Physical Education 2020 - 0001

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UNIVERSITY OF MYSORE | Ph.D. Entrance Examination, November- 2020 susvect cove :|4.| 9 QUESTION BOOKLET NO] Entrance Reg. No. | 507289 KLET (Read carefully the instructions given in the Question Booklet) suBJECT : PHYSICALEDUCATION MAXIMUM MARKS : 100 MAXIMUM TIME : THREE HOURS (Including initial 10 minutes for filling O.M.R. Answer sheet) INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES ‘The sealed questions booklet containing 50 questions enclosed with O.M.R, Answer Sheet is given to you. Verify whether the given question booklet is of the same subject which you have opted for examination. ‘Open the question paper seal carefully and take out the enclosed O.M.R. Answer Sheet outside the question booklet and fill up the general information in the O.MLR. Answer sheet. If you fail to fil up the details in the form of alphabet and signs as instructed, you will be personally responsible for consequences arising during ‘scoring of your Answer Sheet. During the examination: a) Read each question carefully b) Determine the Most appropriate/correct answer from the four available choices given under each question ©) Completely darken the relevant circle against the Question in the O.M.R. Answer Sheet. For ‘example, in the question paper if °C" is correct answer for Question No.8, then darken against SI. No.8 of O.MR, Answer Sheet using Blue/Black Ball Point Pen as follows: Question No. 8. @ © @ © (Only example) (Use Ball Pen only) Rough work should be done only on the blank space provided in the Question Booklet. Rough work should ‘note done on the O.M.R, Answer Sheet itm ircle is darkened for a aiven is treated as wror il be given, See the example in the O MR. Sheet The candidate and the Room Supervisor should sign in the O.M.R. Sheet at the specified place. Candidate should retum the original O.M.R. Answer Sheet and the university copy to the Room Supervisor after the examination. Candidate can carry the question booklet and the candidate copy of the O.M.R. Sheet. The calculator, pager and mobile phone are not allowed inside the examination hall. Ifa candidate is found committing malpractice, such a candidate shall not be considered for admission to the course and action against such candidate will be taken as per rules. INSTRUCTIONS TO FILL UP THE O.MLR. SHEET ‘There is only one most appropriate/correct answer for each question. For each question, only one circle must be darkened with BLUE or BLACK ball point pen only. Do net try to alter it Circle should be darkened completely so that the alphabet inside itis not visible. Do not make any stray marks on O.M. Sheet RBOA : AOBENG 3B Gago s ays Lomndg avgrow PART-A gen - 2 This part shall contains 50 multiple choice/ Objective type questions, each question carrying one mark. [50 x 1 = 50] 3: grin) 50 wad wok amar add aires, werLeoadbedl, agcieors Ecko wom wosnm, Beohwss. 1. Most major systems of gymnastics have had their origin in (A) Greece (B) Japan (C) Germany (D) Scandinavia Baaaes Begs BRD asAne a ead eo ado, (®) Agar (8) wma (a) waded (8) mm oBSeDoso 2. Philosophy of Physical Education is said to be (A) Elective (B) Eclectic (C) Selective (D) Imperative SBMAGY Gybt Sgrosinh, &erioch weveonc (a) sok, seeds (®) mdxonfo (&) goss (8) same 3. Man in motion is the focus of attention only in (A) Kinesiology (B) Bio-mechanics (©) Physical Education (D) Vigorous recreation ababals wosodd seoQsoad nabs ans, oddAcd (Q) Bes sommes, (Q) woine-sbRar, (A) Gyo dge0 (8) Doss sdows M-5263 (21 In acquisition of motor skills, ‘trial and error’ is an important (A) Philosophy (B) Principle (C) Paradigm (D) Theory Bom ProremAg, ‘Soden abe, Geen’ wom caodend (@) 33704, (8) 8, (&) BeDo (8) ADRS In its nature, the human motion is (A) Rotational (B) Angular (C) Circumbulatory (D) Perambulatory OBS AHLAdE, Svdss wododo (a) eased (®) eoeand (a) RmRs (@) Boooen,Sessd In anatomical language, the heart muscle is called (A) Pericardium (B) Endocardium (C) Myocardium (D) Epithelium Sondwae gtohg, BAob motos, &eriom sdobeamaym (@) Bomarobar (2) nodecmaradasr® (A) Doiwewm@robo (8) a&Pedovo M-5263 [3] (P.T.O.) hg In hypoxia, too little oxygen reaches the (A) lungs (B) brain cells (C) heart (D) tissues BRnciawag vse sash sahaas smmaym (a) BBRBeceren (&) shades aertocsren (®) Bos, (8) somosnen What antagonist muscles do, when body movements are performed? (A) Move fast (B) Relax (C) Become flaccid (D) Get paralyzed Beas wodoiwaen onan soho aad Awwmsi? (a) Serine, xeodoed (®) d8aorbed (a) Baodnrbgs (@) mepmmoban wemrbsd Incomplete fracture of a long bone is technically called (A) Green stick (B) Impacted fracture (C) Oblique fracture (D) Compression fracture masob shavob emer awosam, mogsma aso sosmzd? (©) Aw Ase (®) SgeasaEd soos (&) b8edmd sod (8) Zosoevs soos M-5263 {4 10. Which of the following is responsible for stimulation of the heart to contract and 11. 12 beat? (A) Spinal Nod (B) Vagus Nerve (C) S.A. Node (D) Medulla oblongata Bod someusioge we DAE Does Deen oi FNSaIsg osoaycd WOLOMDAGSI (2) Bayshosod Anca (@) serixt Bo (&) aa. d. Boewt (@) shmop wrigeorite Which of the following is qualitative measurement technique? (A) Reaction time (B) Flexibility (C) Receptivity to training (D) Arousal & eendanvg romyz evs doy odmajc? (a) Besos Aabod (2) sag (a) SdeieSob Res (8) Z8acas Which of the following term can be considered as good as ‘reliabili (A) Adoptability (B) Adaptability (C) Repeatability (D) Applicability & SENS ots Tava, ‘NaMBrsoh Wg Aooencdiahord wonssawadod (2) SPBBAONIVE (Q) BeoHsonos (a) sbeoosgeaod (8) exoomo8 M-5263 [5] (P.7.0.) 13. Concurrent validity measures the degree of relationship between two measures (A) of the same nature (B) of different kind (C) taken approximately at the same time (D) taken at different intervals of time DIOS Conemargsam avw sade AHvAT Aowowa esa, esoLwya. (a) ede ARBaayn (2) Adz, Oesod—ncRA (A) vome we Ashobdg sricbkoowen (@) 2OB HAosd Ashohsg srichéeomen 14. Tournament standings serve as standard for establishing (A) Concurrent validity (B) Content validity (C) Construct validity (D) Logical validity Rommnvoh sadn swsdosn¢ mRssn ndsombyyao (Q) AsWOT GOReMBrs (Q) ARoh vonhewars (A) dames wonhemars (8) sere Conemars 15. An obstacle race is a good measure of (A) Co-ordination (B) Speed of Movement (C) Body strength (D) Extent flexibility SSBB bts) wom evga Aowdaondaycd (@) Aabxod (®) sosod ssert () Geass 3g (@) axcrob Aas M-5263 [6] 16. For boys, the height of the bench in Harvard step test is 18, (A) 15 inches (B) 20 inches (C) 24 inches (D) 30 inches Danomn abs MAra'r Gos Woesohghs wows ogo (®) 15 go28 (2) 20 028 (&%) 24 oz (8) 30 gow The total number of test items in the Kraus Weber test is (A) Five (B) Six (C) Four (D) Three BW Dwo Woe¥ohO hs uty Doeey Amiodne xoss, (a) am (®) ea (8) awd The density of a body is calculated by (A) Multiplying weight by volume — (B) Subtracting weight from volume (C) Dividing weight by volume (D) Dividing volume by weight Bead mossoda, ess AwwmyAa (a) Hoawrbod savaa, medzrsxIcd (2) HOsmrdod gataa, edoimaycd (a) Bommrbod gatas, Oexwaacd (8) Zatbod soswnda, Axwmaed M-5263 17) (2...) 19. In principle and practice, all chest measurements should be taken at the (A) begining of normal expiration (B) time of normal expiration (C) end of forced expiration (D) end of normal expiration 38n%, ade, daBod, adad vesodad, dichsegeiemndaich (Q) MANA TA WASH, Bodmowos scosag (2) maimasen wads, Bovmbs songrdg (A) WOXosaDN WAT, Badmos wossg (@) MBmdmoN wade, BoImvns S08 BQ 20. Rationalisation theory of management unequivocally advocates (A) ‘right person for the right job’ (B) division of authority (C) division of responsibility (D) freedom of thought and action dar awd Ser NGG ATDOSS) AXOOM SA BImaMAad (8) ‘Booted agodo xooied song’ (2) SORdd Aad (R) werepdad dxus (@) Boss ads sobod mpsos,, 21. What kind of body is All India Council of Sports? (A) A voluntary organization (B) Aelected body (C) A statutory body (D) A nominated body DO Mos sewo showvodo (AICS) osws oeso Box oswNS? (@) Aebo weos nox, (Q) waoons AO4, (a) DATA, B04, (@) mad adder ssa 0%, M-5263 [8] 22. 23. 24. 25. Laissez-faire administration, which is reverse of authoritarian administration literally means (A) free forall (B) do as you wish (C) letalone (D) rule of law AMFORO SBS DSOsDNds SA —Heor SBCs, S8OS3 BAS SBF (©) agcn Agesosmncdsjao (@) As, axodos secbaycd (A) anotinanA xadayao (@) MobAossosonndapyo Which of the following theory presents the social aspect of learning? (A) Trial and error (B) Observation (C) Insight (D) Information processing & éeAs odes ATROTR) BOsod ADAOwE sons, ahs wanes (&) sss ahas Tobe, ey Geek (2) exdocds (&) 2¢adoees (@) Bs Somes The two major components of load are (A) Specificity and volume (B) Intensity and volume (C) Intensity and progression (D) Continuity and recovery gud adm wand Puen (a) dOF Hs da, Soar (2) 838 sda, soaee (&) SeaB8 sds zis (@) ABOTTS shad, akesos The rate or speed at which physical activity is performed is known as (A) Work load (B) Exercise volume (C) Load stimulus (D) Intensity TS SHaw SenHod AGHA Gs wensessoba, serioch sobs (2) MObF BOT (©) mRobas Bowroro (®) mos xoess (8) seas M-5263 19] (P.T.0.) 26. 27, 28. Frequency of stimulus in loading is also called (A) Viscosity (B) Density (C) Connectivity (D) Specificity GROW, HowBawn Gsecssoh sAsram, kerio woinsd (®) aps (2) mows (®) Zoxsr (8) dbF as The number of times a motor stimulus is given is generally called as. (A) Stimulus loading (B) Programming of stimulus (C) Frequency of stimulus (D) Stimulus scheduling Bomed mo som woes decades, mane: aN &erom soos (&) Beensod Beds (2) Sdecdio mobrishs das (&) Beso eases (B) Bkwecisod Sevowes, When a muscle is made to contract isometrically (A) it puffs up (B) its length changes (C) its length does not change (D) its size shortens sma Acinda, niece snags somwsineanen (®) od mggoysd (®) 83d wg, wderrsd (A) ead was woewrmbyag (8) edd me, tashotnrbsd M-5263 [10] 29. When an isotonic exercise is performed against resistance the load remains 30. 31. (A) Constant (B) Variable (C) Static (D) Oscillating adnan aAetoeas mOdMAA, samoyaFod dG, Rwaoon, wos ergoinaym (2) SvomDA (2) excmen (&) Adee (@) Seams sori Which of the following bio-motor abilities is generally considered most difficult to improve? (A) Flexibility (B) Stability (C) Speed (D) Strength 83 8¢AS cows wolme—deetmo™ MDPro, wes Taser maDaneN sasom Donedsearss? (0) sg (2) 4p8 (&) ser (8) wo A piece of equipment used to measure units of work done by person is called (A) Ammeter (B) Ergometer (C) Galvanometer (D) Manometer Bio Bead nom tondh, dews secon maolechas wom Ag MUBsdreDm, &eriom sods (©) AMT’ te sess (®) aReer Aoewor® (a) MRERRedeo* (8) Seoedoemenor M-5263 fy (2.T.0.) 32. 33. 34. 35. Name the test to determine the Cardio- Vascular efficiency (A) Harvard test (B) Coopers test (C) Margaria step test (D) Bench test BHob osmvs egoda, AProsen evaicdecns WOegodad, BAOA (©) Basio®, Bog (Q) MBPar Toes (A) apeireooke Amr stoeg (@) dow" woeg In2 2 x2 factorial design, the number of treatment groups will be (A) 03 (B) 06 (C) 08 (D) 05 2x2x2eaidsrAcch Naar, doegrs rosie Aosjowo (2) 03 (2) 06 (&) 08 (8) 05 The evaluation which is undertaken during the course of training is called (A) Summative evaluation (B) Creative evaluation (C) Formative evaluation (D) Normative evaluation Bouesod AeHohag grees BPornTssn, beriom woes (a) mMUosd BPo,rnais (Q) Awargsmwd BPosnas (2) ddmegs BPosnad (8) Gawet SPoswss Assessments of flexibility is done with the help of (A) Dynamometer (B) Tens Meter (C) Goniometry (D) Cyber BmSob Wocseasd sew maodiechas man (a) BPiocsine ares (®) Bak anew (A) Raedodme Aves3o* (@) Ao M-5263 [12] 36. 37. 38. Which of the following test is not a test for motor ability? (A) Larsen test (B) Metheny-Johnson test (C) Cozen’s test (D) JCR test Bs SENS odes Doegod) wor mada ram, seoins woesody? (2) Mara woes (A) Boewar Woes (8) 8a.e0° woes (2) sdgaonger zoeg Tests like SAT are used to measure (A) Aptitude (B) Intelligence (C) Achievement (D) Performance SAT SoS Does, awgam, esahe wmoincnmATd (a) Sseeng (2) Qs () moa (8) mode gobs Which of the following is a badminton skill test? (A) French short service test (B) Sherman untimed consecutive rally test (C) Hammer ‘Mini-Match’ (D) Wisconsin wall test 3 SeNsANYg crac mw soa’ Pye, Toes? (&) Bow mete Alea Woes (®) Sabra SATs A3s BO doeg (8) mashOT ‘od-ais” (@) amar mor woes M-5263 [13] (P.7.0.) 39. 40. 41. 42. Which of the following is the best measure of variability? (A) Range (B) Standard deviation (C) Mean deviation (D) Correlation Bi dendaRY” cmach vasa sossrdeodsah exsnocen? (a) Seed (2) BRwss dos (&) ABA AOD (8) ABAOWOD The implications of experimental research is, (A) What was? (B) What is? (C) What will be? (D) What are? mRodmens AodaeGaoh WorsoshAy SomAjad (©) 2A? (@) asch? (a) ames? (8) Srve? Which of the following experimental designs involve Single group? (A) Repeated measures design (B) Random group design (C) Post test group design (D) Factorial design & Shs odes modechs Daariries OF rosa, nehnoangs? (a) Asse wvsoh OZ (2) mowat® rhos deez (A) Bocs SossG hom Aas (@) emAsrAcoH DAF Standard deviation represents (A) Central tendency of the data (B) Correlation of the data (C) Dispersion of the data (D) Probability Hass Adodod Bsoprdayod (a) Seosd sod, BAY (©) Begosd saiowod (a) BaRosd zxdre (@) xoxwsacods M-5263 [14] 43. 44, 45. Value of which of the following cannot be determined graphically? (A) Mode (B) Mean (C) Median (D) Standard deviation & SendAne” ce_ad APysa, desr Sgod aswosd AGroseATbAOY? (2) Boew (Q) AVA (a) a4, (8) Saw83 ovos F-ratio is used to compare (A) More than two standard deviations (B) Less than two means (C) More than two means (D) More than one mean ay emmIsm, Becds Haden mBoinenmaAad (®) QUES Bas weeds aBoAwARN (@) a0Bgos BAshon ATOSOONaRN (A) adtdgos Bays soexOoMapN (@) wodsos Bye AcomoconN Product moment coefficient of Correlation measures which particular type of relationship between two variables? (A) Linear (B) Curvilinear (C) Parabolic (D) Circular Worms Amos ABAowWoGs mbrsectsy okws AQFA Ocsoh Aowogn¢ SHAS adw agon MANIR, ods Semgs? (&) Sedead (®) Fr Oaobo* (a) mamcincie (8) Sew M-5263 [15] (P.T.0.) 46. Inacardiac cycle what is the ratio of ventricle systole and ventricle diastole? (A) 0.1 sec. / 0.7 sec. (B) 0.2 sec. / 0.6 sec. (C) 0.3 sec. / 0.5 sec. (D) 0.4 sec. / 0.4 sec. HPobs wed wads adgter aos dads coiages’s waees Nad? (a) 0.1 B80ed/ 0.7 F8o~ (®) 0.2 480m / 0.6 Béom (&) 0.3 B8om / 0.5 Aor (&) 0.4 ABow / 0.4 Atom 47. Trypsin helps in the digestion of (A) Vitamins (B) Fats (C) Protein (D) Carbohydrates CRS werorsodri Gwar Amooh swag ont (®) Bseaagny (2) Beaupre (a) Baesennd (@) nancrageny M-5263 [16] 48. Who considered Psychology as the “Science of activities for an individual in 49. 50. relation to his environment”? (A) Woodworth (B) William James (C) Watson (D) Robert Singer Cdetd shaecheysam, seriomh woriedamps ‘ne Aged wiwonereoa) BpWNSWADES ocd 35, BOsdg, HOWOHADOS (0) se'asr (@) dOodese aes (8) Sebpe (@) DoIweF¥e ROTO Cognitive process is concurred with (A) Knowing experience (B) Feeling experience (C) Striving experience (D) Thinking experience SOAS Tsobain Towogadsa (8) SmBAAm, Semsogeo (®) geadob vaya (&) Bobs gba wags (8) sdacda wads Which of the following is responsible for maintaining order in human society? (A) Sanctions (B) Beliefs (C) Division of labour (D) Group opinion Ahad Anwsg syeridah, mmasogen Si soNADNeY civaych woorowd7 (2) dAvFogre (2) Sovsned (&) asbhobh Agus (8) Thos enmead M-5263 [17] (?.T.0.) 3. PART-B gen - 2 This part shall contains Five questions, each question carrying ten marks. [5*10=50] Bi wpria) ach aE rem, Ceonosd, Ws Wi oo Se vores, Seonngs. How do you evolve research design for exploratory research? Breifly analyse. WOSLeWao TOBVeGATVA dew AosoeGao amMAID, Beri ASANTOPASCO? HOSWawn DFear. Write on primary and secondary data. WBNS ahs QSod GsgosIsS wr} wow. Explain strength training methods with the advantages and disadvantages of each. Bs Zoyesoh Omanva, edd emsoo ads emmbsoondoohn DBOx. Walkers, Joggers, Swimmers and Cyclists are always boasting about the benefits of exercise. But are they right? Discuss. SIME, MOF, AA Ds Agape cimawrin mcbabd Toiecwaris wif Beh, BHR. SHS vA) AOae7 wesra. Write on Sports Management in India. mmgsag seme ANF woh Hos wdoDo. x me M-5263 [18] Rough Work M-5263 [19] . B,ASeeso*, Bewor Ds, Baie Rowriva, Toes, BasBos wert |. SYOros mas ng Bawndajm tomwodd, wosa SABr ody, snemen eeernen ewes Laos, mgs mead das 50 Dish, Beodws sea swad xs, oA aAD, aor 8 eBAAG. Baigchss & BS, HAV, Oe) Dei ET Gok SwainowDn AROHE Towogade 2ownead, BOsOAD. zB, xagob Bascom, mMisovod sod shay WE sscvod bacco’. gd motobm, Seon sic, b.2o.eo. mgs magobg mand, Ad sove >, Bozo. Rasiobos dew) Hmnsods Addr’, Bowe Beceuel aa obAY, ewowmrbs cOmeabrienh sobeeann Aese wamaydoonNcdsd. BoeFod Amobag; a) Hokmord Toda, wergomod Lae. b) x8 B30d Sent aeacdss MY OF, Sone exos rocina/ Aegmd engoam, Agros. c) &ao.g0', mogabgs Aouad gob sjspredsiay, Aosierorsen Horr. MERBOREA, BE, H¥odY Bs, oad, 8 “C” MOosecs mogdamngs, aces cme mcbotr aie ugh Lowe wee 5 mavod gab Xosd, 8d svod a SPATS Bowe: ZB, 2023, 8® © @ © (wawaiee’ sing) (mo moots’ dat Sg eveiodecha) engee Hateagod wdarSiobah, (8s, sox) TB WfobO aciAaT wd BRIO ange “Rew (1.00.80 038 meen SoeckeRoc). Lot DOEH BER wodgos aed Smmdaiy, bsdeongs, vost gdm 3x) Noth Dorriiearbsd abs) oimaiie vorsah, SedearbsIOo. 4.90.80", miobds wad 08, eR ade Rods shedydic AOraWaAG Ava_’, modo shed Ato aordedet. emprois Toegod dosd kode shedyndvor chow wwgsc mod abs AYAmPO: Sodcs 3, HODDER, eggroin x Ea abyss, abe noose. caerane. ob Hoa, Fa wed sicdsrom omASAMBOY, BorrdxeaMmAAY mre AobebTY sd HOSS SaHrob Achy sb gregeerba. bno.wo', matobm, Bowes Aeewiriss Boimom WEA zoce wom egos Aogmed/ooRG mgodogs. BE CI wom aga, svg de 2 SGne tb mo mono wi Howsey, egostay, i FAO soba cia, Bgdecnns S305 eats DZHm, Aomarraan sow«ayrh. Rao, meong made & ac MoOBTv, Hawes. ond Hi, Note : English version of the instructions is printed on the front cover of this booklet,

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