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Chapter 1:

Introduction to
Human Resource
Human Resources
Human Resource Management
First know about the following terms:
Management and management process/functions
We will focus on- staffing, personnel management or human
resource management
“Human resource management (HRM) is the process of acquiring,
training, appraising, and compensating employees, and of attending
to their labour relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns”
(Dessler, 2020, p.3).
Human capital- “Skill, knowledge, expertise, experiences of
Managers need to perform the – “People, or
Personnel”, aspects of management
Conducting job analysis
Planning labor needs and recruiting job
Selecting job candidates
Training and developing employees/managers
[Human capital development]
Compensating employees
Appraising performance
Employee relations and engagement
Equal opportunity
Employee health and safety
Handling grievances and labor and industrial
Why is HRM important to all managers?

Avoid personal mistakes while managing (e.g. hire

wrong person for the job, lack of training and motivation,
discriminatory actions, unfair labor practice….)
Improving profits and performance: get results through
right and skilled people (p.4)
Spend some time as an HR manager
Authority, line authority, staff authority
The trends shaping

Workplace demographic

- Diverse group of employees in

workplace (more women, minorities,
older workers, skilled foreign
The trends shaping
Trends in jobs people do
- Work shifted from manufacturing to
- On-demand workers : freelancer and
independent contractor-gig workers
[mobile, independent and bundle of skills]
e.g., Uber, Food panda

- Human capital: employees need a level of

technological knowledge
The trends shaping HRM

Technological trends:
- technological change is affecting the nature of jobs

- how employees get HRM tasks done (e.g., social media

tools to recruit employees; mobile applications to monitor
employees’ location, data/talent analytics, AI)
The trends shaping HRM

Globalization and economic trends:

- search for greater efficiencies prompts employers to offshore
- acquisition, development, and retention of talent to fill the
company’s employment trend [talent management is the top
concern of employers]
- Reduce imbalances in job skill
- Hire/develop skilled labor/workers to get the best performance in
Important components of Today’s New HRM
Six main components/pillars:
1.Distributed HR and the new HRM: HRM activities are being redistributed from a
central HR department to the company's employees and line managers due to
technological development (e.g., social media, cloud computing).
- Use digital tool to comment (feedback) on each other jobs and those feedback are
considered as input in employees’ performance appraisal
2. Strategic HRM: Formulating and executing HR policies and practices that produce
the employee competences and behavior the company needs to achieve it strategic aims.
-Strategic human resource management is the long-term integration of HR strategies with
organizational goals.
- HR is invited into the board room and helps to develop company-wide policies and
initiatives. “HR people sit on the same take with strategic decision makers”
Important components
of Today’s New HRM
3. Sustainability and HRM: work in sustainable way
that maintain a balance economic, social and
environmental goal of a company [not only profit
- “SHM: corporations are responsible not only for the
people they employ directly, but also for the
communities in which they operate and also for those
indirectly employed in their supply chains.
- -For example, a primary purpose is not to improve
the life of employees in supply chains in developing
countries but instead to manage the economic risks
associated with people management practices in the
supply chain. Thus, the social purpose serves the
economic purpose.” **
- - Also called Green HRM, socially responsible HRM
Important components of Today’s New HRM
4. Performance and HRM: HR manager- ensure that HRM functions is
delivering services efficiently
- advise top management in various decision (e.g., staffing, compensation

5. Employee engagement and HRM: The extent to which employees are

psychologically involved in, connected to, and committed to getting job
done. EE drive performance, leadership development, internal
communication improves

6. Ethics and HRM: the principles of conduct governing an individual or a

group (..issues related with workplace safety, maintain decent work
Manager’s HR philosophy
Manager’s HR philosophy

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