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• Most sample used in chemistry: serum

• The action of sodium fluoride is: inhibit glycolysis
• Most source of cell energy: ATP
• Amount of ATP at glucose metabolism: 30 pb
• End product of glucose anaerobic pathway: Lactate (in Arobic pathway:
• Pyruvate dehydrogenase pathway coenzyme is: NAD acetyle Co A and
• Maltase is specific for: maltose (2 glucose)
• Main enzyme for carbohydrate: Amylase
• The body obtained energy from lipid or protein called : gluconeogenesis
• Mechanism contain both catabolism and anabolism is: : gluconeogenesis
• After store glucose as glycogen excess amount of glucose convert to: Fatty
• Prolonged fast obtain glucose from: muscle
• Early fasting blood glucose compensated with: hepatic glycogenolysis
• Keton result of metabolism of : lipid & fatty acid
• Hormone Acetyl CoA gives acetic acid fatty acid : Insulin
• Fatty acid as source of energy in: skeletal muscle, , heart, kidney, liver (except:
brain, not used)
• Hormone regulate secretion of fatty acid: estirdiol
• Fatty acid as fuel source is dangerous for: brain
• Organ use the glucose as fuel: brain
• Glucose inter cell membrane by: insulin
• In insulin dependant diabetic we must monitor : K potassium (Monitor of
insulin: K potassium)
• New born convulsion if blood sugar is below: 30-25
• Low glucose in blood: hypoglycemia
• Hereditary fructose tolerance by: fructose -6-P aldose

• Pnumicystic take the sample from: lung
• Enzyme that regulate Cholesterol metabolism: LCAT (lecithin cholesterol
acetyl transferase
• Enzyme that regulate Cholesterol synthesis: HMG coA synthase
• Regulate of cholesterol : Acetyl CoA
• Genetic lipid hypercholistremia defect: LDL-R
• Cause serious atheroscelerosis: LDL
• Glucose , amino acid, phosphate extracted due to impaired absorption: Fanconi
syndrome (proximal renal).
• Enzyme sensitive to alcohol : GGT
• ALP, GGT: slightly raised AST,ALT: raised: Acute hepatitis.
• Increased Hb destruction , liver unable to load of pigment, bilirubin high:
hemolytic jaundice
• Hemolytic jaundice incrcrease of: unconjugated bilirubin
• concentration of bilirubin in blood rise: hepatogenous jaundice
• bilirubin transported to liver by binding to: albumin
• Alpha amylase refer to: pancreas
• Lipase high : acute pancreatitis
• Confirm the elevation of ALP. Produce from hapatic disorder: ALT
• Enzyme affected by hemolysis: LDH

• Hypothyrodism: decrease T4 decrease T FREE
• Protein relates with thyroid hormone: Thyroxin binding globulin
• Tyrosin uptake test measure of: Thyroxin binding globulin
• Primary hyperthyroidism: T3 T4 high TSH low
• Secondary hyperthyroidism: T3 T4 high , TSH high
• Primary Hypothyrodism: T3T4 low, TSH high
• Secondary Hypothyrodisim: T3T4 low, TSH low or normal
• ALP=96, Ca=18(high), AST=30, Phosphorus =1.9(low): Hyperparathyrodism
• Normal (Ca= 8.5-10.5 mg/dl) (Phosphorus= 2.5-4.5 mg/dl)
• Function of epinephrine is : fight or flight, produce Vinyle mandilic acid
 High cortisol: cushing syndrome
 Cortisol secretion activated by : ACTH
 Hormon Stimulate adrenal cortex hormone: ACTH
 Glucose high, cortisol high: hypercortisolemia
 ACTH high , cortisol high: coushing syndrome
 Hypersecretion of cortisol(cushing syndrome) cause: hyperglysemic
 Cortisol (8:00 am to 4:00 pm)
• Hormon retain(reabsorbed) the water and Na release H and K (in urine):
• Pimary causes of hyperadestronism: Conns disease, renal biylurate, adrenal
 Prolactin hormone : breast preparation to lactation
 FSH & LH hormons: steroid hormons
 Glycoprotein hormone stimulating the progesterone: HCG
 Hormone if decrease may cause Sterility: progesterone
• Low PH: acidosis
 High PCO2 in arterial blood caused by: Respiratory acidosis
 Falling Ph in asthametic patient is : respiratory acidosis
 Fastest move through lipid bilayers: CO2
• Major extracellar fluid: NA
• Male Na, K, cl, Urea slight elevated: high protein meal
• A/G ratio: 3:2 (3.5-5.5) to (2.3-3.5)
• Urea plasma urealyticum: cause arthritis
• elevated serum ammonia cause coma due to: increase of urea in blood
• product of creatine lysis: creatinine
• Phenylalanine, Asparagine, Aspartate: Phe (F), Asn(N), Asp(D).
• Tumer marker for estimating Hepatocellular cancer: AFP
• Maple syrup urine diseas (MSUD) due to defect in : branced amino acid
• Cataract is condition caused by accumulation of galactose in the eye
• Deficiency of vit A causes: blindness, ophthalmia,
• pellagra = deficiency in tryptophan
• Vit B1 deficiency: Berberi
• Enhance absorption of iron: copper, vit C. / reduce absorption of iron: zinc,
calcium, tea, coffee HCL
• In myocardial infarction: CKMB
• Mesanglial cel is a cell of: kidney
• Kupffer cell: monocyte
• Muscle tissue: skeletal, cardiac, smooth
• Neuroglia based on morphological and functional feature : Astrocytes
• Nervous system: central , perphiral
• Cartilage: Fibrocartilage, elastic , hyaline
• Uric acid normal range: 3-7 mg/dl
• Cause gout disease

Albumin Alpha 1 Alpha 2 bata gamma disease

low High High - - Acute infection

low high high high high Chronic infection

- - - - low hypogammaglobulin

low - - - Sharp high Colonal monogammapathy

low low low high High Hepatic cirrhosis

- - high - low Nephrotic syndrom

N - - - high Multiple myeloma

- - - high high Walden stroma


• Not delivery : refrigerated at :2-8
• Urine after 2 hours: reject
• 1st tube: microbiology
• More than 1 hour we add: boric acid
• preservative: formaline 40%
• Normaly found in urin: chloride
• Catheter urine: foley
• Urinary free cortisol referred to: unconjugated cortisol
• Present keton in urine: Fasting prolonged time
• Ketoses: fructose.
• Protein urea: bence jones. (biuret test )
• Case Urolithiasis , under microscope we found coffin-lid crystal:
Magnesium phosphate
• Alkaline salt: Triple phosphate .
• acidic: Uric acid, calcium oxalate (envelope) , amorphous urates
• square plate in concers in synovial fluid: cholesterol
• UTI: found leukocytes
• Phenylketonuria non-essential amino acid lacking is: Tyrosin? Phynylalanin
(cause acidic urine)
• Pheochromocytoma disease cause or diagnosed by: Catecolamine in serum
• Semen : 200x 106 ph 7.2 energy: fructose
• Abnormal not exceed 25%
• CSF: 135-150 ml
• CSF normal with high protein, normal glucose,increased lymphocyte:
lymphocytosis (viral meningitis)
• CSF turbid with high protein, low glucose, increased neutrophils: bacterial

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