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Anthony Moreira

Period 6

Anthony Moreira
Period 6
Journal 1: A quality as an inherent feature (characteristic or trait) what are three of the
best qualities people should have?

- one if the most important quality someone should have been loyalty because if a person is
going through some things, it is important to be there for them. Another quality that is
important is toughness because I think if something bad happens to you, you need to
move on. If you don’t move on you will never heal physically or mentally. Respect also I
am major quality because if you don’t respect people, they won’t respect you. You also
need to learn how to respect yourself if you want others to respect you.

Journal 2: watch these videos. Pay attention. How do each relate to one another?

- Both videos relate in a way that both went through situations that challenged them
physically and mentally. In those situations, most people would have started to panic
while they remained calm throughout the situations. They also did whatever was
necessary for them to survive, for example the boy in the first video had to eat butter for
him to survive days. In the other video the man had to cut his arm off to get unstuck from
the boulder. The man also kept envisioning his mother at nights.

Journal 3: we have discussed the best qualities people should have. Now think about the
videos we watched the other day. What 2 qualities do you believe are most likely to help
one survive?
- Two qualities that will help someone survive are being resourceful and mental toughness.
Being resourceful is very important because you need to be able to work with anything
you have. One example is if u have a knife and you are in a forest u may need the knife to
build a shelter and a fire. Mental toughness is the most important because you need to
make tough decisions to survive. One example of mental toughness is when the man had
to cut his arm off to survive.
Anthony Moreira
Period 6

Journal 4: Adventurers should be held responsible for their rescues. Explain why or why
- Adventurers should be responsible for their own rescues because that person made a
decision that got them in that situation. Many attractions that are considered dangerous
give out waivers that you must sign in order to get on the ride. If you agree to this waiver
that means you can’t sue the company if you get hurt. This might seem unfair, but you
took the decisions that put you in that situation. Some rescue missions can take a lot of
money to execute.

Journal 5: in journal 4 you stated whether adventurers should be responsible for their
rescues. now argue the other side. Think before you write. Give valid reasons.
- One reason adventurers shouldn’t pay for their rescue is that it can be very expensive. If
adventurers know how much it will cost for them to get save, they may overthink their
decision to get help. Another reason is that rescue missions cost a lot of money. Some
people that get rescued may not have enough Money to pay for their rescue. It may seem
crazy to think that some people may value money over their own life.

Journal 6: Think about the components of an introduction paragraph to an argumentative essay

(hook, back info, thesis/claim). Reread journal stated your claim. Now write an introduction
paragraph for an argumentative essay that argues whether adventurers should be held responsible
for their rescues?

- Many adventurers put themselves in dangerous situations. Some of these rescues can cost a lot of
money. These adventurers should pay for their rescue because rescues are expensive, and it puts
rescuers' lives at risk. Some argue that rescuers should not pay for their rescue because if people
know they have to pay for their resuces they might hesitate to call for help. Adventurers make
decisions that puts them in danger.
Journal 7: Using your five senses (sight, smell, taste, sound, touch), describe this picture.
- With my sight I see rocks and an ocean. I can imagine the smell of the ocean. Taste is
salty. I can hear the sound of waves hitting the rocks. I could feel the touch of the rocks.

Journal 8: Do you believe that a desire for acceptance, like jerry has regarding the other
boys is universal emotion. something that all kids experience. Explain why or why not.
- Acceptance is a universal emotion for everyone. Most people are willing to change who
they are to be accepted. People do this because they want to be accepted into a group.
Anthony Moreira
Period 6

People usually don’t like like being different because it isolates them from the rest of the
people. People should not change who they are because you want to fit it.

Journal 9: think about your freedom as a teen. Do you have too much freedom or not
enough? Listen to this audio and write a response.
- I feel that as a teen I don’t have enough freedom. Many adults may argue that teens have
too many freedoms. But if teens are restricted on the things, they are allowed to do they
would be relying on other people. Teens can be referred to as young adults but if they are
restricted on the things, they can do they will never become adults. People should start
treating teens as adults and give them the same responsibility as adults.
Journal 10: if you could take a vacation to anywhere in the world, where would you want
to go? Explain why this is the place you would want to visit.
- If I could visist any place in the world it would be norway. I want to travel to norway
because ive always wanted to see the northen lights. If I visisted norway I would like to
learn about the history of norway. Some vikings originated in norway which is a main
reason I would want to visit. Norway has always interested me because of its history and

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