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Name of Drug Indication Contraindications Mechanism of Action Side Effect Nursing Responsibility

Used for severe  Contraindicated for Pharmacodynamics: Decreased Appetite Assessment:

Generic Name: hypertension, patients that are A direct-acting peripheral Diarrhea  Assess the five
preeclampsia, hypersensitive to drug. vasodilator which relaxes Fast Heartbeat rights: right client,
hydralazine eclampsia.  Drug may contain arteriolar smooth muscle. Head Pain right medication,
hydrochloride Ampule is used for tartrazine and cause Heart Throbbing Or right route, right
hypertensive crisis. allergic reactions, Onset: Pounding dose, and right time.
especially i patient I.V & I.M 10-80 Nausea  Review health care
hypersensitive to aspirin. min. Vomiting provider’s order so
 Contraindicated in those Peak: Unknown that drug is
Brand Name: with CAD or mitral ADVERSE REACTION administered safely
valvular rheumatic heart I.V& I.M Up to 12 hours CNS: headache, dizziness, and correctly.
Apresoline disease. peripheral neuritis.  Monitor patient’s
 Use cautiously in Drug-drug BP, pulse rate, and
Classification: patients with suspected Diazoxide, MAO inhibitors: CV: angina pectoris, body weight
cardiac disease, stroke, May cause severe hypotension. palpitation,tachycardia, frequently. May be
Therapeutic class: or severe renal Use together cautiously. orthostatic hypotension, given with diuretics
Antihypertensives impairment and in those edema, flushing. and beta blocker to
taking other Diuretics, other hypotensive decrease sodium
antihypertensives. drugs: May cause excessive EENT: conjunctivitis, retention and
 May cause blood hypotension. Dosage adjustment nasal congestion. tachycardia and to
dyscrasias. Discontinue may be needed. prevent angina
Pharmacologic class:
if they occur. GI: nausea, vomiting, attacks.
PREGNANCY-LACTATION- NSAIDs: diarrhea, anorexia,  Elderly patients may
Peripheral dilators REPRODUCTION: constipation, paralytic be more sensitive to
May decrease effects of
 Drug crosses the hydralazine. Monitor BP. ileus. drug’s hypotensive
Dosage: placental barrier and is effects.
associated with fetal GU: difficult urination.  Obtain CBC, lupus
Given: 20 mg/amp toxicity in third Pharmacokinetics: erythematosus cell
trimester. Use during Absorption: Well absorbed I.M; Hematologic: neutropenia, preparation, and
Adult: 20 to 40 mg pregnancy only if Completely absorbed I.V. leukopenia, ANA titer
I.M or I.V; repeat as expected outcome agranulocytosis, determination
needed. Switch to oral justifies the risk to the Distribution: Widely distributed, eosinophilia, before theraphy and
form as soon as fetus. crosses placenta. 88-90 % thrombocytopenia with or periodically during
possible. protein bound without purpura. long term therapy.
 Monitor patient
Route: Metabolism: extensively in Musculoskeletal: closely for signs and
liver. muscle cramps, arthralgia. symptoms of
Intravenous Half life: 3-7 hours lupuslike syndrome
Respiratory: (sore throat, fever,
Excretion: liver and primarily in dyspnea muscle and joint
kidney. aches, rash), and
Pregnancy Skin: notify prescriber
Classification: rash immediately if they
Category C Other: hypersensitivity
reactions, chills. Patient teaching:
 Inform patient that
low BP and
dizziness upon
standing can be
minimized by rising
slowly and avoiding
sudden position
 Tell patient to report
all adverse
reactions, including
prolonged general
tiredness or fever,
muscle or joint
aching, or chest
Name of Drug Indication Contraindications Mechanism of Action Side Effect Nursing Responsibility

Used as anticonvulsant.  Contraindicated in patient with Pharmacodynamics: heart disturbances, Assessment:

Generic Name: Lowers intracranial myocardial damage, heart Replaces magnesium and breathing difficulties,  Assess the five
pressure. Prevention and block, or coma. maintains magnesium poor reflexes, rights: right client,
magnesium control of in toxemia  Use cautiously with patients level; as an anticonvulsant, confusion, right medication,
sulfate (pre-eclampsia). with impaired renal function. reduces muscle weakness, right route, right
contractions by interfering flushing (warmth, redness, dose, and right time.
PREGNANCY-LACTATION- with release of or tingly feeling),  Review health care
REPRODUCTION acetylcholine at myoneural sweating, provider’s order so
 Drug can cause fetal junction. lowered blood pressure, that drug is
Brand Name: abnormalities (fetal Onset: feeling like you might pass administered safely
hypocalcemia, bone I.V Immediate out, and correctly.
Elin Magnesium abnormalities), especially I.M 1 hr anxiety,  Assess client’s
Sulfate, Hizon when given beyond 5 to 7 days Peak: Unknown cold feeling, condition before
Magnesium to pregnant women. Use only Duration: extreme drowsiness, therapy and reassess
Sulfate in pregnancy if clearly needed, I.V 30 mins muscle tightness or regularly thereafter
and inform patient of potential I.M 3-4 hr contraction, or to monitor drug
Classification: fetal harm. headache. effectiveness.
 When drug is administered by Drug-drug  Monitor renal
Therapeutic continous I.V. infusion (esp. Lithium: May increase Adverse reaction status. Assess input-
class: for more than 24 hours urinary excretion of CNS: toxicity, weak or output ratio, output
preceding delivery) to control lithium. Monitor lithium absent deep tendon (less than or equal
Electrolyte seizure in toxemic woman, the level closely. reflexes, flaccid paralysis, 100 mL 4 hours
replacements neonate may show signs of drowsiness, stupor. before each dose).
magnesium toxicity, including Nephrotoxic drugs  Monitor for possible
neuromuscular or respiratory (aminoglycosides, CV: slow, weak pulse; drug induced
depression. cyclosporine): May arrhythmias; hypotension; adverse reaction.
 Contraindicated in actively increase risk of toxicity circulatory collapse;  Monitor signs of
progressing labor and in and renal failure. Avoid flushing. magnesium toxicity:
Minerals pregnant women with toxemia disappearance of
use together.
of pregnancy during the 2 GI: diarrhea knee-jerk and
Dosage: hours preceding delivery. Opioid analgesics: May patellar reflexes; if
increase diuretic-related Metabolic: hypocalcemia. absent, notify
10 gms/vial adverse effects and prescriber and give
diminish therapeutic Respiratory: respiratory no more magnesium
Total initial dose effects of diuretics. paralysis until reflexes return;
is 10 to 14 g I.V. Monitor therapy. otherwise, patient
Skin: diaphoresis may develop
 To accomplish Sodium phosphates: temporary
this, give 4 to 5 May enhance the Other: hypothermia respiratory failure
g I.V in 250 mL nephrotoxic effect of and need
sodium phosphates. cardiopulmonary
of solution and Consider theraphy resuscitation or I.V
simultaneously modification. administration of
give up to 10 g calcium.
I.M. (5 g or 10 Tobramycin:  Assess prior drug
mL of the Mannitol (systemic) may history; there are
undiluted 50% enhance nephrotoxic effect many interaction.
solution in each of tobramycin (oral  Assess patient’s and
buttock). inhalation). Avoid family’s knowledge
combination. of drug therapy.
 After initial I.V.
dose, some Pharmacokinetics: Planning
administer 1 to Absorption: I.V IV route
2 g/hour by administered is  Administer only
constant I.V immediately absorbed. when calcium
infusion. Base gluconate available
subsequent Distribution: After for magnesium
doses on administration, about 40% toxicity.
magnesium of plasma magnesium is  Administer IV at
level; serum protein bound. The less than 150
magnesium unbound magnesium ion mg/min; circulatory
level of 6mg/ diffuses into the collapse may occur.
100 mL is extravascular-extracellular
considered space, into bone, and Implementation:
optimal for across the placenta and Patient/family education
seizure control. fetal membranes and into  Explain use and
the fetus and amniotic administration to
fluid. In pregnant women, patient and family.
 Don’t exceed
apparent volumes of  Stress importance of
40 g in a 24-
distribution usually reach immediate reporting
hour period. or
constant values between any adverse
patient with
the third and fourth hours reaction.
severe renal
after administration. The  Explain to client
pharmacokinetic profile of about side effects
20g/ 48 hours is
MgSO4 after intravenous and emphasize to
the maximum
administration can be
dose. ask for assistance if
described by a 2-
compartment model with a needs to move.
Route: rapid distribution.

Intravenous Metabolism:
Half-life: Unknown
Magnesium is almost
exclusively excreted in the
Pregnancy urine, with 90% of the
Classification: dose excreted during the
first 24 hours after an
Category A intravenous infusion of
MgSO4. For I.V it is
relative slow beta phase of
elimination. ,

Name of Drug Indication Contraindications Mechanism of Action Side Effect Nursing Responsibility
 Contraindicated in patients Pharmacodynamic: drowsiness, Assessment
Generic Name: Hypertension or hypersensitive to drug and in May inhibit the central headache,  Monitor patient’s BP
methyldopa hypertensive crisis. those with active hepatic vasomotor centers, lack of energy, or regularly.
disease (such as acute hepatitis) decreasing sympathetic weakness.  Occasionally,
or active cirrhosis. outflow to the heart, tolerance may occur,
 Contraindicated in those whose kidneys, and peripheral Adverse reaction usually between the
previous methyldopa therapy vasculature. CNS: decreased mental second and third
Brand Name: Onset:
caused liver problems and in acuity, sedation, months of therapy.
those taking MAO inhibitors. I.V 4-6 hrs headache, weakness, Adding a diuretic or
Aldomet, Peak: Unknown dizziness, paresthesia, adjusting dosage may
Dopamet Duration: parkinsonism, psychic be needed. If patient’s
 Use cautiously in patients with
history of impaired hepatic I.V 10-16 hrs disturbances, response changes
function or sulfite sensitivity. depression, nightmares. significantly, notify
Drug-drug prescriber.
Classification: Amphetamines, CV: orthostatic  Monitor CBC with
Therapeutic norepinephrine, hypotension, edema, differential counts
class: pseudoephedrine, bradycardia, HF, before therapy and
Antihypertensives phenothiazines, TCAs: myocarditis, aggravated periodically thereafter.
May cause hypertensive angina, paradoxical  Patients who need
Pharmacologic effects. Monitor patient pressor response with blood transfusions
class: closely. I.V. use, pericarditis should have direct and
Centrally acting indirect Coombs test
antiadrenergics Anesthetics: EENT: nasal results. In patients
May need lower doses of congestion. who have received
anesthetics. Use together drug for several
cautiously. months, positive
GI: dry mouth, reaction to direct
pancreatitis, nausea, Coombs may indicate
vomiting, diarrhea, hemolytic anemia.
constipation, flatus, sore
 Report involuntary
Dosage: Antihypertensives: or “black” tongue, choreoathetoid
ADULTS: May increase risk for abdominal distention, movements. Drug may
250mg 2-3 times hypotension. Use colitis. be stopped.
daily for 2 days, cautiously.  Monitor for allergic
adjusted at GU: galactorrhea, dark reactions: rash, fever,
intervals of 2 days Barbiturates: urine. pruritus and urticarial.
until adequate May decrease action of Discontinue drug if
response is methyldopa. Monitor antihistamines fail to
obtained. patient closely. control allergic
Maximum dose reaction.
leukopenia, bone
3g daily (increase  Monitor possible drug
CNS depressants: marrow depression,
evening dose induced adverse
May increase sedation hemolytic anemia.
first). Usual reactions.
because of methyldopa
effective dose Implementation
sedative effect.Use Hepatic: hepatic
500mg to 2g Patient/Family
cautiously. necrosis, hepatitis,
daily. education
 Instruct client to
Ferrous sulfate:
notify the prescriber
May decrease Musculoskeletal: immediately if
bioavailability of arthralgia.
Route: unpleasant adverse
methyldopa. Separate doses.
Oral reactions occur.
Skin: rash  Instruct client to
Haloperidol: report signs and
Intravenous May increase inti-psychotic symptoms of
effect of haloperidol or infection, yellowing of
cause psychosis. Use Other: drug-induced
fever, gynecomastia, the skin, flu-like
together cautiously. symptoms, and muscle
Pregnancy aches as soon as
Classification: Levodopa: possible.
CATEGORY B May increase hypotensive  Instruct client to
effects, which may decrease notify the prescriber a
adverse CNS reactions. weight gain of 900 g
Monitor patient closely. in 1 day or gain of 900
g a week.
Lithium:  Tell the client to
May increase lithium level. understand that at the
Watch for increased lithium start of the therapy,
level and signs and drug may impair
symptoms of toxicity. ability to perform
tasks that require
MAO inhibitors: alertness.
Nay cause excessive  Instruct client to avoid
sympathetic stimulation. sudden position
Avoid using together. changes and rise
slowly upon standing.
Absorption: Methyldopa is
incompletely absorbed from
the gastrointestinal tract.

Decarboxylation is
stereospecific. The
bioavailability of an oral
dose averages 25%(± 16%)
and peak plasma levels
occur 2 to 3 hours later.

Metabolism: Extensively
metabolized in the liver.
Half life: about 2 hours

Biphasic. It is partly
conjugated mainly to the o-
sulphate and is excreted by
the kidneys. Methyldopa
has been shown to cross the
placental barrier and is
found in the lungs, heart
and muscles after 24 hours,
detectable quantities are
present in the liver and
Name of Drug Indication Contraindications Mechanism of Action Side Effect Nursing Responsibility
Generic Name: Perioperative  Contraindicated in patients Pharmacodynamic: yeast infection of Assessment:
cefazolin sodium prevention in hypersensitive to drug or Inhibits cell wall synthesis, vagina and vulva  Assess the five rights:
contaminated other cephalosporins. promoting osmotic stability; Diarrhea right client, right
Brand Name: surgery.  Use cautiously in patients usually bactericidal. Indigestion medication, right
Fonvicol,, Ilozef, hypersensitive to penicillin Onset: Intense Abdominal Pain route, right dose, and
Lupex, Stancef because of the possibility of I.V Immediate Nausea right time.
cross-sensitivity with other I.M Unknown Vomiting  Review health care
beta-lactam antibiotics. Peak: Agitation provider’s order so
 Use cautiously in patients I.V Immediate Confusion that drug is
Therapeutic class:
with a history of colitis, I.M 1/2-2 hr Dizziness administered safely
seizure disorders, or renal Duration: Head Pain and correctly.
insufficiency. I.V Unknown Inflammation or  Assess patient's
 Prolonged use may result in I.M Unknown infection of the vagina previous sensitivity to
fungal or bacterial Itching of anus penicillin or other
superinfection, including Drug-drug: Itching of genital area cephalosporin. Cross
Dosage: CDAD and Aminoglycosides: May increase Joint Pain sensitivity between
Given: 1 gm as pseudomembranous colitis, risk of nephrotoxicity. Avoid Low Energy penicillin and
loading dose which can occur more than using together. Numbness and tingling cephalosporins is
( followed by 500 2 months after treatment common.
mg to 1 g during ends. Anticoagulants: Adverse reaction  Assess for
surgery for lengthy May increase anticoagulant CV: phlebitis, anaphylaxis: rash,
procedure). PREGNANCY-LACTATION- effects. Monitor Pt and INR. thrombophlebitis with urticaria, pruritus,
REPRODUCTIVE I.V. injection. chills, fever, or joint
Infusion: 1 g/50 mL, Live-virus vaccines: pain. Angioedema
2 g/50 mL in 50-mL There are no adequate studies in May decrease effectiveness of GI: diarrhea, may occur few days
bag; 2 g/100 mL in pregnant women. Use in live-virus vaccines. Concurrent pseudomembranous after the beginning of
100-mL bag pregnancy only if clearly needed use isn’t recommended. colitis, anorexia, therapy. Epinephrine
and potential benefit justifies glossitis, dyspepsia, and resuscitation
potential risk to the fetus. abdominal cramps, anal equipment should be
Injection: 500 mg, 1 Phenytoin: available for
g, 2 g May decrease protein binding of pruritus, oral
candidiasis. anaphylactic reaction.
phenytoin. Monitor phenytoin
 Assess renal function
Route: level.
before and during
Intramuscular GU: genital pruritus,
therapy: urine output,
Intravenous Probenecid: candidiasis, vaginitis.
BUN and creatinine.
May inhibit excretion and Monitor for
Pregnancy increase cefazolin level. Use Hematologic: nephrotoxicity.
Classification: together isn’t recommended. neutropenia,  Monitor hematologic,
leukopenia, electrolyte and hepatic
Warfarin: thrombocytopenia, status if patient is on
Category B
May enhance anticoagulant eosinophilia. long term therapy.
effects. Monitor therapy. Hematologic:
Skin: maculopapular bleeding; ecchymosis,
Pharmacokinetic and erythematous bleeding gums,
Absorption: Well absorbed rashes, urticarial, hematuria, stool
pruritus, pain, guaiac, CBC and Hct.
induration, sterile Electrolyte: sodium,
Distribution: Widely distributed.
abscesses, tissue potassium and
Crosses placenta; penetrates CSF
sloughing at injection chloride Hepatic:
site, Stevens-Johnson AST, ALT, LDH,
syndrome. bilirubin, alkaline
Metabolism: Minimally phosphatase and
metabolized in liver Coomb's test monthly.
Half life: About 2 hours
Other: anaphylaxis,  If large doses are
hypersensitivity given, therapy is
Elimination prolonged, or patient
reactions, drug fever.
Excretion: Urine (80-100% as is at high risk, monitor
unchanged drug) patient for signs and
symptoms of
perineal itching, fever,
malaise,redness, pain,
swelling, drainage,
rash, diarrhea.amd
change in cough or
sputum. Severe
diarrhea may indicate
 If CrCl falls below 55
mL/minute adjust
 Monitor patient for
diarrhea and treat

Patient/Family education
 Instruct patient to
report adverse
reactions promptly.
 Instruct patient to
report discomfort at
I.V. injection site.
 Instruct patient notify
prescriber if a risk
develops or if signs
and symptoms of
superinfection, such
as recurring fever,
chills, and malaise,
 Explain to client
about side effects and
emphasize to ask for
assistance if needs to

Generic Name: It is used as a Contraindicated to patients Pharmacokinetics: Frequent:  Discomfort may occur
cefuroxime treatment of who has history of Absorption:  Discomfort with with IM injection.
susceptible hypersensitivity/anaphylacti Rapidly absorbed from GI tract. IM administration
Brand name: infections due to c reaction, hypersensitivity  oral candidiasis  Assess oral cavity for
Ceftin, Kefurox, group B to cephalosporins. Distribution: (thrush) white patches on
Zinacef, Zinacef streptococci, Protein binding: 33% - 50%.  mild diarrhea mucous membranes,
Cautions: Severe renal
ADD-Vantage, pneumococci, Widely distributed including to  mild abdominal tongue (thrush).
impairment, history of
Zinacef TwistVial staphylococci, H. CSF. cramping
penicillin allergy.
influenzae, E. coli,  vaginal  Monitor daily pattern of
Enterobacter, candidiasis
Classification: Metabolism: bowel activity, stool
cephalosporin Not metabolized. consistency. Mild GI
including acute/
antibiotics Occasional: effects may be tolerable
chronic bronchitis,
Elimination:  Nausea (increasing severity
Dosage: Primarily excreted unchanged in  Serum sickness- may indicate onset of
impetigo, early
Usual Dosage urine. Moderately removed by like reaction antibiotic-associated
Lyme disease,
IV, IM: hemodialysis (fever, joint pain; colitis).
otitis media,
Adults, elderly: pharyngitis/tonsilli usually occurs
750 mg-1.5 g q8h. tis, sinusitis, Half-life: 1.3 hours (increased in after second  Monitor I&O, renal
skin/skin structure, renal impairment). course of therapy function tests for
PO: Adults, UTI, perioperative and resolves after nephrotoxicity.
elderly: 250-500 prophylaxis. drug is
mg twice a day. discontinued).
Pharmacodynamics  Be alert for
Antibacterial action: superinfection: fever,
Route: Rare: vomiting, diarrhea,
Cefuroxime is primarily
 Intramuscula  Allergic reaction anal/ genital pruritus,
bactericidal; it also may be
r (IM) (rash, pruritus, oral mucosal changes
bacteriostatic. Activity depends
 Intravenous urticaria) (ulceration, pain,
on the organism, tissue
(IV) penetration, dosage, and rate of  thrombophlebitis erythema).
 Per organism multiplication. It acts by (pain, redness,
Orem/Oral adhering to bacterial penicillin- swelling at
 Advise for dizziness or
injection site)
(PO) binding proteins, thereby lightheadedness
inhibiting cell wall synthesis.
Pregnancy Cefuroxime is active against  Observe for fever or
classification: many gram-positive organisms joint pain if 2nd course
Pregnancy and enteric gram-negative bacilli, of therapy is
Category B including Streptococcus administered and ask
pneumoniae and S. pyogenes, for result if
Haemophilus influenzae, discontinued
Klebsiella species, Staphylococcu
saureus, Escherichia coli,
 Monitor for allergic
Enterobacter, and Neisseria
reaction and rashes
gonorrhoeae; Bacteroides
Pseudomonas, and Acinetobacter   Assess the injection site
species are resistant to for redness and swelling
cefuroxime. may occur

Generic name:  Clarithromyci Contraindicated in patients Pharmacokinetics: CNS: headache.  The nurse must
clarithromycin n is used to hypersensitive to erythromycin Absorption: encourage the client to
treat a wide or other macrolides who have Readily absorbed from GI tract; GI: diarrhea, nausea, take a rest and drink
Brand name: variety of cardiac abnormalities or 50% reaches the systemic abnormal taste, plenty of fluids. Inform
Biaxin bacterial electrolyte disturbances. circulation. dyspepsia, abdominal the physician if the
infections. Peak: 2–4 hours. pain or discomfort. headaches last longer
Use cautiously in patients with than a week or became
 Acute impaired renal or hepatic Distribution: severe.
Therapeutic class:
Antibiotics worsening of function. Widely distributes into most body
Pharmacologic chronic tissue (excluding CNS); high  For the side effects in GI
class: bronchitis pulmonary tissue concentrations. the nurse must also
Macrolides caused by M. encourage the client to
catarrhalis, S. Metabolism: drink lots of fluids to
Dosage: pneumoniae, Partially metabolized in the liver; avoid dehydration. Also,
Adults: Two H. active 14-OH metabolite acts Monitor bowel function.
500mg extended parainfluenza synergistically with the parent Diarrhea, abdominal
release tablets P.O e or H. compound against H. influenzae. cramping, fever, and
daily for 7 days. influenzae. bloody stools should be
Elimination: reported to health care
Route:  Respiratory 20% excreted unchanged in urine; professional promptly as
Per orem/Oral tract 10–15% of 14-OH metabolite a sign of
infections excreted in urine. Half-Life: 3–5 pseudomembranous
including hrs. colitis.
Classification: streptococcal
Pregnancy pharyngitis, Pharmacodynamics:  Advise patient not to
Category C sinusitis, It is a macrolide antibiotic, binds to treat diarrhea without
bronchitis and the 50S subunit of bacterial consulting health care
pneumonia. ribosomes, blocking protein professional.
synthesis. It’s a bacteriostatic or
bactericidal, depending on the Additional:
concentration.  Be sure to use extended-
release form to only treat
infections for which it is

 Monitor patient for

superinfection. Drug may
cause overgrowth of non-
susceptible bacteria or


Generic name: A corticosteroid Contraindicated in patients Pharmacokinetics CNS: headache,  The nurse must
budesonide used to prevent hypersensitive to drug, in Absorption: nervousness. encourage the client to
breathing those with severe The intranasal dose reaching take a rest, relax and
Brand name: difficulties, chest hypersensitivity to milk systemic circulation is usually about EENT: nasal drink plenty of fluids.
Pulmicort Flexhaler, tightness, proteins and in those with 20%. irritation, epistaxis, Inform the physician if
Pulmicort Respules, wheezing, and status asthmaticus or other pharyngitis, sinusitis, the headaches last longer
Pulmicort Turburhaler coughing caused acute asthma episodes. Distribution: reduced sense of than a week or became
by respiratory 88% protein-bound in the plasma; smell, nasal pain, severe.
disorders, such as volume of distribution is 200 L. hoarseness.
asthma and  Notify the physician
Therapeutic class:
COPD. GI: taste perversion, because patients who
Corticosteroids Metabolism:
Pharmacologic class: Rapidly and extensively dry mouth, dyspepsia, take budesonide for
Corticosteroids metabolized in the liver. nausea, vomiting. several months or longer
Metabolic: weight should be examined for
gain. evidence of Candida
Dosage: Excretion:
infection or other signs
Budesonide- Eliminated in urine (about 67%)
Respiratory: cough, of adverse effects on the
formoterol 160/4.5, and feces (about 33%).
candidiasis, wheezing, nasal mucosa.
200/6 mcg:
2 inhalations orally dyspnea.
twice daily Anti-inflammatory action: Precise  Advise the client to drink
Maximum dose: 4 mechanism by which Skin: facial edema, a lot of water to avoid
inhalations corticosteroids such as budesonide rash, pruritus, contact dehydration especially
act on allergic and non-allergic dermatitis. when vomiting and dry
Route: rhinitis isn’t known. Corticosteroids mouth continues.
 Per orem/Oral show a wide range of inhibitory Other:
 Nasal activities against multiple cell types hypersensitivity  If the client have sudden
(such as mast cells, eosinophils, reactions. worsening of breathing,
neutrophils, macrophages, and use quick-relief inhaler
lymphocytes) and mediators (such and notify the doctor.
Pregnancy Category as histamine, eicosanoids,
B leukotrienes, and cytokines)  Notify the physician if
involved in allergic and non- sore throat or other
allergic, irritant-mediated symptoms of anaphylaxis
inflammatory processes. (rash, severe itching,
swelling of the face,
mouth, and tongue,
trouble breathing or
swallowing, chest pain,
anxiety or feeling of
doom) occur.

 Excessive doses of
budesonide or use of
drug with other inhaled
corticosteroids may lead
to signs or symptoms of


Generic Name:  Long-term Hypersensitivity to Pharmacokinetics: CNS: Seizures,  Secure Doctor’s order
Theophylline control of aminophylline or theophylline Absorption: anxiety, headache,
reversible Well absorbed from PO dosage insomnia, irritability  Give medication on
Brand Name: airway Patient with/history of Cardiac forms; absorption from extended- right time
Elixophyllin obstruction arrhythmias, heart failure, liver release dosage forms is slow but GI: nausea, vomiting,
caused by disease, or hypothyroidism and complete. anorexia
 Inform patient about the
asthma or Peptic ulcer disease
Classification: possible side effect of
COPD Distribution:
Therapeutic: CV: Arrhythmias, the drug.
Bronchodilators Widely distributed; crosses the tachycardia, angina,
Pharmacologic:  Treatment placenta and into breast milk; does palpitations
not distribute into adipose tissue.  During seizure activity,
Xanthine derivatives for:
promote airway
a. Lower
clearance by maintain
Dosage and Route: respiratory Metabolism and Excretion: 90%
in lying position, flat
PO (Children 9–12 yr, tract metabolized by the liver to several
surface; turn head to
adolescent and adult infections metabolites (including the active
side; loosen clothing
smokers 50 yr): (acute and metabolites, caffeine, and 3–
Loading dose - 5 from neck or chest and
chronic methylxanthine); metabolites are
mg/kg, followed by 16 abdominal areas;
bronchitis, renally excreted; 10% excreted
mg/kg/day divided q suction as needed;
and unchanged by the kidneys.
8– 12 hr supervise supplemental
oxygen or bag
b. Upper
Pregnancy ventilation as needed
Classification: tract Pharmacodynamics: postictally.
Category C infections Inhibit phosphodiesterase,
(sinusitis producing increased tissue  Assess BP, pulse,
and concentrations of cyclic adenosine respiratory status (rate,
pharyngitis monophosphate (cAMP). Increased lung sounds, use of
) levels of cAMP result in: accessory muscles)
Bronchodilation, CNS stimulation, before and throughout
Positive inotropic and chronotropic therapy. Ensure that
effects, Diuresis, Gastric acid oxygen therapy is
secretion correctly instituted
during acute asthma
Half-life: Adults: 9– 10 hr. attacks.

Route: P.O.  Monitor patients with a

Onset: Rapid history of
Peak: 1–2 hr cardiovascular problems
Duration: 6 hr for chest pain and ECG
 In patients with chronic
bronchitis or
emphysema, monitor
pulmonary function
tests before and
periodically during
therapy to determine
therapeutic efficacy.

 Observe patient for

symptoms of drug
toxicity (anorexia,
nausea, vomiting,
stomach headache,
restlessness, insomnia,
arrhythmias, seizures))
Generic Name: Maintenance Hypersensitivity to Pharmacokinetics: CNS: Dizziness,  Secure Doctor’s order
Ipratropium therapy of ipratropium, atropine, Absorption: headache, nervousness
reversible airway belladonna alkaloids, or Minimal systemic absorption (2%
 Give medication on
obstruction due to bromide for inhalation solution; 20% for
Brand Name: GI: GI irritation, right time
inhalation aerosol; 20% following
Combivent COPD, including nausea
nasal use).
chronic bronchitis
 Inform patient about the
and emphysema.
Classification: Distribution: CV: Hypotension, possible side effect of
Therapeutic: 15% of dose reaches lower airways palpitations. the drug.
allergy, cold, and Adjunctive after inhalation.
cough remedies, management of
EENT: blurred vision,  Assess for allergy to
bronchodilators bronchospasm Metabolism:
Small amounts absorbed are sore throat/nasal only, atropine and belladonna
Pharmacologic: caused by asthma.
metabolized by the epistaxis, nasal alkaloids.
anticholinergics Liver. dryness/irritation

Excretion:  Inhalant: Assess

Dosage and Route: RESP:
Most of an administered dose is respiratory status (rate,
Inhalant (Adults and Bronchospasm, cough.
excreted unchanged in feces. breath sounds, degree of
Children> 12 year):
Absorbed drug is excreted in urine dyspnea, pulse) before
Metered-dose inhaler: and bile. DERM: Rash administration and at
4 – 8 puffs using a
spacer device as peak of medication.
needed MISC: allergic
Inhibits the parasympathetic
nervous system at the level of the reactions  Nasal Spray: Assess
Via nebulization: 500 airway which then produces patient for rhinorrhea.
mcg q 30 min for 3 bronchodilation.
doses then q 2– 4 hr as
needed. Half-life: 2 hr.

Route: inhalation
Pregnancy Onset: 1–3 min
Classification: Peak: 1–2 hr
Category B Duration: 4–6 hr

Route: intranasal
Onset: 15 min
Peak: unknown
Duration: 6–12 hr

Name Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Indicated for Contraindicated to the Pharmacodynamics: Common side effects  Instruct client to
Cefuroxime the patient patients hyoersensitive to Cefuroxime acts by inhibiting of Zinacef include: notify prescriber if
who’s the drug bacterial cell wall synthesis. Lack swelling occurs
Brand Name: experiencing of bacterial cell wall results in  swelling,  Monitor patient for
Zinacef Urinary Tract death due to lysis of bacteria.  redness, signs of
Infection  pain. superinfections and
Classification: Pharmacokinetics:  Diarrhea Diarrhea and treat
Antibiotics Absorption: After oral  Superinfecti immediately
administration, Zinacef is slowly ons  Give the drug with
absorbed from the the foods
gastrointestinal tract and rapidly
250 mg 12 hourly for 7-10
hydrolyzed in the intestinal mucosa
and blood to release cefuroxime
into the circulation.
Route: Distribution: Protein binding has
Oras been variously stated as 33 to 50%
depending on the methodology
Metabolism: Cefuroxime is not
Eliminited via urinating

Name Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Enalapril is Contraindicated in patients Pharmacodynamics:  Nausea  Monitor Vital signs
Enalapril indicated to hypersensitive to drug, in Enalapril, a prodrug of enalaprilat,  Diarrhea especially Blood
hypertensive those with a history of competitively inhibits ACE from  Dry mouth pressure
Brand Name: patients. angioedema related to converting angiotensin I to  Coughing  Monitor potassium
Vasotec previous treatment with an angiotensin II (a potent  Lost of intake and
In subjects with ACE inhibitor, and in vasoconstrictor) resulting in appetite potassium level
essential or patients with hereditary or increased plasma renin activity  Insomnia  Advice patient to
renal idiopatic angioedema and reduced aldosterone (a report any signs of
Antihypertensive  Rash or
hypertension hormone that causes water and Na infection such as
enalapril retention) secretion. This promotes fever and soar
Dosage: vasodilation and BP reduction.
reduces the throat.
HTN Initial: 5 mg at
systolic and the  Advice patient to
bedtime. Maintenance: 10-
20 mg once daily up to 40 diastolic blood Pharmacokinetics: avoid salt
mg in 2 divided doses. pressure by 15- Absorption: substitutes. Which
20%. In 50 to Onset: Approx 1hr. can cause high
Route: 70% of the Well absorbed from the GI tract potassium levels in
Oral cases, an (approx 60%). Time to peak patients who’s
enalapril plasma concentration: Oral: taking this drug.
monotherapy Enalapril: Approx 1 hr;
can normalize enalaprilat: 3-4 hr.
blood pressure; Distribution:
the drug thus Distributed into milk (trace
has similar amounts), crosses the placenta and
efficacy as appears to cross the blood-brain
diuretics, beta- barrier poorly. Plasma protein
blockers, or binding: 50-60% (enalaprilat).
calcium-channel Metabolism:
blockers. This Duration:12-24hrs.
comparatively Extensively hydrolysed to
well tolerated enalaprilat in the liver via
drug can esterases.
successfully be Excretion: Via urine (43% as
combined with enalaprilat and 18% as enalapril);
diuretics (or faeces (27% as enalaprilat and 6%
even other as enalapril). Elimination half-life:
antihypertensive Approx 11 hr.
Enalapril is
effective against
however, renal
functions must
be monitored
closely at the
beginning of
treatment since
renal failure is a
possible adverse

Name Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Indicated to the Contraindicated in cancer Pharmacodynamics:  Abnormal  Auscultate for the
calcium chloride patients with patients with bone Calcium chloride is used to prevent Heart Rhythm heart rhythm
hypocalcemia metastases and in those or treat negative calcium balance.  Excessive  Tell the patient
Brand name: with ventricular It also regulates action potential Sweating that if he is
fibrilation. excitation threshold to facilitate  Low Blood experiencing
Classification: nerve and muscle performance. Pressure excessive
Calcium supplements  Nausea sweating,
Pharmacokinetics:  Numbness And Numbness and
Absorption: Soluble calcium is Tingling tingling and
predominantly absorbed from the  Temporary redness of face and
For the patients with
small intestine by active transport Redness Of neck, it is normal
and passive diffusion. Small Face And Neck because to the
10-25 mmol at intervals of
intestines by active transport and  Vomiting effect of the
1-3 days, depending on
passive diffusion. There is medication to his
patient's response.
increased absorption in calcium body.
For the patients with
deficiency states and during  Monitor the blood
childhood, pregnancy and pressure
lactation.  Tell the patient to
Hypocalcemia: I.V
Distribution: Crosses the placenta report nausea and
and enters breast milk. vomiting
Excretion: Excreted mainly in the
kidneys (as excess calcium), faeces
(as unabsorbed calcium) with
traces found in sweat, skin, hair
and nails.

Name Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Treatment of Patients that is Pharmacodynamics:  Hypoglycemi  Monitor CBC
Isophane Insulin patients w/ DM hypersensitive to the drug Lowers blood glucose level by a  assess for
Suspension who require and hypoglycemic stimulating peripheral glucose  skin symptoms of
insulin for the uptake by binding to insulin thickening or hypoglycemia or
Brand Name: maintenance of receptors in skeletal muscle and in pits at the hyperglycemia.
Humilin N glucose fat cells and by inhibiting hepatic injection site  Advice the patient
homeostasis. glucose production. (lipodystroph to avoid alcoholic
Also inhibites lypolisis and y), beverages
proteolysis and enhances protein  itching,  Report fever, sore
synthesis.  Rashes throat, vomiting,
Dosage:  Swelling of hypoglycemic or
Pharmacokinetics: hands and the hyperglycemic
Usual dosage is 0.4
Absorption: In healthy subjects feet reactions, rash.
given subcutaneous doses of  Fever
HUMULIN N (0.4 unit/kg), median  Sore throat
Route: peak serum concentration of insulin
Subcutaneous  Vomiting.
occurred at approximately 4 hours
(range: 1 to 12 hours) after dosing.
Metabolism: The uptake and
degradation of insulin occurs
predominantly in liver, kidney,
muscle, and adipocytes, with the
liver being the major organ involved
in the clearance of insulin.
Elimination: Because of the
absorption-rate limited kinetics of
insulin mixtures, a true half-life
cannot be accurately estimated from
the terminal slope of the
concentration versus time curve. In
healthy subjects given subcutaneous
doses of HUMULIN N (0.4 unit/kg),
the mean apparent half-life was
approximately 4.4 hours (range: 1-
84 hours).

Name Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing

Generic Name: Patient with Anemia Hypersensitivity to Pharmacodynamics:  Chest pain  Evaluate
Epoetin Alfa caused by Chronic Renal albumin (human) or Epoetin alfa stimulates the  fever patients iron
Failure mammalian cell-derived differentiation and  headache status
Brand name: products; uncontrolled proliferation of erythroid  increased blood  Monitor
Epogen hypertension. precursors, release of pressure blood
reticulocytes into the  swelling of the pressure
circulation and synthesis of face, fingers,  Institute diet
cellular Hb thus regulating ankles, feet, or restriction to
Colony stimulating factors
erythropoiesis. lower legs control BP
Dosage:  weight gain  Monitor
Pharmacokinetics: blood count
In predialysis and
Absorption: SC: Slow and  Tell the
haemodialysis: Initially, 50
incomplete. IV: Rapid. patient to
IU/kg 3 times weekly via
Distribution: Concentrated report any
IV Inj over at least 1-5
in the liver, kidneys and pain or
minutes or as slow IV Inj
bone marrow. discomfort in
in patients who have flu-
Metabolism: Some limbs.
like symptoms as adverse
degradation occurs. o Fee
effect. May also be given
Excretion: Mainly in the ling
via SC inj. Doses may be
faeces with small amounts of
increased in increments of
in the urine. col
25 units/kg at 4-week
intervals until the target is d
reached. In peritoneal afte
dialysis: Initially, 50 r
units/kg SC twice weekly. inje
Weekly maintenance dose: ctio
Predialysis: Total max: 450 n.
units/kg in 3 divided doses.
Alternatively, max 20,000
units via SC injection
given once weekly or once
every 2 weeks.
Hemodialysis: 75-300
units/kg in 3 divided doses.
Peritoneal dialysis: 50-100
units/kg in 2 divided doses.


Name Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing

Generic Name: Indicated for the patient Contraindicated to the Pharmacodynamics: Common side effects of  Instruct
Cefuroxime who’s experiencing patients hyoersensitive to Cefuroxime acts by Zinacef include: client to
Urinary Tract Infection the drug inhibiting bacterial cell notify
Brand Name: wall synthesis. Lack of  swelling, prescriber if
Zinacef bacterial cell wall results in  redness, swelling
death due to lysis of  pain. occurs
bacteria.  Monitor
Classification:  Diarrhea
Antibiotics  Superinfections patient for
Pharmacokinetics: signs of
Absorption: After oral superinfectio
administration, Zinacef is ns and
250 mg 12 hourly for 7-10
slowly absorbed from the Diarrhea and
the gastrointestinal tract treat
and rapidly hydrolyzed in immediately
Route: the intestinal mucosa and  Give the
Oras blood to release drug with
cefuroxime into the foods
Distribution: Protein
binding has been variously
stated as 33 to 50%
depending on the
methodology used,
Metabolism: Cefuroxime is
not metabolized.
Eliminited via urinating

Name Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Enalapril is indicated to Contraindicated in patients Pharmacodynamics:  Nausea  Monitor Vital
Enalapril hypertensive patients. hypersensitive to drug, in Enalapril, a prodrug of  Diarrhea signs especially
those with a history of enalaprilat, competitively  Dry mouth Blood pressure
Brand Name: In subjects with essential or angioedema related to inhibits ACE from  Coughing  Monitor
Vasotec renal hypertension previous treatment with an converting angiotensin I to  Lost of appetite potassium intake
enalapril reduces the ACE inhibitor, and in angiotensin II (a potent  Insomia and potassium
systolic and the diastolic patients with hereditary or vasoconstrictor) resulting level
Classification:  Rash or itching
blood pressure by 15-20%. idiopatic angioedema in increased plasma renin  Advice patient to
In 50 to 70% of the cases, activity and reduced report any signs
an enalapril monotherapy aldosterone (a hormone of infection such
Dosage: that causes water and Na
can normalize blood as fever and soar
HTN Initial: 5 mg at retention) secretion. This
pressure; the drug thus has throat.
bedtime. Maintenance: 10- promotes vasodilation and
similar efficacy as  Advice patient to
20 mg once daily up to 40 BP reduction.
diuretics, beta-blockers, or avoid salt
mg in 2 divided doses.
calcium-channel blockers. substitutes.
This comparatively well Pharmacokinetics: Which can cause
Route: tolerated drug can Absorption: high potassium
Oral successfully be combined Onset: Approx 1hr. levels in patients
with diuretics (or even Well absorbed from the GI who’s taking this
other antihypertensive tract (approx 60%). Time drug.
drugs). Enalapril is to peak plasma
effective against concentration: Oral:
renovascular hypertension; Enalapril: Approx 1 hr;
however, renal functions enalaprilat: 3-4 hr.
must be monitored closely Distribution:
at the beginning of Distributed into milk
treatment since renal (trace amounts), crosses the
failure is a possible adverse placenta and appears to
reaction. cross the blood-brain
barrier poorly. Plasma
protein binding: 50-60%
Extensively hydrolysed to
enalaprilat in the liver via
Excretion: Via urine (43%
as enalaprilat and 18% as
enalapril); faeces (27% as
enalaprilat and 6% as
enalapril). Elimination
half-life: Approx 11 hr.

Name Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Indicated to the patients Contraindicated in cancer Pharmacodynamics:  Abnormal Heart  Auscultate for the
calcium chloride with hypocalcemia patients with bone Calcium chloride is used to Rhythm heart rhythm
metastases and in those prevent or treat negative  Excessive  Tell the patient
Brand name: with ventricular fibrilation. calcium balance. It also Sweating that if he is
regulates action potential  Low Blood experiencing
excitation threshold to Pressure excessive
facilitate nerve and muscle  Nausea sweating,
Calcium supplements
performance.  Numbness And Numbness and
Tingling tingling and
Pharmacokinetics:  Temporary redness of face
For the patients with
Absorption: Soluble Redness Of Face and neck, it is
calcium is predominantly And Neck normal because
10-25 mmol at intervals of
absorbed from the small  Vomiting to the effect of
1-3 days, depending on
intestine by active transport the medication to
patient's response.
and passive diffusion. his body.
For the patients with
Small intestines by active  Monitor the
transport and passive blood pressure
Route: diffusion. There is  Tell the patient to
Hypocalcemia: I.V increased absorption in report nausea and
calcium deficiency states vomiting
and during childhood,
pregnancy and lactation.
Distribution: Crosses the
placenta and enters breast
Excretion: Excreted mainly
in the kidneys (as excess
calcium), faeces (as
unabsorbed calcium) with
traces found in sweat, skin,
hair and nails.
Name Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: Treatment of patients w/ Patients that is Pharmacodynamics:  Hypoglycemia  Monitor CBC
Isophane Insulin DM who require insulin for hypersensitive to the drug Lowers blood glucose level  skin thickening  assess for
Suspension the maintenance of glucose and hypoglycemic by stimulating peripheral or pits at the symptoms of
homeostasis. glucose uptake by binding injection site hypoglycemia or
Brand Name: to insulin receptors in (lipodystrophy), hyperglycemia.
Humilin N skeletal muscle and in fat  itching,  Advice the patient
cells and by inhibiting  Rashes to avoid alcoholic
hepatic glucose production.  Swelling of beverages
Also inhibites lypolisis and hands and the  Report fever, sore
proteolysis and enhances feet throat, vomiting,
protein synthesis.  Fever hypoglycemic or
Usual dosage is 0.4  Sore throat hyperglycemic
Pharmacokinetics:  Vomiting. reactions, rash.
Absorption: In healthy
subjects given
Route: subcutaneous doses of
Subcutaneous HUMULIN N (0.4
unit/kg), median peak
serum concentration of
insulin occurred at
approximately 4 hours
(range: 1 to 12 hours) after
Metabolism: The uptake
and degradation of insulin
occurs predominantly in
liver, kidney, muscle, and
adipocytes, with the liver
being the major organ
involved in the clearance of
Elimination: Because of
the absorption-rate limited
kinetics of insulin
mixtures, a true half-life
cannot be accurately
estimated from the terminal
slope of the concentration
versus time curve. In
healthy subjects given
subcutaneous doses of
unit/kg), the mean apparent
half-life was approximately
4.4 hours (range: 1-84

Name Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Patient with Anemia Hypersensitivity to Pharmacodynamics:  Chest pain  Evaluate patients
Epoetin Alfa caused by Chronic Renal albumin (human) or Epoetin alfa stimulates the  fever iron status
Failure mammalian cell-derived differentiation and  headache  Monitor blood
Brand name: products; uncontrolled proliferation of erythroid  increased blood pressure
Epogen hypertension. precursors, release of pressure  Institute diet
reticulocytes into the  swelling of the restriction to control
circulation and synthesis of face, fingers, BP
cellular Hb thus regulating ankles, feet, or  Monitor blood
Colony stimulating factors
erythropoiesis. lower legs count
Dosage:  weight gain  Tell the patient to
Pharmacokinetics: report any pain or
In predialysis and
Absorption: SC: Slow and discomfort in limbs.
haemodialysis: Initially, 50
incomplete. IV: Rapid. o Feeling of
IU/kg 3 times weekly via
Distribution: Concentrated cold after
IV Inj over at least 1-5
in the liver, kidneys and injection.
minutes or as slow IV Inj
bone marrow.
in patients who have flu-
Metabolism: Some
like symptoms as adverse
degradation occurs.
effect. May also be given
Excretion: Mainly in the
via SC inj. Doses may be
faeces with small amounts
increased in increments of
in the urine.
25 units/kg at 4-week
intervals until the target is
reached. In peritoneal
dialysis: Initially, 50
units/kg SC twice weekly.
Weekly maintenance dose:
Predialysis: Total max: 450
units/kg in 3 divided doses.
Alternatively, max 20,000
units via SC injection
given once weekly or once
every 2 weeks.
Hemodialysis: 75-300
units/kg in 3 divided doses.
Peritoneal dialysis: 50-100
units/kg in 2 divided doses.

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