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Case study 1

1. As we know, there are five phases of customer loyalty where every phase is of important
knowledge for any company wanting a good customer relationship as well as profitability. These
phases are: awareness, exploration, familiarity, commitment and separation. The first four phases
are vital for increasing the intensity of the relationship of the customer with the company and/or
the brand. The awareness phase describes helps any potential customers to recognize the
company name and its product or services. In MMB’s case the 60000 addresses for promotional
mailing can be categorized under the exploration phase. Next, the exploration phase helps to
make the customer know more about the company and its products and services. In MMB’s case,
out 60000 addresses, if taken the conversion rate of 3%, then 1800 people will be converted into
the potential customer using the promotional mailing and they can be categorized into the
exploration phase because they want to know more about the company and its services. That
brings to the familiarity phase where a customer experiences the product and/or services in
person for the first time. Given if that 80% of MMB’s customer are old customers , this means
that 20% are first time customers meaning that there will be 12000 customers that will under the
exploration phase. The commitment phases describes that the customers’ experiences were so
much satisfactory that they want to experiences again building a loyalty with the company. In
MMB’s case, 80% customers out of 60000 which means 48000 customers falls under the
commitment phase. Finally, the separation phase describes about the decline of customer loyalty
towards the company where both parties enters a feeling of separation. In MMB’s case, the
10%(6000 customers) of the customers which are from the distant states of the country will fall
under the separation phase as most of them will lose interest after the certain period as they will
have to travel a long way for the excursion resulting on a high travel cost to reach MMB and a
sense of losing interest about the excursion as whole on their regular hassle life.
2. E-mail marketing leads to marketing and advertising the potential and real customers of a
company to know about the company as well as features , product or service packages and many
other promotional discount and engagement features to attract and retain new and old customers.
In MMB’s a proper e-mail marketing plan can reach the targeted customers faster as this is the
new technological age where people don’t usually check on mails as well can reduce the printing
and mailing cost of $246000 incurred for 60000 addresses. But, here lies another problem. In
order to execute e-mail marketing, the company needs e-mails of specific customer to send them.
In this case , MMB can take multiple steps. MMB can design their website into a website where
a customer can create a profile which will require sign up using an e-mail which can later be
used for e-mail marketing. MMB can also combine hyperlink icons on numerous article websites
that has a section of outdoor hiking and excursion as well as popular social media pages of
mountain hiking and adventure pages. Moreover, MMB can also hire -mail processing service
provider to do all the work and maintain a smooth e-mail marketing campaign without creating a
bad spamming behavioral culture about MMB in the market. MMB can, as my suggestion , can
insert a permission marketing campaign by designing their website in way that will request any
visitors of the website for dropping cookies that will in future gives the permission of sending
promotional e-mail marketing such as welcome emails, promotional e-mails, transaction e-mails,
re-engagement e-mails, sponsorship e-mails and much more.
3. Viral marketing is one of the most popular and cost-effective marketing strategies both in
traditional and e-commerce businesses that involves in spreading marketing information about
the product through word of mouth from one individual to another. Specifically in e-commerce,
the activity resides mostly in social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using
the company’s social and group pages. In MMB’s case, the 80% of the repeated or otherwise
loyal customers can be encouraged in full-fledged engagement on the social media pages of
MMB’s social media pages and groups if already available. Otherwise, the company needs to
create the pages and the encourage the customers for engagement. Also, the photographs that
jerry clicks can be used for viral marketing by providing them for free to anyone who wishes to
have them in possession. However, the condition is that the person who wishes to possess the
photograph(s) has to create a user account on the company’s website as well as like all the social
media pages. This will have a domino effect where everyone new person who wants to catches
these photographs for the first time will have encouragement of trying out the excursion at least
for once. Moreover, this will bring new customers towards the company where if they experience
a feeling of satisfaction will automatically will say positive words about the company thus
implying the word-of-mouth effect. The company can also use jerry’s photography skills by
including a photography subsection on existing excursion packages thus motivating the
customers to have their live photography and share them on their social media accounts bringing
attention more aggressively.
4. E-commerce affiliate marketing simply adds all the online e-commerce marketing elements
with the affiliate marketing elements. In brief, it means that an e-commerce company can tie up
with other third-party companies of the same sector which provides a complementary package to
the customers. As MMB is a mountain excursion or mountain hiking adventure services to the
company, they can tie up with companies which are in the tourism sector of the state of Montana.
The companies can be food and beverage companies, theme park companies, hotel booking e-
commerce business as well merchandises consisting of stationary products, action figures, art
and house designing companies consisting the natural beauty of the state of Montana as well as
the themes inspired by the popular sites of Montana. Searching the internet, we can find hotel
booking website on Montana such as Montana art deco hotel Luzern (website:,, TripAdvisor (website:, Montana big sky waterpark
which is a waterpark in Montana and Montana adventure stop which is a theme park situated in
Montana. E-commerce affiliate marketing is an increasingly popular tactic that is being used to
drive additional sales and generate online revenue that is beneficial to both brands and their
affiliate marketers. This has led more and more businesses to join affiliate programs. 81% of
brands now leverage the power of affiliate marketing. Even using travel influencer of the social
media of Facebook, twitter, Instagram and Tiktok can be used as affiliate marketing plans. The
influencers can promote about MMB and its services to their viewers and in return will get a
commission for the number of their viewers actually visiting or conducting any kind of
transaction with the company. This is called purchase-based commission structures. The
affiliated partner gets paid if the any potential customer uses their code as a coupon of purchases
of product or services of the company. Traffic based commission structure state that the affiliate
partner will get commission if they can divert any potential customers and viewers to the
company’s website regardless of the number of actual purchase of service and/or products they
acquire. On the other hand, customer acquisition-based commission states that the affiliate
partner gets paid when there is actual transaction happening between the company and the

Case study 2
1. Lets us discuss about each of the app store and their licensing and profit distribution policies
one by one. All the smartphones that uses the android operating system uses both the google app
store and the amazon app store. Google play is the name of Google’s app market where they act
as a distribution channel of many mobile apps created, either exclusively or non exclusively by
the app develops . Smartphone uses the fairly cheap, but efficient snapdragon processors by
Qualcomm inc. that are efficient enough for the games PFI intends to sell on the platform.
Apple corp. has its their own app store called the apple store and apple itself has their own self
built operating system that are intended for their high performing ARM processors on their
phones. However, selling apps on apple store has its fair share of traits. Apple is hesitant about
even and rightful distributing profit sharing and cuts a fare share from the profit. Moreover, if we
calculate the number of apple around the globe, it is much more less than smartphones.
palm pre is a multitasking smartphone that was designed and marketed by Palm with a multi-
touch screen and a sliding keyboard. The smartphone was the first to use Palm's Linux-based
mobile operating system, webOS. Palm pre, being the one of the earliest makers of smartphones
in the smart phone market and their app store, is still less recognized by the global people which
also clearly states the current situation of their current state of their app store.
PSvita or playstation vita is a portable gaming device by Sony which specialized on creating
mostly the cut down or sliced version of playstation exclusive version their offering of games on
their store. Despite being fully exclusive, the optimization level of the games are quite
outstanding and the interface is much more exciting than playing games on a small phone with
small touchscreens and buttons.
DoCoMo on the other hand is just another company from Japan who building smartphone
devices based on the google android’s mobile operating system and has all the software features
like any other android smartphones. However, the hardware totally depends on how the company
builds its line of products.
2. In short, PFI wants to know that which of the distribution channel or channels of the above
mentioned will fit the best for distribute PFI’s sorts of games.
According to time of the report , as android smartphone users are causal games or don’t play
games at all , launching games on mass scale on any of them will not benefit for the company if
we take licensing and profit distribution policy of google into account. However, Apple play is at
least a start where the apple users which are mostly apple fanatics and highly privileged of the
demographics, They will at least go on try the games noted that the games are launched at a free
10 or 7 days trail version. The quality of the games will speak for itself. If the game are engaging
to the users ,they will definitely buy the games.
For Palm pre, I think it is only logical to launch games on their stores if there is a guarantee of
revenue inflow wheather the games get sold as there is not many users who use the linux OS
based palm pre smartphones.
lastly , Playstation Vita in my opinion will have the most number of sales and higher profit as the
device is already dedicated for gaming and launching on their store at least guarantees purchases
of the games with at least a decent amount. The big screen and high graphics processor of the
device will compliment all the visually dynamic games PFI has to offer attracting many gamers
on the PlayStation ecosystem of different ages , gender, casual and hardcore gamers.

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