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English Bimonthly Test – 4th Bimester

8th grade

1. Read the text. Then, choose the photos that best represent its information.

Most North American children used to go home for lunch in the 1900s. But, as more and
more parents started working in factories, their children were left without food options. In
cities like Philadelphia and Boston, some organizations would provide meals for
schoolchildren, who were given crackers, soup, and milk. In a school for girls, the
students prepared their own lunch as part of their domestic science program. Lunch
would include stuffed tomatoes, soup with croutons, apple shortcake, baked beans,
brown bread and, to drink, they would have cocoa.
In the 1970s, fast food was getting popular among students. Fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains didn’t have a chance against it. Schools would put hamburgers, French
fries, and other greasy snacks on their menus. In 1974, the menu in a Houston
school included burgers, fried chicken, buttered corn, and fruit jelly. Foodservice
companies offered candy bars, chips, and other treats in vending machines as well.
In 2010, healthy eating gained a higher importance with the promotion of fresh, local
dishes for schoolchildren, with schools installing vegetable gardens, for example.Although
many schools still offer pizza, cheeseburgers, and chicken nuggets, now it is possible to
have roasted squash (a type of pumpkin), turkey hot dogs, and fresh broccoli for lunch.
a) Where did the majority of students have lunch in the 1900s?

( ) ( ) ( )

b) What was possible to find in schools in the 1970s, according to the text?

( ) ( ) ( )

c)What do some schools have nowadays to promote healthy eating?

( ) ( ) ( )

d)According to the text, what do some schools offer in their menus nowadays?

( ) ( ) ( )

2. Answer the questions.

a) In the 1900s, why were children left without many food options?

b) In the 1900s, what was part of the students’ science program?

c) In 1970, were fruits, vegetables and grains popular among students? Explain.

d) Did schools in the 2010s stop offering fast food to students? Explain.
3. Complete the sentences with who or whose.
a) You’d better eat more vegetables, vitamins and minerals are essential
for you.
b) I’m planning to make that dish recipe I found on the Internet the other day.
c) Emily Kemp is the chef makes the most delicious and healthiest dishes on
d) If you’ve got enough time, talk to Peter, ____ needs help choosing his meals.

4. Circle the word that best fits the gap to in each sentence.

a) The arrested 3 suspects who are now under investigation.

( ) Judge
( ) criminal
( ) manager
( ) police

b) Apparently, there’s new evidence now found by the

( ) detective
( ) robber
( ) trial
( ) sentence

c)The was sentenced to 5 years in jail.

( ) lawyer
( ) judge
( ) criminal
( ) jury

d)A famous painting was from the museum last night!

( ) steal
( ) stolen
( ) killed
( ) burglar

e) He’s accused of and physical assault.

( ) sentence
( ) murder
( ) jury
( ) defendant
5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

a) On the 23rd of June 2016, the UK the decision to leave the EU. (take)

b) The Independence of Brazil on the 7th of September 1822. (declare)

c)Unfortunately, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights several times

since its creation in 1948. (violate)

d)Spain and Portugal the largest colonies in the Americas. (have)

6. Circle the correct option in each of the sentences below.

a) My coffee is strong and bitter. I don’t think there’s enough / too sugar in it.
b) I prefer no sugar in my tea. I don’t like it when it’s much / too sweet.
c) Bob has plenty of / no time to finish his food.We are not in a hurry!
d) Salt can be dangerous for your health.You shouldn’t have enough / too much of

7. Read the short text and write T for true or F for false in parenthesis.

When asked about the Royals’ eating habits, former personal chef for Queen Elizabeth II
Darren McGrady had a few interesting things to say. First of all, and perhaps
unsurprisingly, according to Darren, the Royals are a healthy group of people. For
example, both Prince Charles and Diana, his late wife, ate healthy food mostly from
freshly-made ingredients. The Queen herself and Prince Phillip, her husband, have also
always been into healthy eating.
Apparently most of the food they eat comes from estates that belong to the Royal family
- they grow their own fruit and vegetables, milk comes from their cows and even
mushrooms are picked wild from their own land. Her Majesty eats beef and pheasant
that are caught or hunted on her lands.
However, breaking a few home traditions does not seem to harm from time to time. The
Royals have always had their personal chefs but now Prince William and Kate Middleton
are an exception. The couple (apparently mostly Kate) handle the cooking and seem to
be enjoying the experience of being a ‘normal’ family for the time being.
a)Except for Prince Charles and his late wife, everyone eats healthy food in the palace. [ ]

b)Darren McGrady still works for the Royal family. [ ]

c)Almost everything they eat is home-grown. [ ]

d) Prince William and his wife do not have personal chefs at home for now. [ ]

e)Kate Middleton knows how to cook. [ ]

8. Analyse the images below and circle the odd one out in each of them.

a. breakfast
b. protein
c. fancy dinner
d. sugary

a. wine glass
b. silverware
c. fast food
d. etiquette

d. fruit
e. meat
f. veggie
d. healthy

g. barbecue
h. party
i. grill
d. vegan

j. diet
k. carbs
l. Italy
d. flour

9. Put the word in parentheses in their correct form so they can fit in the sentence.
a) The____________________of Brazil was in 1822. (depend)
b) The piece of art is definitely your best______________(create)
c) He hit the wall. He is not a very good______________(drive)
d) True_______________isn’t about being inseparable. It’s being separated and
nothing changes. (friend)
e) I love this green city! There is such a __________________park to visit. (beauty)

10. Choose a person of your family/a friend and describe their personality treats
justifying it. Point out at least 5 adjectives.

Ex. My grandma is such a STRONG woman! She has raised my mom with barely
any money, and she have done a great job! She is also very NICE with people; she
always takes care of me and my friends. Sometimes she is SELFISH and only thinks
about herself in some situations….


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