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Answer the following questions:

1. Define Sepak Takraw. (10 pts)

Sepak Takraw is a foot volleyball game where players touch as well as handle the
ball using only their feet, knee, chest and head. The rules and regulations of the game
are very much similar to that of volleyball. A very popular game around Southeast Asia,
the game is played using a rattan or synthetic ball. Since 1990, Sepak takraw is also
included in Asian games. Similar to volleyball, here also two teams of players try to
control the ball by touching it using only their feet, chest, knee or head and try to kick
the ball past the net to the opposition side. Failing to kicking the ball past the net results
in a point to the opposition and the first team scoring the maximum point is declared

2. Discuss briefly the historical background of Sepak Takraw. (10 pts.)

Sepak Takraw was originated in Malaysia around 500 years ago. In the
15  century, it was mostly played by the royal court. Around 16 th century, the game was

spread across Indonesia, where people called it Sepak Raga. By 1940, the net version of
the game was spread across Southeast Asia and formal rules and regulations were
formed for the game.

The first official Sepak Takraw competition was held at a swim club on May 16th,
1945 in Penang where teams mostly from various villages of Penang participated in it.
During that period, the game used to be called Sepak Raga Jaring. Slowly the game
spread across Southeast Asia and around 1950s, it was played in almost every school.

3. Identify and Discuss the facilities and equipment needed in Sepak takraw. (10 pts.)

Ball - Considered as the most essential equipment of the game, the ball is spherical in
shape and usually made of synthetic fibre. In some cases, a hand woven layer is also
used. Initially, the ball was made up of rattan strips which were gradually replaced by
synthetic strips. Usually the ball has a maximum weight of 170-180 gram for men and
150-160 gram for women. Usually the ball has a diameter of 5 inch. Balls made of
without synthetic rubber must have 12 holes and 20 intersections with a maximum
circumference of 42- 44 cm for men
and 43- 45 cm for women. The ball can be single coloured or multi coloured but colours
impairing player’s performance are not allowed. In order to soften the impact of the ball
on the player’s body, the ball can be made of synthetic rubber or any other soft durable
material that is approved by the governing committee.

Net – The net used in the game is usually made of ordinary cord or nylon with 6-8 cm
mess and is usually heavier and stronger than badminton nets in order to provide better
impact when the ball hits it. The net shall be 0.7 metres with a maximum length of 6.1
metres. The height of the net should be 1.42 metres from the centre of the court for
women and 1.52 metres for men.

Shoes – The shoes used in this game are light in weight and have flat sides with soles. It
has a good grip on both indoor and outdoor surfaces and has a sole inside for
supporting the high impact of constant jumping and landing. These are especially made
for players to help them kick perfectly.

Protective gears - In this game, usually ankle supportive bands are used by players for
providing protection as high jumping is involved throughout the game. Even knee
tensors are also used by players in order to prevent joints and tendon injury. Some
players use ankle gears for ankle support. Players also use forehead bandanas in order
to stop the sweat running into eyes.

4. Identify and Discuss the basic skills in sepak takraw. (10 pts.)

Inside Kick - Arguably it is the most important skill. This is the kick you will use the most.
Watch any top class players in action and you'll see that this is the control kick of choice.
This move sets up all the killer spikes. While doing an inside kick, you should stand in a
good athletic stance. Feet shoulder width apart. Remember to bend your support leg at
the knee. And, it is important, always keep an eye on the ball! The kicking motion is easy
and don't swing at the ball too hard. The ball is bouncy and you need to just hit it in the
right spot on your foot as well as with the proper motion. Try a few times of simply
tossing the ball to yourself. Focus on the ball and pop it back up to your hands. Catch
the ball and then try again. Do this until the ball is consistently coming back up with ease
and pop it back up to your hands. Once you have gained consistency in this drill you can
begin to try to link some kicks together. Try dropping to your strong foot, popping the
ball up and then kicking with your weak foot before catching the ball. Try to link three
kicks together, on alternating feet. You should be able to see your progression. All rights
reserved. Spiker Dek is owned by Sport Action International in the promotion of
sepaktakraw in the Takraw Thailand League. All rights reserved.

Knee/Thigh kick - The knee and thigh is used when the ball comes fast towards the area
between your knees and your waist. This skill is used to "bump" or deflect the ball up
enough to use an inside kick to control the ball. It is also used when kicking consecutive
kicks or in a circle and the ball gets to close to your body. The motion is like a high step
marching motion. Simply raise the leg with your hip allowing your knee to bend.Try to
contact the ball on the thigh where possible instead of the knee as it provides better
control. Make sure the ball hits the fleshy part of the thigh to "bump" the ball up and
out a bit. Try a few back up to your hands. Once you feel comfortable, try to link with
one inside kick, then catch the ball. Do this over and over until it comes naturally. Once
you get this combination and doing it naturally without thinking, you will be aware of
your improvement in skill.

Header - The header is probably the second most important skill to have, especially in
the net game. The header is used to pop up a ball that comes higher than the waist. The
best way to learn the header is like the inside kick. The contact point should be just
above the forehead at he hairline, not too much on the forehead and not too much on
the top of the head, right in between. Toss the ball to yourself, hit it with your head and
then catch it. Do this several times until you feel comfortable with this skill. When doing
the header, remember to bend your knees and get low beneath the ball. Like the other
kicks, you don't need to focus on power but on accuracy and placement. The next step
in this skill drill is to toss the ball higher and again control it with your head before
catching the ball. It hurts a bit at first, but you'll get use to it. The graduating step is to a
header from a high inside kick or from a header to a controlling inside kick. Try both
combinations as you will be using both of them as you begin to play more

Front kick/Toe kick - The toe kick is a defensive kick, great for saving a ball that has
gotten out in front of you. It is not, however, a good control kick. Those who play soccer
may disagree, but in sepaktakraw the inside is the right way. Learn the toe kick for
saves,the inside for control. The toe kick is achieved by placing the foot out for the ball
and depending on the height of the, either lifting the foot with your hip or just letting
the ball bounce off. You don't need much power because the ball tends to fly off
uncontrollably. Do it slow and take it easy. Like the other kicks, do the same toss and
catch drill. Then try with different combinations. Do the same progression.

5. Enumerate the officiating officials in sepak takraw and their functions. ( 10 pts.)

Official Referee - is fully responsible to his/her duties and to uphold and protect the
Laws of the Game, Tournament Rules and Referee Standing Order. The official referee is
responsible in receiving the court of play, list of Referees, players and the competition
fixtures which must be in accordance to the requirements of equipment and officials as
specified by ISTAF from the organizer. He is also tasked to be present throughout the
duration of the competition and to ensure that all Referee/Assistant Referee and
Linesmen strictly adhere to the current standing orders in performing their duties and
smooth functioning of the game. And he has the right to suspend or terminate the game
whenever considered necessary for the reason of adverse elements or weather
condition, interference by spectators, or any other cause, that he reasonably deems to
be necessary for such stoppages.

Umpire – signals the to start the game. The co-umpire for timekeeping blows the first
whistle to start the game and clock. The umpire will call fault and can stop the game.

Lineman - The Linesmen shall be fair, firm and seated attentively at their specific area of
responsibilities. To indicate whether a ball is ‘IN’ or ‘OUT’ to the specific lines assigned
and to inform the Referee if in doubt. Prohibited from eating, drinking, smoking, talking,
cheering or shouting and to remain at the specific area until the game ends.

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