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Unit 7 Short Test 1B

1 Complete the mini-dialogues. Use the correct form of the passive.
Mike Guess what? Greg’s band ________________ (ask) to do a concert in town. They’re going to perform at
the Knightsworth Arts Centre. Their lead singer Ryan ________________ (tell) yesterday afternoon.
Liam Cool! I hope we ________________ (invite) to see them perform!

Carrie I can’t cycle to school this week because my bike ________________ (repair) at the moment.
Rosa You can borrow my brother Simon’s old bike. It ________________ (not use) for months, but it’s safe to
Carrie Won’t Simon mind?

Rosa No. He said I could use it whenever I like!

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Write sentences using appropriate tenses and putting one verb into the active and one
into the passive.
1 they rebuild / the art gallery / after it / destroy / in a fire
2 we / may / visit / by Grandma / this weekend, but we / not / know
3 the artist’s cat / damage / the picture / while / it / paint
4 the house / look / amazing because it / design / by a famous architect
5 our projects / definitely / not check / by the teacher this weekend because she / be / very busy

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 1 Unit 7 Short Test 1B

3 Complete the sentences with the words below. There is one extra word.
cartoon choreographer classical music musical playwright sculpture

1 Our ________________ has had some great ideas for the next dance show.
2 South Beach was a ________________ , so the actors in the film sang and danced.
3 My favourite ________________ composer is Tchaikovsky. What about you?
4 Is that ________________ made of stone or wood?
5 I love the work of this ________________ , but nobody is as good as William Shakespeare.

Mark: ___ / 5

4 Complete the dialogue with the correct nouns and verbs. Some verbs are in the past simple tense.
Toby Hi, Cath. What did you do at the weekend?
Cathy We went to the t _ _ _ t _ _ in town and saw Othello.
Toby Great. Was it good?
2 3
Cathy Yes, my friend a _ p _ _ _ _ d in it. He a _ t _ _ really well. Anyway, did you and Kelly do anything
interesting this weekend?
4 5
Toby No, not really. I stayed at home and read a new n _ _ _ l, and Kelly p _ _ _ t _ _ a new picture.

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 20

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 2 Unit 7 Short Test 1B

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