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Regarding ureter
a. It is constricted at pelvicureteric junction
b. It enters at the lateral angle into bladder trigone
c. Its pelvic part is supplied superior vesical artery
d. Is crossed inferiorly by ductus deferens
e. It is lined by transitional epithelium
2. Hydrogen ions are secreted as
a. Ammonium ion
b. Monophosphate ion
c. Urea
d. Bicarbonate
e. Free hydrogen ions
3. Late distal tubule of nephron
a. Reabsorbs sodium
b. secretes H+ by primary active transport
c. Its absorption is affected by aldosterone
d. Forms part of juxtaglomerular apparatus
e. Is permeable to urea
4. Antidiuretic hormone
a. Is called vasopressin
b. Stimulates sodium reabsorption at proximal convoluted tubule
c. Is secreted by distal convoluted tubule
d. Secretion is increased during exercise
e. Secretion is inhibited by atrial natriuretic peptide
5. Increase secretion of aldosterone is stimulated by
a. Alkalosis
b. Hyperkalaemia
c. Hypovolaemia
d. Atrial natriuretic peptide
e. Angiotensin II
6. Regarding rectum
a. Has taenia coli
b. Lymphatics drain into superficial inguinal nodes
c. Is covered by peritoneum anteriorly at its middle third part
d. Is supplied by left colic artery
e. Is related anteriorly to rectouterine pouch in female
7. Regarding peritoneum and peritoneal cavity
a. Lesser sac is posterior to the stomach
b. Lateral umbilical fold overlies inferior epigastric artery
c. Lesser omentum is attached to the ligamentum venosum of liver
d. Hepatoduodenal ligament forms part of greater omentum
e. Roof of omental foramen is the caudate process of liver
8. Saliva
a. Secretion is increased by parasympathetic stimulation
b. Contains amylase
c. Secretion is increased immediately before vomiting
d. Antibacterial activity
e. Contains IgM
9. Regarding digestion
a. Carboxypeptidase is an endopeptidase
b. Pepsin works best in alkaline medium
c. Cholecystokinin promotes release of pancreatic enzyme
d. Pepsin action takes place in stomach
e. Amino acid needs transporter to enter intestinal cell
10. Gastrin
a. Stimulate the production gastric intrinsic factor
b. Release is stimulated by alcohol
c. Is stimulated by vagal excitation
d. Promotes growth of gastric mucosa
e. Is secreted by parietal cells
11. Regarding first part of duodenum
a. Is supplied by branch of celiac trunk
b. Is connected to the liver by hepatoduodenal ligament
c. Receives accessory pancreatic duct
d. Is crossed anteriorly by prepyloric vein
e. Gastroduodenal artery passes posterior to it
12. Urea cycle
a. Obtain nitrogen atom from carbamoyl phosphate
b. Aspartate is converted to fumarate
c. Obtain carbon atom from carbon dioxide
d. Produce ATP
e. Arginine is synthesised
13. First aid care for management of burn include
a. Removal of patient from source of injury
b. Irrigation of clean cold water
c. Keep the respiration patent in unconscious patient
d. Relieve pain
e. Apply antibiotic ointment on wound
14. First aid care for seizures patient
a. Put tongue depressor
b. Remove dangerous substances from the patient
c. Restrain the patient during epilepsy
d. Immediately apply with electric defibrillator
e. Rescue breaths to prevent hypoxia
15. Left suprarenal gland
a. Is crossed anteriorly by splenic artery
b. Lies in the stomach bed
c. Receives arterial supply from branch of left renal artery
d. ..
e. Its venous drainage into inferior vena cava
16. Cortisol
a. Stimulates gluconeogenesis
b. Is produced by zona glomerulosa cells
c. Is produced from cholesterol
d. Inhibits erythropoietin synthesis
e. Increases bone resorption
17. Hypoglycaemia stimulates the release of
a. Glucagon
b. Epinephrine
c. Cortisol
d. Insulin
e. ..
18. Insulin
a. Is secreted by beta cells of pancreatic Islets of Langerhans
b. Increases uptake of K+ into adipose tissue
c. Stimulates activity of lipoprotein lipase
d. Increases protein breakdown
e. Decrease glucose output from the liver
19. Ketone bodies
a. Is produced during prolonged fasting
b. Is synthesized in the liver
c. Is secreted in urine
d. Are precursors for gluconeogenesis
e. Is oxidized by heart
20. Regarding gluconeogenesis
a. Occurs in muscle
b. Supplies glucose for red blood cell
c. Is stimulated by glucagon
d. Gluconeogenesis requires glucose-6-phosphatase
e. Synthesis of new glucose from non carbohydrate precursors
21. Metabolic acidosis is caused by
a. ..
b. Hyperventilation
c. Dehydration
d. Ketonemia
e. Renal tubular problem
22. Regarding glycogen metabolism
a. Muscle glycogenolysis releases free glucose into circulation
b. Glycogenesis is stimulated by epinephrine
c. Glycogenolysis is stimulated by activated phosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase
d. Glycogenin is a primer for glycogenesis
e. In liver, glycogenolysis is decreased by glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency
23. Cholesterol
a. Is synthesized from acetyl coA
b. Bound to albumin in blood
c. Synthesis is regulated by HMG CoA reductase
d. Maintains stability of cell membrane
e. Is catabolised into bile salt
24. Adrenophysis
a. Has hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal vein
b. Contains cords of parenchymal cells
c. Secretes oxytocin
d. Has hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract
e. Is located in temporal bone
25. The vitamin and the deficiency are matched correctly
a. Thiamin – Beri-beri
b. Riboflavin – Rickets
c. B6 – pellagra
d. Vitamin A – xeropthalmia
e. Folate – neural tube defect
26. The following food are rich in carotenoid
a. Carrot
b. Tomato
c. Mango
d. Liver
e. Egg
27. The following vitamin can be synthesized in human body
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin D
c. Vitamin E
d. Vitamin K
e. Niacin
28. Nutritional status in elderly is measured by
a. Knee height
b. Thickness of triceps skin fold
c. Chest circumference
d. Arm span
e. Diet history
29. Regarding dietary lipid
a. Is stated in Malaysian Recommended Nutrition Intake
b. Produces highest energy output per weight
c. Cholesterol is found in coconut oil
d. Omega-3 supplement is needed
e. Trans-fat increases the level of LDL cholesterol
30. Oestrogen
a. Increase in progesterone receptors
b. Activate cilia activity in the uterine tube
c. Stimulate ductal growth of breast
d. Stimulates fusion of epiphyseal plate of long bones
e. Increases sodium excretion
31. Testes
a. Contains numerous convoluted seminiferous tubules
b. Is stimulated by gonadotrophin releasing hormone
c. Contains a lot of spermatogonia
d. Efferent ductules connect rete tubules to epididymis
e. Produces sperm that are stored in epididymis
32. Mammary gland
a. Interlobular duct is lined by stratified squamous epithelium
b. Tail of Spence extends into axilla
c. Alveoli proliferation is stimulated by progesterone
d. The lymphatics of the medial quadrant flows into the opposite side
e. Is a modified sebaceous gland
33. Endometrium
a. The basal portion undergo periodic changes
b. Supplied by spiral arteries
c. Stromal cell proliferation is stimulated by estrogen
d. Secretory phase is stimulated by progestrone
e. The proliferation in the 1st trimester is controlled by hCG
34. Regarding male reproductive structure
a. ..
b. Penis lymphatics drain into superficial inguinal lymph nodes
c. Glans penis is a conical enlargement of corpus spongiosum
d. Testicular vein drains into left renal vein
e. Ductus deferens hooks around medial side of inferior epigastric artery
35. Apoptosis
a. Is a programmed cell death
b. Causes chromatin breakdown
c. Causes inflammation
d. Is avoided by cancer cell
e. Cell membrane blebbing
36. Free radicals
a. Destroy lipid bilayer
b. Are produced from biological oxidation
c. Involved in host body defense
d. Destroy DNA
e. Neutralized by oxidized glutathione
37. Pharmaceutical industry development..
a. Synthesize new compounds from combinatorial chemistry
b. Screening in human
c. Safety test in animal
d. Clinical trial
e. Post marketing surveillance
38. Pharmacokinetic parameter include
a. Absorption
b. Distribution
c. Excretion
d. Efficacy
e. potency
39. Drug absorption
a. Acidic drug binds to albumin
b. Basic drug binds to globulin
c. Bound drug is pharmacologically active
d. Drug that binds strongly to plasma protein lasts longer in systemic circulation
e. Drug –protein binding is irreversible
40. Regarding bacteria
a. Photoautotroph needs carbon dioxide as its source of energy
b. Bacteria divide by binary fission
c. Facultative anaerobe dies in the presence of oxygen
d. Psychrophiles live optimally at 20-30 C
e. Alkaline medium inhibits growth of Vibrio cholera
41. Pathogens escaped
a. Residing in RBC
b. Vary in surface antigen
c. Covered by serum albumin
d. Residing in extracellular part of blood
e. Covered itself with MHC antigen
42. Regarding virus
a. Its Envelope helps in its extrusion from infected cell
b. Human immunodeficiency virus contains DNA
c. Obligate intracellular microorganism
d. It uses host subcellular mechanism to undergo replication
e. Its capsid aids in binding to the cell
43. Staining reaction and microorganism
a. Staphylococcus aureus – acid fast bacilli
b. Escherichia coli – Gram negative bacilli
c. Mycobacteria – Gram positive cocci
d. Candida albicans – Gram negative cocci
e. Streptococcus pyogenes – Gram positive cocci
44. Normal flora
a. Increases colonization of pathogens
b. Commensals are the largest colony of normal flora in human body
c. Opportunists causes disease in immunocompromised human
d. Type of organism depends on host nutrition
e. Skin flora causes wound infection
45. Secondary lymphoid organ includes
a. Tonsil
b. Thymus
c. Spleen
d. Mucosa- associated lymphatic tissue(MALT)
e. Bone marrow
46. Antigen presenting cells consist of
a. Neutrophils
b. CD8+ T cells
c. Dendritic cells
d. B cells
e. Macrophages
47. Humoral immunity
a. ..
b. Involved in delayed hypersensitivity..
c. involves protection against virus
d. is mediated by Th2
e. Causes production of IFNy
48. Cytokines
a. Are produced by lymphocytes
b. Is a polypeptide
c. Is monokine
d. Present in abundance in blood circulation
e. Involves in cell-cell communication
49. Regarding evidence based medicine
a. Case series has a higher level of.. than experts’ opinions
b. Cohort study has higher level of.. than randomized controlled trials
c. Clinical practice guideline
d. Preference of patient’s interest
e. Best is by attending conferences regularly
50. A gene
a. Sequence of bases
b. Is found in chromosomes
c. Part of DNA that encodes for phenotype
d. Can be seen microscopically
e. ..tumerigenesis

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