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CVL100:Environmental Science(2-0-0)

(Tuesday and Wednesday; Friday slot reserved for extra class)

Introduction to Water Pollution

Lec4: Jan 12,2022

Prof. Arun Kumar

See Moodle and Impartus for Additional materials ; check class email

Water: Source

Surface water;
Groundwater; rain water

January 12, 2022 Arun Kumar 2


Prof. B.J.Alappat,
IIT Delhi

January 12, 2022 3

Water: Treatment train of unit
(1)Coagulation: increases particle size
(2)Sedimentation: settles particles
(3)Filtration: removes solids
(4)Disinfection: removes pathogens; oxidation

January 12, 2022 Arun Kumar 4

Water: Supply part

Supply to consumers
(1) Residual disinfectant to ensure no microbial
growth during transport

January 12, 2022 Arun Kumar 5

Water: Disposal part (solids
1)Chemical sludge
2) Disposal to municipal landfill
3)Reuse in brick making; pavement material, etc.

January 12, 2022 Arun Kumar 6

Water: Order of constituents
Source: Dissolved gases solidsions
reduced substancespathogens supply

January 12, 2022 Arun Kumar 7

Step 1. List water quality characteristics
which need to be removed

– Nutrients
– Ions (arsenate; chromate ions; nitrate)
– Organic compounds (pesticides, etc.)
– Pathogens (viruses, if we have human fecal pollution)
– Solids (depends if there is a fracturing in subsurface)
– Gases(methane, etc.)

January 12, 2022 8

Step 2. Identify unit(s) which can remove at
least one type of contamination
• Ions (removal by: adsorption; coagulation-
flocculation; chemical precipitation; bio-adsorption;
membrane process)

January 12, 2022 9

Step 2 contd.

• Organic compounds (degradation/removal by:

oxidation; adsorption; biodegradation; reduction-
oxidation; irradiation; membrane process)

January 12, 2022 10

Step 2 contd.

• Pathogens (killed by : adsorption; coagulation-

flocculation; chemical precipitation; disinfection;
boiling; irradiation; membrane process)

January 12, 2022 11

Step 2 contd.

• Solids (removal by : settling; filtration; membrane


• Gases (removal by) : aeration; adsorption;


January 12, 2022 12

Example 2

January 12, 2022 13

January 12, 2022 14
Stackelberg et al. 2004

To remove large materials and solids

January 12, 2022 15

To remove solids; coagulants addition

Stackelberg et al. 2004

January 12, 2022 16
To remove pathogens; oxidize reduced
substances also

Stackelberg et al. 2004

January 12, 2022 17
• Units for solids; pathogen; ions; organic
• Units for sludge generation
• Which unit remove more than one
• Can some more optimization of units be
• Types of chemical added and where?
January 12, 2022 18
Conventional Surface Water Treatment
• Screening (remove relatively large floating and
suspended debris)
• Rapid-mix (mixing water with chemicals that
encourage suspended solids to coagulate into
larger particles that will settle easily)
• Flocculation (gently mixing water and
coagulant allowing the formation of large
particles of floc)
Conventional Surface Water Treatment
• Sedimentation (flow is slowed enough so that
gravity will cause flocs to settle)
• Sludge processing (mixture of solids and
liquids collected from settling tank are
dewatered and disposed of)
• Disinfection (ensure that water is free of
harmful pathogens)
• Distribution system protection (residual
Xagoraraki and Kuo(2008)

January 12, 2022 21

Case:Groundwater produce drinking water

January 12, 2022 22

Groundwater Drinking water

Name: constituents to be removed; unit

processes; their role; their sequence; solid
waste generation
January 12, 2022 23
Treatment schematic (GW Potable drinking

• Raw Ground water  aeration chamber 

Softening unit  Filtration with chlorination
Disinfection  Storage
• See sequence of units used
• Chemical is required to be added
• Water is treated
• Chemical sludge is produced

January 12, 2022 24

Units used for (GW Potable drinking water

• Aeration chamber (to remove gases; using

• Softening unit (to remove cations; using
softener and/or cation exchangers)

January 12, 2022 25

Treatment schematic (GW Potable drinking

• Filtration with chlorination (to remove

solids; to kill microbial growth on filter unit

• Disinfection (to kill microorganisms before

water is supplied for public consumption)

• Storage
January 12, 2022 26
Example 2: Yamuna River Water produce
drinking water)

January 12, 2022 27

Example 2 schematic contd.

January 12, 2022 28

Treatment schematic (SW Potable drinking

• Sequence of unit processes: pre-sedimentation

mixing, flocculation,
settlingfiltrationadsorption disinfection

• Function of unit processes: solids removal 

removal of ions, and solids using chemical
additionremoval of smaller particles removal of
organic compounds and ionsoxidation of oxygen-
demanding wastes and chemical killing of
pathogens in water
January 12, 2022 29
(SW Potable drinking water) contd..

• Chlorine is added in sedimentation and filtration

tank to avoid microbial growth
• Chorine is used as a oxidizing agent and
disinfection solution also.

January 12, 2022 30

So far..
• Introduction of water treatment schematic concepts
• Discussion on production of water of different final
• Discussion on checks
– Remove solids before removing bacteria
– Remove solids using sedimentation process before
using filtration
– Remove organic compounds and ammonia-based
compounds before disinfection
• Discussion on need for calculating solids waste
produced from every unit processes and solid
waste management
Example 2

January 12, 2022 32

January 12, 2022 33
Stackelberg et al. 2004

To remove large materials and solids

January 12, 2022 34

To remove solids; coagulants addition

Stackelberg et al. 2004

January 12, 2022 35
To remove pathogens; oxidize reduced
substances also

Stackelberg et al. 2004

January 12, 2022 36
Stackelberg et al. 2004

January 12, 2022 37

Calculate: (a)% removal; (b)partitioning of initial
compounds in finished water and in solids

%removal =100(1-{Cfinished/Craw})
Partitioning in Finished conc. = {Cfinished/Craw}
Partitioning in solids={Csettled/Craw}

January 12, 2022 38

Exercise 2

Say I am considering volunteering for a one-way

trip to Mars [I can send weekly updates, though!],
which requires my commitment on
optimizing/reducing my daily water consumption.
One option is to use treated wastewater for my non-
drinking activities. Which two parameters do you
suggest me to monitor before I accept the condition
and why?

January 12, 2022 39

Exercise 3

Suppose IIT Delhi water has suspended solids,

organic matter, microorganisms, hardness, and
dissolved CO2, which are problematic constituents.
Other dissolved constituents are below problem
levels. Draw a schematic diagram of a treatment
plant that will render this water potable. Identify
each unit and show points of chemical addition with
their names.

January 12, 2022 40

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