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Business law book pdf nmims

© 2015–2021 upGrad Education Private Limited. All rights reserved Society has, in recent years, witnessed the globalisation of trade and investment, increasing trans-border merger and acquisition activity, and the growing convergence of trade, finance and global corporate governance. Economic enterprises and the multi-national
corporations have been in the forefront of providing the necessary economic stability to the society at large. Law plays an unique role in enabling them to interact with the society in a holistic way. Studying for the LLM at NMIMS School of Law is an opportunity for students to specialize in the emerging dynamic field of corporate law &
practice. An LLM in corporate law allows students to focus on specific areas of the law in much more detail, thus better preparing them for a career in the corporate world. The NMIMS School of Law provides students with quality teaching and learning opportunities thereby creating an intellectually stimulating academic environment with
experienced and dedicated faculty committed to provide an excellent and world-class education for students interested in pursuing the one year LLM programme. Eligibility The candidate should have passed in the examination conducted by a recognized University leading to award of LL.B. degree (minimum 50% in final year
examinations). Candidates who have appeared for the final year examinations may also apply. Candidates who have cleared their graduation by doing part-time course or through distance learning, correspondence courses, externally, open school from recognized University are eligible to apply and register as per UGC guidelines.
Duration: 1 year (Full Time) Specialization Corporate Law: 30 seats Intellectual Property Rights: 30 seats Financial Regulations : 30 seats Constitutional Law : 30 seats Criminal Law : 30 seats Course Structure (Click Here to view PDF) Selection Procedure Written Test and Personal Interview CLAT PG score and Personal interview The
School of Law (SOL) curriculum is designed to provide the legal industry with young lawyers in the corporates as well as in the judiciary. The curriculum as currently envisaged, offers students a choice of specialisation in corporate and/or legislation roles in the 3rd year of their program. With the phenomenal growth in the law field today,
there is a grave need of legal advisors, jurists and efficient lawyers in the country. Every institution needs to have a legal aid cell as there are many new problems which have been raised; and to resolve them, we need advance interpreters who would be able to interpret the coded laws in a new way. There is a need in the country to
implement new laws and create awareness among the people with respect to the contemporary legal solutions. This requires multifaceted skill sets backed up by a rigorously honed knowledge base as well as one needs to be updated as law demands upgradation. The LL.B. program has been tailor made to fill in this need through a
practical approach towards the syllabus, guided by the faculty from legal industry itself. Innovative methods of teaching consisting of long classroom debates about current issues, presentations, plays/skits, court visitation and many more methods which are used to make the classroom experience an edifying one. Legum Baccalaureus or
Bachelor of Legislative Law (LL.B.) is branched with two courses B.A.LL.B., B.B.A.LL.B. B.A. LL.B. Core subjects: Sociology, Political Science and Legal History,Economics for graduation under B.A course. A course which helps to hone one’s skill of presenting his argument with respect to the society as well as to interpret the pre-defined
laws in most efficient way with political and historical touch in it. B.B.A. LL.B. Core subjects: Management, Marketing, Economics. Through the course students are prepared for the real corporate world. This course helps them to be flexible and adaptive to their business environment. Course Duration 5 years Highlights of the program The
program helps the students to enhance their debating skills and give students an idea of how to present oneself in the courtroom.Knowledge is imparted by using an innovative approach towards lectures giving, on the job experience through internship and complement class room teaching by organising guest lectures and practical
demonstrations relevant to gaining an elevated understanding of the subject in relation to its practical environment. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. See our User Agreement and
Privacy Policy. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details.

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