AIS4123 - Screening Worksheet

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1. What is a G-zero world?

People is talking about the fall of the United States, and whether China is going to be the next
superpower or not. G-0 happens when there is no global leadership; US is not ready to be the
global leader and no one else either, is ready to be one. The world has global leader – in the
economic sector, in particular – after ww2. But this is not the case anymore. What is
experienced today is the G-0 world, where it presented the reality of todays’ world order: there
is, indeed, a leadership, but there is no global leadership.
*countries with flexibility are likely to win in the g-zero world – no more us-led allies

2. Which states are in the G20 and the G7?

G20: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, France, India, Indonesia, Italy,
Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom
and the United States. (notion that taking world 20 largest countries provide some form of
public good, however the reality is, we don’t have that kind of cooperation)
G7: U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Canada, and Japan (world’s developed countries
playing role of international architecture yet more or less fall apart due to the 2008 financial

3. How far is the analogy that Americanization equals Globalization accurate? Where
doesn’t it work?
In the past, Americanization and Globalization is the same thing: think about the World Trade
Organisation, the World Bank – all of these is American organisation. Globalisation is where
there is free of border, people, foods, goods and services go across border – and this is still the
case now. Yet, importantly, Americanization is not.
Americanization does not work in a G-0 world. Yes, in the past, the states who aligned with
the United States globalization scheme are likely to ‘win’, they are the so-called winners.
However, the winners in the G-0 World are not them, instead, they are states who can adapt
and/or hedge (the pivot states). Or, put in another way, countries with more flexibility are more
likely to win in a G-0 environment.
G-0 world established after the decline of G7 (largely due to the 2008 financial crisis) and after,
the G20 (the cooperation is just not as optimistic as the notion), it comes the G-0 world. People
is talking about the fall of the United States, and whether China is going to be the next
superpower or not. G0 happens when there is no global leadership; US is not ready to be the
global leader and no one else either, is ready to be one. The world has global leader – in the
economic sector, in particular – after ww2. But this is not the case anymore. What is
experienced today is the G0 world, where it presented the reality of todays’ world order: there
is, indeed, a leadership, but there is no global leadership.
Americans do not want to be the global sheriff for security, they do not want to play the role
international architecture

4. Why do a country’s standards matter in the world order?

It affects not only the supply chain, but also development as well as economic and quality of
trade. If the world shares the same international standard (normally following the US standard,
for instance, World Trade Organisation, IMF, the World Bank, all of these is American
institution – their money, their standard and their money), it ease the process of trading, helping
trade between countries to be easier and more efficient, and, ultimately, improving the

5. What is a failed state?

A weak government that eventually collapsed and lose its power to control the state. Eg Syria
and Iraq. No one really in charge, a lot of people claiming the right to run the country but no
one whose actually able to serve the authority over the whole country.
Syria for instance, Assad the president is seen as an outcast, he is unable to hold a meeting
abroad or even present himself to outsiders. He does not have power to control the state, or,
even he has, it is a broken state.

6. What is NATO?
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
NATO – 1949, provide security against Soviet union and prevent in advance of what soviet
bloc did. Problem lack of free communication cause security dilemma. Eg NATO decide to
have a war game, realistic and not letting anyone do. All troops recalled, military forces put on
high alert, all military forces begin to be deployed. Problem was, someone forgot maybe soviet
was looking what US and ally was doing, and may see it as a actual war. They started to ramped
up as they think US was ready to invade.

7. Why does domestic stability matter for international relations?

Domestic stability is the absence of large-scale violence in the country. It can also result in
tensions between states and, ultimately, lead to cross-border violence. Domestic stability
affects both citizens and states, people are not living in a security community
Realist in International Relations argues that the problem of uncertainty can never be overcome
Therefore, in terms of aspiring to a sustainable economic growth Romanian’s political
environment must meet the condition of stability which assures job creation, higher state
revenues, poverty reduction, increased welfare and education level. All these mentioned
achievements will bring benefits to all citizens of any country, therefore the probability
of violence will significantly decrease.

8. Is economic stability better than political stability? Why?

Political stability>economic stability
No. Political stability plays an important role on determining economic stability, in other words,
political stability affects economic stability. For instance, the sharp increase in policy
uncertainty resulting from Trump's governance approach. Aside from the irrationality of ever-
rising US financial markets, Trump’s erratic leadership directly impacted all other levels of
government and, ultimately, the environment in which US and foreign firms may postpone or
even withdraw investment decision, attacking the economic stability. Overall, these results
strengthened the idea that political stability is more important and better than economic stability,
that is, an achieve in political stability will eventually lead us to economic stability.
If a state achieved a political environment where there is only little income inequality and
education level, as well as substantial job opportunity and low poverty rate, it is inevitable to
achieve a stable economic.
We may conclude that when talking about political stability in the context of growth, we refer
to a specific kind of stability: the rule of law, strong institutions rather than powerful
individuals, a responsive and efficient bureaucracy, low corruption and a business climate that
is conducive to investment (Shepherd, 2010)
Vietnam, for instance, is ruled by the ruling party, yet its economic is one of the most unstable
in Asia.

9. Now argue the opposite to your answer in 8. Write as comprehensive an answer as you
just did.
Economic stability>political stability
Government may collapse if the state’s economic performance is bad and leading to political
unrest. If a state’s economic performance is great, it will ultimately attract foreign direct
investment, leading to a more competitive market and more job opportunity as well as rise in
wages as the demand increased during an economic boost. State aims for economic growth, in
other words, economic growth influences how policy maker shapes their policy.
Political instability may result in inequality, that is, most of the income fall in a small group of
high income earner and the rest is distributed among a huge proportion of people. This will
lead to the poors having doubts with the government and felt discriminated. They might resist
the government and, eventually, a volatile political environment in which government has lost
power controlling the state.

10. Does good governance really matter?

It matters. For instance, the sharp increase in policy uncertainty resulting from Trump's
governance approach. Aside from the irrationality of ever-rising US financial markets, Trump’s
erratic leadership directly impacted all other levels of government and, ultimately, the
environment in which US and foreign firms may postpone or even withdraw investment

11. Which do the three choices has America made under President Trump? Why?
Immigration policy. Donald Trump curbs the illegal immigration, working visas and curtail
the grant of green cards. Trump claimed that the increase in immigrant crime is the reason why
he implement the policy.
Withdrawal from agreement (Paris Agreement). Trump withdrew from Paris Agreement on
climate change mitigation. He argued that the Paris climate deal will erode US economy,
disadvantaging US. However, Joe Biden, the next US president after Trump, rejoined the Paris
Agreement officially on 2021.
Cutting down corporate tax. Trump cut down the corporate tax and stated that the labours will
eventually benefit from that from the trickle down effect – a rise in wage rate.
Launched ill-advised trade war with China. Trump imposed tariffs and trade barriers on
China’s goods and services. His aim is to curb the unbalanced trade practices and America’s
intellectual property. Trump’s action hurts both country’s economic badly.

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