Carousel Discussion Lesson Plan

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Secondary / ESL Lesson Plan Template -- 2021-2022 Academic Year

Name: Katherine Stauch and Katie Farris Lesson Topic: Reading: reading environment and expectations
Lesson Length: 40 minutes

Content Area: ENGLISH Education Grade Level(s): Graduate

Lesson Content
Background Information/ Relevance/ Context/ Rationale (Purpose) – Please be clear about how this particular lesson is situated within the current instructional sequence (i.e.,
unit), why this content is important for students to learn, and how you will convey the relevance and significance of this lesson to students.

This discussion is intended for a class of our known peers who are all graduate students. It will cover the first three chapters in Kittle’s Book Love and the fourth
chapter of Bomer’s Building Adolescent Literacy in Today’s English Classrooms as they relate to general reading prompts, knowing how to provide reading
accommodations, increasing student motivation, and student-centered learning and discussions. This lesson is essential for our peers to know as reading is a
powerful, overarching skill within English classrooms that can often lay a foundation for writing and will be applied throughout the students’ rest of their lives
post-secondary schooling. This lesson follows one centered on the importance of conversation in the classroom and precedes one that further delves into
strategies that focus on supporting students through reading.

VSOLs/CCSSs Addressed:

Learning Targets
These learning targets should relate to what you want your students to K, U, and D, related to the content of the texts they read—not related to the
actual strategies you used for discussion.


How can we teach and encourage reading in the classroom to be the most (U1) Students will understand that teachers can foster an intrinsic motivation
beneficial to our students’ learning? to read in their students by making reading relevant, accounting for student
interest, and encouraging daily practice.

(U2) Students will understand that teachers can aid the development of all
students’ reading skills by having a plethora of available resources, facilitating
productive discussions, and recognizing students’ diverse reading levels.


(K1) Students will know that frequently updating classroom libraries, valuing (D1) Students will be able to identify ways to teach reading to a diverse class
all genres and mediums of reading, and giving adolescents the agency to of students.
choose reading materials will encourage students to read.
(D2) Students will be able to identify ways to encourage reading in and out of
(K2) Students will know that pushing students’ reading stamina, utilizing the classroom.
choice units, and having a variety of intentional discussions are potential ways
to teach reading to a diverse group of learners.

Plan for Assessment

As you plan your lesson, think about what evidence you will gather to determine if students have mastered the lesson’s learning targets. Develop a plan for assessing the degree to which your
students have mastered the learning targets in this lesson. Your plan should include at least one formative assessment at a minimum, and may also include diagnostic/pre-assessment or
summative assessments depending on the nature of the learning targets and the placement of the lesson within the context of the unit. Please add/remove tables as needed.

Assessment #1

Learning target(s) for which you will collect data (write out):

(D1) Students will be able to identify ways to teach reading to a diverse class of students.

(D2) Students will be able to identify ways to encourage reading in and out of the classroom.

Type of Assessment (choose and highlight one): Possible Options: ● Problem set
● Diagnostic Assessment or Pre-Assessment (before the lesson) ● Previous class work ● Strategic questioning
● Graphic organizer ● Learning/response log
● Formative Assessment (during the lesson) ● Journal entry ● Exit ticket
● Think/Pair/Share ● 3-2-1 countdown
● Summative Assessment (after the lesson) ● 1-minute essay ● Other

Specific Plan (What does the assessment entail, and what evidence will help you determine students’ progress towards the learning target(s)?):

The assessment for this lesson will be an informal class assessment that assesses whether or not groups learned some effective strategies for teaching and
encouraging reading to a diverse group of students. Once students have visited all discussion stations, they will return to their original station with their group.
Students will take 4 minutes to review what other classmates wrote on the chart paper and will collectively write one takeaway from that topic of the
conversation. It should summarize what the class talked about and what they learned in relation to our essential question.

Although this won’t assess students’ individual achievement related to this target, it will give the teacher a sense of where the class as a whole is regarding this
topic. Once knowing if the class has answered the question, “How can we incorporate and emphasize reading in the classroom to be the most beneficial to
our students’ learning?,” the teacher can then assess later in the unit if students can answer this question independently. If the teacher notices
misconceptions in the students' responses, those will ideally be addressed in the moment or next class in a review of the readings/the discussion if there is not
enough time during the discussion recap.

Lesson Sequence

Timing Steps in the Lesson (including Modalities & Resources Utilized) Planning for Student Diversity /
Instructional Scaffolds

1-2 minutes DO NOW: Review Reading Responses - individually We will keep repeating these brief
As students walk in the class, they will be instructed to review their reading responses for this week’s instructions as students enter the
readings. This will familiarize students with what they read and were interested in while reading. room to ensure that those entering
later still know what to do.
Scripting (Katie): “As you come in, review your reading responses for this week. We will begin our
discussion after everyone has come in and had the chance to recap the readings individually.”

5 minutes Introduction to Carousel Discussion and Directions We will ask the students if they have
After students reread their posts, we will explain the carousel discussion style that will be used in this any questions about the procedure of
class where there will be four blank sheets posted around the room. The students will then be this discussion style and let them
divided into four groups (about 4-5 people per group) and they will be given four minutes to respond know that we will answer any during
to the questions we have pre-written on each of the blank sheets. They will be aware that this time the discussion as they arise.
will pass very quickly, and we will give them a one minute warning before having to rotate to the next

The questions we have are located on the attached handout and will be printed/taped next to each
chart paper.

Scripting (Katherine): “Today, we will be exploring how we can best teach and encourage reading to a
diverse class of students. We are going to do this by doing a Carousel Discussion.” (show Essential
Question on the board)

(Katie) You will travel around to each station in groups of 4-5. Each group will have a different color
marker to write their thoughts while discussing. Each station will have a few questions for you to
choose from. Remember, this is NOT a graffiti activity because we really want you to discuss with
your groups. This style of discussion simply allows you to talk about multiple topics in a structured,
small-group setting. For many students, this style of discussion is less daunting than a whole-group
discussion, but because of the notes you include, you will also get to interact with the ideas of
students who aren’t in your group!”

(Katie) “When you get to each station, you should discuss one question and write a few thoughts
about your response to the topic on the chart paper. As you travel to each station, you can offer new
responses on the topic or respond to what other groups have written on the chart paper.”

Go to the next slide. (Katherine) “To recap, when you get to station one, you should nominate a
notetaker and then begin discussing your first question. Any questions before we get started?”

We will then have students choose which station they would like to start at, as long as they are in
groups of 4-5. Once students are in groups, we will pass out a marker to each group and prompt
them to begin.

16 minutes Carousel Discussion We will frequently remind students

We will keep a timer to make sure students are at one station for 4 minutes each. We will warn how much time they have remaining
students when there is 1 minute left in each round to wrap-up what they are talking about and write at each station, and we will monitor
something on the chart paper. the groups to ensure that all
participants feel engaged and heard
As students are discussing, we will walk around and listen to conversation without actually joining in their groups.
groups. If we notice a group is quiet or does not have anything to add to the station they are at, we
will prompt them to give an example or build off of someone else’s point.

Katie and Katherine will alternate walking around and staying at homebase with the timer.

4 minutes Carousel Discussion Synthesis We will explain the instructions for

After the students have visited each station, they will have 4 minutes to review what everyone said at this step in a detailed manner and
their original station. As a group, students will synthesize the information discussed on their chart monitor them as they collaboratively
paper and write a one-sentence takeaway at the bottom of the chart paper. write their short syntheses.

Scripting (Katherine): “Wrap up your discussion at the final station and return to your original chart
paper. Take 4 minutes to read what everyone talked about related to that topic and write a one-
sentence takeaway at the bottom of your chart paper. Your one-sentence takeaway should
summarize what the class talked about at that particular station and what was discussed in relation
to our essential question. Be prepared to do a quick-share after 4 minutes with the class.”

After 4 minutes go by and everyone has written their takeaways. “Let's hear some takeaways we had
from this discussion. Who would like to go first?” We will then prompt each group to share their
takeaway with the class one at a time.
5 minutes Carousel Discussion Debrief We will assist students if needed and
(whatever can use the quick-share as an
time is left) As an informal assessment, each group will share what their takeaway is for their specific topic of the informal assessment of class.
discussion. Katherine and Katie will respond to students’ comments and prompt students to expand
on their thoughts as necessary. Misconceptions should be addressed
at the moment that they are brought
Scripting (Katherine): The summary will depend on how students respond and what they share, but it up if possible.
will probably sound something like this (showing the EQ on the board again) → “Going back to our
essential question for this discussion, we all had a lot of ideas about how to encourage reading both
in and outside of the classroom. Some techniques included interesting classroom libraries, student
book choice, and engaging read-alouds. You all also talked about how differentiation is important to
both challenge every student and accommodate students that might be discouraged by their current
reading abilities -- sometimes a challenge is good and sometimes building up reading confidence is
necessary for a student. Overall, we emphasized as a class that (short statement that summarizes
what students shared in their takeaways).”

Materials/ Supplies/ Sources/ Digital and Interactive Instructional Technology (if appropriate): – Please list all necessary instructional supplies, materials, and sources.
Make sure that these are clearly labeled and referenced throughout the lesson plan to enhance clarity.

- Projector to display slides and padlet at the end of the lesson

- Google Slides:
- Chart Paper (5 pieces) with Topic Headings and a line at the bottom to save room for the synthesis portion of the discussion
- 5 different colored markers
- 4 sheets with questions printed out and taped to the board at each station:

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