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Experimental Problems in Statistical Concepts

Use standard normal distribution tables

1. A small radio transmitting set is designed so that it can be used to generate

a certain automatic signal. The time duration of this signal is one of the
specified quality characteristics of the set. At regular intervals, five sets from
the production line were tested for this quality characteristic. In the following
table, which shows 125 such measurements, the values in each subgroup of
five have been arranged in order of magnitude.
Subgroup Duration of automatic signal
number (time units unspecified)
1 390 393 395 405 420
2 376 381 381 383 401
3 380 387 395 397 407
4 377 383 387 390 393
5 393 395 403 405 414
6 376 388 395 397 400
7 387 400 400 403 410
8 391 392 394 397 405
9 390 391 395 401 405
10 379 391 393 394 410
11 390 397 400 406 428
12 380 382 389 391 399
13 375 383 392 395 404
14 387 390 398 400 408
15 390 395 395 397 403
16 382 399 401 406 406
17 390 395 395 400 410
18 381 390 394 397 399
19 387 389 398 401 415
20 372 378 396 400 405
21 387 389 391 391 400
22 376 380 391 406 412
23 395 396 397 400 400
24 392 394 397 399 400
25 385 390 390 392 392
Make a tally of these 125 measurements to arrange them in a frequency
distribution. Use cell mid-points of 370,375,380,385……………………430. From
this check sheet, prepare a table showing cell mid-points, cell boundaries, and
observed frequencies. Find the arithmetic mean and standard deviation of the
problem. (May shift origin and scale of data)

2. Tests of the stiffness of a number of aluminum- alloy channels gave the

following frequency distribution.
Stiffness Freq. Stiffness Freq. Stiffness Freq.
2640 1 2440 33 2280 14
2600 2 2400 41 2240 5
2560 7 2360 35 2200 3
2520 11 2320 22 2160 1
2480 25
a) Compute ΄ and
b) If a normal distribution had this ΄ and , what percentage of the
distribution would fall below 2150 ?
c) It is decided to fix lower specification limit for stiffness such that at least 99%
of the channels satisfy it. Determine what would be the specification limit.

3. The results of an analysis yield the following: = 360, = 40. Assume

that the process generates a normal distribution and specifications are 400+
60. a) What proportion of the product meets the specifications ?
b) if the process is re-centered at 400, what proportion would meet the
specifications? (Draw figures)
c) To what extent should the dispersion be reduced if it is required that at
least 99% of the product meets the specifications (if process is centered at

4. A manufacturer of electrical products purchases many parts from outside

vendors. A lot of 20000 of a certain small component is received from a new
vendor. The receiving inspection department for the manufacturer has taken a
random sample of 200 components from this lot and measured the resistance of
each component. These resistances in ohms have been arranged into the
following frequency distribution:

Cell boundaries, ohms Frequency

88.5-86.5 2
86.5-84.5 5
84.5-82.5 16
82.5-80.5 24
80.5-78.5 40
78.5-76.5 44
76.5-74.5 25
74.5-72.5 22
72.5-70.5 13
70.5-68.5 7
68.5-66.5 2

a) Compute the average and standard deviation of this frequency distribution.

What percentage of a normal distribution having your computed average and
s.d. would fall outside the specification limits 75+10 ohms ?

b) If you make the arbitrary assumption that resistances are distributed uniformly
throughout each cell, what percentage of the actual distribution fell outside these

c) What conclusion, if any, can you reach on the question of whether or not the
vendor was maintaining good statistical control of this quality characteristic?
Explain your answer.

d) How much would be the percentage reduction in defectives if the process is

re-centered at (U+L)/2 i.e. at 75 ohms, assuming that resistances are normally

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