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Technology for Teaching and Learning 2


Activity: Evaluating Language Teachers’ Multimedia Presentations

Step 1: Reviewing Shared Multimedia Presentations

Search from the internet shared language multimedia presentations that were developed by
English teachers. Download 1 presentation for English subject. It will be easy for you to get
some from the SlideShare website. Observe the following inclusion criteria in choosing the
presentation given below:
a. 1 Multimedia presentation for lessons in English written in English.
b. Developed from 2015 to current time.
c. With a minimum of 10 slides.
d. Must engage more than one senses.
e. Must be developed by a professional teacher.
f. Freely shared.

Step 2: Preparing for the Review Report

Prepare your review reports by answering the following questions:
a. Are the contents supported by research or are based on proven facts?
b. Are the contents logically organized?
c. Did the presentations highlight the key points about the topic?
d. Are the languages used appropriate to the age and experience of the audience?
e. Are all references cited properly?
f. Are the objectives of the presentation stated clearly?
g. Is there an opportunity for the audience to participate in the presentations?
h. Is there an opportunity for checking understanding?
i. Can the presentations be delivered within the allotted time?
j. Did the presentations follow appropriate designs along the following:
 The presentations generally have a title page.
 Dark texts are displayed on light background or white texts on dark background
 The backgrounds are simple
 The presentations used only one color scheme
 Slides are not cluttered with too many elements
 The presentations stimulate interests through the use of layouts, graphics, sounds,
and or transitions.
k. The textual elements meet appropriate design:
 Text is kept to a minimum
 Font types are easy to read
 No more than two types of fonts are used
 Slides do not have too many bullets
 Spelling, grammar and punctuations are correct.
l. The presentations feature interesting images or visuals.
m. The use of multimedia elements helps explain the concepts better.
n. The images are appropriate to the age and experience of the audience.
o. The multimedia elements are not distracting or repetitive.

Step 3: Upload the presentation with the source including your answers to this activity in the MS
Teams (activity file).

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