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Scour Protection around Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations, Full-Scale


Article · January 2007


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4 authors, including:

Erik Asp Hansen Anders Wedel Nielsen

Det Norske Veritas Independent Researcher


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Scour Protection around Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations,
Full-Scale Measurements

Erik Asp Hansen Hans Jacob Simonsen

DHI Water • Environment • Health DHI Water • Environment • Health

Anders Wedel Nielsen Jan Pedersen

DHI Water • Environment • Health DONG Energy

Michael Høgedal
Vestas Wind Systems

Abstract: during the time period from 2002 to 2005. The largest
The major challenge of ensuring the stability of the lowerings have occurred close to the wind turbines.
seabed around offshore wind turbine foundations is The history of the wave current climate in the wind
addressed in the present paper. farm area has been established from a combination of
Full-scale, high-resolution measurements of the numerical simulations and measurements. From the
seabed and the scour protection around the monopile wave current climate the movement of the underlying
foundations in Horns Rev offshore wind farm are sand bed has been assessed.
analysed and presented. The measured developments Simple flow analysis and the surveys indicate that
in the scour protection are related to wave and current the sand has been transported upwards through the
conditions. filter and armour layers at most of the wind turbine
The wind turbines at Horns Rev wind farm are locations. This has resulted in subsidence of the filter
each placed on circular monopiles at water depths and armour layers into the sand bed. The top level of
ranging from 6-13 m at MSL. The seabed consists of the scour protection layer is, however, still above the
fine to coarse sand (D50 = 0.15-1 mm). The wave surrounding seabed level, which the wind turbines
conditions are severe – the largest waves are in the have been designed for. It is further concluded that
order of 8 m high. The max current in the wind farm some erosion up to 0.5 m (0.1 tower diameter) deep
area is approximately 0.88 m/s (50 year return period). has occurred outside the scour protection in the
The stability of the seabed around the wind turbine distance 15 m away from centre of the wind turbines
foundations is one of the major challenges in offshore on the east side of the turbines (opposite the main
wind farm design. Each foundation at Horns Rev is wave direction (coming from)).
protected by a 50 cm thick filter layer (D50 = 10 cm) Keywords: Full-scale measurements, scour, scour
and a 1 m thick armour layer (D50 = 40 cm) placed protection, wind turbine foundations.
within a radius of 9.5 m from the centre of the
monopole. 1 Introduction
5 high-resolution surveys of the scour protection
around all the wind turbine units have been carried out All today’s offshore wind farms producing energy
before and after installation of the turbine foundations. (start 2007) are located in shallow waters; they are
The paper presents the development of the either foundated on monopiles or on gravity based
surrounding seabed and the scour protection caissons. The design of the offshore turbines has to
themselves. include an assessment of the possible long-term
The surveys around all 80 wind turbines morphological development occurring during the
consistently show a lowering of the scour protection design period, and an assessment of the local erosion
and a net transport away from the scour protection caused by the presence of the piles themselves. For
area. The measurements also show that up to 1.5 m unprotected monopiles placed on erodible sand scour
local lowering of the armour layer have taken place depths deeper than 2.0 times the pile diameter have
been observed in experiments, see [1]. For a typical
pile this means that the piles have to be designed for information required to determine the environmental
extra 8-10 m tower length. It shall be noted that the conditions that the seabed/scour protection has
largest local scour depths generally occur in a current experienced after being installed. Full-scale
dominating environment, in wave dominating measurements have therefore only been used to a
environment the scour depth typically becomes much limited degree for the design of scour and scour
smaller. protection for the offshore wind turbines installed
In order to avoid the extra costs, which are during the last years. In the future it is expected that
associated to having a longer tower, and required to more and more elements of the design of scour
dredge or protect the power cables from turbines, the protection will be based on numerical modelling.
seabed around many energy producing offshore wind The present study was initiated with the purpose of
turbines is today protected by stones and gravel. Two analysing and using the full-scale data collected during
approaches have been used, the so-called static design, 3 surveys prior to installation of the piles and 6
where the seabed is protected before or immediately surveys completed after installation of the piles at
after the pile is installed (see [2]) or dynamic design, Horns Rev wind farm. And finally compare the results
where a scour is allowed to be developed before the by the existing theories, and with the model test results
scour potection is installed. carried out during the design phase. The surveys
The Horns Rev offshore wind farm is located 15 indicate that the armour layers have been stable,
km offshore in a harsh environment of the North Sea. however, they have moved downwards due to
To protect the foundation from scouring and thus movement of the underlying filter layer and seabed
ensuring the stability of the pile, each foundation has away from the piles. So the purpose of the study was
been protected by a rock berm consisting of 50 cm directed towards a study of the stability of the filter
single filter layer (D = 10 cm) and an approximately layer and the seabed. A simple model for the
1 m thick armour layer (D = 40 cm). The armour layer movement of the filter layer and seabed has been set
was designed in a desk study, and stability was up in order to explain the lowering of the armour
verified in completed experiments in scale 1:25 in co- stones.
directional waves and current for the design wave-
current seastate. The filter layer was designed to 2 Survey
withstand a summer seastate, and was also tested in
co-directional waves and current.
The location of the wind turbines is shown in
Almost all of today’s knowledge about scour
Figure 1. The water depth in the farm is between 6.5 m
development and the stability of scour protection is
and 13 m. The survey was conducted by divers or as
based on physical experiments carried out in flumes in
multibeam survey from a vessel (2005). The accuracy
co-directional waves and current, with two-
of the measurements is in the order of 0.2 m.
dimensional waves, see for example [3]. Each test
Turbine number 07 is selected as an example and
typically has a limited duration, focussing on the
the results are presented and interpreted in the
extreme events. The transformation of these physical
following. The survey of 2002 and the first time
experimental results into full-scale conditions is based
evolution surveys of 2005 (2005 survey) are
on the assumption that the Froude scaling law is valid.
compared. The location of turbine number 07 is shown
This means that all Reynolds number effects are
in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the difference between the
considered to be negligible. In most cases, it has not
2002 survey (after installation of armour layer) and the
been possible to scale the seabed material according to
2005 survey. The blue colour indicates an increase in
Froude law because the grain sizes, in model scale,
depth, e.g. a scour hole, whereas the red colour
would have become so small that they no longer would
indicates a decrease in depth, e.g. deposition of sand.
have acted as sand (cohesionless material). For
As seen on the figure there are numerous red and blue
example at Horns Rev the seabed grain size is
spots with an approximate diameter in the order of
typically between 0.1 mm and 1.0 mm. Making
0.2 m. This indicates a relocation of stones.
physical experiments in scale 1:25, the grain size gives
Close to the pile on the south western side, a scour
grains between 0.004 and 0.04 mm. Such fine material
hole has apparently been developed. However, this
does not act as sand. Instead, physical experiments are
scour hole might be caused by uncertainties in the
carried out using as fine sand as possible, app. 0.1
measurements and/or in the conversion of the survey
of 2002.
Some full-scale measurements/observations have
been reported. It is costly and difficult to collect all
Figure 1: Overview of Horns Rev wind farm. Turbine number 07 is marked with distinct colours. The depth contours
are based on the survey carried out in 2001.

N-S cross
West cross

East cross


E-W cross

Figure 2: Difference between 2005 survey and cover 2002 survey. (’05 minus ’02). The blue colour indicates
erosion, whereas the red colour indicates deposition. Cross-section lines are indicated with black dashed lines.
Figure 3: Cross-section going N-S approximately 25 m east (upper figure) and cross-section going E-W
approximately 25 m west (lower figure) of turbine 07, see Figure 2. Black is the cover 2002 survey and
cyan is the 2005 survey.
From Figure 3 it is seen how the sand bed east of Cross-sections going through the pile in E-W and
turbine number 07 is approximately 0.3 m eroded, N-S directions are shown in Figure 4. A lowering of
whereas backfilling in the order of 0.2 m has occurred the scour protection layer of up to 0.5 m north of the
on the western side. pile is observed. Just west of the pile erosion is

Figure 4: Cross-section through the foundation pipe of turbine 07, see Figure 2. Top: going E-W, bottom: going N-S.
Black is the cover 2002 survey and cyan is the 2005 survey.

In the entire area, see Figure 2, 66 m3 was deposited and  2.5-3.5 m, which is close to the pile and therefore
520 m3 eroded, which gives a net erosion of 454 m3, the results may be affected by inaccuracies in the
corresponding to a 0.20 m average lowering of the seabed. measurements
 3.5-6.0 m
2.1 Lowering in the Entire Park  6.0-10 m which is relatively close to the outer
The lowering around all piles has been determined as perimeter of the scour protection
done for turbine 7. The maximum change between the
level of the scour protection in 2002 and 2005 is Figure 6 shows the results of the net transport analysis.
shown for the entire wind farm in Figure 5. The 20% As seen, the majority of the scour protections are
fractal for the maximum lowering is -2.0 m, 50% subjected to a large negative net transport, i.e. material
fractal is -2.2 m, and 80% fractal is -2.5 m. is transported away from the area.
For each pile the averaged bed level changes are
determined inside the following three areas:
Figure 5: Maximum scouring. The values are calculated as the maximum change in scour protection level from 2002
to 2005 up to 10 m from the centre of the foundation. Negative (red colour) is erosion.

Figure 6: Overview of the net transport from the entire wind farm. Most of the scour protections are subjected to
erosion. All values are in m3.
Column number (from West to East)
0x 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x
X1 -51.9 -128.4 -41.7 -6.4 6.4 -33.3 -80.3 -86.7 -86.7 -154.6
(from North to South) X2 -25.0 -125.6 39.7 -92.4 -41.9 -63.5 -117.6 -68.8 -34.9 -119.4
Row number

X3 -36.3 -88.5 -71.4 -136.8 17.1 -26.7 - -91.9 -54.1 -87.6

X4 -72.4 -134.0 -17.7 - -62.7 -90.2 -47.1 -42.3 -152.0 -78.3
X5 -49.6 -77.4 -98.6 -269.5 -72.3 -67.5 -130.8 -80.8 -117.1 -86.2
X6 -142.4 -274.7 -57.6 -147.9 -65.9 -152.0 -56.3 -96.9 -37.6 -135.0
X7 -83.5 -117.8 -146.9 -55.8 -127.7 -68.0 -40.0 -125.3 -146.5 -75.7
X8 -100.0 -54.3 -81.3 -113.4 -114.5 -1.1 -96.0 -58.6 -144.5 -65.9

Table 1: Net transport for the entire wind farm from 2002 to 2005??. The net transport is calculated in a circular
band going from r = 2.1 m to R= 10 m measured from the centre of the wind turbine. All values are in m3.

of the underlying filter layers or seabed have been

2.2 Movement of Armour Layer transported up through the armour layer. This is
considered in the following.
The survey clearly shows that the level of the armour
layer close to the piles has been lowered. This may
either be caused by movement of armour stones away 3 Environmental Conditions
from the piles or movement downwards.
There is no indication in the surveys that armour The waves have continuously been measured by a
stones have been moved away from pile centre to a wave rider, see Figure 7. The waves have in the entire
position on top of the armour layer away from the pile period been simulated by a wave spectral model that
centre nor have armour stones been observed outside includes tidal and wind generated water level changes,
the scour protection. From the survey it has therefore see [4]. Current velocities up to 1m/s can occur at the
been concluded that most likely the armour stones Horns Rev.
have moved downwards. This is only possible if parts

Figure 7: Sample of the calculated significant wave height (Hs). The location of the wave rider and the ADCP
(Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) (in the period before summer ’05) is shown in the figure.
Figure 8: Comparison in a 25 days period in 2005 between H s from the numerical spectral wave model (red line) and
Hs (Hs = 4•std(η)) calculated from the wave rider measurements (blue line).

0x 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x
x1 4.19 4.07 3.96 3.85 3.71 3.57 3.47 3.36 3.24 3.12
x2 4.32 4.22 4.13 4.03 3.88 3.69 3.56 3.44 3.32 3.20
x3 4.49 4.40 4.30 4.21 4.03 3.83 3.66 3.53 3.41 3.29
x4 4.73 4.60 4.47 4.34 4.16 3.97 3.77 3.64 3.53 3.42
x5 4.97 4.80 4.63 4.47 4.29 4.10 3.92 3.77 3.66 3.56
x6 5.22 5.01 4.80 4.59 4.42 4.25 4.09 3.97 3.85 3.73
x7 5.43 5.26 5.08 4.90 4.71 4.52 4.35 4.21 4.07 3.94
x8 5.65 5.51 5.37 5.21 5.00 4.80 4.61 4.45 4.30 4.14

Table 2: 1 hour maximum significant wave height at each of the wind turbines in the period 1 January 2004 –
1 January 2006. All values are in m.

Figure 8 shows a comparison between the simulated The grain sizes of the armour stones, the filter stones,
and measured significant wave heights. and the seabed have been compared with often used
The 1 hour maximum significant wave height at filter criteria for rubble mound breakwaters, the
each of the wind turbines in the period 1 January 2004 Thompson & Shuttler Criteria and U.S. Army Criteria.
– 1 January 2006 is presented in Table 2. These filter criteria can e.g. be found in [5]. The filter
criteria for the soil conditions as stated above are
4 Filter Criteria summarised in Table 4 together with often used filter
criteria, see Table 4. Both the Thompson & Shuttler
Criteria and U.S. Army Criteria consist of three sub-
The Horns Rev scour protection consists of:
1. armour stones: 350-550 mm, with mean diameter criteria: 1 5,a ensure that the smallest stones in the
d 5 0 = 400 mm d 8 5, f
2. filter stones: 30-200 mm with mean diameter d 50 = armour layer would not subside into the filter layer,
100 mm d 1 5,a
ensure that the smallest filter stones will not
3. the underlying seabed consists of sand with d 1 5, f
d 5 0 = 0.1-1 mm
d 5 0,a
move out through the armour layer, and ensure
d 5 0, f
d15 d 50 d 85
the overall stability of the main part of the filter stones.
Armour 370 mm 400 mm 550 mm
Filter 20 mm 100 mm 200 mm
Seabed 0.1 mm 0.5 mm 1.0 mm

Table 3 Grain sizes at Horns Rev.

Pbed 1 H 1
 sin( t )
L cosh( 2h )
Ratio between over and lower
x g
layer L
The wave length, wave period, and water depth are
d15,up d 50,up d15,up related through the linear dispersion relation:
gT 2
d 85,low d 50,low d15,low L tanh( 2h )
2 L
Horns Rev filter to 1.85 4 18.5
armour layer
Using the above relations the near bed velocity and
Horns Rev seabed to 20 200 200 pressure spectra can be determined from a given wave
filter layer spectrum. For the Horns Rev wind turbines, assuming
a JONSWAP spectrum:
Thompson & Shuttler ≤4 ≤7 ≤7 g 2  5  f 4  a
S    exp   0  
2 4 f 5  4  f  
U.S. Army Coastal ~2.2 ~2.3 ~2.5
Engineering Research where α=0.0081 and f is the frequency and f0 is the
Center Criteria
peak frequency.
(Shore protection
  3.3
  f  f 0 2 
a  exp  2 2 
 2 f 0 
Table 4 Filter criteria for typical soil conditions.

As seen in Table 4, the Thompson and Shuttler where σ=0.07 for f≤f0 and σ=0.09 for f>f0. Using a
criterion is nearly fulfilled for the interface between peak period of the wave of 8 s, and a water depth of 10
the armour layer and the filter layer. However, some of m the significant near bed velocity and the significant
the smallest stones in the upper part of the filter layer pressure gradient are related to the significant wave
might be lost through the armour layer. The filter height as:
criteria for the interface between the seabed and the usignificant  H s  0.35s 1
filter layer are far from being fulfilled. Transport of Pbed

sand through the filter and armour layer may take g
 H s  0.032m1
place if the flow between the stones becomes high x significant
enough to move the sand. This is investigated in the 4.1.2 Step 2, effect from pile and protection
The pile and scour protection changes locally the near
bed velocities and pressure gradients. In the general
4.1 A Simple Model for Vertical
case the near flow and pressure field can be
Transport of Sand and Filter Stones determined using CFD modelling, see [6] or [7]. For a
upwards through the Armour Layer circular cylinder on a plane bed exposed to small
In this section the flow inside the scour protection is waves, these changes can be estimated from Mc-
estimated, using a simple engineering approach: Cammy Fucks analytical solution. For shallow waves
both the velocities and the pressure gradient will be
4.1.1 Step 1, near bed velocity
increased by a factor of 2. This factor is used in the
The undisturbed (not influenced by the presence of the present simple analysis, although the authors are aware
piles or scour protection) near bed velocities, that this may be too crude to use in a general case.
amplitudes, and excess pressures are estimated using 4.1.3 Step 3, flow inside the scour protection
first order sinusoidal wave theory. The near bed flow
conditions are used to evaluate the time varying flow The flow occurring in the armour layer is partly due to
in the armour layer, in the filter layer, and in the the shear from the flow above the armour layer and
underlying sand. partly due to pressure gradients. The importance of the
The first order near bed wave velocity is related to first part decreases moving downwards through the
the wave height, H, the period, T, the wave length, L, layer, whereas the pressure part can be taken to be
and the water depth, h, as: constant in the first few metres below the surface. The
flow is here evaluated using only the horizontal
U bed t  
sin( t ) gradients.
T sinh( 2h ) The horizontal filter velocity, V (defined as the
The first order near bed pressure height (in volume flux per area) through the armour layer can be
metre): estimated by use of a modification of Darcy’s
Pbed H 1 formulae, where the effects of turbulence and inertia
 sin( t ) are included, see [8]:
g 2 cosh( 2h )
dP k N taken equal k N  2.5d f ,50 and the amplitude of the
g V
 aV  b' V V  c  U aTp
dx t water movement in the armour layer a  (Tp is
where a, b’, and c are rock specific constants. 
The coefficients a, b’ are taken from [9]. the peak period). The following relation, see [10], is
a  2000 / gd 2 s/m and b  35 / gd  s 2 / m2   a
 4 a
and c is found from [8] c  0.5s 2 / m for grains in used: f w  0.04  ,  50
 k
 kN  N
consideration. 0.75
For known time variation of the pressure gradient,  a  a
f w  0.4  ,  50
the filter velocity, V, can be found by solving the first
 kN  kN
order differential equation numerically.
The method presented has been used for a typical
The flow velocity (the water velocity between the
storm situation: significant wave height to equal 3.5 m,
grains) is related to the filter velocity through the
water depth 10 m, and peak wave period 10 s. The
porosity n as:
associated orbital velocities are listed in Table 5.
At seabed far from the pile 1.5 m/s
4.1.4 Step 4, stability of the interfaces
In the armour layer far from the pile 0.34 m/s
If the flow is sufficiently high above a certain layer, In the filter layer far from the pile 0.17 m/s
the upper grains will start moving. In the present Above scour protection close to the pile 3.0 m/s
simple analysis the onset of grain movement is In the armour layer close to the pile 0.49 m/s
determined using the Shields parameter concept. In the filter layer close to the pile 0.24 m/s
The Shields parameter at the interface between an
Table 5: Orbital velocities.
upper layer and a lower layer is defined:
 f'
'  The orbital velocities from Table 5 have been used to
(  f   )gd f ,50 estimate the Shields parameter inside the armour and
where: filter layer caused by the wave orbital motion. The
 f is the specific gravity of the lower layer authors are fully aware that the use of this approach
may be questionable, as the flow in the layers is far
 is the water density from being uniform which was the case in the
d f ,50 is the mean grain diameter of the lower layer experiments on which the formulas are based.
The shear stresses  f ’ on the top of the filter layer The authors are also aware that Hatipoglu et al. in
2007 will present an experimental study “Suction
are assumed to be determined by the same relation Removal of Sediment from between Armour Blocks in
normally used to determine the wave induced bed Waves”, see [11]. These results may be more
shear stresses: applicable for the present purpose than using simple
 f '  12 f wU a2 wave friction factors and it will be interesting to see
where: how their results match with the observations made on
U a is the horizontal velocity just above the lower Horns Rev.
boundary in the upper layer
f w is the friction factor in oscillatory flow,
depending on the Nikuradse equivalent roughness
Figure 9: Shields parameter on the upper part of the filter layer (upper figure) and the seabed (lower figure), due to
oscillatory flow in the armour layer. Upper layer D50 = 0.4 m, Hs = 3.5 m, Tp = 10 s, and h = 10 m.
  1 )gd50
ws 
where ν is the viscosity.
The vertical distance a sediment grain will move
during one cycle can be calculated as:

l v   (v  ws )dt for v  ws  0
See Figure 10 for the definitions of v, t1 and t2.
The vertical flow velocities are related to the
vertical pressure gradients. Far from the pile the
vertical gradients are significantly lower than the
horizontal gradients, whereas the vertical pressure
gradients close to the pile are expected to be equal the
horizontal gradients.
The vertical velocities are here taken to be
proportional to the horizontal velocity. W  U . In
Figure 10: Definition for the calculation of the lift of
sediment this simple analysis, α=0.5 and α=1 is used near the
pile and far from the pile   0.2 is used. The vertical
4.1.5 Step 5, evaluation of sand movement movement using these values is presented in Figure
during one wave cycle 11. This figure indicates that the theory presented in
Vertical displacement of the sediments will take place this paper explains why the most severe lowering has
if the vertical water velocities are larger than the fall taken place close to the piles. Furthermore, the model
velocity of the sediment. The fall velocity is here predicts that sand finer than 0.35-0.45 mm close to
found from Stokes by: the pile can move 0.5 m upwards (all the way through
the filter layer) during one wave cycle, for wave
height equal 3.5 m.

Figure 11: Vertical movement of sand during one wave cycle. Upper layer D50 = 0.1 m, Hs = 3.5 m, Tp = 10 s, and
h = 10 m.
and Coastal Engineering Laboratory Aalborg University in
8. Conclusion collaboration with Danish Hydraulic Institute.
[9]. Engelund, F. (1953). On the Laminar and Turbulent
The surveys indicate that the armour layers have been Flows of Ground Water trough Homogeneous Sand.
stable, even though they have moved downwards due Transactions of the Danish Academy of Technical
to movement of the underlying filter layer and seabed Sciences, No 3.
away from the piles. A simple model for the [10]. Fredsøe, F and Deigaard, R (1992) Mechanics of
movement of the filter layer and seabed has been set Coastal Sediment Transport, World Scientific, Singapore.
up, which indicates that the lowering of the armour 11. Hatipoglu, F. Sumer, B. M. and Fredsøe, J. Suction
Removal of Sediment from between Armor Blocks in
stones is mainly caused by a sand transport through
Waves. 30th International Conference on Coastal
the filter and the armour stones. To avoid movements Engineering, San Diego 2006, Book of abstracts, paper no.
of the seabed material a finer filter layer or a 275
geotextile could be applied. However, due to the
strong current it is impractical to apply a geotextile
and an extra finer filter layer would easily be lost
during construction. For this reason these solutions
were disregarded in the design of the Horns Rev
Wind Farm. A possible solution would be to apply a
thicker filter layer with a higher gradation. This will
of course result in some loss of filter material through
the armour layer, but over time it will be stable.
Another option will be, as at Horns Rev, to make
frequent surveys and then apply new stones if

The financial support (1.3 mio. DKK) of the Danish
Public Service Program (PSO) under Contract PSO:
6508 (FU5102) is gratefully acknowledged.

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127, No. 5, 403-411.
[2]. J.H. den Boon, J. Sutherland, R. Whitehouse, R.
Soulsby, C.J.M. Stam, K. Verhoeven, M. Høgedal, T. Hald.
Scour Behaviour and Scour Protection for Monopile
Foundations of Offshore Wind Turbines.
[3]. Sumer, B.M. and Fredsøe, J. (2002). The Mechanics of
Scour in the Marine Environment, World Scientific,
[4]. Jacobsen, V., Rugbjerg, M. (2005). Offshore Wind
Farms – the Need for Metocean Data. Copenhagen
Offshore Wind 2005, Copenhagen, 26-28 October 2005.
[5]. Jensen, O. J. (1984). A Monograph on Rubble Mound
Breakwaters, Danish Hydraulic Institute.
[6]. Bredmose, H., Skourup, J., Hansen, E.A., Christensen,
E.D., Pedersen, L.M. and Mitzlaff, A. (2006). Numerical
reproduction of extreme wave loads on a gravity wind
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[7]. Christensen, E.D., Bredmose, H. and Hansen E.A.
(2005). Extreme wave forces and wave run-up on offshore
windturbine foundations. Proceedings of Copenhagen
Offshore Wind 2005, Copenhagen October 2005.
[8]. Andersen, O. H. (1994). Flow in Porous Media with
Special Reference to Breakwater Structures. Hydraulics

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