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This study wouldn’t be done without the subject English for Academic Purposes and Ms. Gena
Ramos who became the researchers’ inspiration and motivation to continue. The researchers
would like to express their heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to these people who contributed
for the fulfillment of the study.

To their beloved parents, Mrs. Vivian N. Domingo, Mr. Jessie R. Domingo, and Mrs.
Binessa Serafica who gave love and support to the researchers financially and emotionally.
To their subject teacher, Ms. Gena Ramos who showed guidance inspite of her busy
schedule just for her to accommodate the researchers while doing the study.
To their section, Excellence, who never failed to put a smile on their faces and gave them
the most memorable school year.
Finally, to the Almighty God, who gave His full support, guidance, and the best
motivation to the researchers especially when they feel down and cheering them up to become a
stronger person.
This study determines if there is a relationship between watching English subtitled
movies and reading comprehension of the selected grade 10 students.
The study was conducted at a private school of Caloocan City. Also, the researchers
visited different online academic sites such as, Google Scholar, Google Books,
and Microsoft Academics for them to gather resources that may help their study. Moreover,
online libraries of various universities here in the Philippines was also used to gather more
information for the study.
The researchers cited some information about movies and films through online academic
sites that reflects the difference between the two. There are an increasing number of foreign
language teaching techniques that integrate with the latest technology, such as computers and
educational video materials. As the emphasis in multimedia shifts to success for all language
learners, educators tend to carry out various techniques to demonstrate benefits. Presenting
subtitles aids visual channels to communicate verbal information. The researchers examine
whether video English captions improve students’ reading comprehension.

On the latter part, the researchers discussed about the impact of English-subtitled videos
in vocabulary acquisition and language competency of students. It is said that subtitles play a big
role for people who have poor comprehension. Thus, this makes them analyze the text better and
improves the listening and reading comprehension of an individual.

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