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Week 6: Drugs for Heart Failure, Angina, Coagulation Modifier Drugs, Statins

Heart Failure
specific disease : complex clinical syndrome resulting from

vote a any functional & structural

impairment to the ,
specifically ejection of blood OR ventrical filling

control risk factors Obesity & diabetes


; HTN , CAD .

is unable to DUMP enough blood from ventricles to meet body's metabolic needs

⑥ HF coughing SOB dyspnea


's pulmonary edema . , ,

⑧ HF 's systemic venous congestion , pedal edema .

jugular venous distension .
ascites .
& hepatic congestion8 .

Classifications of

4 Failure :

Class I :
No physical activity limitations

↳ class I :
ordinary physical activity results in fatigue dyspnea ,

class Ii
Marked limitation in physical activity

class II :
symptoms @ rest / no physical activity

Cardiac Glycosides
Digoxin llano ✗ in )

NO longer used as first eine tx mortality


not shown to reduce


A myocardial contractility 1 positive inotropic effect between SA & AV node cardiac


* area .

changes electrical conduction properties of the cells remain in a state of depolarization

> Iv rate of electrical conduction for a longer period & are unable to

prolong refractory period start another electrical impulse .

used in HF & to control ventricular response to to HR & A cardiac efficiency .


atrial fibrillation

Adverse Effects

cardio bradycardia tachycardia hypotension


these are symptoms of anxiety

, ,

Headache Confusion convulsions


. .
fatigue ,

visual :
coloured vision .
halo vision

GI anorexia

nausea .
vomiting diarrhea ,

Digoxin Toxicity


was 1st Choice drug ,

but not anymore dit adverse effects & drug

contraindicated in pts w/ hypersensitivity to it & ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation


therapeutic index (therapeutic dose is close toxic dose)


LOW to

Digoxin levels monitored when 1St start taking drug monitor if there

are .
When steady . only

is suspicion of toxicity nonadherence , .

& deteriorating kidney fxn .
LOW potassium OR magnesium levels A potential for toxicity .

Monitor electrolyte levels


Pt may be treated WI digoxin immune Fab (digi bind )

Recognizes digoxin as an antigen & forms an antigen antibody complex WI the drug

inactivating the free digoxin

Diltiazem hydrochloride ( card izem )

calcium channel blocker


used for temporary control Of rapid ventricular response for Dt Wl atrial fib & .

paroxysmal supra ventricular tactics .

contraindication hypersensitivity pulmonary congestion


's acute M1 .
, ,

Chest pain i
When the supply of oxygen in the blood is insufficient to meet the demands of

requires a large supply of oxygen to meet demands placed on it

ischemia 's

poor blood supply to organ .

Chronic stable angina ( classic 1 effort angina ) i

occurs due to artherosclerosis

( pre infarction angina ) WI


unstable angina ; most dangerous .

acute coronary syndrome

cardiac ischemia WIO persistent ST segment elevation on ECG & no detectable release

of the enzymes & biomarkers of myocardial necrosis .

Often ends in MI

Vaso Das tic angina ( variant angina ) ; results from spasms from smooth muscle that surrounds

the art hero sclerotic coronary arteries .

occurs @ rest Wto any precipitating cause

follows same schedule ,
happens @ same time of day .

Drugs for angina

nitrates / nitrites .
b- blockers ,
calcium channel blockers .
Rapid acting forms

treat acute angina / attacks Available Forms :

sublingual tablets or spray ; Nlnfusion sublingual #

chewable tablets

acting forms


used to prevent anginal episodes


oralcapsule / tablets

N solutions


prototypical nitrate transdermal patch #



Large 1St bypass effect moral forms ointments

used for symptomatic + ✗ of ischemic transiingual sprays #



conditions langina ) *
Bypasses Liver & first-pass effect

Oral .
Sublingual .me/-reddOseaerosol

sprayed under tongue ,

IV. & topical

MOA Adverse Effects

cause vasodilation through relaxation Headaches ,

dizziness eotatigue

Of smooth muscles > usually diminishes in intensity & frequency

potent dilating effects on coronary WI continued use

arteries allowing oxygen to ischemic reflex tactics :

when nitrate induced


myocardial tissue occurs overcompensates &THR

usedfortx & prevention of angina >

huge shift in blood volume toward the systemic

Tolerance venous circulation & away from the

taking nitrates around the orthostatic hypotension


occurs in Des

CIOCKORWI long-acting forms

prevented Disallowing a regular nitrate

free period to allow enzyme pathways to



administered orally blc Of first pass effect



commonly taken sublingual quick absorption

Route onset of action peak Action Duration Of Action

IV I -2 mins NIA 3- 5 mins

sublingual 2- 3 mins unknown 30-60 mins .

topical 15 -

60min18 0.5 -

2hr8 3-8 hours .

transdermal 30 -60 mins I -3 hours 8- 12 hours

translingual 2 mins 4- 10min 3- 60min

process of halting bleeding
complex relationship btwn what promotes clot formation OR inhibit coagulation
blood clot

Thrombus i a

Embolus thrombus that moves through blood vessels


; a .

coagulation system :
cascade WI each activated factor acting as a catalyst that

amplifies the next rxn .

Drugs Affecting coagulation

> Results in fibrin ( clot forming ) ① Anticoagulants ; inhibits the action OR formation of

clotting factors ( prevents clot formation )

② Anti platelets ; inhibits platelet aggregation

( prevent platelet plug )


interfere clotting factors that activate thrombin


Usually injected 110 10.000 Units 1 mL )



always use 1mL Syringes dosing MUST BE EXACT DO NOT ROUND

Toxicity petechia eccnymoses


sx ; hematuria ,
Melena , ,

weight heparin8 ( LMWH )


LOW molecular

enoxapar in cloven OX) & da Heparin (frag min )
↳ more predictable response

C- no ✗ A Darin ( Love nox)




commonly used

better than heparin blc no need for monitor & can be given for home tx of DVT

DO NOT give heparin + enoxabarin in combination


warfarin sodium lcoumad in )

inhibits ✓ it K synthesis by bacteria in GI tract


inhibit Vit K dependent clotting factors III. V11 , IX. X ) Which are typically synthesized

in the liver .

Most commonly prescribed ORALLY

Dabigatran ( Prada ✗ a) Apixaban ( Eliquis )

direct thrombin inhibitor direct factor ✗ a inhibitor


prevents stroke & thrombosis in pts anticoagulant used for prophylaxis ( after knee
- -

w/ non valvular atrial fibrillation surgery )

dose dependent on kidney fxn prevents formation of thrombus


prodrug activated by liver administered PO

- -

Normal dose 150mg bid side effects bruising minor bleed


: i


NO antidote

Rivaroxabancxarelto )
direct factor ✗ a inhibitor

treats DVT

aspirin to to risk for heart attack

administered PO

works by inhibiting the enzymes that cause the platelets to clump together

Aspirin ( Acetyl salicylic acid )


Only for

don't use for children WI flu-like sx


Clopidogrel ( Plavi × )
only PO

ADP inhibitor

most widely used .

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