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Teacher I
Mamplasan National High School


This study determined the impact of using comic strips in improving the story
retelling skills among Grade 7 students at Mamplasan National High School. The
researcher utilized one-group pretest posttest research design using modified
rating scale for speaking and literary texts in comic strips form. Forty-two (42)
Grade 7 students were randomly selected by the researcher to be his
participating students for this study. The students underwent speaking tests
focusing on areas such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and
content. Z-Test was used to determine whether posttest scores of the participating
students have significant difference. Results of the study showed that there was a
significant improvement to the posttest scores of the students after using comic
strips on storytelling. The researcher recommended that comic strips can be used
as pedagogical tools. Thus, using this platform can enhance the speaking skills,
specifically the storytelling skill, of the students.

Keywords: story retelling, comic strips, pedagogical tool

INTRODUCTION the students would never learn to
speak in English comprehensively.
English language plays a
crucial role to weave the world into a Moreover, students’ primary
single thread (Ahmad, 2016). Hence, dilemma is not with their classroom
the teaching of English in Junior High environment but within themselves. In
Schools should be emphasized at fact, they tend to be better at
helping the students to be able to memorizing rather than practicing
communicate in English. They have to the skill. (Royanti, 2017) They do better
be fluent in using the target language when the lectures need to be
in both written and oral form. One of memorized rather than to be
the English learning objectives is delivered as performance tasks. This is
understanding and/or producing an indication that students may lack
speech and/or written texts which with self-assurance. Consequently,
are realized in five skills namely teachers might look into such
listening, speaking, reading, writing, effective pedagogical strategies that
and viewing. can improve their lack of speaking
manners. Storytelling, per se, is one of
Among the skills these strategies. Students tend to
aforementioned, speaking skill can speak more when they are interested
be considered as the most important to what they are talking about.
skill as it tests out the success of Further, they give more inputs if stories
language learning on how a person that they are going to retell are
can carry out a conversation on the relatable to their age.
target language. Moreover, it is highly
important as speaking and human With terms such as ‘effective’
being cannot be separated with and ‘interesting’, appropriate use of
which the former is used to be media is an important means. All
relevant in the civilized world instructions require the selection and
(Sharma, 2018). However, as how use of at least one medium to deliver
essential speaking skill is, many lectures and discussions. In order to
students face troubles in speaking in select the appropriate media, the
the target language. Most students teacher must contemplate that aside
encounter difficulties in pronouncing from the pedagogical context of
English words. Likewise, they lack the media materials, individual learners
necessary vocabulary items, so the between learners, complexities of
tendency is they find it difficult to form contents, and desired learning
sentences in English. Consequently, outcomes must work hand in hand
students are not willing to participate and be related to what ‘boundary
in the speaking activities or just sat conditions’ mean (Bates, 2015).
silently at the desk without desire to
get involved in the speaking In the Philippines, K-12
activities. If these upsetting implementation compels teachers to
circumstances become constant, produce innovative materials that
are essential to the development of teachers, 122 students were
students' macro skills. Teaching every considered as readers in ‘frustration’
student in this digital age is the level in both oral and silent reading.
greatest challenge that teachers This has caused the school to find the
face today. Students have widely roots of the reading comprehension
divergent needs, skills, and interests dilemmas of these students.
because of the bombardment of
media. Perhaps it would be helpful The school conducted a survey
not to compete with the media and to the 122 readers in frustration level
the outside world but to incorporate to know their difficulties in reading.
materials like newspapers, The results showed that 52% of the
magazines, cartoons, video and students could not understand
other media to spark students’ reading selections in English, 23% had
interest. This leads the researcher to troubles in recognizing some
undertake the study on using comics vocabulary terms, 18% did not read
as a pedagogical tool in teaching the selections properly, and 7% had
speaking as it only has limited studies various answers.
on its effect.
The alarming number of
English Comic, specifically students who could not comprehend
Comic Strips, is one of the many English reading materials paved way
media to teach speaking. English to the formation of “Foster-a-Tutee
Comics is an art form using a series of Program” of Grade 7 teachers. The
static images in fixed sequence. Using program started last July 2018 which
comic strips as a means for teaching created pairs within the classroom by
story retelling can be very pleasing assigning the independent readers to
and interesting for the students. By help improve in reading their
using this, students will be more classmates who were in frustration
interested and more active in level. As of September 2018, after the
learning. They will feel something new first reading achievement, 22 out of
and different from what they usually 36 frustration level readers were
get in their class. Consequently, with raised to instructional level while 14
the use of English comics, they will be were considered as independent
active as participants, and they have readers. This program is consistently
more chances to express their minds, implemented as it proved that peer
emotions, feelings and attitudes. teaching could improve the students’
reading ability.
On the other hand,
Mamplasan National High School has However, one of the
a total population of 797 students for ambiguities that were observed
this school year, 2018 – 2019. Based during the achievement test was the
on the recent result of Philippine Oral Examination part where most of
Informal Reading Inventory (PHIL – IRI) the test takers failed to retell the story
conducted by the school’s English they had read. Some could not
genuinely express their thoughts while This figure shows the paradigm
others had problems in their that governed this paper. The study
syntactical and lexical construction. used selected Philippine literary
The researcher, as part of the pieces during Pre-Colonial period.
facilitators of the program, had an The selected texts were based on the
assumption that one of the many Learner’s Material in Grade 7 English
factors of the reading difficulties of provided by the Department of
the students is their lack of Education.
improvement in speaking skills,
particularly in story retelling skills. The respondents were selected
through random sampling method.
After the thorough process of The researcher chose 7 students per
gathering information, with the use of section with 4:3 ratio of male and
the PHIL-IRI results and the first female students. Consequently, they
Achievement Test result of their are the current students of the
“Foster-a-Tutee Program”, the researcher in English 7 class for the
researcher aimed to enhance the school year 2019 – 2020.
speaking skills of the Grade 7
students, particularly their story Forty two (42) grade 7 students
retelling skills. Thus, upon knowing that were randomly selected by the
English Comics can be utilized as researcher to be his participating
pedagogical tools, the researcher students for this study.
proved how effective it is in improving
the story retelling ability of the
students. The selected literary pieces
were presented in a multimedia form
which is comic strips, self-
METHODOLOGY conceptualized versions of the texts.
The materials used by the researchers
The research adopted the are the comic-strip-type versions of
conceptual framework below in the different literary texts from the
order to conduct the study following English Learning 7 Manual aligned
a strict implementation of its process. with the K to 12 Curriculum. The
comics were created prior the start of
the study. Since this is a pilot testing
for the said pedagogical tool, the
researcher focused on the literary
texts from the first quarter lessons.

The researcher used a

modified rating scale aligned with
David P. Harris and Walter Bartz’
rating scale to score the students'
result in speaking test. This is a 5-level
rating scale. This rating scale
measures the students' speaking skills 2. For grammar, the absolute value
especially in pronunciation, of z is 6.47. The result is significant
grammar, vocabulary, fluency and at z critical two tail value 1.96.
comprehension. Therefore, the null hypothesis is
This study is a proposal for
English teachers of Grade 7 in utilizing 3. For vocabulary, the absolute
innovative pedagogical tools in value of z is 5.55. The result is
improving the speaking ability of their significant at z critical two tail
students, as per advised by the K-12 value 1.96. Therefore, the null
Curriculum. hypothesis is rejected.

4. For fluency, the absolute value of

RESULTS z is 5.54. The result is significant at z
critical two tail value 1.96.
After collecting the data, the Therefore, the null hypothesis is
researcher analyzed them by using rejected.
statistical analysis. The researcher
transcribed the students’ oral test on 5. For content, the absolute value of
paper and then scored the result of z is 7.03. The result is significant at z
oral test. This was conducted to find critical two tail value 1.96.
out whether using English comics as Therefore, the null hypothesis is
medium to improve students' ability in rejected.
story retelling is effective or not.

To check the significant To determine the effectiveness

difference between the pretest and of comic strips on students’ story
posttest using comic strips of the retelling skills, z-test was also utilized.
participating students, as well as the The results shows that the absolute
effectiveness of the pedagogical value of z is 7.02. The result is
tool, the z – test was used with the significant at z critical two tail value
help of the computer software 1.96. The null hypothesis is rejected;
Statistical Package for Social therefore, the comic strip is an
Sciences (SPSS). effective pedagogical tool in
improving students' speaking skills.
After the thorough analysis, the
following results are discussed below:
1. For pronunciation, the absolute
value of z is 6.37. The result is After the thorough processes,
significant at z critical two tail the researcher concluded that
value 1.96. Therefore, the null comic strips as a pedagogical tool is
hypothesis is rejected.
effective in improving students’ story strengthened as this proposed
retelling ability. reading tool can be a potential
innovative reading text. With more
For Department of Education, budgets being allocated for this
in lieu with the department’s goal modified reading material, students
which is to make Filipino globally will have innovative and interesting
competitive, using multimedia reading experience, as well as
presentations as pedagogical tools improved story telling ability.
can follow the digital trend in
teaching-learning process. The
officials can modify the curriculum ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
through introducing new literary text
formats like comic-strip format or Appreciation and gratitude for
video-clip format. They can also the help and support are extended to
include understanding and creating the following people who have
multimedia presentations as part of contributed in making this study
integrated language arts domain. possible.

For the students, they should be First of all, his gratitude to God
more engaged in speaking the target Almighty, for His greatness in
language if they want to continuously answering his prayers to give me
improve their retelling ability. strength and wisdom upon
Pedagogical tool like comic strips completing my research;
was proven an effective material in Mr. Reynante Sofera, for his
enriching such skill. However, what still indefatigable effort in encouraging
matters the most is how they will the teachers in Biñan city to develop
practice further to overcome their their research skills;
speaking problems. Dr. Nerra A. Visperas, his school
head, for her supervision and
For the teachers, they should eagerness to help him in
not neglect the importance of accomplishing this study;
teaching speaking skills towards their Mr. Nathaniel B. Valencia, his
students. Thus, they might look into colleague, for his encouragement in
such effective pedagogical making his study valid and reliable;
strategies that can improve their lack Mrs. Rosalie B. Moleta, Ms.
of speaking manners. Comic strips Jyramie V. Biteranta, and Ms. Donna
can be utilized not only as a reading Jane R. Marcuap, his co-teachers, for
material but also an activity that can their willingness to participate in the
enhance their summarizing skills. conduct of the speaking tests;
Ms. Jocelyn M. Bantug, his
For regional research, upon statistician, for her enthusiasm to
knowing the effectiveness of comic share her mathematical expertise in
strips as a pedagogical tool, this analyzing the data gathered;
action research can be further
Last but not the least, his family Trends in Education and Their
and friends, for their understanding Implications
and support which gave him Molenda, Michael., S. E. Smaldino, J.
inspiration not to give up and move
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