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Causality : The impulse response h(n) of an ideal low pass filter with frequency response


1|w|<w c
H(w) = {
0 w c <|w|< π

The impulse response of the filter is

A plot of h(n) for w c= is shown below . For a s/m to be causal h(n) should be zero for n<0.
Hence ideal low pass filter is non causal and practically not realizable.

The necessary and sufficient condition that a frequency response characteristic H(w) must satisfy
inorder for the resulting filter to be causal is Paley Wiener theorem

∫ ¿ ln ⁡∨ H ( w ) ∨¿∨dw<∞ ¿

Conversely if |H(w)| is square integrable and if above integral is finite ,then we can associate a
phase response θ(w) with |H(w)| , so that the resulting filter frequency response

H(w)=|H(w)|e j θ (w)

Ideal filters are non causal and hence physically unrealizable for real time signal processing

Design of Linear phase FIR filters using windows : In this method we begin with desired
frequency response specification H d (w) and determining corresponding unit sample response h d
(n). Indeed h d(n) is related H d ( w ) through fourier transform
The unit sample response h d(n) obtained from above equation is infinite in duration and must be
truncated at some point ,say at n=M-1 ,to yield an FIR filter of length M. Truncation of h d(n) to
a length of M-1 is equivalent to multiplying h d(n) by a rectangular window defined by

w(n) = {1n=0,1,2 … . M −1
0 Otherwise

Thus the unit sample response of FIR filter becomes

Multiplication of h d(n) with w(n) is equivalent to convolution of W(w) with H d (w).W(w)

frequency domain representation of window function ,that is

Thus the convolution of W(w) with H d (w) yields frequency response of FIR filter H(w)
The magnitude response of the window function is illustrated in figure for M=31 and M=61.The

width of main lobe is .The characteristics of rectangular window play a significant role in
determining the resulting frequency response of FIR filter.The convolution of W(w) with H d (w)
has effect of smoothing on H d (w).As M is increased W(w) becomes narrower and smoothing
provided by W(w) is reduced .The larger side lobes of W(w) results in some undesirable ringing
effects in FIR frequency response of filter. The undesirable effects can be reduced by using
windows that do not contain abrupt discontinuities in their time domain characteristics

Gibbs Phenomena :

The truncation of fourier series introduces ripples in frequency response characteristics of H(w)
due to the non uniform convergence fourier series at a discontinuity .The oscillatory behavior
near pass band edge of the filter is known as Gibbs phenomena

Refer DSP textbook (Proakis third edition ) pg No 667-678 for

Appoximation of derivatives

Impulse Invariant Transformation

Bilinear Transformation

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