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University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Fall 2021


▪ Use test instruments and basic PCB/protoboard design and fabrication for
implementing different electric circuits. [CLO7].
▪ Lab demonstration on PCB Design using Proteus
▪ ‘Through-hole soldering’
▪ How to solder wiki
▪ Watch this video to understand the Etching Process

Please go through the project manual and the suggested reading before attempting the

▪ PCB Etching
▪ Soldering iron
▪ Soldering wire
▪ Cleaning sponge
▪ Component holder/ soldering helper


Basic Concepts: Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

A Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is a Sheet of Insulating Material such as Fiberglass, with
Metallic Circuit or Track Printed or Etched on it for Electrical Conductivity. A PCB is
found in almost all electronic products that we use in our daily life – Mobile Phone, Tablet,
TV, Computer, Laptop, Keyboard, Mouse, Military Weapons, Airplane etc.
There can be different types of PCB, for example:
• Single Sided PCB or Single Layer PCB
• Double Sided PCB or Double Layer PCB
• Multilayer PCB
• Rigid PCB
• Flex PCB or Flexible PCB
• Rigid-Flex PCB or Rigid-Flexible PCB


Department of Mechatronics and Control Engineering, U.E.T Lahore
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Fall 2021
We will be using single layered PCB.

Fig. P1: A PCB

Basic Concepts: Soldering

Soldering is a process in which two or more metals are joined together by allowing another
molten metal in between them. In our case components to be joined would be Component
Lead, Jumper Wire & Veroboard. In order to heat the things up we use Soldering Iron.
Iron should heat up the surface of the Veroboard and component lead, while soldering wire
should be introduced from the opposite side.
Soldering Iron consists of a tip and a base/heating element and is rated in Watts;
• 15watts
• 30 watts
• 40 watts etc.
Soldering wire is a soft metallic alloy that is covered with a flux and melts when heated by
a soldering iron. It’s a conductor that binds with the Veroboard and the component lead,
hence completing the connection. Most commonly used metals for Soldering wire are
Lead (Pb) and Tin (Sn).

Fig. P2: Soldering process and solder iron tip cleaner


Department of Mechatronics and Control Engineering, U.E.T Lahore
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Fall 2021
As soldering iron is used, molten solder wire, dust and other impurities accumulate on the
tip of the iron which resists heat flow. Therefore, soldering iron must be cleaned regularly
with a wet sponge or a wire mesh.
The soldering process can be augmented by using soldering flux. The soldering flux is a
weak acid that helps remove impurities from the metals and provides a cleaner surface for
joining. One indicator that you’ve made a good solder joint is when the joint looks firm
and shiny, as opposed to a dull finish.

Note: For a more detailed insight on soldering contact your instructor, or visit the links
given at the start of the manual.

Equipment Recommendation:
1. You are welcome to use the soldering equipment provided in Embedded Systems
2. You could borrow the soldering equipment from one of your seniors for this project.
3. However, if you feel like purchasing your own equipment as it should remain useful
for coming semesters, the following are some recommendations on the soldering
iron and wire:
a. Soldering iron
▪ 40 to 60 watts rating, with a narrow soldering tip.
▪ For beginners, try getting a midrange iron (balance of quality and
▪ Can be easily bought online or at hall-road (hardware shops)
b. Soldering wire
▪ Thickness around 0.8mm
▪ 63-65% tin and 37-35% lead
▪ 2% flux (helps to solder properly)
c. Solder cleaner
▪ Sponge type solder cleaner

Safety and Caution:

▪ Be very careful when handling and storing
the soldering iron. It can reach very high
temperatures and cause a serious burn if
touched by bare skin.
▪ Do not try to check the temperature of the
solder by bringing it close to your skin.
Instead, try melting a piece of solder wire. If
it melts, then it should be hot enough
▪ Put the soldering iron back at its stand when
not put iron
it ontemperature
furniture or
any other place.


Department of Mechatronics and Control Engineering, U.E.T Lahore
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Fall 2021
▪ Do not inhale the fumes produced during soldering. The fumes may contain harmful
material which can cause lung problems if exposed for a long duration. Use an
exhaust system to suck fumes away.
▪ Work at a well-lit place.
▪ Do not keep the soldering iron on for long periods of time/inactivity. It may
overheat and burn the tip.
▪ Do not heat the components for too long, as most components like transistors, burn out
with excessive heat.

Remember, you are responsible for your own safety and for the safety of others around
you. Work safe, work intelligently.

This project will involve the use of some new components that you may not have yet
studied. The details of the tasks will follow the description of such new components that
you need to use for this project.

Overview of Components to be used in Semester Project:

▪ Voltage Regulator
The name regulator implies that it will regulate
some quantity. In this case, that quantity shall be
the voltage. The voltage regulator regulates the
output voltage to a certain value no matter what
load conditions are present. Voltage regulator’s
output doesn’t change depending on the load
attached, in contrast to a Potentiometer, whose
output seriously depends on the load attached.
LM7805 is a 5 Volt Voltage regulator, which will
provide constant 5V output, between Output and Fig. P4: LM-7805 Voltage regulator
GND pin, when fed with voltage ranging from 6V
to 9V (recommended) between Input and GND pin. Its maximum current capacity is 1
For more information, consult the datasheet for the component and visit your
▪ 5V Relay
From a small traffic signal controller to a complex high voltage switchyard, relays can
be found everywhere. To put it in general, relays are just like any other switch which
can either make or break a connection, that is it can either connect two points or
disconnect it, therefore relays are commonly used to turn on or off an electronic load.
A Relay is an electromechanical device that can be used to make or break an electrical
connection. It consists of a flexible moving mechanical part which can be controlled
electronically through an electromagnet, basically, a relay is just like a mechanical


Department of Mechatronics and Control Engineering, U.E.T Lahore
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Fall 2021
switch but you can control it with an electronic signal instead of manually turning it on
or off. The following figure shows how a Relay looks internally:

Fig. P5: An Electromagnetic Relay

The general circuit representation of the relay is as shown in the figure below:

Fig. P6: Symbol of Relay

When no voltage is applied to the core, it cannot generate any magnetic field and it doesn’t
act as a magnet. Therefore, it cannot attract the movable armature. Thus, the initial position
itself is the armature connected in normally closed position (NC).
When sufficient voltage is applied to the core it starts to create a magnetic field around it
and acts as a magnet. Since the movable armature is placed within its range, it gets attracted
to that magnetic field created by the core, thus the position of the armature is being altered.
It is now connected to the normally opened pin of the relay and external circuit connected
to it function in a different manner.


Department of Mechatronics and Control Engineering, U.E.T Lahore
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Fall 2021
So finally, we can say that when a coil is energized the armature is attracted and the
switching action can be seen, if the coil is de-energized it loses its magnetic property and
the armature goes back to its initial position.

Photoresistors, also known as light dependent
resistors (LDR), are light sensitive devices most
often used to indicate the presence or absence of
light, or to measure the light intensity. In the dark,
their resistance is very high, sometimes up to 1 MΩ,
but when the LDR sensor is exposed to light, the
resistance drops dramatically, even down to a few
ohms, depending on the light intensity. LDRs have
a sensitivity that varies with the wavelength of the
light applied and are nonlinear devices. Fig. P7: LDR

PROJECT Description:
You have to make a light controlled automatic bulb control. When there will be light in the
surroundings, the bulb will turn OFF automatically and when it will be dark, the bulb will turn
ON. We can do this on 220V AC Bulb but for safety purposes you will do it for a 12V DC Bulb.

Here is the circuit diagram of the project:

Fig. P8: Circuit Diagram


Department of Mechatronics and Control Engineering, U.E.T Lahore
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Fall 2021

The important points to note in the circuit (from Left to Right) are:
• The resistance of LDR will change with the light. Higher the light, lower will be the
resistance. If it is dark, the resistance of LDR will be high and hence will have high
voltage drop across LDR which is provided to +ve terminal of the Operational
Amplifier. The use of Operational Amplifier is explained in next points.
• The reference voltage is provided through potentiometer. By changing the
potentiometer value, its resistance will change which will change the voltage which
is provided to -ve terminal of the Operational Amplifier.
• The Operational Amplifier is configured in Comparator Mode. It will give the
output when +ve terminal voltage is higher than the negative terminal. So, when it
is dark, +ve voltage will be high and Operational Amplifier output will be high that
will trigger the next circuit as explained in next points. What is use of
Potentiometer at -ve terminal of the Operational Amplifier? Against different
light intensities, there will be different values of the resistance of LDR. So to decide
at what intensity we should turn on Operational Amplifier, we can adjust the
reference voltage with that potentiometer.
• The output of the Operational Amplifier when high will be equal to the biasing
voltage of the Operational Amplifier IC which normally is 5V or 12V.
• When Operational Amplifier will give high output, that will turn on the Transistor.
Turn ON of the transistor means, there will be current from collector to emitter.
(Ignore the Diode at the moment).
• The current from collector to emitter is passing through the coil of the Relay. It
means the relay will energize and will change its position to Normally Open (NO)
terminal and that will turn ON the 12V Bulb.
• Finally, the role of the Diode is for the protection of the circuit components. When
the coil will de-energize, there will be high induced EMF which according to Lenz’s
Law will be in the opposite direction and the resulting high current can damage the
transistor. Therefore, a Diode is connected to provide the alternate path to that
current and transistor will get protected. This diode is known as Protection Diode,
or Freewheeling Diode or Flyback Diode.

The project will be completed in Groups of two students. Detail of groups is as under:
Group Member-1 Group Member-2
2021-MC-1 2021-MC-15
2021-MC-2 2021-MC-8
2021-MC-3 2021-MC-25
2021-MC-4 2021-MC-7
2021-MC-5 2021-MC-12
2021-MC-6 2021-MC-13


Department of Mechatronics and Control Engineering, U.E.T Lahore
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Fall 2021
2021-MC-9 2021-MC-27
2021-MC-10 2021-MC-17
2021-MC-11 2021-MC-40
2021-MC-16 2021-MC-28
2021-MC-18 2021-MC-24
2021-MC-19 2021-MC-38
2021-MC-20 2021-MC-22
2021-MC-21 2021-MC-31
2021-MC-23 2021-MC-100
2021-MC-26 2021-MC-35
2021-MC-29 2021-MC-61
2021-MC-30 2021-MC-87
2021-MC-32 2021-MC-36
2021-MC-33 2021-MC-34
2021-MC-37 2021-MC-39
2021-MC-85 2021-MC-86
2021-MC-41 2021-MC-44
2021-MC-42 2021-MC-62
2021-MC-43 2021-MC-54
2021-MC-45 2021-MC-66
2021-MC-46 2021-MC-50
2021-MC-48 2021-MC-57
2021-MC-51 2021-MC-56
2021-MC-52 2021-MC-59
2021-MC-55 2021-MC-70
2021-MC-60 2021-MC-53
2021-MC-63 2021-MC-71
2021-MC-64 2021-MC-72
2021-MC-69 2021-MC-81
2021-MC-76 2021-MC-68
2021-MC-77 2021-MC-65
2021-MC-78 2021-MC-84
2021-MC-79 2021-MC-58
2021-MC-82 2021-MC-67
2021-MC-83 2021-MC-73


Department of Mechatronics and Control Engineering, U.E.T Lahore
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore Fall 2021

Each student will be evaluated against these attributes:
PCB design and Demonstrate Produce a circuit Identify the Trace the flow of Proper Boxing of
Etching soldering all board that various electrical current the Project
joints correctly operates components on on the circuit
(not too much or correctly. the circuit board board.
too little solder, correctly.
no bleed-over,
and excess leads
are cut off).
5 5 5 5 5 5


Department of Mechatronics and Control Engineering, U.E.T Lahore

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