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Group Members M.

Bilal Khan

Reg No 18-NTU-1180

Section/Semester BS.SE---7th

Course Professional Practice

Date Of Submission 2-02- 2022

Submitted To Mam Asia Atif


Department Of Computer Science

 Introduction
Social media is a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and
information through the building of virtual networks and communities. There are more than 4.5
billion social media users around the world. The largest social media networks include Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok. Nearly 90% of people between the ages of 18 and
29 used at least one form of social media.
Now a day’s social media has been an important part of one’s life from shopping to electronic
mails, education, and business tool. Social media plays a vital role in transforming people’s
lifestyles. Social media includes social networking sites and blogs where people can easily
connect. Since the emergence of these social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook as key
tools for news, journalists and their organizations have performed a high-wire act. These sites
have become a day-to-day routine for people. Social media has been mainly defined to refer to
“the many relatively inexpensive and widely accessible electronic tools that facilitate anyone to
publish and access information, collaborate on a common effort, or build the relationship.

 Users
 Facebook (2.9 billion users)
 YouTube (2.29 billion users)
 Whatsapp (2 billion users)
 Instagram (1.4 billion users)

 Social Media Types

 Social networks
 Social news
 Media sharing
 Microblogging
 Bookmarking sites
 Community blogs

 Social Networks
A social networking site is a social media site that allows you to connect with people who have
similar interests and backgrounds. For example, Facebook, Instagram

 Social News
A social news site allows its users to post news links and other items to external articles. For
example, Reddit

 Media Sharing
Media sharing websites allow users to share different types of media, with the two main ones
being image sharing and video hosting sites. For example, YouTube

 Microblogging
Sites that allow the users to submit their short-written entries, which can include links to product
and service sites, as well as links to other social media sites. For example, Twitter

 Bookmarking Sites
Bookmarking sites allow users to save and organize links to any number of online resources and
websites. For example, Pinterest

 Community Blogs
 Websites where many authors can post journal entries in a single space and where people can
respond by commenting on posts to the community blog. For example, Blog Engage

 Positive Effect of social media on Education

 Social media gives way to the students to effectively reach each other regarding class
ventures, bunch assignments, or for help on homework assignments.
 Many of the students who do not take an interest consistently in class might feel that they
can express their thoughts easily on social media.
 Teachers may post on social media about class activities, school events, homework
assignments which will be very useful to them.
 It is seen that social media marketing has been emerging as a career option. Social media
marketing prepares young workers to become successful marketers

 The negative effect of social media on Education

 The first concern about the negative effect that comes to mind is the kind of distraction to
the students present in the class. As teachers were not able to recognize who is paying
attention in the classroom. One of the biggest breakdowns of social media in education is
the privacy issues like posting personal information on online sites.
 In some of the scenarios, there was much inappropriate information posted which may
lead the students to the wrong side.
 Because of social media students lose their ability to engage themselves in face-to-face

 Positive Effects of social media on Society

 Social Media helps to meet people they may not have met outside the social media
 It also helps to share ideas beyond geographical boundaries.
 It provides an open opportunity for all writers and bloggers to connect with their clients.
 Another positive effect of social networking sites is they unite people on a huge platform
for the achievement of specific goals. This brings positive change to society.
 Social media provides awareness among society through campaigns, advertisement
articles, promotions which helps society to be up to date with the current information

 Negative Effects of social media on Society

 Social media can easily affect the kids, the reason is sometimes people share photos,
videos on media that contain violence and negative things which can affect the behavior
of kids or teenagers.
 It also abuses society by invading people’s privacy.
 Social lies like family ones also weaken as people spend more time connecting to new
 Some people use their images or videos on social sites that can encourage others to use
them false fully.

 Benefits
 Large audiences
o YouTube:  73% Facebook: 68%
o Instagram: 35% Pinterest: 29%
o Snapchat: 27% Twitter: 24%
 Access to paid advertising services
 Build your brand
 Evaluate your performance
 Increase website traffic

 Misfortune
o Negative feedback
o Poor quality of information
o Security risk
o Time consuming

As technology is growing social media has become the routine for every person,
people are seen addicted to this technology every day. With different fields, its
impact is different on people. Social media has increased the quality and rate of
collaboration for students. Business uses social media to enhance an organization’s
performance in various ways such as to accomplish business objectives, increasing
the annual sales of the organization. Youngsters have seen in contact with these
media daily .social media has various merits, but it also has some demerits which
affect people negatively. False information can lead the education system to failure,
in an organization wrong advertisement will affect productivity, social media can
abuse society by invading people’s privacy, some useless blogs can influence youth
that can become violent and can take some inappropriate actions. The use of social
media is beneficial but should be used in a limited way without getting addicted

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