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HR Interview Questions which everyone should prepare- Part 1

1. Tell me something about yourself in brief.

Hi this is Aditi. I’m a second-year student of MBA at IIM Bodh Gaya with an inclination
towards HR. I’m a fresher and a BA graduate. I love to learn new things and I’d describe
myself as someone who is creative, optimistic, friendly, and curious. I believe that human
resources are the building block of any organization and I feel that I am good at understanding
the needs and capabilities of people around me in general and motivating them when needed.
This is something for which I have been complimented in my personal life. So, I decided to
opt for HR to develop new skills and enhance the ones I already have. I’m a part of the HR
club, the music and drama club, and Samatv, the mindfulness centre. I love to go for a walk,
read, create art, or work out in my spare time.

2. Tell me something about yourself that is not there in your resume.

After my graduation, I wanted to do something where I can learn and grow as a person and not
just professionally and MBA provides the right kind of exposure. One gets to learn a lot about
themselves and people. Also, I wanted to learn about business and management, as I want to
strat something of my own so I decided to go for an MBA. I love to write, I write poetries and I
got a few of my writeups published in a book.

3. Describe yourself in one word with a relevant example.

I am an optimistic person, and I always look at the positive side of things first. During the
selection process of clubs and committees I did not get selected for any committee, but I did
not lose hope and I took it in a positive way thinking that something better is waiting ahead,
and I applied for the selection process of clubs and converted every club that I applied for.

4. Why should we hire you?

I connect with almost everything about the organization, I have the needed skills, and even if I
do lack a little on one or two, I’m willing to learn and give my best. I understand that there are
many potential candidates, and there might be better candidates than me in certain aspects, and
vice-versa but I believe that every person has something unique about them. For me, my USP
is my desire to learn, make people around me comfortable, accepting challenges, and my

5. Are you a good fit for the job?

I have the skills that are needed, and even if I do lack a little on one or two, I’m willing to learn
and give my best. I connect with this role, and my skills match the requirements of the job. I’m
flexible; I can take the lead where I’m needed to and follow where it requires me to follow.

6. Are you a smart worker or a hard worker?

I would say I’m both. Where hard work is needed, I do not escape from it, but if there is a task
or work that can be done smartly and with the same effectiveness, then smart work definitely.

7. You have a wonderful profile. Why do you want to work for our company?
While going through the role and about the organization, I felt connected with most things. I
love the fact that the organization welcomes diversity and gives a really good work culture
vibe, which is important for me. It also supports fresh talent rather than only concentrating on
hiring experienced employees.

8. Are you a team player?

I’m a team player, and I always make sure that people feel welcomed and comfortable.
Working in teams is an integral part of an MBA so, even someone who isn’t a team player
becomes one if they are willing to learn. I work well in teams as well as individually.

9. What is your biggest motivator?

My biggest motivator is my desire to strive to be better than I was yesterday and working on
something that challenges me to learn something in the process. I’m a curious person and
anything that provides me with an opportunity to learn something, use my creativity, and make
a difference motivates me.

10. What are your strong points? or What are your strengths?
I am an optimistic person, and I always look at the positive side of things first. During the
selection process of clubs and committees I did not get selected for any committee, but I did
not lose hope and I took it in a positive way thinking that something better is waiting ahead,
and I applied for the selection process of clubs and converted every club that I applied for.
I am a quick learner and I enjoy learning new skills. During my summer internship, I worked
on a project named “Emotional intelligence and the quality of work life among employees. It
required the use of a software for performing analysis and I learned how to perform analysis
using JASP even though I wasn’t very familiar with it or any other software.
I’m a good listener and I love to help people in every possible way. I always try to look from
the perspective of the other side. Once during our marketing class, while me and my group
delivered a case study presentation for the first time, some of our batchmates asked questions
and we could not answer, so some of them just passed some sarcastic comments which made
us feel embarrassed. So, I wrote a message for my batchmates on my group’s behalf, telling
them that they are amazing with case studies, and we would love to learn from them, but we
are new to this, we are still learning, and their comments affected us. After which a lot of other
students who could relate to this came forward and appreciated for speaking up.
11. How do you feel about working weekends and night shifts?
I feel we work for a healthy and comfortable life and each one of us deserves and needs a
break. Even though I’m a flexible person, I can wake up early when needed and stay up late
when needed but in the long term I’m more supportive of keeping the nights for sleep and
daytime for work because that’s what our natural biological clock is like. A break can be any
other day of the week but most people work on weekdays and weekends are for breaks, I’d
prefer the same. Working on weekends is still something I might consider but nightshifts may
be not.

12. How quickly do you adapt to new technology?

I learn and adapt to new things quickly. If it’s something complex, I still would be able to learn
it provided that I’m guided correctly.

13. Are you good with data? Share any particular experience related with data management?
I won’t say that I”m an expert, I”m still learning. We manage data in our day to day life. MBA
is all about data management is some way. During my SIP, I worked on a project named
“Emotional intelligence and the quality of work life among employees. It required me to
collect data from employees and use of a software for performing analysis and I learned how
to perform analysis using JASP. Apart from this, I have taken up Google’s Data analytics
course on coursera.
14. If I call up your current or previous reporting manager now, what will be their opinion
about you? What will they say that you need to work on?
15. What are your future goals? Tell me about your short term and long-term goals.
My short-term goals are to get a decent job, start my career, provide my family with a more
comfortable life, get back to working out every day, learn something new like martial arts, and
get back to writing more. My long term goals are to move abroad to pursue higher education or
get another degree before 30, start a business venture of my own, give back to society and
have a house of my own.

16. What are your biggest achievements till date?

I appreciate every small achievement that I make. Be it learning a new subject much more
quickly than I expected to, learning a new skill, performing well in an exam, etcetera. There is
nothing particular that comes to my mind, but getting into a good B-school and growing as a
person, professionally would be one, and second, would be not giving up on myself and losing
hope even when I was at my worst.

17. What do you always regret? or do you have any regrets?

We always regret something, but that’s not how I look at things, even when I try to. I believe
that maybe I think about things differently now because I”m a different person, but at some
point in the past, that’s what I wanted, or perhaps that was my level of awareness. We learn
from our mistakes, from our experiences, whether good or bad. Our every choice makes us
who we are in the present. So, there is nothing I regret.
18. Share any recent news/instance that caught your attention?
The recent news about the condition of women rights in Afghanistan caught my attention. It’s
heartbreaking to see that in a world that has so many important things to focus on like climate
change, global warming, COVID-19, poverty, etcetera, there are human populations that are
moving backwards, women rights are being exploited, they are being deprived of basic human
rights, like education, political and social rights, the choice of free will.

19. What are the three things that are most important for you in a job?
For me, the three most important things would be
1. A job that pays well for the time and effort I invest in it. If it doesn’t, it’d be demotivating
and might affect productivity.
2. Safety and comfort: A job that provides a safe environment in the workplace and even
beyond. For example, if my job requires me to travel frequently, the company must take
care of the needs like accommodation and travel. A job that supports work-life balance not
just in words or in papers but also in actions.
3. People: It is important to have kind, motivating, and fun people to be around.

20. How do you work under pressure? Can you handle the pressure?
I do not panic under mild stress or even beyond mild stress, as I do understand that it would
hamper my productivity. I try to stay calm and focus on the task at hand. Sometimes, when
there’s too much pressure, it does create some stress, but I always try to manage it well.

21. Give an appropriate example of your creativity.

22. The job requires a lot of travelling. Are you willing to relocate or travel?
I love to travel, going to new places is always fun. I’m okay with relocating and travelling a
few times a month but would want to travel a lot as it doesn’t allow one to have a stable work
life or personal life.
23. Why should we hire you? or why should I hire you?
I’m always open to learning with an open mind. I am a quick learner, and I enjoy learning new
skills. I grasp things quickly as I am a good observer. During my summer internship, I worked
on a project named “Emotional intelligence and the quality of work-life among employees. It
required the use of software for performing analysis, and I learned how to perform analysis
using JASP even though I wasn’t very familiar with it or any other software.
I’m a good listener, and I love to help people in every possible way. I always try to look from
every possible perspective before concluding something.
I’m a team player, and I always make sure that people around me feel welcomed, comfortable;
and I have often been complimented for being someone who understands the needs of people
around me and motivates them.
I am an optimistic person, and I always look at the positive side of things first. I believe that
every person has something unique about them. For me, my USP is my desire to learn, make
people around me comfortable, and my creative side.
24. How do you deal with feedback and criticism?
I always try to ask for feedback and criticism so that I can work on myself and things where I
need to improve. I always appreciate constructive criticism as it broadens the perspective, but
destructive criticism is something that is unacceptable.
25. Explain why the employees are considered the first customers of any firm/organization?
It’s the employees that make or break an organization. Studies have shown that happy
employees, motivated employees are more productive. The employees will feel so only when
their organization creates an environment for them and meets their needs.

26. What is your opinion about ethics at the workplace?

Workplace ethics define an organization and creates an image in the minds of employees as
well as customers. They make an organization more trustworthy; they communicate what is
acceptable and what is not. Workplace ethics put the organization in a positive light and help
retain good employees. How an organization conducts itself determines how its employees

27. How do you feel about reporting to a younger person?

If I have to report to someone who is younger than me, I believe that they probably are ahead
of me in professional terms. I’m a fresher so, I’m not sure what exactly might it feel like. I
believe age sometimes does create a bias, but in a professional and respectful space, I’d feel as
okay with it as I would reporting to someone older than me.

28. What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?
The hardest decision I ever made was probably switching my stream after school. Initially, I
wanted to become a medical professional but despite giving the best I could and dropping one
year after 12th, I couldn’t make it to a good medical college. I didn’t want to pursue anything
else in the science stream so, I opted for arts. Leaving that dream behind was one tough choice
but I do not regret it, and I have always believed that something better is ahead.

29. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

I see myself doing good in my profession, having my own house, and working on things I
always wanted to, maybe writing a book or having started a business venture. I believe in
creating short term goals and meeting them.

30. Your interview is more or less coming to an end when the interviewer asks you, “Do you
have any questions for me?”
Even though I have gone through the JD but I’d like to know more about the role and what are
the expectations from a fresher
For Mentorship committee @IIMBG By Dr Teena Bharti

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