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The Impact of Globalization in the Philippines in Relation to the COVID-19 Response

Narquita. Roan
Lopez, Elisha Maris
Molera, Marc Vincent
Espares, Frankline

Lieda Abina Sobida

Research Adviser

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in The Contemporary World

Technological University of the Philippines – Taguig

January 2022

Table of Contents

Title Page 1

Table of Contents 2

List of Tables 4

List of Figures 5

Abstract 6

Chapter I – The Problem and Its Setting 7

Introduction 7

Background of the Study 9

Statement of the Problem 11

Conceptual Framework 12

Significance of the Study 13

Scope and Delimitations of the Study 13

Definition of Terms 14

Chapter II – Review of Related Literature and Studies 17

Review of Related Literature 17

Foreign 17

Review of Related Studies 19

Foreign 19

Local 20

Chapter III – Methodology 21

Research Instrument 21

Statistical Treatment 22

Chapter IV - Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data 23

Discussion 23

Data Analysis 25

Chapter V - Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation 30

Summary of Data 30

Conclusion and Recommendation 31

Bibliography 33

List of Tables

1. Correlation between globalization and COVID-19 19

2. Multi-linear Regression between globalization and COVID-19 21

List of Figures

1. Average score of globalization index 23

2. The average overall government response index 24


The COVID-19 outbreak moved quickly across borders has positively impacted

from the foundational interconnectivity – and fallibilities – of globalization,

transforming a global health emergency into a worldwide economic shock. The

goal of the Researchers is to investigate the general weighting of risks and

advantages that balance the economic, social, and political advantages of

globalization with a higher risk of COVID-19 emergence, spread, and extended

exposure in the Philippines. Understanding how indicators of COVID-19

response (i.e., stringency, government response, containment and health, and

economic support) have affected by the globalization during COVID-19 can

assist with distinguishing helpful worldwide coordination instruments for future

pandemics. The researchers gathered the data from KOF Globalization Index

and Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker Database. : Pearson’s

product moment coefficient of correlation (r) was used to establish the extent of

relationship between the variables and Multiple-Linear Regression (MLR) to

study the significant relationship.

It is hypothesized that the four predictors will be positively associated with

Globalization Index. Globalization has something to do with the performance of

implementing restrictions and policy to mitigate the spread of the virus,

specifically globalized countries.

Chapter I

Problem and Its Setting


From the 1990s to the 2000s, trade openness in the Philippines improved

from 88.1% to 101.0% of the nation's GDP (Gross domestic product). Adding to

this expansion were the country's endeavors towards a more open exchange

strategy beginning during the 1980s. This trade openness likewise reflected

declining transport costs and further developed data and interchanges innovation

that upheld the improvement of complex GVCs, especially in electronic and

electrical components, permitting organizations to deal with their creation more

productively (Dudley (2017)). In any case, trade agreements and more generally,

globalization, impact both a country's determinants of health and the options and

assets accessible to its health policymakers.

The Philippines is the second top globalization destination in the world last

2018, according to global strategic advisory firm Tholons. The 2018 Services

Globalization Index saw the Philippines rising to the second spot of the "Top 50

Digital Nations" after placing third last 2017(ABS-CBN). Over the previous many

years, individuals have started to discuss the effect of globalization on financial,

social, political and social fronts. As the cycles of globalization are convoluted,

the advancements in financial matters, legislative issues and culture are not

invulnerable from such rebuilding processes. The developing effect of

globalization has undeniably drawn various individuals to trust that there are

numerous parts of globalization that are outside the ability to control of country

states. It is moreover contended that the rising worldwide private enterprise has

unavoidably constrained person states to change both their jobs and their

constitutions to adjust innovatively to the requests and tensions produced from

changing outside conditions. Moreover, globalization and the development of an

information-based economy have made extra tensions for country states to

improve and keep up with their seriousness in the worldwide economy climate.

To improve their public limit, instruction changes have become normal plans

among country states of cutting-edge industrialized nations since the 1980s and

have expanded to the Asia Pacific during the 1990s.

Whether the country is underdeveloped, developing, or developed, the

globalization shows a positive outcome in terms of population health such as

infant mortality rate (IMR) and life expectancy (LE) regardless of a country’s level

of development (Jani VJ)(Martens P., et al.). The connection between the social,

political, and economic dimensions of globalization and general population health

are ambiguous (Barnish M. et, al.). For less developed countries, the economic

dimension of globalization appears to provide the strongest determinant in IMR

and LE, whereas for more developed countries, the social aspect of globalization

is the strongest factor (Jani VJ). Globalized nations are bound to bring about

economic, financial, and social penalties by executing restrictive measures that

mean to further develop populace health results and consequently, will be less

inclined to do as such. The impact of open economic accords, policies leaning

toward globalization, and more noteworthy social connectedness on the

(delayed) timing of travel restrictions during a pandemic would appear to be

sensible. (Bickley, S. et, al.)

Background of the study

Domestic agreements executed because of the Covid-19 pandemic have

gone from school terminations and public occasion cancellations to full-scale

public lockdowns. Past research has indicated that democratic-based nations,

especially those with serious races were faster to close schools. Strangely, those

with high government adequacy (i.e., those with top notch public and civil

administrations, policy formulation, and policy execution) were slower to execute

such strategies (Cronert, A.) just like the all the more right-inclining states

(Adolph, C.). Further, more just nations have would in general be more sensitive

to the democratic approach choices of different nations (Sebhatu, A.).

Specifically, government adequacy – as an intermediary of state limit – can go

about as a go between with the proof accessible that nations with higher viability

took more time to execute Coronavirus related responses (Cronert, A.)(Toshkov,

D.). Those outcomes might demonstrate that there is a more grounded insight

that a well-working state can adapt to such an emergency as a worldwide

pandemic like SARS-CoV-2. Notwithstanding, the need to comprehend the

reasons (and potential perplexing or interceding factors) behind the choice of

some approach instruments and not others (Cronert, A.) and the related planning

of such choices is justified to empower the turn of events and execution of more

proper strategy mediations (Greer, SL. et, al.) The literature seems to agree that

greater globalization (and the trade agreements and openness which often come

with it) make a country more susceptible to the emergence and spread of

infectious and noncommunicable diseases (Lindhal, JF and Grace, D.)(Barlow,

P. et, al.) More noteworthy connectedness and joining inside a worldwide society

normally expands the associations between blended populaces and the

pathways through which potential pathogens can travel and henceforth, arise in a

neighborhood populace. Non-pharmaceutical intercessions (e.g., social

distancing, city lockdowns, travel limitations) may fill in as control measures when

pharmaceutical options (e.g., vaccines) are not yet accessible (Ryu, S. et al.).

The review of the literature did not distinguish obvious signs of the

probability that globalized urban areas will carry out such measures, nor were

ready to recognize how rapidly such urban areas will act to limit local area

transmission of irresistible infections and the conceivable interceding impacts of

government viability in the dynamic cycle. Moreover, researchers could not find

any study on the overall impact of the globalization on the COVID-19 response in

the Philippines. The new COVID-19 pandemic has featured the huge contrasts in

ways to deal with the control and regulation of COVID-19 across the world and

has shown the shifted achievement of such methodologies in limiting the

transmission of COVID-19. Prohibitive government policies previously considered

impossible have been implemented within merely months across democratic and

autocratic government alike. This presents a great opportunity to observe and

explore a plethora of human behavior and decision-making processes.

Researchers will investigate the general weighting of risks and advantages that

balance the economic, social, and political advantages of globalization with a

higher risk of COVID-19 emergence, spread, and extended exposure in the

Philippines. Understanding how indicators of COVID-19 response (i.e.,

stringency, government response, containment and health, and economic

support) have affected by the globalization during COVID-19 can assist with

distinguishing helpful worldwide coordination instruments for future pandemics,

and furthermore work on the precision of disease modeling and forecasting by

incorporating into existing models.

Statement of the problem

This study was aimed to determine the impact of globalization in the

Philippine government public health responses.

Specifically, it aimed to answer the following:

1. How will the Philippines respond to COVID-19 in accordance to its

Globalization index?

2. Is there a correlation between Globalization and the following

a. Stringency Index

b. Government Response Index

c. Containment and Health Index

d. Economic Support Index

3. Is there a significant relationship between Globalization between the


a. Stringency Index

b. Government Response Index

c. Containment and Health Index

d. Economic Support Index

Conceptual Framework

Stringency Index

Response Index


Containment and
Health Index

Economic Support

Scope and delimitation

The investigation's huge responsibilities ought to be found concerning

specific imperatives. The data we have gathered is from COVID-19 government

response tracker and from the KOF globalization. It is an ongoing collation of

project of live data that might have an inaccuracy in the underlying data. The

data we have collected and used to study the extent relationship between

globalization and COVID-19 response is the data recorded in the Philippines,

there might be a different result if other country’s data were used in the study.

The study only focuses in the indices of the COVID-19 response and the overall

globalization index. The researchers will be using descriptive method to be able

to compare the relationship between the globalization and COVID-19 response.

Significance of the study

The significance of this study can identify useful global coordination

mechanisms for future pandemics, and also improve the accuracy of disease

modeling and forecasting by incorporation into existing models that would be

very beneficial to the following:

Philippine government- The study used to provide detailed analysis on

how globalization directly affects the stringency, government response,

containment and health, economic support indicators of COVID-19

response in the country and will help to manage and balance between

dimensions that will give a country an ability to maintain democratic

processes of decision making in global coordination efforts.

Health workers- Indirect beneficiary of this research would be the front

liners, it aims to secure adaptation of a necessary measure to decrease

the COVID-19 cases in the Philippines. Hence, health workers would also

be free from risk of having transmitted diseases.

Other countries- adopting model would be possible to solved the

emerging cases on implementing government response policy and to

consider the different dimensions of globalization that might affect the time

rates on COVID-19 response.

Future researchers- Conclusions and findings would be very beneficial

and will serve as their reliable source for future researches.

Definition of Terms

In deciphering the terminologies used in this study, the following terms are

defined operationally.

Coronaviruses (CoV) - Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause

illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. A novel

coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in


Travel restrictions - a law preventing people from traveling somewhere,

especially preventing a particular person or group from entering a particular

country: A travel ban was imposed on the regime's leaders.

Protectionism - the theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic

industries from foreign competition by taxing imports.

Globalization - the process by which businesses or other organizations develop

international influence or start operating on an international scale

Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) - A non-pharmaceutical intervention

or non-pharmacological intervention is any type of health intervention which is

not primarily based on medication. Some examples include exercise, sleep

improvement, or dietary habits.

Survival analysis - Survival analysis is a branch of statistics for analyzing the

expected duration of time until one event occurs, such as death in biological

organisms and failure in mechanical systems. Even in biological problems, some

events (for example, heart attack or other organ failure) may have the same


Forecasting - Forecasting is the process of making predictions based on past

and present data and most commonly by analysis of trends. A commonplace

example might be estimation of some variable of interest at some specified future

date. Prediction is a similar, but more general term

Complexity - the quality or condition of being difficult to understand or of lacking

simplicity the complexity of a problem

Bivariate data - In statistics, bivariate data is data on each of two variables,

where each value of one of the variables is paired with a value of the other

variable. Typically it would be of interest to investigate the possible association

between the two variables.

Correlation - a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.

Democratic Government - democracy means rule by the people. The name is

used for different forms of government, where the people can take part in the

decisions that affect the way their community is run. The people elect their

leaders. These leaders take this decision about laws.

Autocratic Government - An autocracy is a system of government in which one

person—an autocrat—holds all political, economic, social, and military power.

Today, most autocracies exist in the form of absolute monarchies

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or conclusions,

methodologies and others. Those that were included in this chapter helps in

familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present study.

Related Literature

According to Nagashybayeva (2020) our current interconnect world is

the product of global integration, which is fueled by technology, transportation,

and international cooperation. Increased cross-border flow of commodities,

information, and people brought prosperity to many countries and lifted many

people out of poverty. As participants in the global economy, countries profit from

the comparative advantage of specializing in what they do best by manufacturing

more items at lower prices that lower-income people can purchase, so boosting

their living standards.

Globalization has affected us in numerous ways. The fee trade of goods and

services all over the world has brought multinational companies and foreign

investors to our shores. With the advent of globalization, it has not only allowed

nations to trade with each other, but also to cooperate with each other and

business transactions and partnerships among local and international institutions

have become more efficient.

The CDC defines a flu epidemic as the percentage of deaths caused by

influenza and pneumonia in a given week. The "epidemic threshold" is a

proportion that is higher than what is deemed usual for that time period. The

normal amount, or baseline, is calculated statistically using data from previous flu

seasons (Downs, 2021). Dan Epstein, a spokesman for the Pan American Health

Organization, a regional office of the World Health Organization stated that "A

pandemic is basically a global epidemic -- an epidemic that spreads to more than

one continent". In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared

the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic (Mayo Clinic, 2020).

Moving quickly across borders and along the major arteries of the world

economy, the virus has positively impacted from the foundational

interconnectivity – and fallibilities – of globalization, transforming a global health

emergency into a worldwide economic shock which has disproportionately

impacted the most vulnerable, as stated by Kituya (2020). The COVID-19

outbreak has badly harmed the global economy with severe repercussions hitting

all individuals and organizations.

Globalization, with its expanding cross-border and cross-continental

migration flows, goods, transportation, food, income, and decision-making power,

as well as global demographic patterns, has immense potential to influence the

development and outbreak of diseases (Knobler, Mahmoud, Lemon, et al. 2006).

While it raises the risk of infectious illness spreading, it also allows for greater

collaboration and communication, allowing for a more complete worldwide effort

to combat these diseases.

Globalization has had an overall favourable impact on health, according

to Richard Feachem, PhD, DSc, author of Globalization is good for Your Health.

This is especially true for those in underdeveloped countries. He argues that

globalization, economic progress, and improved health go hand in hand in the

field of economics, notably free commerce in money, technology, and ideas

(Kelly, 2005)

Related Studies


A study entitled “How Does Globalization Affects COVID 19 Response”

examined the role of globalization on the pace of adoption of international travel-

related non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) during the corona virus

pandemic to determine countermeasures on how to improve the global planning,

preparation, and coordination of actions and policy responses during future

infectious disease outbreaks with empirical evidence. The authors analyzed the

data on international travel restrictions in response to COVID-19 of 185

countries, applying the time to time event analysis to examine the relationship

between globalization and the timing of travel restrictions implementations.

The researchers will be able to utilize the methods and materials used in

the said study. The main difference is that the researchers will not analyze data

of 185 countries and will only focus on the country Philippines.


In the year 2021, there is a study wherein the researchers investigated

the local government response for COVID-19 management. The Philippine

national government outlined different measures to mitigate the impact of the

COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to identify notable non-

pharmaceutical interventions of these outlying local government units in the

country using quantitative methods and they have concluded how certain

measures were the defining factors that helped curtail the harm that was brought

by the pandemic (Talabis, Babiera, Buhat et. al, 2021).

The local government pandemic responses for COVID-19 is present the

difference between the two studies is that the students’ study will predominantly

focus on the impact of globalization to pandemic responses in the Philippines.

Chapter III


This research is a quantitative research because aims to measure the

impact of globalization in the Philippines government public health during Covid-

19 pandemic. In order to answer the problem, the researchers gathered the data

from KOF Globalization Index and Oxford Covid-19 Government Response

Tracker Database. Furthermore, the research design used in the study involves

descriptive method that enabled the researchers to present accurate and specific

results between the given variables.

Research Instrument

The researchers used the data obtained from KOF Government

Globalization, published by the KOF Swiss Economic Institute and the data for

covid-19 responses collected from Oxford Covid-19 Government response

Tracker (OxGRT) Database. The gathered through online survey, article and

government tracker database. This data gathered since January 2020 to show

the effect of globalization during covid-19 pandemic.

Statistical Treatment

Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient or Pearson’s r is a strong statistical

technique that used to show the ratio between covariance of the two mean

through significant tests. Pearson’s r test is performed by measure the strength

of a linear correlation between two variables showing the best fit data results

(Oja, 2016).

Multiple linear regression is used to determine the significant relationship

between one continuous dependent variable and two or more dependent

variables. This analysis help to understand how will affect the dependent variable

when independent variables change and predicting data.

Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data


To our knowledge, this study is the first to explore the influence of

globalization on indicators of COVID-19 response in the Philippines implemented

during the recent coronavirus pandemic and the mediating effect of government

effectiveness. We analyzed the current relationship of the country in its

neighboring countries. Researchers found out that the Philippines have an

average score in the globalization. According to the past studies, trade openness

have huge impact to accelerate the economic growth (Deluna, R and Chelly, A.

2014), since the Philippines is belong to the developing country (Kovachek, M) it

is more likely that the country are open in any engagement that can possibly

develop its own economy.

In relevance with the current pandemic, wherein according to the study

of Bickley, S. et al., in general, globalization have something to do in the

performance of implementing restriction and policy to mitigate the spread of the

virus, specifically globalized country was more cautious implementing health

protocols that might affect trade openness. On the note, globalized countries

having a large number of cases compare to less globalized countries (Bickley, S.

et. al. 2021). With these results from the past studies, these explains why

Philippines, in general, have an average Covid-19 response due to its level of

globalization in terms of economic, social, and political.

Researchers also studied the relationship on how the globalization affects

the COVID-19 response in terms of its indicators (stringency, government

response index, containment and health, and economic support). We found out

that there is negative correlation between stringency index and containment and

health index with globalization index. The implementation of travel control and

policies that mitigate the mediating effect of a pandemic depends on the

government effectiveness wherein the overconfidence on the capability and

resources to deal with disease outbreaks results more, in some cases, a high risk

of increase of communicable diseases.

To predict the COVID-19 response in relation to the level of globalization

of the country, we use Multi-linear regression analysis to study the sub-elements

of the COVID-19 response. Researchers found out that all the predictors except

government response index have positively associated to the globalization. The

benefits of incorporating individual behavioral reactions and governmental

policies when modelling the recent coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China has

been demonstrated (Chong KC, et. al. 2012) and the usefulness of including air

travel in the modelling of global infectious disease transmission has been shown

(Qianying L. 2019) (Hosseini, P. 2010).

Some empirical evidence points to a small yet significant positive

relationship between the implementation of international travel restrictions and

the time delay in infectious disease emergence and transmission in the focal

country (Mateus, A.L. 2014) (Hufnagel, L. et. al. 20014) (Caley, P. et. al. 2007).

Data analysis

Researchers analyzed the quantitative data gathered from the KOF

Globalization Index, published by the KOF Swiss Economic Institute (Gygli, S. et.

al.) and COVID-19 response data is obtained from the Oxford COVID-19

Government Response Tracker (OxGRT) database. To compute the descriptive

statistics, we used the following: Pearson’s product moment coefficient of

correlation (r) was used to establish the extent of relationship between the

variables of stringency index, government response index, containment and

health index and economic support index with globalization and Multiple-Linear

Regression (MLR) to study significant relationship between Stringency Index,

Containment and Health Index, Government Response Index, and Economic

Support Index with Globalization. The significance level was set at 0.05.

Figure 1 Average score of globalization index and sub-elements of globalization from 2010 to 2018

The figure above shows the ranging scores of the Philippines in the KOF

globalization form 2010-2018. This implies that the globalization index of the

country is average level with the score of 64. Researchers also analyzed the

elements of the globalization (Economic, Social, and Political). This shows that

economic and social globalization got an average level with the score of 55 and

57 respectively while the political globalization got a highest level of globalization

with the score of 82. This only means that Philippines are actively participating in

terms of international organizations, international treaties, embassies, treaty

partner diversity.

Overall Government Response Index

70 64.7319021739129
62.357679558011 61.9293063583815

50 46.7602197802198





Jan-Jun 2020 July-Dec 2020 Jan-Jun. 2021 July-Dec. 2021

Figure 2. The average overall government response index in every six months in the Philippines

Researchers studied the level of overall government response index in

the Philippines in every six months to measure the consistency of the data. It

shows that in the very first six months when the COVID-19 started the

government response index got the score of 46.76. In July up to December 2020,

the government response index increases up to 64.73. After a year, the index

became consistent and average that scored 62.36. The last data shows the

current level of the government response index in the country, it is still in an

average score with 61.29.

Table 1. Correlation between globalization and COVID-19 response



GI —

SI -0.010 —

GRI -0.152 *** 0.914 *** —

CHI -0.205 *** 0.923 *** 0.963 *** —

ESI 0.158 *** 0.136 *** 0.315 *** 0.046 —

Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001

The table shows that there is -0.01 correlation between Globalization

Index and Stringency Index which implies a no correlation. A correlation of -0.15

between Globalization Index and Government Response Index indicates a low

negative correlation. For Stringency Index and Government Response Index,

there is a 0.91 correlation, an indication of high positive correlation. The

correlation between Globalization Index and Containment and Health Index is -

0.21 which means low negative correlation. A high positive correlation between

Stringency Index and Containment and Health Index with 0.92. A high positive

correlation between Government Response Index and Containment and Health

Index with 0.96. The correlation between Globalization Index and Economic

Support Index is 0.16 which indicates low positive correlation. A low positive

correlation between Stringency Index and Economic Support Index with 0.14.

Government Response Index and Economic Support Index have low positive

correlation with 0.32. Lastly, the correlation between Containment Health Index

and Economic Support Index is 0.05 which implies no correlation.

Table 2. Multi-linear Regression between globalization and COVID-19

response indices

Predictor Estimate SE t p

Intercept 68.63 3.218 21.32 < .001

SI 1.22 0.100 12.14 < .001
GRI -496.65 187.834 -2.64 0.008
CHI 432.92 164.372 2.63 0.009
ESI 62.12 23.481 2.65 0.008

  This research is conducted to determine if Stringency Index, Government

response index, Containment and Health Index, and Economic Support Index

predict Globalization Index in the Philippines. It is hypothesized that the four

predictors will be positively associated with Globalization Index. Results show

that the 27% of the variance is explained by the four predictors, F(4,595)= 55.0, p

<0.01). Specifically, Stringency Index (B = 1.22, t = 12.14, p <0.01), Containment

and Health Index (B = 43, t = 2.63, p <0.01), and Economic Support Index (B =

62.12, t = 2.65, p <0.01) are positively associated with Globalization Index. On

the other hand, Government Response Index is negatively associated with the

outcome variables (B = -496.65, t = 2.65, p <0.01). This suggest that if

Philippines scored higher in Stringency Index, Containment and Health Index,

and Economic Support Index will have higher Globalization Index, while if

Philippines have higher Globalization Index it will have lower Government

Response Index.

Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Data

The aim of the research is to analyse the Philippine government's public

health response to COVID-19 in face of globalization. The Philippine response to

COVID-19 has been described as being one of the longest and strictest

lockdowns in the world and this research wants to assess the effectiveness of

travel restrictions on the Philippine population. This research also tries to

determine how quick restrictions are implemented. The study also seeks to

determine the importance of social, political, and economic factors in the

response. The study was limited to the Philippine government's public health

response and focused on social, political, and economic elements. Researchers

analyzed the quantitative data gathered from the KOF Globalization Index,

published by the KOF Swiss Economic Institute (Gygli, S. et. al.) and COVID-19

response data is obtained from the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response

Tracker (OxGRT) database. The researchers first tabulated and interpreted the

data, then an analysis of the data from the result based on the Pearson’s product

moment coefficient of correlation (r) was used to establish the extent of

relationship between the variables of stringency index, government response

index, containment and health index and economic support index with

globalization and Multiple-Linear Regression (MLR) to study significant

relationship between Stringency Index, Containment and Health Index,

Government Response Index, and Economic Support Index with Globalization.

The researchers reviewed the Related Literatures, and Studies. They

found out that there are other foreign and local studies wherein the researchers

investigated the local and international response for COVID-19 management.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The researchers conclude that the implementation of travel control and

policies that mitigate the mediating effect of a pandemic depends on the

government effectiveness wherein the overconfidence on the capability and

resources to deal with disease outbreaks. The researchers also conclude that

based on the information gathered from the KOF as well as the result from the

descriptive statistics which serves as the main source of data, Philippines got an

average level for the globalization index and in the economic and social

globalization. This only means that the Philippines are actively participating in

terms of international organizations, international treaties, embassies, treaty

partner diversity. Globalization has something to do with the performance of

implementing restrictions and policy to mitigate the spread of the virus,

specifically globalized countries. These explains why Philippines, in general,

have an average Covid-19 response due to its level of globalization in terms of

economic, social, and political

The researchers present the following recommendations for the benefactors of

their study:

To The Philippine Government's for public health response :

● The Philippine Government should focus on strengthening Emergency

COVID-19 Health Care Response ,health security, maintaining stability

and promoting economic recovery

● The Philippine Government needs to set the necessary tool for the

COVID-19 (e.g. mass testing and contact tracing) for the virus to become


● The Philippine Government should assign the right personnel to the

response team (e.g. Doctor) to not become militaristic and police-centric.

● The Philippine Government should address and give solutions to the

problem one by one.


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