vật + S+ find/keep/make + O người + Ved

A/An/The + Ved + N (bị động)
3. A/An/The + Ving + N (chủ

Adjectives Fascinating (lôi cuốn) Fascinated (lôi cuốn) + by

Exciting (sôi động) Excited (sôi động) + about / at / by
Amusing (vui, hay) Amused (vui, hay) + at / by
Amazing (kinh ngạc) Amazed (kinh ngạc) + at / by
Astonishing (kinh ngạc) Astonished (kinh ngạc) + at / by
Shocking (sửng sốt) Shocked (sửng sốt) + by
Disgusting (kinh tởm) Disgusted (kinh tởm) + at /by / with
Embarrassing (bối rối) Embarrassed (bối rối) + about / at
Confusing (bối rối) Confused (bối rối) + about
Horrifying (kinh hoàng) Horrified (kinh hoàng) + by
Terrifying (kinh khiếp) Terrified (kinh khiếp) + of/ at
Frightening (sợ hãi) Frightened (sợ hãi) + of
Depressing (nản chí) Depressed (nản chí) + about
Worrying (lo lắng) Worried (lo lắng) + about
Annoying (quấy rầy, làm phiền) Annoyed (quấy rầy, làm phiền) + with
Exhausting (kiệt sức) (person)
Satisfying (thỏa mãn) Annoyed (quấy rầy, làm phiền) + at /
Interesting (thú vị) about (thing)
Boring (chán) Exhausted (kiệt sức)
Surprising (ngạc nhiên) Satisfied (thỏa mãn) + with
Tiring (mệt mỏi) Interested (thích, quan tâm)+ in
Disappointing (thất vọng) Bored (chán) + with
Frustrating (thất vọng) Surprised (ngạc nhiên) + at / by
Irritating (kích thích, chọc tức) Tired (mệt mỏi) + of
Disappointed (thất vọng) + at / by sth
Disappointed (thất vọng) + in / with sth
/ sb
Frustrated (thất vọng) + at / with
Irritated (kích thích, chọc tức) + at/
by /with

EXERCISE 1: Complete the sentences by using adjectives ending with “ed or ing”:
1. You are really _________ (excite) about the fairy tale.
2. She is often ________ (annoy) when returning home.
3. The music programmes are ________ _______ (bore).
4. I found your present _________ _________ (interest).
5. They made me _____ ________ (shock).
6. Computer is a ____ ______ (fascinate) invention.
7. I felt __________________ (disappoint).
8. The most ___________ (terrify) memory in my mind was an accident.
9. There is something ______ (move) in my shirt.
10. Tom is _________ (irritate) by the crowds.
11. This football match is ________ (bore).
12. I am _____ (tire) of running fast.
13. She isn’t often ______ (sastisfy) with her life.
14. The most ________ (horrify) memory in my mind is falling down the mountain.
15. The test makes Mai ______ (worry).
16. Your party is _________ (depress).
17. They have a very _____ (excite) party.
18. The man finds the “Titanic” film ____ (amuse).
19. She feels _________ (confuse).
20. Your appearance made me ______ (surprise) last night.
21. Dying is a _______ (terrify) accident.
22. You are ________ (embarrass) about your behavior.
23. At the end of the day, I am usually ___ (exhaust).
24. They felt ____ (frustrate) at the lack of progress.
25. The evil face makes the baby _____ (frighten).
26. His bad behavior is very _______ (disgust).
27. We were all ___ (shock) at the news of his death.
28. An _________ (amaze) discovery is fire.
29. My parents looked ___________ (astonish) at my news.
30. This drug is ________ (irritate).
1. Equality(So sánh bằng)
S + V + (số lần: twice, three times, …) + as + adj/adv + as + S’ + V’/Obj
S + V + not + so/as + adj/adv + as + S’ + V’/Obj

Thay vì dùng cấu trúc ss bằng , có thể dùng các cấu trúc tương đương:
S + V + the same + N + as + O’
S + V + alike
S + V + like/unlike + O’
S + V + similar to + O’
S + V + diferent from + O’

Các đối tượng so sánh phải tương thích với nhau. S’, V’ thường dùng phép thế để tránh lặp
Adj sở hữu + N  đại từ sở hữu (mine/ yours/ours…)
The + N/Ns  the one/ones
N/Ns + cụm giới từ  that/those + cụm giới từ
Vđb  V’đb
Vthường  V’:do/does/did

2. Comparative(So sánh hơn)

Short Adj: S + V + far/much/too adj- er + than + S’ + V’/Obj
Long Adj: S + V + a little/a lot more + adj + than + S’ + V’/Obj
Dạng khác: S + V + a bit/slightly less (ít hơn) + adj + than + S’ + V’/Obj

3. Superlative (So sánh nhất)

Short adj: S + V + the + adj + est + N/pronoun + cụm giới từ / S + V chia thì HTHT
Long adj: S + V + by far the most + adj + N/pronoun.
Dạng khác: S + V + the least + adj + N/pronoun(ít nhất)

4. Double Comparison (so sánh kép)

1. The + so sánh hơn + (S + (V)), the + so sánh hơn + (S + (V)) : SV càng…, SV càng…
2. S + V(be/become/get) + Adj-er + and + Adj-er : ….. càng lúc càng….
more and more + long Adj

Chú ý:
1.Những tính từ ngắn kết thúc bằng một phụ âm mà ngay trước nó là 1 nguyên âm thì nhân đôi
phụ âm rồi thêm "er" và "est".(ex:hot-->hotter/hottest) :

2.Những tính từ có hai vần, kết thúc bằng chữ "y" thì đổi "y" thành "i" rồi thêm "er" và "est"

3.Những tính từ đọc từ hai âm trở lên gọi là tính từ dài, một âm gọi là tính từ ngắn.Tuy nhiên,một
số tính từ có hai vần nhưng kết thúc bằng "le","et","ow","er"vẫn xem là tính từ ngắn :
quiet  quieter ;
clever cleverer;
simple  simpler;
narrow  narrower
4. Các tính từ so sánh bất quy tắc thì học thuộc lòng
good better the best
bad worse the worst
many(much) more the most
little less the least
far farther (further) the farthest (the furthest)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
1. In Vietnam, it is normally ________ in the South than in the North.
A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. hoter
2. The food is ________ than the last time I ate it.
A. badder B. bad C. worse D. worst
3. Ho Chi Minh city is ________ than Hanoi.
A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. biger
4. Her voice is ________ than her sister’s.
A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. beautifully D. more beautifully
5. Her literature result is much ________ than it was last year.
A. good B. well C. more well D. better
6. Cinderella danced ________ than any other girls at the ball.
A. more graceful B. gracefuler C. gracefully D. more gracefully
7. This book is the ________ of all.
A. bored B. boring C. more boring D. most boring
8. Mary speaks English very________
A. fluent B. fluently C. more fluently D. most fluently
9. Tom runs faster than John and David runs the ________ in the group.
A. fast B. most fast C. fastest D. most fastly
10. There is nothing ________ than going swimming in hot weather.
A. gooder B. good C. better D. best
11. Mary is ________ responsible as Peter.
A. more B. the most C. much D. as
12. She is ________ student in my class.
A. most hard-working B. more hard-working
C. the most hard-working D. as hard-working
13. He drives ________ his brother.
A. more careful than B. more carefully
C. more carefully than D. as careful as
14. Tuan writes more ________ with fewer mistakes than the previous term.
A. careless B. careful C. carefully D. carelessly
15. My father is happy because I get ________ results at school.
A. bad good C. intelligent D. well
16. Peter does better at school because he works ________
A. harder B. more carelessly C. more lazily D. worse
17. He can do sums more ________ and read faster.
A. badly B. quickly C. difficultly D. fastly
18. Jane is not ________ her brother.
A. more intelligent as B. intelligent as C. so intelligent as D. so intelligent that.
19. She is a very ________ pupil. She spends most of her time studying.
A. hard- working B. difficult C. hard D. easy
20. My English this term is ________ than that of last year.
A. good B. gooder C. better D. best
21. you study for these exams, ________ you will do.
A. The harder / the better B. The more / the much
C. The hardest / the best D. The more hard / the more good,
22. My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems that ________ it is at night, ________ plays his music!
A. the less / the more loud B. the less / less
C. the more late / the more loudlier D. the later / the louder
23. Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become ________
A. more and more good B. better and better
C. the more and more good D. gooder and gooder 
24. The Sears Tower is ________ building in Chicago.
A. taller B. the more tall C. the tallest D. taller and taller
25. Peter is ________ John.
A. younger and more intelligent than B. more young and intelligent than
C. more intelligent and younger than D. the more intelligent and younger than
26. San Diego is ________ town in Southern California.
A. more nice and nice B. the nicer C. the nicest D. nicer and nicer
27. It gets ________ when the winter is coming.
A. cold and cold B. the coldest and coldest
C. colder and colder D. more and more cold
28. The faster we finish, ________
A. the sooner we can leave B. we can leave sooner and sooner
C. the sooner can we leave D. we can leave the sooner
29. Of all athletes, Alex is ________
A. the less qualified B. the less and less qualified
C. the more and more qualified D. the least qualified
30. The faster Thanh walks, ________
A. more tired B. the more tired he gets
C. he gets tired D. he gets more tired
Rewrite the following sentenses
1. No one in my class is taller than Peter.
2. According to me, English is easier than Maths.
According to me, Maths....................................................................................................................................................
3. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.
4. No river in the world is longer than the Nile.
The Nile...................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
No mountain..........................................................................................................................................................................
6. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl.
She is .......................................................................................................................................................................................
7. He works much. He feels tired.
The more.................................................................................................................................................................................
8. This computer works better than that one.
That computer......................................................................................................................................................................
9. The apartment is big. The rent is high.
The bigger..............................................................................................................................................................................
10. We set off soon. We will arrive soon.
The sooner.............................................................................................................................................................................
11. The joke is good. The laughter is loud.
The better................................................................................................................................................................................
12. She gets fat. She feels tired.
The fatter................................................................................................................................................................................
13. As he gets older, he wants to travel less.
The older.................................................................................................................................................................................
14. The children are excited with the difficult games.
The more.................................................................................................................................................................................
15. I meet him much. I hate him much
The more.................................................................................................................................................................................
16. My boss works better when he is pressed for time.
The less....................................................................................................................................................................................
17. If you read many books, you will have much knowledge.
The more.................................................................................................................................................................................
18. He speaks too much and people feel bored.
The more.................................................................................................................................................................................
19. The growth in the economy makes people's living condition better.
The more..................................................................................................................................................................................
20. People learn a lot of things as they travel far.
The farther.............................................................................................................................................................................
21. Her old house is bigger than her new one.
Her new house......................................................................................................................................................................
22. I can't cook as well as my mother.
My mother can cook...........................................................................................................................................................
23. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.
The white dress.....................................................................................................................................................................
24. There isn't anybody as kind-hearted as your mother.
Your mother is......................................................................................................................................................................
25. The black car is cheaper than the red car.
The red car..............................................................................................................................................................................

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