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FOCUS ON stPm 2 1 The 13th term of an 3 and the sum of is first 13 terms is 234. Find the common difference of the progression and the sum of the frst 25 terms. 5 (sh ee eee ee = (©) the least number of terms for which its sum exceeds 20. 43 Prove thatthe sum of the first terms of MAP a+ (a+d)+(a42d) + is jha+m—nd. Hence, show that P24 P a -1(2n+ Deduce the sum of the following series: () PA 243? Fe n= IP ONP + Qn+ 1p, 0) 212 2284 238-2484 + Qn~ DE Qn? +398 40% 4 The sum of 20 successive odd numbers is 1120, Find the smallest and the largest of these numbers. 5 (a) The first term of an 3, the common ference is 4 and the sum of all the terms ofthe progression is $20, Find the number of terms and the last term, (b) Show that (p* ~ 2pq ~ gy, (+ a. (p? + 2pq = @F ate three consecutive terms of an A.P 6 (@) The sum, S,, of the first n terms of @ series is given by S, =pn-+ gn. Given that S,=20 and S,, =39, (@) find the values of p and g, (i) deduce an expresion forthe nth term, (ii) show that the series isan A.P. and determine the valve of its common diference (®) Ina GP, the first term is a and the last term is L If the sum of all these terms is S, show that the common ratio of the ‘Scanned with CamScanner 7 IF J, K and M ate the tl, kth and mth term of a GP, prove that myles +01 DiBK+ TW IeM = 8 An athlete is planning a training program. Run 2 km on day 1, 24 km on day 2, and on each successive day increase the distance run by 400 m. Find (a) the distance, in metre, run on day n, (b) the total distance, in metre, run on days 1 to n, inclusive (© the least value of n for which the total distance run on days 1 to n, inclusive, exceeds 200 km, 9 I Gt sa oft it fe es 1k hen of he ne fe tea nw Show that he common nti i 4 andesite it tm fhe scion Fn sno ty meersion 10 The first term of a GP. is /3 + 1 and the second term is 3 ~ 1. Find G0 the ed and in tame a ees, 8 team ot oh ses eg shor anoe te ipl oe 11 (a) The ratio of the sum of the first 6 terms of a GP. to the sum of the first 3 terms is 7:8 If the second term of ihe series is ~4, calculate the common ratio and the first term of the series. Find the least number of terms for the ves 8422 i be series 2+ $+ 33 ++ which must taken for their sum to exceed 9.9. ) 12 The third term of @ GP is the same as the sum of the first two terms. Find the possible values for the common ratio in surd form. AF the first term of the GLP. is 2, find, in the simplest sued form, the sum to infinity of the progression if it exists 13 AGP hasa fist term of 3 and a common ‘ato of 0.4 Find the last value of for which 4 1s 16 0 (a) the nth term is less than 0,02, (b) the difference between the Sum of the terms and the sum 0 infinity es tha 00), alert See mom fd aes denoted by S,, Show that S, = State the range of values of r for Which the progression has a sum t0 infinity, Sand pg a formula for S. = Next, show that If the 4th term of the GP. is 18 and thy nies 8 (@) find the value for S_, {b) determine the east value of» for which “=—* < 0.001 [A sequence of positive eal numbers 4, tu satisfies the recurrence relation yeas av, forn> 1 Given that u, = 9, write down each of these terms i,t and i, FFind a formula for u, in terms of 1. A sequence titty is defined as u,=3n~2,n2 1. The sum, S,, where m2 2 1 is defined as S,=—b+ 4. a (@) Find the exact values of S,,S, and show that S, 3 a (©) By considering (3m ~2)S, for m = 2, 3,4, find a formula for S,, in terms of m, Tor m2 ‘The sum of the ist terms Of a serene analy is given by $= 4 oy Explain why the series, converges, a down the value of the stm to infinity. mare Find a formula for u, in the simplest form, ‘Scanned with CamScanner rm of an increasi Ve ist tor reasing arithmetic is fsion 1-5, the sum or ee rf the arithmetic progression 445 SS ANd Sy fOrm a geometric od ion. Show that the common amtence ofthe arithmetic progression is 9 aR pe kas vue of sich ha am out assuming any general formuta for ‘ Wii fa geomet sei show tat ie dete tata aah -¥ oon k= 14, vharoh> 0, show ae ut! may espana inthe frm (Bb eter 19 Given sequence with x, ak ay" CAT inten (fotki coman ( press a=(5 Shot the sequence sa geomet yoweion and find 3 | 4 21 esi the identity mel wet 2 Wa HAD GDORD Hence, using the method of difeence, prove at fa ans 2a 72 ee Deuce the sum of the infinite series toa ee Datta ast DOD 2 Stow that J 1 a WD Ga Day Aer D+?) | ks Hence, find a simplified expression for a ars) a tains (b) Hence, or otherwise, show that z 1 an+b where a and 6 are integers to be determined (©) Determine the limit as n —> = of

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