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Student Exercise Booklet


Citi Cross-Enterprise Excel Training: Full-Time Analysts & Associates Student Exercise Guide

Lesson 1: Preparing Data for Analysis....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Lesson 2 Text Functions ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Lesson 3 Data Validation .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Lesson 4 Pivot Tables ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Lesson 5 Lookup Functions ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Lesson 6: Logical Functions ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Lesson 7: Additional Functions ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Lesson 8: Conditional Formatting ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Lesson 9: Graphing and Charting in Excel ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

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Citi Cross-Enterprise Excel Training: Full-Time Analysts & Associates Student Exercise Guide

Lesson 1: Preparing Data for Analysis

Exercise 1: Data Cleansing Tools

Use the the Workbook 1 Preparing Data for Analysis.xlsx and the Exercise worksheet
Insert a new column after column A
Select column A and use the Data Tab/Text to Columns to split the Code and the Company Name - using the Underscore
as the delimiter
Use the Filter arrow to sort the data by Company Name A-Z
Select all the columns and use Data Tab/Remove Duplicates to remove any duplicate rows (1)
Select column B Company Name and use Home Tab/Find&Select/Replace to replace all occurrences of Public Ltd Company
to PLC (6)
Click on the Filter arrow for the Market Cap column and use the Text Filter to find all the rows with a market cap in
Billions (Ends with B) (127 rows)
Select the results (CTRL + A) or (MAC: CMD +A) and copy and paste them to a new worksheet and then clear the filter
Rename the new worksheet as Market Cap in Billions Exerci
se 1
Exercise 2: Data Cleansing Tools
Try some of these filters (no need to copy and paste results - just check the number found at the bottom left of the screen and clear filter before trying
the next one

Find the top 5 companies by volume

Find all the rows where the Volume is above average (130)
Find all the companies which do not have PLC in their name (73)
Can you find a way to filter a list of all the companies with a market cap over 10 Billion (21). You can't do this at the
minute because the M or B in the column means the numeric filters are not available
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Citi Cross-Enterprise Excel Training: Full-Time Analysts & Associates Student Exercise Guide

Lesson 2 Text Functions

Use the Workbook 2 Text Functions.xlsx and the Exercise Worksheet

Fill in the Blank columns with the relevant Text Function
Once you have completed the functions, you can tidy the dataset by using copy and paste values to copy the results over
the original values and then deleting the extra column

Lesson 3 Data Validation

Exercise 1: Data Validation Rules

Use the Workbook 3 Data Validation.xlsx and the Exercise worksheet
Select A2:A12 and use Data Tab/Data Validation to apply a rule which only allows the text length to be 13 characters
Test this rule by trying to enter a code with fewer or more characters than 13.
Apply a similar rule to cells E2:E12 (Currency) so it only allows 3 character code - test it out by trying to enter a 2
character code in the cell
Apply a rule to column H2:H12 so that only positive numbers are allowed (Decimal Number Greater than and Equal to
0)and test it out by trying to enter a negative number
Apply a rule to column J2:J12 (Date) so that only valid dates are allowed. There is no specified date range so set the rule
up to allow any dates greater than or equal to 1/1/1900). Test it out by trying to enter any of the following dates:
27.4.21 or 30/2/21
Create a list on a separate worksheet with the values in the Sector column (tip: copy and paste the full list and then
select it and use Data Tab/Remove Duplicates to keep only one of each - or you can use the list set up on the Exercise
Solutions Lists worksheet)
Select cells B2:B12 in this worksheet and set up a rule to allow only values from the list (use the list on the other
worksheet as the source) - test it out by trying to enter a value which is not on the list
Do the same for the Location cells - create the list first and then set up the rulethe list first and then set up the rule

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Citi Cross-Enterprise Excel Training: Full-Time Analysts & Associates Student Exercise Guide

Exercise 2: Customising Data Validation Rules

Select cells B2:B12 (Sector) and use the Data Tab/ Data Validation to amend the rule which currently exists. Go to the
Error Alert Section and enter an error message such as "Please select a value from the list", so that when an invalid value
is entered, the message appears
Create a new list on a separate worksheet for the values in column E (Currency Code)
Select cells E2:E12 (Currency) and use Data Tab/Data Validation to set up a new rule to only allow values on the list. Use
the Error Alert Tab to customise the message again, but change the style to warning (instead of Stop)
Test this rule out - if you enter a value which is not on the list, you should receive the warning message but still be able
to proceed (as long as it is in line with the previous rule set up for these cells - a 3 column code is required)

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Citi Cross-Enterprise Excel Training: Full-Time Analysts & Associates Student Exercise Guide

Lesson 4 Pivot Tables

Exercise 1: Creating a Pivot Table

Create a pivot table on a new worksheet using Stock Market Data worksheet from the Workbook 4 Pivot Tables.xlsx
(click into the data and choose Insert/PivotTable, using the default settings)
Use Company Name as the Row heading and Stock Cash Value as the Value field (defaults to sum)
Add the Fail field and use it as a column heading (drag from the Row to Column Section)
Add the Currency Code field as a second row heading (drag it under the Company Name in the pivot table fields section)
Change the LABELS for each Column and Row Heading to something more user friendly. Just click and type
Use the Design Tab to change the pivot Table Style to a colour scheme of your own choosing
Change cell C2 on the Stock Market Data worksheet to 8th July (it is currently 7th July).This will update the value in the
next column to "Fail"
Click back onto the pivot table and use the Refresh option on the Analyze Tab to update the pivot table values
Right Click over the Value field and use Number Format to change the format to Number with 0 decimals and thousand

Exercise 2: Creating a Pivot Table with Filters

Create a 2nd pivot table using the Stock Market Data again and place it on the same worksheet as the first pivot table
(see step 2 on how to do this)
Click into the data and use Insert/PivotTable. Choose Existing Worksheet, click into the location box and select the
worksheet where the other pivot table is. Click into a cell on that worksheet – such as G3 - and click on OK
Use Company Name as the Row heading and Market Price as the Value field
Change the calculation on the value field to Max instead of Sum (right click over a value in the pivot table and choose
Summarise By)
Use the Field list to drag the Market Price field into the Values section again (so it is used twice) and change the
calculation to Min

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Citi Cross-Enterprise Excel Training: Full-Time Analysts & Associates Student Exercise Guide

Change the labelling on the pivot table headings to something more appropriate
Add in a slicer (using the Analyze Tab) which will allow you to filter by Currency Code
Use the Design Tab to change the pivot table style
Task 3: Adv
Exercise 3 Customising a Pivot Table
Create a pivot table using the Stock Market Dataset which counts the number of Settled trades - how many "Yes" and
how many "No" (use Settled field as both row and a value field)
Amend the pivot table so it will include a breakdown by month of the Actual Settlement Date. Use Settled as column
heading and Month as row heading
Can you find a way to change the Count calculation so it displays as a % of Grand Total (hint: right click over the value
field to explore the options)
Can you find a way to remove the Grand Total column, so the pivot table only displays a Yes and a No column (hint: look
for Pivot Table Options on the PivotTable Analyze Tab)
Create another pivot table beside the first one which shows the average market price per company
Insert a slicer to filter the new pivot table by currency code
Can you find a way to connect the first pivot table to the same slicer (so when you select a currency, both pivot tables
update). See some hints below:
• it will help to know what each pivot table is called - use PivotTable Analyze Tab/PivotTable to find out that information
• look for features on the Slicer Tab to set up the connection

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Citi Cross-Enterprise Excel Training: Full-Time Analysts & Associates Student Exercise Guide

Lesson 5 Lookup Functions

Exercise 1: Using a VLookup Function

All the lookup tables for this exercise are located in the Lookup Tables worksheet

On the Workbook 5 Lookup and Reference Functions.xlsx and the Exercise 1 worksheet, enter the following
• Use a Vlookup Function in column B to find the Country in Table 1,using the code in column A
• Use a Vlookup Function in column D to find the full Company Name in Table 2, using the code in column C
• Use a Vlookup Function in column I to find the USD Rate in Table 3, using the code in column H
• Use a multiplication formula in column J to calculate the Stock Cash Value in USD (G*I)

Exercise 2: Using an XLookup Function

All the lookup tables for this exercise are located in the Lookup Tables worksheet

On the Exercise 2 worksheet, enter the following functions:

• Use an Xlookup Function in column B to find the Country in Table 2 using the Company Name in column A
• Use an XLookup Function in column C to find the Total AUM in Table 2 using the Company Name in column A

Exercise 3: VLookup Function with TRUE and Index and Match

All the lookup tables for this exercise are located in the Lookup Tables worksheet

You should only try the following questions, if you have completed Exercise 1 & 2 from the Yellow Exercises or if
you are already familiar with VLookup and XLookup functions

• On the Exercise 1 worksheet, write a VLookup formula in column M to find the Profit Level (low, medium, high) in
Table 4, using the value in column L
• Follow the instructions on the Ex3 Index and Match worksheet to try an Index and Match formula

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Citi Cross-Enterprise Excel Training: Full-Time Analysts & Associates Student Exercise Guide

Lesson 6: Logical Functions

Exercise 1: Basic If Function

On the Workbook 6 Logical Functions.xlsx and the Exercise 1 worksheet, enter the following functions:
• Use an IF function in column C to display "Failed" if the Actual Settlement Date is after the Agreed Settlement Date,
otherwise display "Good"
• Use an IF function in column D so that if the Actual Date is after the Agreed Date, it calculates how many days by, if
not, then displays 0
• Use an IF function in column H to display the Trader Commission: Yes if the amount is over 10,000, No if not
• Use an IF function in column I to calculate 5% of the Amount - but only for those who are entitled to Commission,
otherwise 0

Exercise 2: Nested If Function

You should only try the following question, if you have completed Exercise 1 from the Yellow Exercises
Use the Exercise 2 worksheet
Enter an IF function to calculate the Trader Commission: 10% if over 20000 ,5% if amount over or on 10000 and 0 if
under 10000 (this requires an Nested IF – one if function nested in to the FALSE argument of another)

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Citi Cross-Enterprise Excel Training: Full-Time Analysts & Associates Student Exercise Guide

Lesson 7: Additional Functions

Exercise 1: Additional Functions

Use the Workbook 7 Additional Functions.xlsx and the Exercise 1 worksheet

Amend the formula in column B so it displays "Value Not Found" instead of the standard "NA"error (Use IFError)
Amend the formula in column I so it displays "Value TBC" instead of the Value Error
Enter the totals into the table in cells K6:L8 using SumIf

Exercise 2: Additional Functions

Check out the examples of the following functions on the Exercise 2 Example worksheets:
You will find a worksheet for each one – have a look at the examples to see how they work

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Citi Cross-Enterprise Excel Training: Full-Time Analysts & Associates Student Exercise Guide

Lesson 8: Conditional Formatting

Exercise 1: Cell Rules

Use the 8 Conditional Formatting.xlsx Workbook and the Exercise 1 Worksheet
Colour any cell in column B which contains the words "Barclays"
Colour any cell in column C which contains a value over 500,000
Colour any cell in column A which contains a date in March 2020 (Between 1/3/20 and 31/3/20)
Colour the top 5 values in column E
Use Manage Rules to edit the rule in column C to colour only cells over 550,000

Exercise 2: Data Bars and Colour Scales

Use the Exercise 2 Worksheet
Experiment with data bars,colour scales and icon sets on the 3 numeric columns. You could try the following:
Add some data bars to the Gold column
Add some colour scales to the Silver column
Add an icon set to the Oil column
Scroll down the data to see the general trend in values - notice how everything dips around March 20 and then starts to
rise again

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Citi Cross-Enterprise Excel Training: Full-Time Analysts & Associates Student Exercise Guide

Exercise 3: Customising Rules

You should only try the following question, if you have completed Exercise 1&2 from the Yellow Exercises
Use the Exercise 3 Worksheet
Add some data bars to the Volume M column
Add an icon set with 3 arrows to the Change column
Use Manage Rules on the icons in the Change column so positive values display an arrow pointing up, 0 uses the middle
arrow of no change and negative values display the down arrow
Use Manage Rules to display only the icon

Lesson 9: Graphing and Charting in Excel

Exercise 1: Creating a Pivot Chart

On the 9 Graphing and Charting in Excel.xlsx and the Exercise 1 worksheet, create a 2D column chart using the data
in the pivot table (click into the pivot first)
Remove the legend (select it and use delete key) and change the Title to "Total Value of Shares Traded (Millions)"
Change the units on the vertical axis of the chart to display in Millions (double click on the axis and look for the Display
Units Setting)
Click into the pivot table and Use the PivotTable Analyze Tab to insert a slicer to filter by Currency Code - test it out so
when you use the slicer your chart updates
Use the same method to Insert a Timeline on the Pivot, using the Date field. Test it out - when you use the timeline, your
chart should update
Remove the grey field buttons on the chart by right clicking over any one of them and Hide all field buttons
Click on the chart and use the Design Tab/Change Chart Type to change it to a 2D Bar Chart
Use the Design Tab to experiment with colours and design of your chart

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You only need to do one of the following 2 Exercises:

Exercise 2: Creating a line chart

On the Exercise 2 worksheet create a line chart which shows the price of Gold from 1/1/20 to 23/2/21 (select columns A
and B)
Double click over the date axis and change the Format Code for the date to mmm-yy (look for the Number section at the
bottom of panel). Click on Add to update the chart
Change the Chart Title to: Price of Gold (Jan 20 - Feb 21)
Create a 2nd chart using columns A and C (use CTRL/CMD to select non-adjacent columns)
Add in a suitable heading and format the axis so it is the same as the first chart

Exercise 2: Creating a line chart

On the Exercise 2 worksheet, create a line chart which shows the price of Gold from 1/1/20 to 23/2/21 (select columns
A and B)
Double click over the date axis and change the Format Code for the date to mmm-yy (look for the Number section at the
bottom of panel). Click on Add to update the chart
Change the Chart data to include the prices for Silver by extending the blue border around the current data being used.
When you click on the chart you will see the blue border around columns A and B. Drag it out to include C
The silver prices are much smaller so the line will appear very flat on the axis. Use Design Tab to change the chart type to
Combo and use a line chart type for both series. Add a secondary Axis for Silver
Change the Chart Title to: Price of Gold and Silver (Jan 20 - Feb 21)
Add a legend (use the Green Cross at top right of chart) and place it at the top (by clicking on the small black arrow
which appears when you hover over Legend in the list)
Add a Secondary and Primary Vertical Axis Title (Use the Green Cross again) such as Gold or Silver
Create a second chart which shows the price of oil. Format the titles and axis in the same way as the first chart
Notice how Oil prices dipped into negative numbers in March 20 - can you change the axis so it sits at the bottom of the
chart (hint: double click on the axis for options)

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Exercise 3: Sparklines
Use the Exercise 3 worksheet
Click into cell X4 and use the Insert Tab/Sparkline to insert a line sparkline. Select cells B4:W4 as the date range and
click on OK. Fill down to the other cells
Click onto one of the sparklines and use the Sparkline Tab to change to a column sparkline. Experiment with some of the

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